Spice Plantation Ch. 01

I closed my grade book and looked up and out of my office window. The wind had shifted around, now coming from the west-southwest. The radio had said earlier that it would bring slightly warmer temperatures – if two degrees above freezing is slightly warmer – but that it would also bring at least several inches of snow. I could just see the first few flakes, fat and soft, and know that soon the roads would turn into a real mess as people headed home on Friday before the long weekend.

I was just thinking about reaching for the phone when there was a quick knock on my doorframe and I looked around to see Judy Montgomery leaning into my office. Although I teach Civil Engineering and Judy is an assistant professor in the history department, we see a lot of each other. In fact, we often see all of Each other because we are lovers as well as colleagues.

I smiled at the welcome sight. Judy is twenty-eight, tall and slim, a condition her frequently athletic activities help her retain. She runs, swims, and she and I often spend lunch hours engaged in a strong fencing bout. We both learned epee as undergraduates and were happy to find someone with whom to continue our practice. Although she looks fabulous in the close fitting fencing jacket, the wire covered mask hides her really lovely face. She has shoulder length dark blonde hair, eyes of the deepest blue I have ever seen, and legs, as the Expression says, which go all the way up. Now her bright smile answered mine and she said, “I decided to get out of here before the traffic gets bad. Interested in dinner?”

We had been dating for about four months now. We each retained our own residence, but generally spent most of each weekend together. We had talked about getting together on Saturday, but now Judy had anticipated my own idea to see her tonight. “I was just getting ready to call you and ask the same thing. In fact I was going to suggest I take you out for a nice dinner and then maybe drag you backto my place for the whole weekend. I have a surprise you might find interesting.”

“All weekend, huh? I doubt I have enough clothes at your place to last until Tuesday.”

“You have an outfit to wear for work Tuesday. That’s all you’ll need,” I replied with a leer.

“Oh? Just what do you have in mind?”

“Actually. quite a few things,” I Replied. “But the surprise I was talking about is an old journal I think you’ll find fascinating. It’s right up your line – in more ways than one. What about it? Interested in a nice steak? And I have a bottle of Zin chilling at home.”

She cocked her head for a second and then said, “How about this instead? Since they’re saying maybe eight or ten inches of snow tonight and it’s Already starting, the roads will be a real mess in another half hour. So why don’t you go on home and get a nice fire started and uncork that Zin while I stop and get us a large pizza. Then we can eat it in front of your fireplace.”

“Dressed like last time?” I raised an eyebrow. A couple of weeks ago we had ordered pizza out and decided to eat it on the floor in front of the fireplace in my bedroom. We had just come from a school reception and were both dressed in fairly good clothes which we didn’t want to get stained. Somehow we had ended up resolving this problem by having supper in the nude on a blanket spread in front of the fire. Dessert was even better.

Judy raised her own eyebrow. “If you’d like. Sounds like fun to me.”

Twenty minutes later I was lighting the kindling and spreading a couple of thick comforters on the floor. I live in an older house on the edge of town. It’s actually quite a bit larger than I need so I have converted one wing of the old Georgian into my living suite and mostly only use the kitchen in the rest of the house. Oh, occasionally I’ll have a dinner party in the large dining room or something, but most of the time I just stay in my wing. Here I have an office and a bath, and a large -Really large – bedroom, complete with a wood burning fireplace and a king sized four poster bed. There are also some more unusual items in my room, such as a leather covered vaulting horse, a large leather locke, and screw eyes in a number of places. Shortly after we began dating, Judy and I were both delighted to discover that each of us loved erotic bondage. Oh, we’re not into a real master-slave relationship or anything. Often there’s nothing kinky about our love making at all, but both of us do enjoy bondage and a little discipline in the form of paddles, straps, clamps, and a cat of nine tails. While Judy is usually the ‘victim’ we each enjoy both roles and both of us find such play a tremendous tension reliever.

Even though it was only a little after four it was already getting dark and I saw Judy’s headlights sweep across the windows before I heard her car pulling into the driveway. My house is at the end of a dead end road, separated from its closest neighbor by severalhundreds yards, so there’s almost never a car unless it’s coming here. I heard the garage door open and close as she pulled inside next to my car and I headed back downstairs to get the wine

She came into the kitchen carrying two large pizza boxes. I looked at them and asked, “Feeling really hungry tonight?”

