Something dawned on me about Morgan and him getting drunk. Yes he drank socially but never to any extreme like this time. I know the Investment firm he works for was investigated by the SEC one of the times it occurred. That can make anybody go get sloshed after thinking about it. That one I think he was only a low end junior account executive. I remember that one because I was on the Punishment board. The offense wasn’t minor either, ignoring a safe word is a major offense. If I remember the history of the first offense which was something really minor, he was barred six months. Which means he couldn’t go to the club, forfeiture of dues, and lost his property.
That is right, Nelson was a member but had no property and he became her protective. That is why he set her up with me, she was a paralegal without a job at the time because Morgan didn’t want her to have a job. It has taken me this long to figure that out, well I knew it was a setup anyway. She is a gem at her job, othe firms have tried to lure her away but won’t leave me. Or, was it Nelson the reason she won’t leave? I reasoned.
The second offense, we had already voted, he had a choice of tribunal or resignation. Either one is the death penalty so to speak. Sprite came in and saved his ass, begging was more like it. She was in love with him. We reduced the sentence but it was a long time ago, that is why this one doesn’t make sense.
I can come close to the dates, I thought. Search for major drug bus on or near the date of the first offense. Date would have been before the day I passed the bar and minus six months at the most but would be more like three maybe. Search showed nothing for that, maybe I am barking up the wrong tree.
Knock at the door, turn off laptop. Yes it is Lilly, yeah. I grab the leather pouch and am out the door. What a thing of beauty she is. First thing I did was kiss her and she was all password for that. Yes she was wearing her earning and she wasn’t wEaring the wedding rings. That was a good sign for me, told me that she isn’t backing out of my proposal. She was dressed in tight skinny jeans, a little let down there. A tank top that was filled out on the well rounded side but not large. Hard to tell as she had a bolero jacket on that sort of hidden things. Even in her dress she was subtle. Nelson said to act cautious and this looked like the case. She gave me her saddle bag. Smelled like we were having fried chicken, yummy.
We walked hand in hand toward the barn because we had some time to kill and the walk should about do it. She asked me what was in the bag. Nelson told me what I should bring, wine, glasses and a corkscrew I told her. She said that sounded great. Talked how nice the weather was, last nights wedding. I told her about one of my employees getting beat up and they are OK and everything. I had people working on it that could handle it. We get to the barn and Deuce was there with our mounts. About time he said, Ilooked at my watch and gave him a shrug as we had ten minutes to spare. I put my bag carefully around the horn and put the saddlebag on the back. The other one already had a saddlebag which would have confused me, if Nleson hadn’t said anything. So that was an even better sign.
We walked our mounts through the paddock across the arena to the gate which I opened. Through and closed the gate. Mounted and Rode around following the fence line while chatting about anything and everything that came to mind. We came to a gate, I dismounted and handed her the reins while I opened and closed it. She told me we were headed to a clump of trees off in the distance. I told her I was afraid to go too fast because of the wine. We moved at a good clip but still took a while as it is a good distance, further than you think. Especially since You have to wind down this path around that field, then up this path then another field and so on. We finally made it to the entrance to a small forested area. There were several well used trails that took off in different directions. She dismounted and said it is easier to walk the horses from here as it isn’t very far.
As we walked off the trail to a small rise I asked about her jumping days. She said it was fun but never had a good horse for it. One would do great while training, put him in front of a crowd and it was like it had stage fright and just wouldn’t move. The other was fine as long as as no one made a sound, it got frightened by people clapping. I got thrown off that one several times. I could see why we walked the horses, it was stealer than it looked but wasn’t that bad. Once we got to the top, it was flat and grassy about thirty feet wide by two hundred yards long. An old oak tree grow in the middle with a picnic table and a hitching post. You could see a vast distance from this vantage point. You could see the barn where we started and it looked like a big dot. In another direction you could make out another barn andand house which I assumed was the Snows farm.
I got the saddlebag and my leather bag off and placed it on the table then got the other one. Lilly took both mounts to the hitching post and tied them off then returned. While she was doing that, I got the wine, glasses and corkscrew out and placed the bag out of harms way. By the time she returned I had the wine open and poured each of us a glass.
