Sorority Sisters Ch. 02 – the First Meeting

On Saturday I arrived at 6, as instructed. Christina, the lovely Asian maid, greeted me wearing the same leather outfit, but she now w nipple weights, small lead fishing sinkers attached to clamps which pinched her swollen buds. The light silver chain connecting them hung down to her navel. She pointed me towards the room we had visited before. “Strip naked and get on the bed.” I promptly did so, leaving my clothes where she had placed them that day.

I knelt down on the bed, with my head and shoulders pressed into the pillow. She touched my ass with her fingers, and rubbed her thumb on my anus. She brought a tube of oil to my hips and squirted it at my asshole. She took two fingers and shoved the oil into my ass, pressing her fingers in and pulling out to swab up more lubricant which she pushed deeper into me.

After a few moments of these ministries, she reached under and checked my cock ring, pulling my dick to push the ring further towards the base of my shaft. “Sit on the side of the bed,” she instructed. When I had done this, she reached towards my right nipple and fastened a metal clamp to it. Another, connected to the first clamp by a chain, was placed on my other nipple.

She opened and closed the clamps several times and I squirmed in reaction to the pain. She opened the clamps wide and let go so that they closed suddenly. I was breathing deeply and my cock pulsed.

She took a half step back and then reached to her left title and unhooked the metal weight suspended there. She transferred it to the clamp on my right title, and then did the same with my other nipple. She smiled kindly, and slapped at the weighted sinkers, making them swing, stretching my inflamed nipples.

She touched my shoulder to make me lean forward, and she took my hands behind my back. She fastened my wrists with a soft leather strap. “Get back on your hands and knees. I will leave you here a little while. I have to set up tonight’s sorority meeting, and have to get Eric ready, too. “

She held my strapped wrists and steadied me as I stood up in order to get back onto the mattress. She showed me a small dildo, about the size of a large thumb and I feel her place it at my ass. My anus, loosened by her probing fingers, accepted the small object easily and clenched to hold it in place. As the door closed, I adjusted myself on the bed, stretching forward but making sure to keep my back arched. The nipple weights rested on the sheets and I was careful not to rub the clamps.

While I waited, I looked around the room. Several things caught my eye. One was a black leather work-out bench, the kind used for sit-ups, with a slender dildo mounted in the seat. Along the wall, like a frame for holding pool sticks, was a wooden case that was filled with sextoys of all shapes, made of rubber, clear plastic, or wood.

Some were the same color as the slender dick on the benchmark and the small plug now in my bottom. Some were longer and thicker,with lifelike cockheads at both ends, meant for the kind of harness that both Christina and Mrs. P. wore.

A few had two heads, one smaller than the other in a “U” shape that confused me. Many had wires hanging from them which I understand to mean they pulsed or vibrated or in some other way moved.

One of the double-ended dongs was mammoth -thicker than my forearm. It was at least a foot longer in total than the one that Mrs. H. had forgotten when she plowed my virgin ass the week before. I imagined its girl and extra length as part of that session, and my cock pulsed again.

I thought about Mrs. P and realized how eager I was to see her – to have her see me. I remembered the smiles that had passed between her and Mrs. H. Could my student’s mother know what was happening to me now? Had she known when she brought me to this place?

I replayed the brief moment when she had clutched my cock before we were interrupted, and I closed my eyes to re-live the sensing.

I don’t know how much time had passed – a half hour at least – when I heard the door open. Christina was back. She told me to get up, grabbing at the straw between my wrists to help me rise to my knees. I stepped off the bed and stood facing her.

She was now dressed wearing a loosely fitting black dress that covered her from knee to throat. The fabric was thin enough for me to see the silver chain still hanging from her nipples. “It’s time for your introduction,” she said as she led me to the hallway.

As we walked, the weights swung from my nipples adding to the sensings I felt there. I was naked and my body was cold. We turned a corner into the kitchen where I saw another man, who wo equipment much like mine. I assumed this was Eric, who stood an inch or two taller than me with sandy brown hair. His broad shoulders were square, thrust forward because of the tension on his wrists, bound behind his back.

He leaned slightly backward, thrusting his cock and balls out. His dick was impressive, with a narrow, pink head and a shake that thickened like a tree trunk. A rubber ring pressed where his dick met his groin. Liquid glistened from the tip of his scanning erection.

