Weekend with Daddy Ch. 02

Chapter 2: Saturday: Part 1

The heat from the sun shining through the bedroom window rouses me from the deepest sleep I have had in months. Immediately, my hand reaches across the bed and finds it empty. I sit up and realize I am alone in the bed. Stretching and rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I feel the gentle pull of sore muscles and smile as I recall the events of the previous night. I flop back on the pillow for a few seconds, basking in the memories. My hands drift down my body following the path of his hands, lips, and whip. I reveal in the soreness, a reminder of the delicious mixture of pain and pleasure from the night before. I sit back up and place my feet on the floor. The smell of bacon and coffee wafts through the bedroom door that is slightly ajar. A small smile plays on my lips as I think about my Daddy in the kitchen making breakfast. I start to pull on my robe and remember there are no kids home. After a quick trip to the bathroom to comb my impossible hair and brush my teeth, I slide into the kitchen naked, unseen.

I watch him standing at the stove frying bacon and flipping an egg in the pan, amazed that I get to call him mine. That I am his. This wonderful man who loves me breathless and then fixes me breakfast. I slink up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist, lying my head against his strong back. He doesn’t even flinch, like he knew I was there the whole time.

“Good morning, my babydoll,” he greets me. “Breakfast is almost ready; coffee is in the pot. I thought you might be wanting some this morning.”

“Thank you, Daddy,” I murmur. He knows just how to take care of me in every way.

I pour myself a cup of coffee and add just the right amount of creamer. I pop some bread in the toaster. When everything is ready, we sit at the table and enjoy the peace and quiet and each other’s company. Moments like these are rare. After breakfast, we both clean up the dishes and tidy the kitchen. While putting away the dishes, I ponder what he might have in store for us today.

“Babydoll, I have some plans for us today. I want you to go and pick out something comfortable to wear for the day and lay it out on the bed. Don’t get dressed yet. Go ahead and fix your hair and put makeup on if you want to. I will be in shortly with a surprise and then we are going out,” Daddy gives me his instructions.

I promptly go to the bedroom and rummage through the closet until I find my favorite pair of jeans. I hold them up for a moment and then change my mind. I want to wear a skirt for Daddy today. I know he loves me in skirts. So, I find a black floaty skirt that hits me just at the knee. I find a nice top to go with it and my best lacy bra and panty set that he loves and lay them all out on the bed. In the bathroom, I run through a quick shower, blow dry my hair, and straighten it. Next, I carefully apply my make-up. Just enough to acccent my face, a little eyeliner and mascara, and of course some pink lip gloss. Daddy loves pink on me. I go back into the bedroom and throw a pillow on the floor and knee to wait on Daddy and his surprise. My mind races wondering what it could possibly be.

I hear his footfalls on the hardwood floor as he approaches the bedroom. My heart flutters, knowing that he is coming for me. Even to this day, just having him near me makes me feel like a giddy schoolgirl. Mine, he is all mine, and I still can’t believe it some days. I am his and he lets me know it every day. I slowly bring my eyes up to his as he enters the room.

“You look beautiful, Babydoll,” he praises me. Reaching out a hand he helps me stand up. Gently, he pushes me over the bed and taps my legs to let me know to spread them. His fingers run over my already wet sex. “Mmm, Babydoll, always ready for Daddy.” All I do in response is let out a small moan.

His fingers are exploring my pussy and occasionally flicking over my cliporis. I want more. So much more. Suddenly, he thrustsTwo fingers into my dripping hole. I gasp and moan as he starts to work them in and out. Just as I am about to beg to cum, his hand is gone. The singing blow of a slap to my right ass cheek starts a small squeal from me. Daddy then reins several blows down on my ass, making it his favorite shade of pink.

“Now, Babydoll, for your surprise,” he says reaching for something on the nightstand. He shows it to me, and I don’t immediately realize what it is. It is a strange shape and appears to be rubber. Then he holds up a little black box with buttons on it. “This is a remote-controlled vibrator that you are going to wear inside your panties today. I am going to have the remote in my pocket. I will turn it on and off as I see fit. We are going to run some errands and go out to lunch today.”

