Author’s Note. I’m not a native English Speaker so the following story contains mistakes. Please be kind with me and don’t forget to vote.
“Who were you talking to? Rick?”
“So you’re having a relationship with him?”
“No, it’s not a relationship. We’re just, let’s say friends with benefits. We’re both new to this whole bondage sex and we’re trying new things together.”
“Do you switch?”
“No we don’t. I don’t want to dominate a man. And he also doesn’t want to be the sub. At least that’s what he says.”
“Yes it is. And thank you once more Katie for introducing me to him. You and your hot classesmates.”
“Not only classmates, we were dating for some time. Slept together a few times.”
“You haven’t told me that.”
“I just wanted things to work between you two. That’s it. I knew he was looking for someone like you, you were looking for someone like him, it was a great chance for both of you. If Ihad told you about me and him, you might have had second thoughts. It was a long time ago, so it doesn’t really matter.”
“I see. Well at least I know it now. By the way he knows that I’m attracted to girls too and he’s given me the green light.”
“Of course he has. He’s a man. There is no single man on earth who doesn’t like a bisexual girl.”
“True that”
“Anyway, it’s too late and I have a morning class. I have to go back to my place.”
“Alright, Jenny. Call me when you’re finished. I have nothing to do tomorrow morning. Chores only. Luckily Friday is a day off for us.”
“Lucky you. So we’ll talk tomorrow” Jenny replied and hugged her friend before leaving.
Before sleeping, Kate was fantasising about her friend and her ex. She was still attracted to him, but she knew he didn’t like her anymore. She liked the whole bondage thing, but she hadn’t tried anything at all. She kept dreaming about Jenny being tied in front of him, and him spanking her tight bottom with his hands. She realized she was wet and tried to throw this picture away. It was over. Now Rick and Jenny were together. There was nothing she could do and she was happy for both of them.
The next morning, Kate woke up late. She was still trying to clear her head for her last night thoughts. What happened between her and Rick was three years ago. He had moved on, she had to as well. But it was the first time she actually knew about one of his girlfriends and this time it was her best friend. While waiting for her coffee to be ready, she opened her laptop to check on her emails and the news. Jenny had sent her a message.
“Call me as soon as you can, I have something important to tell you.”
Kate called her right away.
“Hi Jen. Good morning.”
“It’s almost midday, you sleeping beauty. I have an offer for you.”
“Offer? What kind of offer?”
“A good one. I think you will be interested.”
“All right, I’m all ears.”
“I told Rick about what you told me yesterday night.”
“He told me that he is very grateful that you helped us being together, despite your past.”
“But that’s not an offer.”
“You’re right. But the next sentence is one. His family has a house in the country. You know that right? But now during the winter, his parents are almost always in town. And he told me to go for a weekend there.”
“That’s great, but how am I connected?”
“He told me to invite you.”
“Me? But you are a couple. You’ll want to be alone.”
“He said that you could take part too.”
“Me? Are you sure we’re talking about the same Rick?”
“Yes. He asked me about your fansies.”
“Oh God Jenny, don’t tell me you told him everything.”
“Not everything, no. But I told him that you want to try being a sub.”
“What was his response?”
“He told me that you could be a sub this weekend. Of course it will stay between us and all our mobiles will be switched off.”
“Really? Jenny, that’s a hell of an offer.”
“Wait till the end. You will be a sub to both of us.”
“Are you sure you want me to be your sub? I’ve never done anything with a girl before.”
“It’s ok. By the time you want to experience it, there is no problem.”
“Look, I don’t really know. I’m a bit afraid, you know.”
“You have one hour to decide. We’ll leave in two hours. I have to buy some things. If you’re in, text me as soon as you can. And you will receive further instructions.”
“All right. I will. Now I have to eat something and think about your offer.”
“OK bye. And come with us. It will be fun”
When the call had ended, Kate poured coffee into her cup but her hands were shaking. Was that real life? Did they really offer her this? It was a unique opportunity. She could experience what she wanted for real and with two of the people she trusted. A couple of minutes later she grabbed her phone and texted Jenny.
“I’m in”. Less than half a minute later a reply came.
“I was sure. Get ready at four o’clock. Wear a black skirt, white shirt, stockings, high heels and only panties. Something sexy. Black nails, no make-up, worn pussy.”
“That’s not a proper response from a sub girl Kate.”
