Sage: Sorry, a break is a break. You’ll just have to remember what it felt like fucking me.
David held the phone with a white-knuckle grip. What the fuck was that? Where was the pliable, nervous Sage he had met months ago? This wasn’t the first time she’d spoken to him this way, it was part of their foreplay. But it was the first time it had gotten under David’s skin. Sage was a little too confident, a little too in control. It made David feel small, and he hated feeling small. For the first time since his retirement, he truly wondered what he was doing with his life.
Was this all he had to look forward to? Clutching onto a phone as he desperately waited for Sage to say they could fuck again? It was pathetic, and David wasn’t pathetic. He should be the one telling Sage when they fuck, he should be the one making her beg for his cock.
But somehow, Sage had gotten the upper hand. Whether or not David liked it, he was going to bend to her unless he changed something.David’s life had frozen in place since he’d met Sage. He had fallen into a miserable cycle of watching TV, checking his mail, and texting Sage.
He would text her nearly every day. Excited when she would respond, miserable when he’d get nothing for days. At first, David thought nothing of it. He was under the impression that Sage was still wrapped around his finger, desperate to get a taste of his cock. But Now he had fucked her, and as soon as he felt how good it was, David couldn’t help but wonder if he wanted Sage more than she wanted him.
Perhaps that’s why she was treating him like this. Maybe he wasn’t Sage’s only conquest, David wouldn’t put it past her to be playing games with multiple men. It could be very possible Sage had found someone else to fuck in front of her cuck husband, leaving David in the dust. In a way, she would be cucking him in the process too. Sage probably loved the idea of that.
Fuck, that couldn’t happen.
It took everything in David to calm himself. Sage wasn’t in charge of him, and she sure as shit wouldn’t be the center of his life. David had to remember he was more than a bored couple’s sex toy.
Of course, David always said that, until he started thinking about fucking Sage. He clenched the back of his couch, staring at the spot he’d pinned Sage down and plowed her mercilessly. She had been perfect that night. David could deny it all he wanted, but he knew he was going to need more of her. Sage knew that too.
The thought of her tight pussy clenching around his cock made David’s heart race. He pulled out his phone and opened a blowjob video they had recorded, looking deep into Sage’s green eyes as she stared into the camera. She was swallowing his length with slow delegation, assuring to make ample slurping sounds as she did. God, she was unbelievable. Ever since that night, David couldn’t watch porn anymore. These few videos and his memory of fucking Sage were the only things that could get him off. David sat and pulled down his pants, struggling himself while remembering Sage slowly sitting down on his cock while staring at her husband, and that was the real key to his newfound observation.
Sage was one thing, but commanding Jeremy to watch sent David over the edge. The power she had given David that night was like a drug, and he craved another hit. David’s pace quickened as he watched Sage deepthroat his cock, cum erupting from his shake when she moaned. He let out an exhale, pausing the video and looking down at the mess he had made on his pants.
The sight made David sick.
No one, even his ex-wife, made David this crazy. Sage was turning him into someone else, someone he didn’t like. If Sage had tried this bullshit on him thirty years ago, David knew things wouldn’t have gone Her way. She would’ve learned to behave. He was a killer who didn’t take shit from anyone, especially a bored housewife. But that was then. Now, David had willfully allowed Sage to sink herclaws into him, and he was happily staining his pants at the mere thought of her.
This was Jeremy’s role, not his. David was supposed to be owning Sage’s pussy, and he was determined to remind her who was in charge.
After scrolling aimlessly on his phone for a few minutes, David stood and went into his bathroom. He lazily slide down his sweatpants and pissed into his toilet, grimacing as he noticed the caked urine on the seat.
His entire bathroom was a mess. His sink bowl had a thick layer of toothpaste and his mirror was specked with droplets. God, he had really let his house go these past few months.
If that wasn’t a metaphor for his life, David didn’t know what was.
