Sorority Initiation

Paula started at university just after her nineteenth birthday and was immediately approached by four other female students, who introduced themselves and invited her to join their sorority.

Eager to fit in and make new friends, Paula accepted the offer and was told to report to the girls the following afternoon after her final lecture of the day.

She was warned she would have to undergo an initiative ritual before being welcomed into the sisterhood but this didn’t deter her. At the appointed time Paula entered a storage building in an isolated part of the campus. She had no idea what lay in store for her, and this uncertainty was making her nervous.

The other girls – 20-year-olds called Sadie, Rosie, Brenda and Pam – were waiting for her. They were in the process of placing a wooden table in the centre of the large storeroom.

They didn’t say anything at first but marched Paula over to the table and positioned her with her back against it. They stood round her, and Rosie said: “On your knees, girl.”

As Paula dropped to the bare concrete floor, Pam told her: “Until you complete your initiative, you address us as Miss Rosie, Miss Pam, et cetera.”

“Yes, Miss Pam.”

“That’s better,” smiled Brenda.

Pam continued: “Membership of the sorority isn’t granted to just anyone. It’s a privilege that has to be earned.”

Paula was then hauled to her feet and bent over the table on her stomach. The senior girls positioned themselves in front of her face.

Rosie said: “Grasp the end of the table and stretch yourself out. You’ll find this position can get quite uncomfortable after a while.”

Paula discovered that the other end of the table was already digging into her slim hips. Brenda added: “You can call a halt to these proceedings any time you like, but obviously that would demonstrate your unworthiness to enter the sisterhood.”

Pam continued: “Your initiation ritual is called Six-Six-Six – the mark of the beast.”

Paula imagined the girls might ‘tattoo’ a 666 brand somewhere on her body with a marker pen, but Pam added: “We will give you six strokes with a tennis shoe on your backside. Then we’ll lift up your dress and give you a further six. Finally, we’ll pull down your panties and give you six on your bare bottom. Get it – Six-Six-Six-Six?”

“Yes, Miss Pam.”

Paula got it all right. After the first few whacks, she would be wondering how on Earth she could endure the rest of this spanking, knowing it would get progressively worse.

Rosie fetched the tennis pump from a cupboard and held it in front of Paula’s face.”It’s a man’s size ten,” Rosie told her. “As you can see, we’ve cut part of the upper heel away to make for a better grip. How much do you think it’s going to hurt?”

“I think it’s going to hurt quite a lot, Miss Rosie.”

Brenda said: “I’m sure an intelligent girl like you can be more eloquent than that. We want you to really think about what’s about tohappen to you, and describe your thoughts to us.”

Paula replied: “It’s going to be almost unbearable. My bottom will be getting sore very quickly and you’ll probably beat me harder as you strip me. I will also be feeling very humiliated.”

Brenda responded: “Hell, girl, that was good. Very artistic.”

Rosie said to her friends: “Yeah, I’m beginning to warm to her, you know.”

“But that doesn’t mean we’re going to go easy on you, girl,” added Brenda. “Yes, Miss Brenda. I understand.”

Rosie stood behind Paula, tennis shoes in hand.

Pam told the outstretched spankee: “After each stroke, you will call out the number of that stroke and say ‘thank you’. Failure to comply will result in that stroke being repeated until you get it right.”

She then grabbed a handful of Paula’s long auburn hair and jerked the girls’s head up off the table.

“We want to watch the expressions on your face while you’re being thrashed,” Pam explained.

Rosie broughtthe tennis shoe down hard on Paula’s left buttock. “One, thank you.”

Rosie’s second stroke was delivered to the other buttock, with equal force. “Two, thank you.”

Rosie continued to alternate between rear cheeses. “Three. Uh! Thank you. Four. Oh! Thank you. Five. Ah! Thank you. Aah! Six. Thank you.”

Rosie rested the tennis pump lengthways across Paula’s bum, and declared: “She took that well. She stayed in position and didn’t wriggle her bottom around like some do. How did she look at the other end?”

“Pretty good,” said Sadie. “She was grimacing a bit but no snivelling or tears.”

