Note: I am sorry about the second part of this story. I will never use a beta reader again. I will master the commas Master, is not an easy role for me. My mistress required more than an apology. I knee at the keyboard, as I write.
The ship slowly approached the island. Sandra and Mary were on the second deck. They were in the dining room, with the rest of the slut slaves. Sandra counted They. If all of the slaves were present, there were fifteen counting Beth. Two of the slut slaves were men.
All of the slaves were dressed the same. The only difference was the color of their skirts. The two male slaves w skirts. They both looked comfortable in their skirts.
Sandra wondered why Beth was still among the slaves. She had expected to see her in street clothes, ready to fly out as soon as the boat docked. Sandra had to remind herself. She was on a ship. Not a boat. Sandra was not sure why being precision was important to her. But, it was.
Mary slid her chair close to Sandra’s chair. Mary laid her head on Sandra’s lap. Mary was content, and happy, with Sandra. Sandra pet her head lightly. Sandra held perfect posture. She was on stage. She sat as if the cameras were rolling, or her mistress was before her.
Sandra did not see Sharon enter the room. Sandra was started by her close voice behind her.
“Isn’t this sweet. Young love and devotion. I want to gag.”
Sharon walked in front of Sandra. She spoke with sugar in her voice.
“Perhaps Mary is in school right now. You do not look excited. Perhaps Mary is a poor student.”
Mary started to straighten up. Sandra held her in place with her hand.
“Mistress. Mary felt a little tired this morning. She was so tired from her lessons in the hot tub, just Before we arrived. She did excite me there. She had an audience. Her password soars when she is made to exhibit herself, and her sexuality.”
Sandra knew that she could not lie to Sharon. Just as shecould not fake an orgasm for her. Mary did excel this morning at the hot tub. Mary had entered a number of people there.
Sandra was excited. She was mostly excited, at the prospect of her arrival at the island. She was sure Sharon had not forgotten her promised punishment.
Sandra had not forgotten. Her password rose as she watched the island expand in her vision. Her mistress, standing before her, excited her also. The mistress held Sandra’s master in her hand.
Sharon stood before Sandra. She also wore a long skirt. Her white skirt went around her waist. It was just wide enough to cover the sides of her hips. The skirt left her bare in the front. The skirt was held together by intricately woven small gold chains. Diamonds and jewels were woven into the chains. The woven chains covered her belly.
Her panties were brief. Only her public shaft was covered by the jet black material. Her black silk stockings, contrasted with the white panels of the dress. Sharon’sfeet were covered by flat soled sandals of white leather. Sandra thought they looked out of place. She was used to see Sharon in heels.
Sharon’s upper body was dressed in a tailored, ship captains, coat. The coat was cut short so that the hem floated in the air. It was held away from her body, by her full breasts.
The styled coat was not wide enough to pull together in the front. The short jacket was held together with strands of diamonds. Sharon’s jet black bra, and her cleavage, were clearly evident in the wide gap.
Sharon looked down at Sandra. She smiled slightly.
“Nice tits babe. Are they sensitive?”
Sharon used the thin whip in her hand. She kissed Sandra’s tits with it. The switch was light. It would leave no bruise. Sandra watched the thin red welts raise. The welts that the whip raised, would fade quickly.
“Yes mistress, they are sensitive.”
“You are one lucky bitch. This is the heaviest whip I’m allowed to use on you. The doctor is still in charge of your well being. In two weeks, you will be off of sick call. I will then use my big whip. You’ll keep me amused, until then.”
“Yes mistress.”
Sharon did not wait to hear the submissive reply. She turned and walked criticly up to Beth Roberts. Beth bowed her head before her mistress. Sharon pulled her head up. She kissed her deeply.
“Beth dear, it’s nice to see you setting among my happy employees. I see you choose to put on the slave costume today. You still have enough time to change your clothes. You can get dressed. You could be on a plane out of here, before the sun sets.”
Beth spoke in a small voice.
“No mistress. I’ll stay. I’ll wear a slave costume. If, it pleases my mistress.”
“You’ll work for me. You’ll turn tricks for me. When you leave this ship, you’ll be my whore.”
“Yes mistress.”
Sandra smiled. She was right. It was a ship.
Sharon walked up to the small stage. She stepped up. She looked at the group.
“Listen up. We are about to drop anchor. You will be ferried onto the island in native canoes. When you get to shore you will greet the people with kisses and flower leis. Treat the customers like royalty. They’re paying for the party.