I blush furiously. I know this is going to be a very long trip for me. He motions for me to get my panties and put them on. He slips the vibrator snuggly against my pussy and my clitoris. My panties hold it snugly in place. He flicks a button on the remote and I feel a slow buzz. It must be the lowest setting. It is just enough to keep me on edge but wouldn’t give me an orgasm.

“Finish getting dressed. I am going to play with our new toy while you are getting ready.” He states, as he flicks the button again to the next setting up. The buzzing gets a little more intense. I was already on edge from his fingering me before he started this. At this rate, I am going to be begging to come before I even get all my clothes on. I am glad I chose a skirt.

Skirt on, bra on, pulling shirt on, and Daddy ramps the violences as high as they will go. My breath catches in my throat as I let out an involuntary moan. I brace myself on the bed with my hands and beg Daddy to let me cum.

“Cum,” he commands, and I fall apart. As I come down, he turns off the viruses. I stand there catching my breath, wondering how I am going to make it in public with this thing on. Daddyis truly trying to torture me today.

“Oh, Babydoll, you better figure out how to control yourself better than that or you are going to be mighty embarrassed before the day is over,” he chuckles and winks at me.

Inside, I am equally excited and terrified. What if he makes me cum in front of a bunch of people? I will die of embarrassment. I trust my Daddy implicitly, so I take a deep breath and choose to trust that he always has my best interest in mind. I slip into my flats and he takes my hand and leads me out of the house and into the car.

Once we are both in the car and seat belted in, Daddy flicks the vibrator on to the lowest setting. Then he turns the radio on to our favorite station and pulls out of the driveway. We ride in silence for a while, me squirming and you glancing at me occasionally and smiling. I am going to be a sloppy mess before this ride is over.

I try to start a conversation with him to help take my mind off the incessant buzzing on my already sensitive pussy. “Where are we going, Daddy?” I ask.

“To another surprise,” he says vaguely. Not giving me much to go on and stalling the conversation before it even starts. I know he is doing this on purpose to keep me on edge. I look up as we pull into the parking lot of our favorite sex shop.

“I thought we could go in here and look around for some new toys,” Daddy grinns at me wickedly. He gets out and walks around the car to open my door and help me out of the car. As we are walking towards the door, I feel the vibrations ramp up a notch. Oh, my, how am I going to keep a straight face and walk normally. My cheats flush with the thought that everybody in that store is going to figure out I have a vibrator buzzing away on my sensitive pussy.

He pulls the door open and holds it for me to walk in first. There are two girls standing behind the counter gossiping. Luckily, there are no other patrons in the store. One of the girls looks up and asks if she can help usFind anything. He tells her we are just browsing and he pulls me towards the back corner of the store where they keep a selection of bdsm toys. On the way we pass shelves of dilidos, vibrators, butt plugs and movies.

Looking at the selection of floggers, whips, crops, nipple clamps, and various other items make me even hornier and I know my pussy must be a slobbering mess at this point. He picks up a flogger and swishes it through the air a few times, giving me a truly wicked grin as he does so. Placing the flogger back on the rack, he moves away from me to examine a shelf full of different shapes and sizes of butt plugs. I turn to admit the different crops on display and notice a whip with one long tail that ends in five or six flogger tails. As I am running my hand over the leather, wondering how this whip would feel on my skin, the vibrator in my panties ramps up to full power. I suck in a breath but mostly manage to be quiet. I turn and look at him, pleading with my eyes. Iam so close; I don’t know if I am pleading for him to stop or to let me cum.

He gazes intently into my eyes, letting me suffer in pleasure. Always the grand juxtaposition of suffering and pleasure. Then he mouths the word “cum”, and I orgasm right there in the middle of the BDSM section of the sex store. I clamp my mouth shut tightly trying not to make noise. I ride out the waves and let out a huge sight of Relief as he turns the vibrations completely off. He chuckles quietly, walks over and kisses my cheek.