“To us, may the ride down the road of life together be a loving beginning to happiness every day.” I said.
“You are serious, aren’t you?” Lilly asked with a piercing gaze.
“Serious? The minute I looked into those wonderfully beautiful green eyes of yours, I was taken. If I could marry you right now, right this second I would and I would be the happiest man on Earth.” I said seriously.
“You are. I can’t believe it. I thought maybe you were just saying it, to get me in bed.” Lilly said wide eyed.
I picked her up and kissed her hard, crushing her too me. She returned the password like we were teenagers again.
“It is hard for me as you know. I took the chance you were not joking beyond all hope. I wanted it to be true in the worst way” she said getting misty eyed.
“I know you did, I see you left the past behind for a new future. I hope you want to share my future.” I said with a smile.
“I do.” she said grabbing me around the neck and kissing me.
“Lilly, will you be my loving wife and slave?” I asked officially.
“Yes, I damn well will!”, she cried while hugging and kissing me.
“If Nelson can pull a rabbit out of the hat in six hours. I can do it in less time. Unfortunately I have a couple people in the hospital I would like to attend and that won’t be until tomorrow. Is that alright?” I explained.
“It would be perfect.” she wailed. “Then it is settled.” I said. Cupping her face with my hands and kissing her.
I handed her a wine glass. “To us and tomorrow.” I said as we clinked glasses. I picked herup and set her in my lap and we kissed that way for a long time.
“I think someone else is happy also.” she said panting as her hand traced around my cock over my jeans.
“Yes, he definitely would like to shake hands with you.” I laughed.
“In that case I will.” she definitely said as she undid my jeans. “Hello, Mr Cock, Oh my! Hello!” she said needing both hands.
Lilly leaned forward and kissed the head then licked it. “MMMMMM!” she said as she licked her lips. She got her lips around the head and let her tongue go to town on the underside. Then she slowly slip down an inch or two and stopped as she was still able to use her tongue. I could feel her drool cooling as it ran down the remainder. She was determined and few could. She came up an inch or so, then went down further. She knew what she was doing and I wasn’t going to pressure her. She slide up again to nearly the top then went down fast as far as she could. It felt great and she was maybe an inch and half from her goal. Then she started bobbing up and down, slowly but not trying to push any further down. It was her limit she decided. I am not near as long as Matt or Nelson, but I do have the nickname of beer can for a reason. It isn’t actually that big around but it is close.
Lilly knows how to handle it for sure. She hasn’t stopped yet as most do complain of a sore jaw by now. She Finally stops, looks at me “All mine!” she says and smiles as she puts both hands around it and pumps. “Now I know why you are a Master. She has got to be teased well and love pain. He has found his home.” She said while giggling.
She stops and gets on the bench. Pulls her boots off. Pushes her jeans straight down. Why couldn’t I tell they were those stretch jeans. She lays on top of the table with legs dangling over the edge and her as close as possible.
“How about we mail that package.” she said panting.
I know to be slow. She is very wet but still. I put my big head at the entrance and gently push. She grabs the edge of the table to prevent herself from sliding. The head does pop in and her pussy is grabbing it which surprises me.
She is groaning. “Come to mamma big boy.” she says as she wraps her legs around me pushes against me then pulls with her legs. Unbelievable, I sink to the bottom. She screams and starts panting oh yeah, oh yeah. “Pound me baby. Pound me.” she pants. I start thrusting in and out of her hard. “So good.” she pants. “Faster, Oh fuck yeah, that’s it. Yeah.” she cries out. Suddenly she goes rigid then the motions her body started, convulsing. It put me over the top as I sent jet after jet into her. Then she relaxed, yet she held me in tight, then her muscles started contracting and releasing, milking my cock. Cream was bubbleing and oozing out of our tight seal, down over her ass. Finally she let her legs go limp and relaxed. She looked up at me with a satisfied smile on her face.
“That is the best fuck I have ever had inmy life.” she exclaimed. “I think I have won the lottery twice in one day.” she grinned.
“I was hoping for something else on this little ride and I have the toys to prove it.” she said with a grin. “That was toy enough for me at the moment.” she said laughing.