She looked directly at me, ran her tongue across her lips, and answered, “Definitely! But If you’re asking about food, I got the second one for tomorrow in case we got snowed in this weekend.”

I took her coat and hung it up and then we put the second pizza in the refrigerator. We got the wine along with glasses, plates and so on, and then headed up to the bedroom. By the time we entered, the fire was coming along nicely, and I added a couple of logs while Judy set the food on the floor by the blanket. Then She came over to the side of the room where I had gone to get a couple of candles for the mantle. As I turned off the lights and turned to put the candles in place, she wrapped her arms around my neck and soon we were locked in a deep kiss. When we broke apart for air, she breathed in a husky voice, “Let’s eat. I can hardly wait for dessert.”

She began to unbutton my shirt and I set the candles on the dresser so I could reciprocate with her clothes. Soon we were both completely naked. We shared one more torrid kiss and reluctantly broke apart. I lit the candles and placed them on the mantle and then we settled on the blankets in front of the fire.

The act of sharing a meal with a lover can, in and of itself, be an extremely erotic experience even if both are fully dressed. Nude, the effect is enhanced a hundred fold. We ate, casually struggling each other, feeding each other bites of pizza and sips of wine. By the time we finished with the food we were both aroused to such a state that We merely pushed the remains aside and began to embrace. In only a few seconds, Judy pushed me down on my back, swung her long leg across my waist, and impaled herself on my rampant member. I think the intense feeling from our coupling surprised both of us and neither of us lasted more than half a minute before I was exploding and pumping my hot semen into her as she, her head thrown back, her legs squeezing me almost hard enough to bruise, convulsed into her own climax.

As we slowly came down from that high place, Judy stretched herself on top of me, leaving me inside as I slowly began to shrink. She kissed me and whispered, “That was good, Paul. I really needed that.”

I kissed her back. “That makes two of us – which is exactly the right number. But don’t think I’m completely sated yet.”

She smiled down at me. “Me either, Lover. I expect a lot more this weekend.”

“Don’t worry. I still expect a lot more tonight.”

She snuggled against me as I let my hand roam over her incredibly sexy bottom. Judy has a small, nicely rounded ass, the muscles as tight as any I’ve ever seen – and I’m constantly on the lookout for such things. I love the feel of the smooth skin and firm muscles and never miss a chance to cares her there.

We lay together in the warmth of both the fire and the afterglow of our love making and I think we both did off for a short time. Suddenly I opened my eyes to the feel of a small, pointed tongue exploring the inside of my right ear. As I sucked in my breath, Judy said, “All right now, Lover. Tell me what this surprise journal is all about.”

She rolled off of me and propped herself up on an elbow. I leaned over and kissed her and then slowly pulled myself up. I glanced at the fire and decided to add another couple of logs before going over to my dresser. From a top drawer I pulled out a thick, heavily bound book, the type that could have been an old ledger. I held it up to show her and said, “It’s about this. My great uncle’s journal from the early nineteen twentyties.”

I started back towards the blankets, but stopped long enough to pull the curtain aside and glance outside. “Looks like we already have five or six inches out there,” I commented. “Want to go out and play in the snow?”

Judy made a face at me. “We’re not really dressed for it,” she answered. “And besides,” she added, “I already have a good seven inches in here.” She punctuated this by staring intensely at my crotch.

Now it was my turn to stick out my tongue and I replied, “At least. And I guarantee you’ll get at least that much again before too long.”

I settled down beside her on the blankets. “As I was saying, this is my great uncle’s journal. Let me give you a little history. My great uncle Alex was born in 1894 in Scotland. He had a younger brother, John, who was born in 1910 and later became my grandfather. Alex served in World War I in France and returned to Britain in 1919. I never knew exactly what he did then, but I did know he held several jobs until he moved to a plantation somewhere in the South Pacific in 1922 where he met his wife – my grat aunt Susan – and worked there until just before World War II when the Japanese began their invasion of the islands in that part of the world. I know that after the war he moved to the states and eventually became a professor of business right here. In fact, this was his and Susan’s house. Susan, by the way, was a medical doctor, and practiced here in town until sometimes in the nineteen sixties when she retired..”