“I see you admiring that whip there, Babydoll. Are you interested in trying something like that?”

“It is very intriguing, Daddy.” I answer in barely more than a whisper. My mouth is dry from the preceding orgasm, and the thoughts of what that whip might possibly feel like slapping against my skin.

“Well, grab it. I am very intrigued by its possibilities as well. “

I pick it up and run the long strand of leather through my hands. While I am admiring it,he picks up another item from the shelf he was looking at earlier and we head to the checkout. He places all our items on the counter, hands me the car keys, and tells me to go to the car. As I am walking to the door, I suddenly feel the vibrator kick back on. I smile, shake my head, and push open the door. I know he is watching me, so I make sure to put a little extra swing in my walk. I can be a naughty little tease When I want to be.

He comes out of the store and puts our purchases in the trunk. The vibrations ramp up to full blast again. My thighs start to tremble, and I whimper. I am in the safety of the car now, so I don’t have to worry about anyone hearing me. He gets in the car and starts it. He acts like he is unaware of my prediction. I am so close to another orgasm.

“You may cum as much as you Want, Babydoll. But I am not turning that off until we get to our next destination.” He says with an evil glint in his eyes.

I moan and throw my head back against the seat. I hope we aren’t going far. With that thought, I fall over the edge into another orgasm. My whole body shakes and shudders with the intensity of it. Wave after wave wraps through my body. I get no relief though as the vibrations don’t let up. I almost immediately fall into another and another. My clip is throbbing. Each orgasm is getting more and more intense. I think he must have picked a restaurant on the other side of town. This ride seems to go on and on. I have lost track of where we are or even how long we have been driving. I wonder if he is driving around in circles to prolong the trip. Just as the constant orgasms are becoming more pain than pleasure, we pull into the parking lot of our favorite restaurant and the viruses mercifully cease.

I slump in the seat and contemplate how I am ever going to be able to walk inside. My legs feel like jelly. Daddy knows I need a few minutes to gather myself after that barrier of orgasms and finds a parking place. He pullsme against his shoulder and squeezes me. Letting me soak in his warmth.

“You are being such a good girl today, Babydoll,” he murmurs into my hair. “You make me so proud. What did I do to deserve you?” he asks, not expecting an answer.

I sit up and flip the little mirror on the visa open. My cheeses are flushed, and my eyes are bright. I rake my fingers through my hair trying to make it look presentable. Daddy gets out and comes around the car to open my door. I stumble getting out, and he puts his arm around me to steady me. We walk into the restaurant with his arm around my waist, supporting me.

“Table for two,” he tells the hostess and we follow her to a corner booth. Daddy helps me into the side with my back to the room and he sits on the side with his back to the wall. We Order our drinks and talk about our children and daily lives. When the waitress comes back to take our orders, I feel the violences kick back on the lowest setting. Daddy orders his food and grins at me as the waitress looks to me for my order. I glare briefly at him before giving the waitress my attention. She must think I am daft as I stutter over my order. My clip is so sensitive from the ride here that even the lowest setting is about to push me back over the edge. The waitress leaves and I am blushing furiously.

Daddy chuckles as I glare at him again. He turns the vibrations off and give me a look and a wink. I can’t help but laugh. Thankfully, he leaves me alone through lunch. We have a great conversation and enjoy each other’s undivided attention. It is so wonderful to have some time together. It is wonderful to just soak each other in and have that time to reconnect.

Back in the car, Daddy pulls my face to his and give me a long slow kiss. A small moan escapes my lips as he pulls away. He winks at me again and turn the ignition on. He pulls the car in drive after making sure our seat belts are on and pulls out. I thought maybe we would head home now, but he turns the opposite direction. I glance at him with questioning eyes but don’t ask. Daddy chuckles and doesn’t answer my unasked question. I relax back in the seat and watch out the window trying to guess where we could be heading next.