“Sorry mistress.”
“That’s better. Don’t bag any of your clothes, you won’t need them.”
“Yes Mistress.”
“I’ll call you when we are close to your house. Bye”
That was it. Kate had made the big step and she knew it. She could feel her elevated pulse. She was excited but at the same time nervous and afraid. Not afraid of the upcoming weekend but afraid of the new world which was about to be revealed to her. She was very shy and she thought that was the reason she didn’t have much luck with men.
After eating her breakfast, she undressed and went for a shower. She did that early so she would have a lot of time preparing according to Jenny’s orders. She had to dig into her wardrobein order to find a black skirt. Skirts weren’t her cup of tea. More specifically she hated them. But by the time Jenny ordered her to wear one, she had little choice but to obey, that was the whole point of this weekend adventure. This one was bought a lot of years ago but it was still as new. She chose a rather formal white shirt, a pair of satin stockings and black satin panties. When she was ready making her nails and her hair, she looked herself at the mirror. Her dark blonde hair were a perfect match with the outfit. For the first time in a couple of years, she felt sexy despite being dressed like a stewardess or a banker.. Maybe they were right about her legs. They were looking good. Over the years she had a problem with her weight and that’s why she was choosing mostly boyish clothes. The skirt and the stockings made her feel exposed but she didn’t care. She chose to follow this path. Being told what to wear was part of it.
Around four o’clock, her phone rang. It was Jenny.
“Hey Katie, in about five minutes we will arrive. Wait for us outside, it may be difficult to park there.”
“Yes mistress” Kate whispered. It was the first time she actually told this word; last time it was just a message.
“I didn’t hear you Kate.”
“Yes Mistress”.
This time her voice was loud and clear.
“Good girl, see you in five.”
Kate didn’t recognize Rick’s car. He bought a new one since the last time she’d met him. This one was a modern two-door hatchback. He parked right in front of her and Jenny got out so Kate could get in the back seat. Before she entered the car Jenny hugged her and whispered in her ear,
“You won’t regret this one.”
“Hi Katie, you look great”, Rick told her When all three were inside the car.
“Thank you, but I didn’t choose my outfit”, Kate replied.
“Look, before we set off, just to be clear. This weekend you will be our sub. That means you will obey every order we give you, otherwise you will be punished. Clear enough?” Jenny asked.
“Yes Mistress”.
“Because we want you to be satisfied as much as possible, you have to tell us if you have any hard limit, any line we shouldn’t cross”.
“I don’t know, I haven’t tried many things to know my limits. I suppose some hard-core stuff like needs or so, but I don’t think you like them either.”
“Come on, that’s obvious. We’re just having fun. We aren’t professional sadists. Anything else?”
“No, I want to try what you have in mind for me”.
“OK. Think about a safeword. Not something too obvious, like stop. And not one actually. Two of them. The first one will mean that you’re close to your limits. The second one that you want to stop immediately.”
“All right. Orange and Apple. Like traffic lights. Orange and red”.
“Good. Sounds like a good choice. One last thing. You will address me as Mistress or Ma’am and Rick as Sir”.
“Yes Mistress.”
“I think we’re ready. While we are trafficlling, call whoever might be worried, like your parents. Tell them that you’ll go to the countryside with a couple of friends and your phone might not have strong signal there and you’ll call whenever you can.”
“I’ve already done that. They actually wished me to have a nice time.”
“And you will. Now take these.”
Jenny handed her a pair of fluffy handcuffs but their chain was longer than usual.
“Put them on your ankles Kate.”
“Yes Mistress”
“First time you’re cuffed?”
“Yes. And they aren’t hurting my legs. They feel nice.”
“They’re mine actually. This chap over there bought me these and chose the fluffy ones so I could wear them for a long time. We have metal ones if you’re naughty.”
“How many hours will we be travelling?”
“Ask the driver” Jenny laughed.
Rick seemed more focused on the traffic than the chat on the car.
“I didn’t hear what you said.”
“Our sub asked how many miles is our trip. We have a sub girlin the back seat with her legs cuffed and you care about the traffic?”
“It’s 150 miles. Less than two hours.”
“Will I remove the cuffs when we arrive?” Kate asked.
“You won’t need to. There is a house every 300 yards there. And the front door isn’t visible from the, rather isolated, main road. Relax. One thing you have to understand while you’re our sub is that we took care of everything. You don’t have to be worried” Jenny responded.