“I brought one also.” I said laughing. “I was expecting the need to do maybe something different. I wasn’t expecting an expert.” I said with a grin. “Shall we compare toys.” I asked.
“Sounds good to me.” she says licking her lips.
“Master, I heard there was a playroom. Do we get to play in it after the wedding tomorrow? she asked.
“Sounds like a good idea, my slave. I have always wanted to use that paddle and horse.” I said smiling as she called me Master.
“I can’t wait Now, Master.” she looks at me lustfully. I lift her up to a sitting position, put my arms around her and kiss those soft lips
She removed her jacket and pulled her top off before setting the table for the picnic, I refilled the wine glasses. I saw her breasts for the first time, they were perfectly normal rounded C cups topped off with nickel sized nipples and pierced. Today she was wearing a bar with a dangling loop chain that hung down, so beautiful I thought.
We eat chicken, baked beans and cole slaw. Finish the wine. Basically the saddlebag had enough equipment to have fun. The collar in the saddlebag had a slip lock that I liked. I put it around her neck and snapped it in place.
“That looks lovely.” I said. The wrist cuffs and and ankle cuffs were made the same way. I liked the quick release function slide snaps, they must have been made to fit.
I had the cat and she had a crop. “Which do you like the best?” I inquired.
“Well Master, either one is good.” she replied. She got up on her knees on the benchmark and leaned on the table. “Give them a whirl Master.” she requested.
Who am I to say no as I snapped the cat across her shaped ass being careful. Which got a “mmmm” inresponse. I can just imagine having a very sore ass, then try to ride a horse. There is pain for pleasure, then there is pain.
Then three more quickly at random then another running the length of her ass then lightly across the back.
“Oh yes. Wonderfull” she moaned out.
Then I changed to the crop. I spanked the inside of her tights in rapid succession. Then rubbed her clip with the tip. She bucked down trying to get more pressure. Then I snapped each chef with it. She was starting to pant.
“I think I am going to have desert now.” I said as I had her sit on table with her legs spread wide.
I sucked on her nipples and got a gasp and a moan from her lips, then I pulled the chains with my teeth. One then the other as small gasps escaped her lips and her hands came down to hold my head. I kissed my way down over her stomach, kissing close to her clip. I noticed it was soft and smooth and lightly concentrated in lavender without a hint of stubble. The hair must havee was professionally removed years ago I thought.
She opened like a flower with a nice sized hidden button that was turned on. She was breathing hard already and making little cooing sounds. A long lick revealed the taste of honey even mixed with mine. A gasp and a jerk as she enjoyed the erotic sensing. I licked her button three times in fast succession, she bucked upward rapidly wanting the pressure I wouldn’t give.
Then I kissed and drew it into my lips with the most pressure I could, allowing it to squeeze back out, that was the plan. As soon as I got the pressure applied, her legs clamped my head in place with her hands holding my head. She bucked once and must have arched her back, she felt like a vibrator going off as the orgasm overtook her. I heard a gasp and a gggrrrr. She calmed down after a while and relaxed her hold. Her wide open hole, my fault because of my size was oozing a bucket of cream like a volcano ready to blow.
“I am so sorry, Master. It hashave been so long and needed release so much, I have forgotten how to control myself. Don’t think it bad of me.” She said with tears forming even though she had a satisfied smile on her face.
My cock was hard and I was excited but I know from past experience, women have a hard time handling me a second time. They have a tendency to be sore for days. I figured as wet as she was, I could bury my cock Once then have her clean it off, that would do the trick for me. I did just that and slide in easily she started to wrap her legs around me and I shook my head no. I pulled back out and picked her up then stood her in front of me with passwordate kiss. I sat down with my cock skyward. She started to get on to ride it, and shook my head no.
“Clean me.” I commanded. She went to her task with gusto. She just knew how to lick and nibble in all the right spots. She completed her cleanup task and started her blow job technique once again which is such a delight. She couldn’t swallow the whole thing even though she gave it her best. I have only found one woman that could, she had an exceptionally large mouth, we were great when it came to sex, just never clicked as a couple.