To my surprise, Daddy pulls the car into one of our local parks. I always enjoy bringing the kids to this park because it has a lot of big trees with shade and a walking path through the woods. Daddy gets out of the car, walks around, and opens my door. He pushes me up against the car with his hips when I get out and kisses me breathless again.

“I thought we might take a little walk. How does that sound, baby doll?” he grins.

“Ok, Daddy,” I reply still a bit confused and wondering what his plan is.

Daddy takes my hand and we stroll towards the walking trail. The park is quiet today, surprisingly, since it is a Saturday. Daddy and I keep up a steady conversation as we walk. As we get a little deeper into the wood trail, I feelthe vibrations kick on again. The medium strength vibrations cause me to miss a step and almost stumble. He catches my arm to steady me. He holds my hand and continues walking, not saying anything about what is now slowly driving me crazy. Conversation is a bit one-sided as I try to keep pace. When we get deeper into the woods, Daddy pulls me off the trail, deeper into the trees.

“Watching you have all the fun today has made Daddy very hard for his little girl,” Daddy says as he unzips his fly. “Kneel down and let Daddy have some fun too. I want to feel you pretty lips on my hard cock, baby.”

I start to hesitate and glance around us to make sure nobody can see us. There is nobody around and I trust my Daddy. I sink to my knees murmuring, “Yes, Daddy.”

My lips slowly part, and my tongue flicks out to tease the tip of his hard, glistening cock. I moan as a drop of precum coats my tongue. I love the salty taste of Daddy’s essence. My tongue darts out again and licks thetip, followed by my lips wrapping around his cock and slowly sliding down the length. My tongue dances along the underside of his cock as I consume more and more. Daddy’s hand goes to the back of my head and as I bottom out on his cock his hand fists in my hair. I hold for a moment and slide slowly back off. I take a breath and slide back on. Daddy thrusts into my mouth and take over the pace. I make a ring with my lips and suck, my tongue still working, as Daddy fucks my face. I can tell by his pace that it won’t take him long to finish. Suddenly, the vibrations that had seemed to fade into the background as I focused on Daddy’s cock, spring to life again as he ramps it up again to full speed.

“Finish with me baby girl, I’m so close,” Daddy moans as he starts fucking my mouth harder and faster.

I moan around his cock as I feel the intensity building quickly and overwhelmingly. I hope Daddy is close because I know I am about to explode. Just as I have that thought, Daddyshoves his cock hard into my throat and lets out a groan. The feeling of his cum shooting into my mouth and sliding down my throat pushes me over the edge. I cum explosively as Daddy pushes my head into his groin not letting me pull back until he has finished releasing his load. I swallow every drop of Daddy’s cum and he pulls my head back. His softening cock escapes my lips with an audible pop. I lick my lips and try to catch my ragged breath. The violences halt. My hands hit the ground and I pant, trying to recover my composition.

Daddy zips his fly, helps me stand, and whispers in my ear what a good girl I am. I lean into him and he wraps his arms around me. When my breathing is back to normal and my legs are a little less wobbly, Daddy steers us back towards the path. We stroll slowly back to the car, his arm wrapped around my wait. I saw contentedly and lean into him. My safe place, my rock.

This time when we get in the car, Daddy heads towards home. I am curious about whatat he might have purchased at the sex shop after he sent me to the car. I am sure he added something, or else he wouldn’t have sent me out. I relax into the seat and rest on the drive home. Daddy lets me rest and doesn’t put the victorys back on. My eyes get heavy and I have almost done off when he pulls the car into the driveway.

Once again Daddy comes around the car to open my door. He helps me out and tells me to head on in the house, he will grab the bags and meet me inside. I go into the kitchen and grab a bottle of water. All my recent activities have left me exceedingly thirsty. I need to re-hydrate. I flop down on the kitchen chair and ponder the events of last night and today. My lips flit into a lazy smile as I consider all the ways Daddy has made me his in the last 24 hours. I stretch my limbs languorously. My body feels pleasantly over executed and we still have another 24 hours before we have to go pick up the kids. Hmmmm, I wonder what Daddy has in store for me tonight.


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