“Thank you Mistress.”
They changed the subject of discussion for the rest of the journey, on purpose, in order to make Kate feel less nervous. Before they reached the seaside, they stopped in a supermarket and Jenny went to buy food and drinks.
“Are you alright with this Katie?” Rick asked her when they were alone.
“Yes Sir.”
“No, don’t call me that right now. And I ask again, are you sure?”
“I told you, I’m sure. In fact I’m very excited and I can’t wait to start.”
“I’m so happy to hear that. IKnow things didn’t work between us, but still we find ways not to be completely apart. And by the way, you look great in a skirt. You won’t wear any trousers while you’re our sub.”
“Ok sir” Kate laughed.
Kate liked very much the place they went. It was a small sea village in the middle of nowhere, no traffic, no other people, just them and the sound of the waves. It was the perfect choice for their adventure.
When they finally arrived Rick and Jenny got out of the car and left Kate alone inside. They picked their bags and went to the house. It was as Jenny told her, completely isolated. There was no chance someone could see her. A couple of minutes later Jenny opened the door to help her get out and it was a bit harder now that her legs were cuffed. Jenny was holding a pair of Normal handcuffs, they were the same black as the leg cuffs, maybe a set.
“Hands on the car slave” Jenny ordered. She took Kate’s hands and cuffed them behind her back.
“You like being cuffed huh?”
“Yes Mistress”
“Naughty girl” Jenny told her and slapped her ass twice. “Let’s go inside.”
Then she led her inside the house and told her to knee on the living room. Moments later Jenny and Rick joined her there, Rick had a black leather collar on his hands and a leash. Jenny tied her hair into a ponytail and Rick put the collar on her neck. The leather gave her a strange feeling.
“While you’re here you will always wear you collar. Unless one of us tells otherwise, you will walk on all fours, like a dog. And your will always have a ponytail. Clear enough?”
“Yes Mistress.”
“Do you want to use the toilet Kate?”
“Yes Mistress please.”
“Okay. Now I will uncuff you. The WC is the first door on the right. When you are done, remove your panties, put on the clothes I’ll bring you and cuff your legs again. The clothes you’re wearing now leave them there, I will fold them and keep them for Sunday.”
“Yes Mistress.”
“NowYou can use the toilet as normal. But every next time you want to have a wee, you will do it as a dog. I’ll show exactly how. Now go to the bathroom and do as I said.”
Kate crawled to the bathroom, feeling the cold floor on her hands and knees. She held the legcuffs with her teeth, as she was ordered to put them on when finished. She reached the door, opened it, crawled inside, closed it Behind her and finally she stood on her legs. After a moment of watching herself on the mirror wearing the dog collar, Jenny opened the door and gave her the clothes she had to wear. It was just a dress, purple and very short, with a very low neckline. It wasn’t new and the size was smaller than it should be. Although all, she removed the skirt, the shirt and the panties, used the toilet and then put the dress. Before leaving she cuffed her legs then dropped again on her fours and crawled back to the living room.
“Very good slave, very good” Rick said when he saw her returning and took a black butt plug.
“Kneel on the sofa and put your hands on the back of it” Jenny told her.
They pulled her dress up and her ass now was completely exposed to them.
“Relax Kate, it’s not as bad as you think”, Rick was trying to make her feel comfortable but in fact she was very nervous as she hadn’t tried anything from the back door.
“I was equally nervous the first time I was in Your place. And I was wearing the exact same dress. That’s why I chose it. Do you like wearing your mistress’ clothes?”
“Yes Mistress”
“Now suck the plug Katie.”
While Kate was licking the black toy, Rick and Jenny were lubricating her tight hole, in order to make this as nice as possible. Then Rick pulled Kate’s hair to make her stop, he took the plug and started applying pressure on her.
“Hold her still” he told Jenny and she pushed Kate’s arms against the sofa and to shut her up she slid two fingers in her mouth.
Seconds later Kate felt the plug invading hervirgin hole and at first the pain was unbearable. Knowing that, Jenny didn’t let her go and she was still holding her. Rick slapped her bottom a few times and she felt the effect the plug had on her.
“On your knees again pet” Jenny told her when she released her and opened a box to reveal a black ball gag. “Mouth wide open”, she continued and secured the gag on the back of her head.
“Would you mind showing our pet the house, Jenny?”