“I remember him from when I was a little boy, but I think he died when I as about eight. That would have been in nineteen eighty. Aunt Susan was about three years younger than Alex and she lived until four years ago. After I came back from the three years I spent really working as a civil engineer and took the position with the school, she insisted I move in here – she was Still living here on her own and was alert and lively right up until she died in her sleep one night – at the young age of 103. In her will she left me the house. She was still a pretty woman, evenin her nineties, and must have been a real looker when she was young. She also had a really lively and ribald sense of humor. She often alluded to some of the wild things she and Alex had done when they were younger. And then she’d kid about going out and looking for a man – not to marry – just to sleep with. I remember one time when she was doing that I suggested she go to one of the singles bars in town but she said there were only kids there. Then she said she preferred to hang around the senior rec center because she could usually find someone in his sixties who thought she still had it. At the time I thought it was just talk, but now I’m not so sure. She may still have been really picking up guys. I do know she and Alex were still having sex regularly when he died.”

“Anyway, back to the journal. Last week I was looking through some of the stuff that’s still up in the attic and I came across this.” I held up the book again. “When I started reading it I found that it was a kind of journal that Alex had kept. It covers the time from just before he left Glasgow in 1922 and the next several months when he was manager of that plantation in the South Pacific. The reason I thought you might find it especially interesting is that I know about your interest in the ‘private kingdoms’ of that period.”

Judy’s head swung around and a sudden interest showed in her eyes. She had often told me stories about isolated areas of the world where individuals had set up there own private countries – well, not really countries, but at least private industries – where they ruled with absolute authority. Most people find it hard to believe, but such places were not all that unusual up until the middle of the twentytieth century. They flourished in remote areas of the world: Africa, South America, Asia. Places where governments didn’t have sufficient interest to interfere and thus let the men run their industries as they wished, administratoring their own laws and justice and in generalhaving their way in any fashion they wanted. After all, Cecil Rhodes, with the blessing of the British government, ran an entire country that way. None of the others were on that scale, but often covered as much as several hundreds of square miles. When I had read my uncle’s journal, I had found that the island plantation where he had worked was one of these places.

“That’s right,” I continued. “The plantation where my uncle became a general manager, was owned by an expat German who ran the entire island as though there was no higher authority. But to make it even more interesting, I think you’ll find that von Holt’s ideas were not the usual for such men. Much less draconian and a little more hedonistic. It was definitely an interesting place to work.”

I now unequivocally had Judy’s full attention. The subject of the private kingdoms was one of her special interests and she had done a great deal of research in the area. I smiled to myself as I watched her sleep, naked bodyand thought how much more I expected her to be interested in this particular ‘kingdom’ than in the others she had studied.

“Just where was this place?” she asked.

“That, I’m afraid, we’ll never know for sure. My uncle only describes its location in a general way. I have the idea, from a few things I recall him or my aunt saying, that the enterprise ended with the Japanese expansion through the area and that it was never reestablished after the war. All I really know is that it was somewhere generally between Vietnam Nam and Australia.”

“That’s a lot of ocean.”

“You can pick up a few clues from the journal, but I didn’t see anything that would really pin point it.”

“OK, OK. Can I see it?”

When Judy got interested in a subject, everything else was forgotten. Now she was ready to start pouring over the old journal, completely oblivious to the fact that she was stark naked. I was mostly kidding when I had said she wouldn’t need any clothes for the weekend,but there had been a couple of times when we had stayed nude for over a full day. Judy didn’t see to mind and almost seemed to forget she wasn’t wearing clothes. But, then with a body like hers I could see how displaying it might not both her. The more I thought about it, the better I liked the idea of ​​keeping her naked until Tuesday morning. And I had just thought of something that might make that More likely.

“We’ve got all weekend. I don’t think I’ll let you have it just yet.” Judy opened her mouth to protest, but before she could say anything I added, “Real I think I’ll read it to you. It’s really a very interesting story – and really quite racy in spots.”

