It had been a long day for Ice and I. What was suppose to be an unwinding relaxing weekend has turned into another stress filled holiday. The only part that has been relaxing has been the time I have spent with my loving bride. I have fulfilled her desire of visiting the playroom, that was fun.
Tomorrow John is getting married to a wonderful woman, who like me fall head over heels in minutes. I can’t blame him, the right one only comes around once, when you least expect it most of the time.
Ice and I are in on the second theme wedding of the weekend. This wedding might be more beautiful than mine. Going to be a small play but I think it will be fun. The reception afterward will surprise him, I hope.
John being a country bumpkin might be a problem after a while. He may year for the more exciting life again. One never knows, Lilly will keep him entertained for sure. I am not sure what he has planned for the little farm he bought other than something to do. I thinkLilly will intercede and teach him about horses, maybe she can finally get the jumper she always wanted.
Here comes my loving wife from the bathroom. I want to forget about everything but pleasure for a while. Loving pleasure for a change, something soft and gentle.
“Slave come here.” I said authoritatively.
Ice moved quickly and stood in front of me. “Yes Master.” she said smiling.
“It has been a long day, tonight we play a normal loving couple for a change.” I said gently, as I pulled her on top of me for a warm password kiss.
I wasn’t really in the mood for much after the playroom fun and Devon’s information. Ice sensed it as she rolled over and snuggled close. We talked about tomorrows wedding and what we needed to get done this week and next. We fell asleep in each others arms.
I had time to relax for a while, it had been a wonderful day although it was long and tiring but Igot all the chores done. Tomorrow there is to be another theme wedding, this one excited me to no end for some reason. I was happy for all my friends, except Sky, getting what they wanted most in life this weekend. Especially Ice and now Lilly.
I had been with Sky in the playroom several times and knew what her problem was. Poor girl, such a misfit. Sky is the easiest to please sexually but cleanup Takes extra time. Sky and I are wonderful lovers together but she wants and needs more. Well not lovers really and that is the problem. She wants more than I am allowed to give in any shape, way or form. That which only a man can give, love and real sex. I know Nelson has been looking for someone special for Sky, and it must be the hardest thing in the world to find. I was surprised Nelson didn’t set John up with Sky, even Ice said that would have been a mistake.
The more I thought about the previous couple of nights, something has happened to me. I am acting like Sky in that respect, constantly horny beyond control. I keep thinking about everything I have done in the playroom to people and it turns me on just to think about it. That has never happened before, sure it is fun and all but it never turned me on. Well, not since the beginning anyway, when Nelson’s mom and dad were still here.
I keep wondering how it feels to be on the receiving end like my friends all of a Sudden. Yes I have been tied up and teased to no end many times by James, but never the whip because it is off limits for me because I never wanted it. Now I am not so sure, it is exciting me to think how the pain would feel. Just like the other night after the wedding I wanted James to take me and abuse me. Then I woke up horny this morning and they said I howled like a wolf, I don’t remember. All I remember is being super heated and out of control.
James is looking for slot times that could be available for Dakota and Lilly. Not even sure it is necessary as they may be moving. Ihope not, but more than likely that is what will happen.
I have the nervous and I am going to find out. I got completely undressed and crawled up on all fours on the bed. “James honey! Please” I cried.
“What is it dear? Oh is that for me?” he said excitedly.
“Yes James, it is in the end. I want you to do something.” I asked panting. I couldn’t help it as I was rubbing my clip gently thinking about it.
“What do you need?” he said lustfully.
“I trust you, I need to feel what the others feel for some reason. I want you to whip me. Be gentle unless I say otherwise.” I told him panting.
James took his clothes off and the only thing he could think of was his belt. He had to first test it smacking the bed and it caused me to jump a little and I moaned.
He decided to give me a light smack on the right cheek for a test. It was more of a thud than a strike. “Harder.” I said.
He tried again and aimed for the left this time. It went crack, harder thanhe wanted. I bucked forward then came back and wiggled my ass. “Again.” I moaned out.
James scratched the right. I went through the same gyrations. He struck again harder and kept it up, my ass was probably getting red but I kept wiggling my ass for more. I was screaming but not loudly.
“Fuck me!” I yelled. James got behind me and buried his cock to the hilt. I went into overload I clamped down on his cock and waited. The palm of my hand held steady pressure on my clip. I started bucking, more like convulsing as the orgasm ripped through me. I kept my head in the pillows trying to muffle my screams.
James must have been excited by all this as I felt him erupt in me and I started to orgasm again, or did the first one ever end. James fell on top of me. My ass was stinging but it felt wonderful, more like tingling. My hand was still pressuring my clip. I was starting all over again. It was quick and not as powerful but they just wouldn’t stop til I was exhaustedd.
“That was wonderful, Master.” I said before I rolled over on my side. What did I say? Is it rubbing off on me or is that what I really want? James wrapped his arms around me and I drfited off to sleep thinking about it.
I laid in bed and couldn’t believe my luck. I didn’t think I could ever find another man to love. Then there he was, my knight in shining armor. I was dazed the first time I gazed into his warm brown eyes when we were introduced. The way he touched my hand and smiled when he held it that first time. He didn’t want to let it go and I didn’t want him to.
Then the picnic ride today. I had to take the chance he wasn’t pulling my leg. That first toast with the wine, he had already made plans with me. With us is more like it. I was on cloud nine and totally love struck. Then I felt that cock of his.
That brought back wonderful memories. Ben and I had neighbors in Virginia that wasn’t into our lifestyle but liked to swap. His cock was about the same size and I knew how to handle John. He was much rougher than John, but I learned how to handle him. John knew how to handle himself and me which I loved. I wanted more, but he knew better and was probably right. Still, I couldn’t believe my luck, he cared more about me.
Then his chat with Dakota must have have been awe inspiring. Dakota was happy with my choice. He couldn’t wait himself. John chose with Dakota in mind. Beth couldn’t believe it either. Jeff was impressed but said it all had to do with Nelson. Nelson surrounded himself with special people, always had, even when they went to school. Beth agreed as she dated Nelson a couple times in school their senior year but the chemistry wasn’t there. Beth Thought Ice belonged to Nelson, even back then.
Off to dreamland and a new, wonderful life on the horizon.
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