Eric looked at me blankly, but said nothing. We both were led further down the hall towards a large sitting room. As we came to the entrance, I heard Mrs. H. talking. It sounded like she was conducting a meeting. I heard something about scholarships and the need for the committee to interview finalists. Christina led us into the room and as I turned the corner, I saw a large wall screen filled with faces.

Mrs. H was running a regional meeting of her sorority. I saw three other black women in the room with Mrs. H., including my student’s mother, Mrs. P. All were attractive, dressed in business attire – skirts and blouses that must have provided quite a contrast to Eric’s and my naked state. Each turned to gaze at us.

A murmur of excited talk came across the video feed. The twelve faces on the small screens, and the women in the room, all stared. Christina led us in and presented us to the camera. We could see our images on the large panel – exposed, dominated, submissively eager.

Mrs. H. continued to address the meeting, “We’ll close by letting you see the new fucktoys we have begun to train. As each of you choose a finalist for our awards, know that the young sisters you nominate will all have a chance to be with one of these sluts in the next three weeks. I have my nominee, Najah, here, and she will have her turn tonight.”

The women on the screen were smiling and staring intently. “Unless there is anything else anyone has? — we will close this meeting. Until next week.” She waited, allowing the women to gaze at Eric and me for a few moments longer, and then she touched a keyboard to close the video feed.

Mrs. H. turned away from the computer and gave me an approving look. Behind her, I saw the three women talking quietly among themselves while gesturing towards us. Mrs. H. and Christina walked together towards the room where I had waited.

Each of the woman was attractive, ranged in age from what I guessed to be 35 to 60. Two, including my student’s mother, were tall and slender, including the oldest, Mrs. A., a light-skinned woman with a dancer’s build. I found out later that she was in fact a member and choreographer for a prominent dance company. She had short, salt and pepper hair.

The third woman radiated sexuality, with huge breasts and a large but shaped ass, which even her conservative clothing could not conceal. Ms. T., I would later learn, was a publishing executive.

And for the first time, I noticed a younger black woman sitting in a chair staring at me and Eric. She was small and I could not make out her shape because of the oversized robe that she clutched around herself. Naja, whom I assumed this was, looked familiar, and with a bolt of realization, I recognized her as a fellow student from my university. She tilted her head with questioning eyes, and then gave me a surprised nod of recognition.

Mrs. P smiled broadly and walked over. “So, Paul, it would seem I was right to think you’d welcome this job,” she said, looking me up and down. Najah stood up from the couch and, with the other women, formed a circle around Eric and me. Mrs. P. pulled at the chains hanging from my nipples and she reached down to grab my cock.

The other two women fondled Eric, one taking hold of his dick with one hand while tugging hard with her other hand at his nipple chains. The other woman came alongside him, using her hands to squeeze his balls while pressing his butt plug with a lifting motion. Najah stood still watching everything. Her hands were in her robe pockets.

Mrs. P spoke again. “Our sorority does a lot to support our sisters as they move on to graduate school and professional degrees.” Her words were directed to me, and as she spoke, she used her free hand to accept a glass of wine from a tray full of glasses, presented by Christina to the assembled women.

“We know how important a strong education is in opening doors to positions of power for our young sisters. But we have come to also understand that, psychologically, there is great value in giving our young members the experience of dominating men – handsome young white men like you.” She sipped her wine and reached her hand around and pressed the dildo lodged in my asshole.

“Our young sisters have been good girls all their lives and that has gotten them far.” Najah smiled in acknowledgement and continued to star at both Eric and me. Mrs. P. continued, “But the real world is a whole different thing. Once one of our members experiences the power of having her way with a fuckslut like yourself, she will take that memory into every courtroom or boardroom she might later enter.”

She brushed my cheek softly as she called me a “fuckslut,” and sipped from her wineglass. “This experience we provide them might be their only time in such a dominant role, or…” she paused, nodding to the other women gathered around both Eric and me…” They may decide that they enjoy a regular turn with a young man, as we do.”

