Rules 9 – Networking Event

Sage’s networking event was going better than expected. Twice as many people showed up, and of those people, nearly all of them seemed interested in doing business with Sage’s team. In every regard, it was a resounding success, but that wasn’t the reason why she was in such a good mood.

Sage knew Theo was coming, and Theo would make the night into something she would never forget. Lost in thought, Sage eyed Jeremy absent-mindedly. She admired the man he became when doing business. He was sharp, crass, and confident. Deals were his lifeblood, that was where his real self existed, which made tonight all the more exciting.

The doorbell rang, and Sage excused herself from a group of businessmen talking through potential projects to answer it, immediately smiling when she saw Theo waving at her.

“H-hey.” He said nervously. Sage gave him a polite nod.

“Hey yourself,” Sage said, stepping aside and ushering Theo into the foyer. “Please come in.” He did as he was told, stepping into Sage’s home with an awkward bow of his head. He looked around the room for a moment, nodding slowly before turning to Sage.

“Yeah so… how have you been?” Theo asked. Sage smiled.

“That’s your best opener huh?” She looked back to Jeremy, who starred intently at the pair. Now that she had his attention, the fun could begin.

“I didn’t realize I needed an opener,” Theo said, laughing nervously.

“Oh Theo, if you want to get my attention, you need to bring your A game,” Sage stepped back, motioning with her finger for Theo to follow. The two passed a few familiar faces, Sage gave them all polite smiles before reaching the kitchen island. She took a champion glass from it and handed it to Theo. “So, you want to try again?” Theo cleared his throat nervously.

“Uh… well… I don’t know if that’s such a good idea.” Theo took a swig of champione and glanced at Jeremy. Sage noticed. It was part of her plan, after all. She glanced back at Jeremy andgave him a wave.

“He’s looking extra scary today, huh?” Sage turned back to Theo, “Don’t worry, he doesn’t know what you told me… about how you feel.”

“Yeah, but he still fucking hates my guts. Honestly, I don’t know if it’s a great idea that we’re talking.”

“Oh Theo…” Sage let out a scar and gently touched his shoulder. It was electrifying. Forcing Jeremy to watch her openly seduce Theo was a greater turn-on than she anticipated.

“How mad do you think he is right now? Watching his wife gives all her attention to some young Sales Agent? In front of everyone that sees him as important, no less?” Sage’s voice was smooth, she smiled as she felt Theo tension under her touch. She would need to coat him out of his shell a little bit more.

“I mean, he looks pretty mad Sage. Can’t we do this out of his view?”

“But we’re just talking. Unless you’re thinking about more?” Sage tilted her head as she took a step back, Theo stepped forward.

“What if I am?” He asked. It was the first time Sage was able to sense confidence in his voice, and it was a welcome change of pace.

“There he is. Tell me what you’re thinking about, Theo.” Sage flipped her hair off her shoulder, revealing her ample cleavage. Theo didn’t hesitate to look.

“I mean, I’m thinking about how we deserve to be together.”

“Come on Theo, what are you really thinking about right now?” Sage leaned forward as she spoke, squeezing her breasts tightly between her arms. Theo glanced around the room nervously.

“Sage… people can see you,” Theo said. Not the response Sage had hoped for, she told in disappointment. While Sage hated to admit it, Theo was right. Forcing Jeremy to watch was one thing, but if Sage became too frisky around her peers, it could permanently damage her report.

But that was the problem, Sage wanted a new report. She wanted to be known as Jeremy’s hot housewife. The woman who, if you played your cards right, would let you fuck her whenever you wanted. The kind of power was pure ecstasy. Reality, however, required some level of caution.

“I guess you’re right, a little too public here, isn’t it?” Sage tilted her neck and gazed into Theo’s eyes. “Can I tell you what I want you to do to me?”

“I mean… sure…” Theo said.

“I want you to take me to my bedroom… and I want you to pull out your big, fat…”

“Shit, Jeremy is coming over this way.” Theo downed the rest of his champione and quickly adjusted his shirt. Sage turned to Jeremy, smiling as she spotted his reddened face.

So far, so good. The night was going exactly how she envisioned.

“Hey baby,” Sage said playfully, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Networking going well for you?”

“You could say that,” Jeremy hugged Sage back, glancing at Theo. “See you found the place alright Theo.”

“That I did.” Theo nodded slowly as Sage wrapped her arm around Jeremy’s wait. “It’s a nice place you got here by the way.”

“I know. So, what are you two talking about?” Jeremy was cold and to the point. Sage expected nothing less. With both his peers and competitors in the room, he would make sure Theo knew who was in control.