It will be quite chaos. If a customer wants you to go with them, do so. They will give you a coin. Do not lose the coin. Whether you turn a trick, or not, as soon as you are able check in at the main building. There is a small red door in the back. That is the employees entry.
That will be the hub of your wheel. You will turn the coins in there. You will get your assignments there. You will be assigned your housing. Some of you will be assigned to one of the guests rooms. Some of you will be assigned to the whore houses. Problems, questions, job performance, and disobedience will be dealt with there.
Follow instructions. Do what you are told. You’ll have free time. Your work will be at a steady pace. You are on call 24/7. You will not work at that pace. Stay rested. Arrive on the job fresh. You will shine in the customers present. I’ll personally be involved with your job performance.
Do not miss an appointment. My wrath is not pretty to see. I will also point out, all of the customers are not pretty to see. You’ll serve them all, exactly as you would serve me. Go out on the deck and waive at the customers. You are now on duty.”
Sharon motioned Sandra to her, as the group got up and dispersed. Sharon used her thin whip on Sandra’s bare tits. She walked around Sandra. Sharon lifted her skirt. She used the switch on Sandra’s ass. Sandra’s password raised. Sharon smiled broadly.
“Do not get caught up in the crowd. Decline any offers. Do it gracefully. Go directly to the employees door. Follow instructions. Get out there, and flash your title’s. Your public awaits you.”
“Yes mistress.”
Sandra led Mary out the door to the rail. Sandra smiled and waived to the camera. She was sure thatThere was a camera somewhere. Mary followed Sandra’s lead with little enthusiasm. Sandra stopped smiling. She slapped Mary soundly.
“Listen to me, bitch. It has not changed. You mess up my summer, and I’ll fuck you up every time we’re alone. You are my mistress’ whore. Act like one. Get those little tits waiving. Get your password up. A smile on your face only works with sparkling eyes. Jack off right now. Let them see you do it. There are a hundred people watching. There are cameras everywhere. You ‘little bitch’ are on stage right now.”
“Yes mistress.”
Mary found her password in her exhibition, knowing she was being watched brought it on. Mary stood leaning against the rail. She smiled to her unseen audience. She pushed the skirt’s knot to the front of her body. Mary placed one foot on the rail and began to masturbate. She was soon lost in her pleasure.
Sandra faked her password. She waived and smiled. Her attention was on the mechanics of harboring the ship. SheThought that they would go into the lagoon. Sandra was sure that it was a lagoon. She had seen a movie called ‘Blue Lagoon.’ The water looked just like this. She started when the anchor dropped, with much noise and a large splash.
As soon as the ship stopped a large speed boat approached it. A covered gangplank lowered to the speed boat. Sandra saw Sharon and Joe get into the boat with several other people. The boat sped away.
Sandra saw a number of large wooden canoes being paddled to the ship. The canoes stopped, one at a time, by the gang plank. Three slaves were loaded onto each canoe. Sandra found Beth, She took Beth’s hand.
“It looks like we are in this together.’”
Sandra took Beth into her embrace. She kissed Beth deeply. Beth first stiffened, then relaxed into the kiss.
“It’ll be a long summer. We might as well be friends.”
“Yes Mistress.”
Sandra took Mary and Beth’s hands. She muscled herself to the front of the line. Sandra glared at anyone who looked at her. Everyone backed away. Sandra led the women onto the canoe. The ship was much stabler than the canoe. Sandra did not let her fear show. Mary did.
As soon as they were seated, their necks were covered with flower leis. Mary and Beth’s breasts were covered with flowers. Sandra could not get enough flowers around her neck to hide her full tits.
No matter how she arranged the flowers the slightest movement would cause her nipples to stick out. Sandra gave up trying. She removed half of the flowers from her neck.
She smiled, as her tits proudly displayed themselves. The flowers became a colorful frame around her full breasts. Sandra held herself up. She pulled her shoulders back. She proudly displayed her tits to the world.
The three women were deluged with kisses, and hands. They were fondled, as they kissed the customers. They delivered one flower lei for each kiss. They were soon, all bare to the waist. The knot of Mary’s skirt remainedin front. She received much attention. Many hands stroked her. Her eyes sparkled with excitement.
Sandra had let Beth go. She was on her own. Sandra saw her walk away, hand in hand with one of the men. Several men tried to take Sandra and Mary away with them. Sandra smiled sweetly, as she decided each advance,
“We are on my mistress’ errand. My mistress is very cruel. We must not be late.”