As she spoke, Mrs. H. returned, followed again by Christina who rolled the work-out bench into the room. Beside the dildo already mounted there, she placed a much larger one. “Christina reports that your response to an assful of cock is to get and stay rock hard. That opens up so many more possibilities than we have with young Eric here.”

She competed towards my fellow “fuckslut,” who was now bent forward, held steady by the two other women, with his tied hands straining behind his back. His knees were bent slightly, as if he was a swimmer waiting for the starter’s horn.

Mrs. H. lined herself up behind him. She unclasped and removed her skirt to reveal the leather harness and rubber dick I’d seen last week. She stroked the dildo protruding from her pussy, and fucked herself as she walked towards Eric. Najah leaned in and gasped, and the oldest of the women laughed and patted her should reassuringly.

With Christina’s guiding hand lubricating the dong with gel, Mrs. H. pressed her dick into Eric’s ass. His eyes opened wide and he drew a deep breath through his nostrils. Our hostess pulled back, then stepped forward again, burying more of the truncheon into my partner’s bowels.

The two other women each held one of his shoulders to keep him from falling forward, using their free hands to play with his cock or pull on the chain attached to his nipple clamps. He began to moan and continued to flare his nostrils. Though he clearly welcomed his fucking, his cock’s response was to shrink rapidly.

His member had become small and soft, and his retracted balls were a tight bundle as the lady of the house began to rock back and forth. Without being instructed, Christina reached down and removed the rubber ring from his shrunken cock

While the big, beautiful woman held Eric steady, the older woman hiked up her skirt and sat back in a large chair, opening her legs wide. Mrs. H. fucked Eric forward towards her. The younger woman unbuttoned and removed her blouse and her large, huge, pleasing breasts spilled out of her bra.

She returned to holding Eric by the hip and cock, and the older woman reached out to pull his shoulders down towards her pussy. Before Eric’s face blocked some of my view, I saw long, beautiful and engorged lips surrounded by only a few wisps of public hair.

As the elegant woman grabbed the back of Eric’s head, Najah leaned forward to watch closely. “That’s it! Suck on my lips like a good slut!” The woman grunted as Eric’s mouth was mashed up against her sex again and again by the Mrs. H.’s steady thrusts. From my angle of view, I noticed Najah’s should move slightly as she rubbed herself through the pockets of her robe.

As I watched thescene, Mrs. P. grabbed my erect dick and steered me towards the benchmark which I understand she wanted me to straddle. Christina joined us and pointed at the mid-sized dildo already in place . Mrs. P. nodded. “We can start with that for now,” she said. “I wouldn’t want to wear him out before sweet Najah has her turn.”

Christina covered the slender eight inch tool in lube, and guided my hips as I squatted over the dildo. She removed the small dick from my ass and placed it on a towel on a chair. She held the mounted dick in place with one hand while her other grabbed my thigh to steer me over it.

“Sit slowly,” said my student’s mother, and I sank until the rubber dildo met my asshole. “Relax, and sit.” I obeyed and swallowed the cock until my thighs came in contact with the leather cushions of the bench. My legs strained to keep my full weight from pressing onto the toy.

“Lean back,” she said and Christina, who had unstrapped my wrists, adjusted the back rest so that I reclined almost vertically, with my cock jutting upwards. Off to my right, I watched Eric’s treatment continue.

The older woman had slid herself forward in the chair and was holding her legs open by the knees. She twisted her pussy and ass up towards Eric’s mouth. His nose was buried in her cunt while he slathered her asshole with his tongue. “Keep licking! Unmphh! Good boy. Twist that nose!” commanded the woman.

Bent forward, Eric began to sink to his knees with Mrs. H. following him to the carpet. She pulled on the back of his hair to maintain her balance as she leaned her full weight into his ass. With a grip on his hair, she controlled the motion of his head, rubbing him in circles as if she was poisoning her friend’s fully open quim.

The sound of Eric’s moans were muffled as he continued to suck and lick on the woman’s pussy and ass. I saw Christina knee next to him and take his soft dick in her hand. It was dripping fluid and she cupped her hand to collect it. Shebrought her hand up to the older woman, who was bucking her pussy and ass into Eric’s face, and smeared the fluid on her lips and nose.