“You’ve been spanked before, haven’t you?” Pam asked her as she gently lowered the girl’s head back onto the table and let go of her hair.

“Yes, Miss Pam. Ex-boyfriend.”

The four seniors smiled at one another. “Did you like it when he spanked you?” enquired Brenda. “Yes, Miss Brenda.”

“Are you liking it now?” Sadie asked her. “And I want a detailed, honest answer.”

Paula thought for half-a-minute and then replied: “Well, I’ve never been spanked by another girl before. I didn’t think I would like it but I did enjoy it. It feels good, surrendering control to other women. It’s exciting.”

“And what did you think of Rosie’s handiwork on your bottom?” asked Brenda

“Miss Rosie is a very good spanker, Miss Brenda. I think she’s done this before and really knows what she’s doing.”

Rosie said: “Thank you. How’s your backside feeling.”

“It’s a bit sore, Miss Rosie. Uncomfortable but not too painful yet. There’s a tingling feeling all over it, which is quite … er … satisfied.”

“She’s good,” said Sadie. “I like this girl.”

“Are you ready for your next six strokes?” Brenda asked her. “Yes, Miss Brenda.”

Sadie picked up the tennis pump from Paula’s bottom and Brenda raised the girl’s knee- length black utility dress, smoothing it down in place across her back. Rosie moved in front of Paula and said: “Will you keep your head up without me having to pull your hair?”

“Yes, Miss Rosie. Thank you.”

Sadie’s first stroke produced the first full-blooded scream from Paula. “Aaaaah, aaaaah! Seven. Thank you.”

In contrast to Rosie’s left cheek/right cheek technique, Sadie aimed every stroke at the same spot – the middle of Paula’s rump. The girl was soon squirming on the table. The twelfth stroke was the most painful so far. It caught Paula high up, across the waistband of her panties.

“Aaaaagh!” she shrieked but she still managed to gasp: “Twelve, thank you, Miss Sadie.”

“Hey, Sadie,” said Rosie, “that was a bit high.”

“Yeah, I know,” said Sadie, putting the tennis shoe down on Paula’s back. “I didn’t mean it to land there.”

Sadie leaned forward, resting her right hand lightly on Paula’s shoulder. “I’m sorry, girl. It wasn’t on purpose, honestly.”

“That’s all right, Miss Sadie. I know you didn’t mean it. It was my own fault; I was moving up and down too much.”

Brenda said: “This is definitely the best girl we’ve had so far. So polite, and she’s being totally honest with us.”

The four friends allowed Paula a short rest before the final six strokes. Then they all took up position behind her, and Rosie said: “Pam is now going to give you six on the bare. You can keep your head rested on the table this time; we aren’t interested in Your face any more. We want to see that tennis pump thumbing into your naked backside.”

“Right, girl,” added Sadie, “knickers down!” Each of the four seniors took hold of Paula’s plain white cotton panties and yanked them down to her knees.

“Do you want to know how your backside is looking, girl?” said Brenda. “Yes, please, Miss Brenda.”

“Well,” said Sadie, “it’s quite red all over, and you can see imprints from the sole of the tennis shoes here and there.”

“How you feeling?” enquired Rosie.

Paula knew the girls expected a comprehensive reply. “I’m feeling very humbled and submissive with my bottom exposed – very vulnerable. I’m also thinking that the next six strokes will probably have me screaming and crying. But I’m trying to be brave.

“There’s something else,” added Paula. “The pain and degradation you are putting me through, I know it’s for my own good – to make me a better, stronger person – and I appreciate the time and effort you are devoting to me.”

“Oh boy, this girl is something else,” cried Rosie. “That was excellent.” Pam picked up the tennis pump and said: “You ready, girl?”

“Yes, Miss Pam.”

“You do realise, don’t you,” Pam added, “that the last six strokes have to be the heaviest blows of all?”

“I understand, Miss Pam. I can take it.”

“Well,” said Rosie, “just Remember you can stop it any time.”

“I can take it,” Paula repeated stoically.

“That’s the spirit, girl,” said Brenda. Whack. Left cheese.