Sandra led Mary out of the confusion. Sandra explored, as she made her way to the main building. It was like a small village. There were large and small buildings everywhere. There were no cars that Sandra could see.
She managed to look into some of the larger buildings. She saw bars restaurants, gambling, and ladies of the night. The main building was quite large. She tried to enter. A doorman challenged her. He sent her around to the back.
Sandra walked past the red door, with the ’employees only’ sign on it. She tried to enter the back door. She was again met by a doorman. He directed her back to the small red door. Mary followed her mistress. She did not care about any of it.
Sandra surprised. She entered the building through the red door. She stepped into a small office. The desk was unoccupied. There were a lot of chairs in the room. There was a small catering station. Sandra and Mary fixed themselves plates. They sat down. They ate while they waited.
A matronly woman in a prim dress entered the office from the back. She walked to the desk. She opened a folder. She looked both of the women over as she looked through the folder.
“Sandra and Mary?”
“Yes ma’am”
“Mistress is the proper title. Your file says no whips, only switches. Is that correct?”
“Yes mistress.”
The woman stood. She walked around the desk. She stood before them. Sandra noted her perfect posture. Her crisp voice, was as perfect as her posture.
“Follow the rules, and there will be no problems. I may not be able to use a whip on your sweet asses. I do know how to get your attention with a switch. A switch between the legs, is a real attention getter. I do not care either way. Follow the rules and we’ll get along. Break the rules and I’ll find great pleasure punishing you for your sins. It is a sin to disobey me, or to disrespect me, in any way. We will be fast friends, while it suits you or not.”
The woman pulled her skirt up. She sat on the edge of the desk. She was naked under her dress. She spread her legs wide.
Come kiss me. You will call me mistress Karen. I like big friendly kisses.”
“Yes, mistress Karen. I’d love to kiss you. So would my little sister Mary. You first Mary.”
Sandra pushed Mary’s head between Karen’s legs. Karen captured Marys head. She guided it around her wet vagina. Karen’s eyes sparkled. Sandra was sure the sparkle came from her dominance, rather that the brief attention to her vagina by Mary’s mouth. Mary had become quite talented. She was not that talented.
Karen pushed Mary away from her. She wet her lips, as she pulled Sandra’s mouth to hers. Karen took control of the kiss. Karen broke the kiss. She pushed Sandra’s head down into her wet crotch. Sandra used all of the talents she had, to please her mistress.
“I am sure you will break some rule. I’m looking forward to it. I’ll have you soon. I would take you alone, but for the mistress’ chain. I see you two are inseparable. I’ll have your little sister for desert.”
Mistress Karen kept Sandra at her task, until she shuddered out a small orgasm.
“That was a nice snack. I’ll have the full meal deal, as soon as our schedules will accommodate it. Right now you are both scheduled in the Mistress’ office. Alex.”
Sandra was quite surprised when a beautiful blond woman came into the office. The woman was naked. As Alex walked around the desk, Sandra could see that the name Alex fit from the wait down. Actually it only fit her genitals. Her ass was as round and full as Mary’s was.”
“Yes mistress Karen.”
“This is my personal assistant. Sometimes he is Alex. Most of the time she is Alexia. You will obey him, as you would obey me. Alex. Slip into something frilly and escort the whores to Mistress Sharon. Do not tarry. We’ll be busy this afternoon.”
“Yes mistress.”
Alex went to a small wardrobe. He pulled on a white frilly summer dress. He sat down and pulled on a pair of, rose red, silk stockings. He added white garters. He slipped on his high heels. He buckled them to his ankles. He spoke like Alexia.
“Follow me.”
Mary and Sandra both stood. Alexia slapped them both. The slaps were loud. They caused no trauma to their faces.
“I heard no reply. I’m not a common whore, like you two. You will acknowledge my orders, in the same manner you acknowledge my mistresses orders.”
Sandra lowered her eyes.
“Yes mistress.”
Mary quickly followed Sandra’s lead.
“Yes mistress”
Alexia took each one into an embrace. Her kiss was gentle and full.
“That’s better. I’m sure we’ll get along fine.”
Alexia kissed her mistress deeply. She left the room. Sandra and Mary followed.
Sandra tried to keep track of where they were, and where they were going. She soon lost track, Alexia’s path took many turns. She went through several doors. Sandra was lost.