“No Sir, absolutely not” Jenny replied and attached the leash on Kate’s collar.
She pulled it and made Kate follow her on her hands and knees.
“You know, the first time me and Rick came here, I was just like you are now. I was wearing the same clothes, the same collar, the same cuffs, only the butt plug is different. We bought it for you, mine is red actually” Jenny told her as they visited the rooms.
When they reached the master bedroom, where Kate thought that Jenny and Rick would sleep, Jenny stopped in front of the mirror. Kate looked at herself. A few hours ago she had done the same thing, she was nicely dressed with her business-like outfit but this time she was on her fours, with a dog collar on her neck, a ball on her mouth, a slutty dress and a toy on her bottom. She thought that it was humiliating but she was really turned on.
“I know how you feel right now. Wet but afraid. Am I right” Jenny asked and Kate nodded her head by the time she was gagged. “Come on, let’s go meet our Master” she continued and dragged her friend back to the living room. Rick was waiting there, now he was just wearing a t-shirt and his underwear.
“She’s all yours. I’m going to take a shower, I won’t be late. I’m sure you’ll have something to keep our puppy occupied” Jenny said when she gave him the lean.
“Don’t worry. And you better be quick, otherwise I’ll consider having two puppies” Rick laughed.
“Yes sir.”
After Jenny had left, Rick went to the kitchen, with Kate following him, andtook a napkin. When they were back, he removed Kate’s gag and left it in the napkin on the coffee table in front of the sofa.
“Are you allright Katie?”
“Yes Sir.”
“Good” Rick replied and pulled her lean, brought her face in front of his and kissed her. She wanted the kiss so badly but he was brief.
“Don’t tell your Mistress about this.”
“Does she have a problem with you kissing me?”
“No, not at all. We’re not in love with each other, but we said that you should earn the kisses by being a good sub, so don’t let me down for rewarding you in advance, ok?”
“Ok Sir” Kate smiled.
“Now do your job slave girl.”
“Yes Sir” Kate replied and touched his cock which was already close to full erection. She removed his underwear slowly and brought her face in front of it. By the time they were lovers once, she knew what he liked. She started kissing it and put her tongue on his balls which made him moan with pleasure. After that she tried to takethe whole length into her mouth. She was reminded of the first time she gave him a blowjob, he had licked her first and to repay the favour she agreed to try it. She had now a very slow pace and he was loving it, petting her hair with his hands.
“You will get your reward pet, very soon” he told her when he was close to cum. And for the first time sucking made her so wet.
Moments later he unloaded his cum into her mouth, she swallowed it and continued to lick waiting for his order to stop.
“Very good Katie. It was great” Rick said when they finished.
“Can I come too Sir?”
“Let’s see” he replied and put two fingers into her. “A naughty girl liked sucking her master’s cock”.
“Yes Sir, I did.”
“Now suck my fingers too” he said and put them into her mouth with her sucking them hungrily.
A few seconds later Jenny arrived. She was wearing a very short black wide dress, black stockings and her heels which were not very high. Her black wavy hair were loose and her nails were deep purple.
“Was she a good girl?” she asked.
“A very good one. I was now thinking about letting her come.”
“No no, I think it’s too early”
“You might be right. Let’s move on then.”
Jenny took the handscuffs and cuffed Kate’s hands again behind her back. Then she took the purple satin panties she was wearing earlier and stuffed it in her mouth.
“A good slave girl should be quiet and you will now taste your mistress’ dirty panties, I was very wet all day.”
She sat on the sofa and Rick started kissing her everywhere until he reached her pussy, he put his tongue in it and licked it for a few minutes. They swapped roles and she took him in her mouth, despite Kate’s blowjob he was quickly hard. Without changing positions, she rode him and started kissing his neck. Kate was extremely aroused but couldn’t touch herself because her hands were tied. She was watching her two friends having sex in front of her and she was justa spectator. She couldn’t do or say anything. It was the first time she saw a couple fucking live. Rick pointed with his finger to the other side of the sofa and Jenny quickly went on her fours, her head was now inches from Kate’s. He came from behind and started fucking her very hard and very fast and in the same time he was pulling her hair. Jenny was shouting and kept asking for more until he put a finger in her asshole. She was now being fucked from both her holes and it didn’t take long before she came. Shortly afterwards it was his turn. They faded in each other arm’s after he removed the condom and throw it away.
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