With this her mouth immediately closed. We sometimes read hot stories to each other, usually while the other is bound and being teased, and both of us find this a real turn-on. Looking at her face I could see the academic who wanted to examine the original article competing with the luxury woman who loved sex andsexy games. Judy is one of the hottest women I have ever known and enjoys sex in nearly every form. At least in any of the forms I’ve wanted to try with her. So the promise of my reading her a hot story which also happened to be a record of real history was certainly attractive. Finally this seemed to win out and she said, “All right, if I get to look at the real thing later on.”

“Certainly. In fact, I’ll probably lend it to you to study. That is, if you can keep your hands out of your pants while you read it.” This pronouncement served to further peak her interest and I could see she was really beginning to wonder what was in this book.”

“This is the real thing, right? Not just something you made up for one of our games?”

“No, it’s just as I told you. It really is my uncle’s journal, written as it happened, and I have no doubt that he recorded the actual events as they occurred.” Then with a mischievous smile, I added, “Even if some of it is so hot I’m not sure howhe recorded it without having his hand in his own pants.”

I could see that Judy was now definitely hooked. But I decided to do something to string her along a little more. “I’ll read it to you, but first I think we should do something to get you in the right frame of mind.” Judy looked a question at me as I lay the book down and reached down for her hand. I pulled her to her feet and pulled her into a tight embrace and deep kiss. One of the things which really turn me on about Judy is that she becomes aroused nearly instantly. Before the kiss was three seconds old she was fitting her bare body against my own from shoulder to ankle, her tongue exploring my mouth, and her hands tightly gripping my ass.

We held the kiss for a full minute and then I pulled back and took her wrist to lead her a little ways across the room to where the leather vault stand. “I think I need to warm that tight bottom of yours to keep you thinking along the right lines,” I said.

Judy’s breath was already coming in rapid, shallow drafts. Now her eyes sparkled at the prospect of a little bond and spanking and no matter how attractive the journal seemed to the professional historian, it was temporarily put on hold. Instead she said in a sort of pouting teenager’s voice, “What’s the matter? Have I been a bad girl.”

“Not at all,” I replied, smiling at her as I started to put on wrist and ankle cuffs of soft leather. I stood her at the side of the vault, facing it, and spread her legs, attaching the ankle cuffs to the legs of the vault. “You haven’t really been bad yet at all, but I intend to change that.” I bet her over the smooth leather and fastened her wrists to the vault legs on the other side, leaving her tight bottom uppermost and very inviting. “But I think you should be bad. You know I love that tight ass of yours. I love whipping it and I love fucking it. Now I plan on doing both and then I’m going to tie you to the blinde while I read you the journal. I may stop from time to time to tease you, or torque you, or ravish you. And I may keep it up a long time.” Judy shivered in delighted anticipation.

I stood watching the perfection of Judy’s lovely form lit only by the flickering candle flames and the firelight. The light and shadow played across her smooth skin and I could see her twisting slightly against her bonds as her body demanded stimulation and release. She was breathing quite fast and as I slide my hand between her legs I found she was already dripping. For several minutes I let my hands wander over her wonderful body, caressing her, lightly pinching her hard nipples, and teasing the entry of her wet tunnel and tight rear hole. Then I stepped back and picked up one of our cats. This one had nine soft leather tails, each a foot and a half long and About a half inch wide, atop a sixteen inch poisoned wood handle. It would sting, but wouldn’t do any real damage. We never used a whip or strap hard enough to break the skin or reallyhurt more than the victim wanted and we always had a safe word, although neither of us had ever needed it.

I dragged the leather tails across her exposed bottom and I saw her shudder so much at the first touch I almost thought she had started to come. Then with no additional warning I brought the lashes down in a fast stroke, snapping the ends on her stretched rump. She gave a small cry, but quickly Steadied her bottom for another blow. I began to whip her harder and harder, until each stroke was bringing a cry and leaving red lines across her perfect skin. It was obvious that the strokes were beginning to really hurt, but we had found we enjoyed the stimulation of such pain and both of us knew how to stop before it became too much to tolerate.


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