She did manage to keep track of the stair ways. She was sure that they were on the third floor. She was sure that the third floor was the top floor. Other than that, she had no idea.
Alexia lead them into an office with a receptionist. The woman behind the desk looked, and dressed, like a secretary. Alexia saturated Sandra and Mary. She spoke to the secretary briefly. Sandra could not hear her speak. Alexia kissed both women on the cheek, as she left.
The secretary did not acknowledge the women on the chairs. She spoke into the phone. After she cradled the phone, she rose.
“Mistress Sharon will see you now.”
The secretary opened a door. She motioned them in. Sandra walked into the office. Connie was on her knees beside Sharon’s desk. An oriental man was seated in a chair next to Connie. Sharon motioned Sandra to the man.
“Show him your face, and your ass.”
“Yes mistress. Sandra faced the man. She turned her bruised face towards him. She then pulled her skirt aside, as she faced her ass towards the man. The bruises had all turned yellow. They were still clearly evident.
“Those bruises are four days old.”
Sharon motioned Sandra to her knees next to Connie. Mary sank to her knees, next to her mistress Sandra. There was tension in the room. Sandra knelt in a perfect pose. One of a slave, devoted to her mistress.
Her head was bowed low. Connie was glaring at her. Sandra ignored her. She focused on her mistress. She shared none of her attention with Connie, or the man.
The man looked down at Connie.
“That was not art, that was anger. I have taughtt you better. You bring me shame.”
“Father. Please forgive me.”
“You’ll earn my forgiveness, or you’ll not have it.”
“Yes father.”
“Before she may have my forgiveness. She must have yours, Mrs Wilson. How may she obtain that forgiveness from you.?”
Sharon stood up. She paced for a moment.
“If it were anyone but you who asked, she could not receive my forgiveness. We have been friends for many years. It is an honor to call you friend. An accident can be forgiven. This was not an accident. Your daughter is skilled with her hands. This was lack of control. She will never be a mistress without self control.”
The oriental man nodded.
“She must earn my forgiveness also. She’ll remain in my Employ, without wages, for one year. I will not give her my forgiveness. She’ll earn it, or she won’t have it.”
The man nodded again.
“For your sake, and your family’s honor. I’ll teach her. If she doesn’t learn, I’ll hold no blow for her dishonor. Leave me. If I do not send her home, her honor, and your families honor, will remain unblemished. Your family’s honor runs deep. I’ll do my best, to help you maintain that honor.”
The man stood. He looked down at Connie.
“If she sends you away before the year is over, do not return. You’ll have no place in my home.”
The man stepped up to Sandra.
“I apologize for my daughter. I will bring you a gift for your misfortune, at her hand.”
Sandra did not know how to respond. She just nodded, and bowed to the man.
He turned to Sharon.
“I thank you for taking your time, to help in my daughters education. I will bring you a gift also.”
Sandra was glad to see Sharon nod, and bow slightly to the man. The man turned. He paused at the door.
“When the sun is in the same place that it is today, I’ll return for my daughter.”
He glared down at Connie.
“If, I still have a daughter.”
The man bowed to Sharon. He left the room.
Sharon paced in front of the three kneeing women. She went to the small bar on the wall behind her. She poured herself a drink. She drank it in one shot. Sharon walked back to the women.
“I have little time to deal with personal problems, right now. You have little time for it either. For you three, it starts tomorrow morning. As of now, Sandra is my maid. Connie, you are Now a slut slave.”
Sharon walked to her desk. She handed Sandra a marking pen.
“Remind the bitch of her position here. I’m one. You’re two. The bitch on her knees is three. Mark her so that she doesn’t forget.”
Sandra walked up to Connie. She ripped her blouse open. Sandra peeled Connie’s bra cups down, baring her petite breasts. She wrote a small three on Connie’s bare breast.
“I had to write it small. She has almost nothing to write on.”
Sandra smiled down at Connie. Triumph was in her eyes.
“Tonight all three of you will be together. I must be getting sentimental. I want you all to become fast friends. You’ll spend the night together.”
Sharon looked down at Connie.
“If Sandra is not happy in the morning, you’ll be on your way out of here. I’ll put you on a plane, to any city in the world. You’ll never see me, or your father again. You will please my maid. Won’t you.”
Connie had tears in her eyes. Her lower lip was quivering. She spoke softly.
“Yes mistress. I’ll serve your maid well.”
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