He gave his cock a lazy shake and flushed the toilet, promptly walking over to his hallway closet and pulling out What few cleaning supplies he had.
“Time to get your fucking priorities straight.” He returned to the bathroom and started cleaning. It felt good doing something again. David relaxed in the work, even managing to forget about Sage for nearly an hour, until his phone buzzed in his pocket.
He scrambled to check it, his cheats flushing red as soon as he saw the text wasn’t from Sage.
Theo: Hey old man, you free tonight?
“Why do all these kids fucking text…” David said as his thick fingers fumbled over the phone screen.
David: Yeah, I’m free.
Theo: Cool, want to meet at the usual spot? I could use a drink.
David: Sure, be there in 30.
David didn’t need to be asked twice. It would be a relief to get out of the house and get his mind off Sage. He grabbed his keys and promptly drove to the bar.
“Old timer!” Theo waved as David lumbered towards him. He had saved their usual barstools with two beers already waiting.
“Hey kid,” David replied, dropping his weight in the chair with a deep sight.
“Uh oh, trouble in paradise?” Theo asked. David grumbled and took a deep swig from his beer.
“Something like that, yeah.”
“She cut you off again?” Theo asked with a smirk.
“Don’t wanna talk about it.” David knew he meant well, but he wasn’t in the mood for jabs tonight.
“That bad, huh? I know you wanted to fuck her. Sorry it didn’t work out.”
“Oh, I fucked her alright,” David kept his words level, glancing over at Theo, smiling at the look of shock on his face.
“Wait, really?!”
“Really, and it was every bit as good as I imagined,” David said triumphantly.
“Holy shit, and the husband? He was cool with it?”
“He fucking watched.” David couldn’t help but chuckle at that part. Theo appeared to find it equally amusing, laughing along with him as he downed his first beer.
“What a fucking loser man. Why would anyone let another dude fuck their wife? Especially when she’s as hot as that chick. Who the fuck does that?”
“A fucking weird little cuck, that’s who. This guy doesn’t deserve her. Barely knows how to handle her… I guaranteetee he’s never made her cum the way I did.”
“Oh yeah? What makes you say that?”
“It was her eyes, kid.” David turned to Theo and pointed his finger at him. “I know I’m older, but I turned heads in my youth, and I know a thing or two about women.”
“Please, enough me,” Theo mockingly bowed his head.
“When you fuck a woman good, and I mean really good. She changes.”
“No shit Sherlock.”
“No no, you’re not getting it. I’m not just talking about making her cum kid. I’m talking about hitting all the right spots. Checking off all the deepest desires she’s got, connecting with her on some carnal level…”
“You a sex coach now?” Theo said with a smile.
“Shut up and listen. What I’m saying is when you really connect with someone on a sexual level, it is undeniable, and when it happens to a woman, something changes in their eyes. They get a look of deep hunger, like they want you all to themselves, like they want to devour you… and I saw her eyes change that night.” David waved at the bartender for another beer as Theo downed his second.
“Ok, but if she got ‘the look,’ why are you so fucking down?”
David already knew the answer to that. It wasn’t just Sage who got hooked that night; he did as well. The question was, who was going to outlast who.
“Nothing the fuck happened. Like I said, we fucked and it was great. That’s not the problem. I’ve got other stuff on my mind…”
“Such as?” Theo asked curiously.
“Such as getting back into the saddle,” David replied. The barkeeper came over with a few more beers. Theo took it and looked at David with some surprise.
“You mean, sales? You’re really thinking about coming back?”
“I am,” David replied.
“I Thought you had gone solo? Thought it was the dream life you always wanted?”
David Shrugged. “Going solo turned into retirement a lot quicker than I thought, and I don’t think I’m cut out for retirement.” Theo let out a laugh and slapped David on the back. “Jesus! Watch it, kid!”
“I am so fucking glad to hear that my man! Because believe it or not, I actually brought you here to invite you to a major networking event. I honestly thought I was going to have to sell you on it.” Theo took a swig of his beer and let out a burp. “Guess the stars aligned.”