“Aaaah! Thirteen … thank you.” Smack. Right cheese. “Ow, ow, ow, ow. Fourteen. Thank… you.” The next stroke landed low, on the top of Paula’s thighs. Her piercing scream echoed around the building. Eventually, she managed to mumble: “Fif … fif … teen. Thank … you.”

Pam said: “I’m sorry, girl. I didn’t mean to swipe you across the legs. I know that really hurts. But you were writing around so much, that stroke could have landed anywhere.”

“My fault again, Miss Pam,” gasped Paula. “I’ll try to keep still for you.”

“Would you like us to hold you in position?” asked Brenda.

“Yes, please, Miss Brenda. Thank you very much.”

Sadie took hold of Paula’s wrists, Brenda knelt down and grasped her knees, and Rosie pressed down firmly – but not too hard – on her back.

“OK,” said Pam,”just three more to go.” Thwack. Dead centre. “Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh. Sixteen, thank you.” Smack. Same spot. “Aaaah, aaaah, aaaah. Sev … en … teen. Thank … you.” Whack. Left cheese again. This time with enough force to propel Paula forward a couple of inches acrosss the table top, lifting her feet off the floor. “Aaaaagh, aaaaagh, aaaaaagh. Eight … een. Thank … you.”

As Pam tossed the tennis shoe onto the ground, her three friends released their hold on Paula, who was whimpering and trembling. But she wasn’t crying.

“You’re going to need ten minutes or so to recover,” said Brenda. “We want you to stay over the table but you don’t have to keep yourself stretched out any more. You can slide back down a bit.”

“Thank you, Miss Brenda,” said Paula, gingerly edging down the table. “You OK, girl?” said Sadie.

“Yes, thank you, Miss Sadie. I’ll be fine, although my bottom is really throbbing now and I can’t stop it shaking.”

“OK, that’s the initiative over,” said Rosie. “You don’t have to call us ‘Miss’ any more.”

“Thank you.”

“Would you like us to massage your bottom to ease the pain a little?” said Brenda. “Oh, yes please.”

Brenda began to rub Paula’s buttocks tenderly.

“Ooo, ooo, thank you. That feels so soothing,” murmured Paula. A strange feeling began to snake its way around Paula’s body as Brenda continued caressing her backside, and the girl’s hips started to move to and fro along the table.

“Oh, Brenda, that’s really nice.”

“Yeah, I can see you’re enjoying it,” laughed Brenda. “You’re turning her on,” said Sadie. “Definitely,” added Rosie.

“Tell us exactly what you’re feeling,” said Sadie. “I mean,you don’t have to – you’ve passed your initiative – but we’d like you to share this with us.”

“OK,” said Paula. “I’m getting this warm feeling inside, starting in my tummy and then spreading. My heart’s beating faster and I feel flushed all over. I don’t want Brenda to stop. But it’s a bit worrying; I’m not a lesbian. I like boys.”

“We all have boyfriends,” said Rosie. “But sometimes we like to play among ourselves for a change.”

Paula was now breathing heavily and pushing her rump up and down beneath Brenda’s gentle touch.

Rosie said: “Your hips must be quite sore after so long on the edge of the table. Would you like me to massage them too?”

“Yes, please,” whispered Paula.

Rosie’s fingers fondled the flesh where the table had dug into it, while Sadie began struggling the girl’s hair.

“Tell us what you want us to do with you,” said Brenda. “What you’re doing; it already feels great,” said Paula.

“Yeah, but you’ve got imagination, Paula,” said Sadie. “Use it, fantasise.”

“Well,” said Paula, “I’d like you to turn me over and strip me completely. Then do anything you want to me. Like I said earlier, I’m enjoying the feeling of being powerless; that you four are in total control of me.”

“Let’s get her on her back then,” said Sadie. The four seniors rolled Paula over, repositioning her in the centre of the table. They weren’t being rough with her but they weren’t being gentle either. Paula liked it.

Rosie said: “We’re going to turn your fantasy into reality, but that will involve us using our own imagination. It’ll be role-play. We’ll say things to you we don’t really mean.”

“I want you to do – and say – anything you want to me,” Paula replied huskily.