And that was the game. Jeremy wouldn’t be able to keep Theo or her under control. Sage would make sure of that.

“Look we weren’t talking about anything bad or… I mean, what I’m trying to say is… Just some boring sales stuff for our department…”

“Seem awfully flustered over some boring sales stuff.” Jeremy looked down at Sage and gave her a knowing smile. So he knew what was happening. That was good, it would make this next part easier.

“Babe, I was actually just about to give Theo a tour of our house. I thought he would especially love how we remodeled the bedroom, what do you think?” Sage spoke casually as she ran her fingers down Jeremy’s chest. The two men stared at one another silently. The tension was intotoxicating.

“A house tourhuh?” Jeremy’s voice was rigid, but he hadn’t torn off Theo’s head yet. Sage took it as a good sign. She pushed further.

“Oh yes, after helping you with that merger, I think Theo deserves it. Plus Theo had mentioned he used to do something plumbing in his old house. So he might be able to help me clean some pipes…”

“Yeah…” Jeremy stared at Theo, who unfortunately glanced between him and Sage.

“Isn’t that right Theo?” Sage asked.

“I… y-yes. I figured I could maybe offer my help.” Theo’s voice shook slightly, and he looked like a nervous puppy. It took everything in Sage not to burst out laughing. Still, she had to give him credit. A lesser man might have folded by now, but Theo was staring down a wolf in his own den, and so far he hadn’t caved under the pressure.

“Mmmhmmm, plumbing huh?” Jeremy looked at Sage with searching eyes. No doubt, he was curious about what she had planned. “Should I come with you two?”

Sage smiled and shook her head, “No baby, you still have so much networking to do. You make your rounds, I’ll be sure to send you a text or two if we find any issues.” Jeremy smiled and nodded slowly. Good, he was learning to behave.

“Well, I suppose you’re right about that.” Jeremy looked back to Theo. “You take good care of her, alright? And remember…” He stepped forward, “Step out of line, and I’ll fucking kill you.”

“R-right…” Theo said nervously. Jeremy slapped Theo’s should hard, then turned to Sage and gave her a kiss.

“Don’t be too long, some bigwigs were curious about your company’s pitch,” Jeremy said.

“Of course sweetheart,” Sage replied. Then, with a passive glare at Theo, Jeremy left. Sage looked at Theo with a bright smile.

“So, you ready for your tour?” She asked playfully.

“Sage, what the fuck? You saw him, he clearly senses something is off and you heard what he told me…”

“Shhh. Theo, you’re thinking about this way too much. You care about me, don’t you?”

“O-of course,” Theo replied.

“Then show me. I’m going to go upstairs. Just wait a few minutes, then follow me.” Sage replied. Theo’s mouth gaped as confusion riddle his face. Sage surprised. As cute as his innocence was, it was time to give Theo a final push. She placed her champione glass down.

“Look, you can stay down here and mingle, or go upstairs to help me. No one is telling you what to do. But if you want me… you’ll need to come get me.” She turned from him, swinging her hips a little more than she needed to as she walked away.

The ball was in his court, it was time to see how Theo would play. She passed Jeremy, giving him a wink as she walked up the steps.

David did his best to catch his breath as he made his way to the Front door of Sage and Jeremy’s house. He had decided to drive and pick up a better-fitting suit for the evening, and the only decent store happened to be thirty minutes away. Just his luck.

But Theo had told himto show up fashionably late, so he hoped it played to his advantage. He opened the door and took a deep breath. Theo wasn’t joking, the house was bustling with more partygoers than he could count. His palms sweated as he scanned the room. Sage was nowhere in sight, which was a surprise relief. He took a few steps in, giving polite nods to fellow guests as he made his way over to the kitchen. He spotted a plate of champione glasses and stepped beside a man to grab one.

“Excuse me,” David said, calmly reaching for a glass.

“Oh, no worries,” The man said. David recognized the voice immediately.

“Theo?” He asked. At once, Theo spun around and let out a breath of relief.

“Oh my god, you made it!” Theo said with a smile. David laughed and embedded the kid.

“So how’s it been going?” He asked, still glancing around the room.

“It’s been going, I guess,” Theo replied. His voice was shaky, uncertain. David raised an eyebrow.

“That well huh?” David wasn’t sure what to say. Frankly, he felt just as nervous as Theo looked. “So, is she here?”

“You mean Sage? Yeah, she’s here…” Theo confirmed. David nodded slowly and cleared his throat.

“And Sage is… the woman you’ve been seeing?”