The dancer let go of her knees in order to touch the liquid and bring it to her lips. She rested her long legs on his shoulders and slowly humped herself into his face. She continued to instruct him. “Deeper! Swallow my clipty! Good boy!” she grunted as the first of several of the orgasms I would hear that night began to grip her. Her friend continued pressing Eric’s face into the gaping cunny. Najah stood quietly, still moving her hands slowly, watching intently as Eric followed each and every order..

As I stared in wonder, more excited than I had ever been before, Mrs. P stepped over the bench and stood facing me. She lifted her skirts and pulled aside the steps of her panties. The brown lips of her pussy opened and she lowered herself on my dick, taking most of my length in her warm and very wet sex. She stopped, lifted herself up andThen swallowed me again, this time letting all her weight rest on my body, which in turn forced the rubber object completely into my ass.

I felt a burning pain, and pressed to try to explore the dildo. This slight adjustment, which allowed the dick to fully penetrate me, lessened the pain, and the burning eased. Mrs. P. looked down at me with a kind smile, and grabbed my nipple chains as if they were the reins on a horse. “I am going to give you a quick taste of what you can expect in your new job. We will have our own private time soon.”

As she said this, she pulled hard on the chains and ground herself on my dick. She rocked a little, pressing down, and I feel the walls of her cunt squeeze me tight. She pulled hard on the chain again and one nipple clamp tore free. Christina, who was standing neary returned to reattach it, but not before leaning over to suck my nipple gently. She tightened the device and closed it over my flesh, and then tightened the clamp on my other nipple for good measure. Mrs. P continued to grind backwards and forward on my body.

I looked up into her smiling face. I started to lift my free hands towards her breasts, her pointed nipples visible through the sheer fabric of her blouse, but was interrupted when Ms. T., now wearing only a bra, lowered and wrapped around her belly, climbed over my chest, facing Mrs. P.

Her amazing, dark-skinned ass pressed back towards me as she leaned forward to kiss Mrs. P. I reached my hands around to hold her large ass checks and slow her backward motion as she rubbed herself on my face. Her pussy was completely hairless, and her lips were a dark brown that grew darker as they pumped up before my eyes.

The smell of her pussy and ass was intotoxicating, and the slippery, musky liquid that trailed from her coated me from chin to nose. I opened my mouth and sucked, swallowing the salty brew. She rested her pussy on my chin, allowing me to extend my tongue up toward her clip. She slide her smooth crotch and her swollen lips back and forth across my lips and tongue.

Now blocked from my sight, Mrs. P. bucked and pressed down on my dick and I felt the dildo deep in my ass. After several minutes, she lifted herself suddenly off my deck. I feel her hands rolling the cock ring of my dick. She gripped my dick as it pumped in her fist. Her warm mouth swallowed my cockhead as she continued to squeeze my shake.

The big bottomed woman riding my face leaned forward, and my eyes focused on the crinkled pink skin of her asshole. I felt the chain attached to my nipples yank upwards and realized she had replaced Mrs. P in pulling on the reins.

The musky smell from her body grow stronger, my tongue continued to lap up the salty fluid bubble from her cunt. When she leaned forward to kiss Mrs. P., who was bobbing her head up and down on my cock, she took a little weight off my face. I bent my head towards her pussy and buried my nose in the mood.

She straighttened up and sank her soft ass cheats over my face and my nose poked into her ass. As she fucked my nose with her asshole, I made my tongue as straight as I could and used it to fuck her pussy.

Breathing was hard, and each breath I could manage was filled with the smell and taste of her bottom. I heard the heavy breathing of both women as they used my body from end to end. And I heard Eric’s ecstatic mewlings a few feet away as Mrs. H. continued to ream him hard.

While Ms. T. sat with her full weight on my face, I lifted my hands away from her thick ass cheeses and reached around to her breasts. Her nipples were huge and very hard. I opened my hand wide and squeezed firmly on a handful of each breast. I let go and pinched hard on her nipples with my fingers. I tugged hard as if I was pulling her ass and pussy down farther on my mouth and nose.

I pulled on her teats and thrust my dick up into Mrs. P.’s mouth, bouncing myself on the dildo in my ass. I squeezed the tits and curled my neck up ( I remember thinking the motion was like the exercise we’d done in high school football, purely to strengthen our necks for protection when we rammed our helmets into each other.)


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