“Wait, really?”
“Really. A friend of mine is putting something together this weekend. She’s pretty well known in the marketing circles and I think her friends could help you get some contacts in order. I’ll be there too, of course…” Theo paused for a moment, smiling as he took a swig of beer, “She invited me personally.” His suggestive tone made David chuckle.
“I take it you found yourself another toy to play with?” He asked.
Theo shook his head. “No man, you got it all wrong. She isn’t a hookup. She is a fucking goddess. I know I swore I’d never fall in love, but… with this one… I think it could happen.”
“Well shit,” David said as a smile formed on his face. “Good for you, kid. I’m proud of you. So is it official? You two dating?”
“Well, here’s the thing,” Theo said, rubbing the back of his neck. “She’s… sort of married?”
“Jesus, there it is.” David’s smile immediately vanished. He shook his head and promptly downed the rest of his beer.
“You know what.”
“What?! You’re doing stuff with a married woman!” Theo’s excited outburst caused a few to glance their way.
“Don’t pull that shit on me. What I’m doing is nothing like what you’re describing. Fucking is one thing, falling in love with someone who’s taken is something else, kid. You go down this path. All you’re gonna find is heartbreak in the end.”
“You sound like my fucking father.”
“You didn’t know your fucking father, so let me impart some fucking father wisdom on you before you fuck up your life.” David leaned in as he spoke. “Don’t fall in love with people who aren’t available. Especially if they can tear your heart out.”
“Gee, thanks,” Theo said blandly, looking away from David. “Look, not to be an asshole or anything. But I don’t think I’ll be taking my advice from the dude who’s cucking his neighbors. I’ve got a good feeling about this one. Things are going to work out.”
David couldn’t help but chuckle at Theo’s naivety. But that was the nature of youth. To be young and impulsive was part of growing up, it would take a few more wounds over a few more years before Theo would start slowing down.
And David already knew this wound would be deep.
“Sure kid, whatever you say. You can count me in on that party. If nothing else, it’ll be fun to see the woman that’s managed to make you this fucking crazy.”
“I’ll be sure to introduce you two.” Theo gave a pat on David’s back. The two fell into other topics, drinking and enjoying another lazy night, both hopeful for the prospects of the future.
Saturday came quicker than David had expected. He couldn’t remember the last time he had been to a formal networking event, but the fact that he no longer fit into any of his old business suits gave him a clue that it’d been too long.
His only option was the baggy suit he had purchased for Sage a few months back. David inspected himself in the mirror and did his best to ignore the oversized sleeps and pant legs.
Sage was right. He should have gotten the damn thing tailored.
David’s palms were smoking. This was actually happening. He was getting a second shot at the business world. He wondered if he still had what it took to be the killer he once was.
No, he couldn’t wonder. He had to be. This was his chance to get back on the horse, get his life in order, and most importantly, get Sage off his mind. He fumbled through the suit’s deep pockets and pulled out his phone.
David: Hey, never got that address from you. This thing is at 7 tonight, right?
David looked back into the mirror as he waitedfor Theo to reply, pulling his loose pants above his hips. This suit made him look like a goddamn clown. No wonder Sage had given him shit about it. As David went to grab a belt, his phone buzzed.
Theo: Yeah at 7:00! I’d get there later though. You don’t want to be the first to show up to this kind of thing. Address is 812 Orange Lock Road.
David froze in place, rereading the address several times. It couldn’t be right. That was Jeremy and Sage’s place. That would mean the networking event was at his cuckolding next-door neighbor’s house. David lumbered over to his window and peeked through the blinds. Cars were parked along the street, and David saw several groups of well-dressed individuals chatting in Jeremy and Sage’s backyard.
There was no doubt about it, the text was right.
“No fucking way…” David felt his heart race, he would definitely make sure he arrived late now.