“Yeah, she’s the one alright,” Theo confirmed.

“Jesus…” David said, glancing through the crowd. He already knew it was true, but hearing it from Theo was still surreal. Sage, his Sage, was fucking Theo.

“What? I don’t like that look, David.” Theo asked. David glanced up at him, guilt stalled his chest. This poor fucking kid, he had no clue what he’d run into.

“Is Jeremy here?” David said, Theo paused.

“Yeah but… how did you know his name?” Theo asked. David scratched the back of his head.

“Look kid I… I don’t know how to say this or what to say but uh…”

“You’ve worked with him before?” Theo asked. David shook his head.

“Not exactly, no. Look, Sage and Jeremy… they’re my neighbors.” David looked up bashfully, Theo shook his head, his eyes widening as David’s words sank in.

“Wait, your neighbors?”


“THE neighbors?” Theo raised his voice. David grumbled as eyes turned to them.

“Christ kid, you really got to stop doing that.”

“So Sage is…”

“Yeah, Sage is… the one I’m, you know…”

“What the fuck.” Theo looked over to Jeremy, shaking his head in disbelief. “What the FUCK?! And Jeremy, he’s the guy that watches?”

“Yeah, I know. It’s weird.” David said. The two went silent for a moment, several party guests walked between them to grab drinks. David gave them a polite smile. Once they left, Theo let out a deep sight.

“So you and Sage…” Theo wasn’t sure what to say beyond that, and David wasn’t sure how to answer.

“I know kid, I know.”

“This is so fucked up. She just invited me upstairs,” Theo said. David felt a hot rage burn inside him at those words. David’s suspicions were right, she was fucking other people. Sage was ignoring him to get her fix somewhere else. David clenched his hands and took a deep breath. This wasn’t Theo’s fault, he couldn’t be mad at the kid for walking in on something he knew nothing about.

No, it was Sage who was the problem. She was toying with them, manipulating them for her own pleasure, and it was time for someone to put her in her place.

“She did, huh?” David said.

“So what is this then? Was she going to like… have me cuck Jeremy?” Theo asked.

“That was probably the plan, yeah.”

“I can’t believe this… I think I’m going to be sick.” Theo leaned forward and braced himself on his knees.

“Woah woah kid come on, let’s sit down.” David brought Theo over to the kitchen table and sat him down. His blood boiled as he gave Theo a few pats on the back. He wondered how many times Sage had fucked him since they took a break. Yeah, it wasn’t Theo’s fault, but he needed to make sure Sage knew who she belonged to. He needed toRepeat control of the situation. “Now listen kid, what Sage is doing, it’s fucked up.”

“Yeah… it’s pretty fucked up.”

“Look, I know this isn’t what you wanted. I know you had your hopes up with Sage but… the truth is… she’s been playing us. But that gives us an opportunity here,” David said. Theo leaned back in his chair.

“What the hell does that mean?”

“Well, she’s trying to fuck you over, right?”

“… is she?”

“Of course she is. This is nothing more than a game to her kid. Which is why we need to fuck her right back.” David spoke matter of factly, Theo seemed less than convinced.

“Dude…” Theo buried his head into his hands, “You’re not suggesting what I think you’re suggesting.”

“This shit is kinky and weird, I’ll admit that. But we can at least get something out of her still, bud.”

“I don’t want to think about you fucking Sage man.” Theo shook his head and closed his eyes. “That’s fucking gross.”

“Yeah, well… I am fucking her, and the sooner you realize you’re not going to whisk her away, the sooner you can get what you actually want.” It might have been a few years since David had tried to sell a pitch, but it came back naturally.

“And what is it I actually want?” Theo asked.

“Sage,” David said. Theo glared at him.

“But I can’t have Sage, you just said that. Won’t whisk her away, right?”

“You might not be able to get her in the way you thought, but I guarantee you can still fuck her if we play our cards right,” David said.

“Bro… I told you. She isn’t just a fuck to me man, she’s different.”

“Bud, you’ll never have her that way.”

“Fine, then I’ll take the loss,” Theo said coldly.

“So you’re telling me you’d rather not have her at all?”

“Yep.” Theo sat with his arms crossed, he looked like a mopy kid. David shoot his head at the sight.

“If that’s really how you feel, then you should get up and leave this party.” David shot back.

“Fuck you, man.”

“I’m serious! If you really have that much skin in the game, you need to get the fuck out of here. Because before this night is over…” David leaned forward. “I’m going to be fucking her. So, if you can’t handle that reality, you should get out of here and save yourself the heartbreak.” David waited, watching as Theo sat motionless. The kid wasn’t going anywhere. “That’s what I thought. You’re making the right decision Theo, fucking her would be good for you. It’ll get you out of la-la land kid.”