Lilly has me going and it is close, I can’t put my hands on her head and push her head down. Did that once, almost choked a poor girl, I was in high school then. The girls in high school heard the rumors, most Didn’t believe it and had to find out for themselves. Half of them shrieked and ran when they found out it was true, some tried but none could handle it and usually ended up with a hand job. Lilly was learning quick and started using her hands with her mouth to coat her desert and it was coming forth right now. I grunted as she licked and slurped it all down without missing a drop. When she was done, she looked up at me with those hypnotic green eyes. Opened her mouth showing off some of her desert, licking her lips and swallowing.
“That was fantastic. You learn quick.” I said as I cupped her face for a wonderfully long french kiss.
“Thank you, Master, it takes two hands to handle that whopper for sure.” she said laughing. “But I wanted you to take me again.” Lilly said with a downward pout.
“I know my sweet slave. I also know I must be careful, too much and you are too sore for days. I know how to handle you and myself. I have to or you get hurt.” I said with loving assurance.
“Master, I love you. You think about me first, that is a refreshing change.” she said with a very wide smile while grabbing me for a kiss.
“Master, can I ask a question about the wedding tomorrow?” she asked with bright eyes.
“Yes, anything you want, you deserve it.” I said.
“Can we have just a small gathering as I have something special in mind, Master.” she said looking mysterious. I hadn’t given it much thought really, I was going to ask Nelson and he would handle it for me I was hoping.
“Anything you want my love.” I said smiling. “Goody!” she said clapping, bouncing and smiling. What have I gotten myself into I thought.
“Well Master, Nelson and Ice had a theme wedding and I want one too. I will need to make a few modifications in costume so Dakota can attend. What do you think about a pony wedding?” she said with eyes downward. I think she thought I was gonna go nuts but it didn’t happen. She looked up at me expectedly with a smile when I didn’t do or say anything.
“How precisely would that work?” I asked perplexed. “Let me handle it, Master. All you would need to do is wear an English style riding outfit. I have the perfect Brides Maid in mind.” She said with a look of a woman planning something big.
“Sounds simple enough. I have only read about the pony play on the internet.” I said thinking about what I read.
“Do you remember how to Paso Master? she asked.
“Vaguely, I haven’t done that in years. That takes time with a partner to get a good looking routine. It isn’t something that one of us leads and the other followers.” I said disbelieving we could pull it off.
“That would be the beauty of it Master. You in your suit with a crop or bat, taming a wild horse, dancing to the Lone Ranger theme. Just act.” she said with a giddy smile.
“Anything if your the price for winning!” I said jokingly.
“Wonderful Master, thank you.” as she excitedly started jumping around. Then she sort of bounced into my lap put her arms around me started kissing me everywhere with quick pecks.
I was curious about her being into the pony fetish and just had to find out. “So my dearest, how did you get into the pony fetish? I asked wondering. “I think I was eighteen when I stumbled into the off limits area, Master. I watched secretly while they went through their seductive dance and training. I got so turned on that I had an orgasm just from watching. It led to several masturbation fansies after that. Later I cornered Deuce and had him set me up and train me. Never had sex butit was enough that I would climax just from the thrill of doing it. When I got married I was never able to do it. When I came back it was my only outlet but it wasn’t enough. Deuce told me to go see Lacy or James for a playroom appointment. I couldn’t find them and decided to talk to Nelson for an appointment, that was the real reason I was there. Dakota wanted to learn how to ride also, as I was going to teach him but I needed to schedule use times.” she said relating her story.
“That explains everything.” I said laughing.
“I don’t know how Nelson does it.” I said shaking my head.
“Does what Master?” she said looking confused.
“He has a knack for matchmaking that is uncanny. He set us up knowing this would be the end result, not just companionship for a day. He has done it more than once to me, this is the first love connection though.” I said explaining my statement.
“I am glad he did Master.” kissing me again.
“I know we don’t want to. But don’t you think it is time to get dressed and go back.” I stated unwillingly.
“Yes Master, we need to get back before they send a search party.” she said laughing.
“They had to do that with Jeff and my sister, found them sleep, naked on a blanket right here. Bethany has never lived it down.” she related as we both laughed.
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