Theo nodded, grimacing as he looked at Dave, “Are we really going to double-team her? Like, I’m going to see you naked.”

“It’ll be a new experience for both of us kid.”

“That’s so fucking weird man.”

“Yeah well, to be honest, I’d prefer to have Sage all to myself. But, I’m realizing that isn’t going to happen. She’s going to fuck who she wants to fuck. So we need to get ahead of her.”

“What does that mean?” Theo asked.

“It means we’re going to decide who she fucks and doesn’t fuck. Starting with us.” David leaned forward, “This is going to be a very interesting night kid. Keep Jeremy busy for me, will you? Make sure he doesn’t see me, not yet. And keep your phone on you, I’ll be texting you in a minute.”

“What are you going to do?”

David smiled, “I’m going to get things under control.”

David walked through the hallway and stopped at the bedroom door. It was ajar. David peered through its crack to make sure Sage was inside. She sat on the master bed, tapping her fingers against the sheets as she checked her phone. She only wore her underwear. The black lace of her lingerie clung to her body, her olive skin radiant in the room’s amber-hued light.

Fuck, David forgot how incredible she looked.

She let out a sight and stood from the bed. As she did, David promptly knocked on the door, smiling as Sage promptly sat in a semiconductor pose.

“Come in,” Sage said calmly.

The door opened, and David entered.

“Sage.” He said plainly.

“David!” Sage covered her mouth in shock.

“You don’t look too happy to see me.” David closed the door behind him gently.

“What are you doing?!” Sage hisssed.

“Saw you were having a party, figured I’d drop by.” He looked Sage up and down. “You look fucking good by the way.” David couldn’t help but smile as Sage stared at him with wide eyes.

“How did you know I was in here?”

“Theo told me,” David said plainly, looking around the bedroom. “Nice place you got here, by the way. Always wondered what it would be like to fuck you in your own bed.”

“How do you know Theo?” Sage shot back. David had to give her credit. Although being thrown completely off guard, she wasn’t easily intimidated.

“He invited me to the party,” David replied.

“Shit…” Sage shook her head and stood up from the bed.

“Yeah, shit is right. How long were you planning on fucking him before getting around to me?” David stepped towards her, half expecting her to cower. But instead, she stood up slowly, a fire lighting in her eye. Sage tilted her head and stared at David with an amused grin.

“Is that what this is?” Sage asked.

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

“What’s the matter, David? Is my little bull upset he isn’t getting all the attention anymore?” Sage looked deep into David’s eyes and licked her lips. David felt his cock swell. Fuck, why was she so good at this?

“I think you’re forgetting that you’re not really in control of this situation.” David tried to sound cold, but his intimidation only succeeded in making Sage smile.

“I think I’m in control of you. That’s why you’re here. Isn’t it?” Sage said.

He hated to admit it, but she was better at this than him.

“You’re not in charge of this, Sage. You never were. If I say we fuck…” He reached for Sage’s bra. She gasped and smiled playfully as his fingers unhooked its latch. “We fuck.”

She pulled the straps off her shoulders and let the bra drop to the floor. David stared at her chest hungrily. It took everything him not to throw her on the bed.

“Now look what you’ve done.” Sage took a step towards David. “You want to know something funny?”

“What?” David asked, his cock throbbing in his pants.

“You came in here, thinking you would be all big and bad and make me submit. But what you don’t realize is, you’re already losing. Because I know you want me more than I want you.” Sage bit her lip, watching as David’s cheats went red.

This fucking bitch.

“You’re a fucking liar. I know you’ve been dying for a good fuck since our last cuck session,” David sneered.

“Mmmm, I don’t know about that. After all… I’ve had so many fun adventures since we last met.” Sage tilted her head and swwayed her hips. “How many adventures have you had since then, David?”

David clenched his fists as he felt himself blush. She was toying with him, and he was too fucking horny to think clearly.

“I’m not playing your stupid fucking games,” David said.

“You already are.” Sage looked over to the bedroom dresser. David looked as well, immediately spotting a phone propped up against a lamp. “It’s recording, you know.”


“So, you don’t want to be accused of something that could ruin you, right? Like, if I were to say, really loud…” Sage took a deep breath, “Please David! Don’t do this! I don’t want it!” She leaned into David’s ear and whispered, “But I didn’t say our little safe word… you’d be in a really tough spot. Wouldn’t you?”


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