“Right,” said Pam, “Let’s get this little slut stripped – all the way. She’s such a tart, she’ll probably enjoy it.”

Rosie turned at Paula and said: “See what I mean?”

“Yes,” said Paula. “I know I’m a little tart and I deserve to be stripped and degraded. It serves me right.”

Sadie smiled and said: “She certainly picks things up quickly.”

The senior girls undid the buttons that ran down the front of Paula’s cotton dress and peeled it off over her head. Sadie pulled her panties right off while Rosie and Pam hoisted her up by the arms for Brenda to unhook her bra fastings and remove the garment. “Nice breasts, girl,” remarked Brenda.

“You want those tits massaging too, don’t you?” said Sadie. “Yes, please, Miss.” Sadie and Rosie set to work on Paula’s breasts while theOther two held her down, pinning her wrists to the table top. After a few minutes, the four switched positions for Brenda and Pam to take over the title teasing

Paula was moaning softly, and Pam asked her: “Do you think those naughty nipples of yours deserve to be punished?” “Yes, yes, Miss.” Pam and Brenda grabbed a nipple each and squeezed hard. “Oooh, aaah,” gulped Paula.”Please don’t stop.”

“We’ve no intention of stopping until those nipples feel like they’re on fire,” said Brenda sweetly. Paula began writing and groaning, opening her legs slightly. “What a little whore!” said Rosie.

Eventually, Sadie said: “This is getting boring. Let’s turn our attention to another part of her anatomy. Let’s have a good look at her pussy.”

Pam and Brenda seized Paula’s knees and spread her legs. “Open wide,” said Rosie, chuckling.

“It’s kind of cute,” observed Pam as she inspected Paula’s vagina. “Like a plumb that’s just ripened.”

“I suppose it’s not in bad shape,” remarked Brenda, “considering all the dicks she’s probably had poking about in it.”

“Yeah,” said Rosie, “I should think a sleazy who like her spends a lot of time stretched out on her back.”

“Let’s give her a good stretching right now,” suggested Sadie.

Brenda and Pam gripped Paula’s ankles while Rosie and Sadie tightened their hold on her wrists. “Ready,” called Rosie, “one, two, three – pull!”

Each of the four torqueors took a step backwards and moved to the side, spreadeagling Paula with only her bottom remaining in contact with the table top. “Aaaaah, ooooh,” cried Paula as her body squirmed between her new sorority sisters.

“Let’s poison the table with her behind” said Pam, and they pulled Paula up and down the length of the smooth wood, faster and faster. The girl squealed at full volume as the friction intensified the anguish in her bum, which was already ablaze from the spanking. After a couple of minutes, the four seniors let go of Paula,and Brenda said: “How did that feel, girl?”

Between grunts and moans, Paula replied: “It felt like I was being torn apart – and my bottom’s really on fire now. It was also so demeaning, having my legs wrenched wide apart so my pussy was totally exposed.”

“This girl can certainly express herself,” commented Sadie. “You didn’t get any splinters in your backside, did you, Paula,” asked Brenda. “I don’t think so.”

“We’d better check to make sure,” said Rosie. They turned Paula onto her stomach again to examine her bum. Sadie gently ran her fingers over the girl’s rump. “No splinters,” she announced.

“What shall we do with her next?” asked Pam. The four friends moved away from the table for a brief, hushed conversation, while Paula turned over and tried to rub some relief into her aching limbs and haunches. Seconds later she was being hauled off the table and forced onto her knees.

“I bet you spend a lot of time kneeing down, don’t you?” said Rosie. “All thatcock-sucking you do. Well, you can get that tongue of yours working right now. You’re going to lick our shoes clean. Get to it, girl.”

The four stood in a line, and Paula had to make her way slowly down it, cleaning all eight shoes with her tongue. After the last one, Paula was ordered to stay on her knees, with her hands on her head, while the seniors inspected their footwear.

“I don’t think she put nearly enough effort into it,” said Pam. “Let’s make her do it again but this time she has to lick the soles clean.”

The girls perched themselves along one side of the table, in a row, and held their feet out about six inches off the ground.

“Come on, you little slut,” said Brenda, “let’s see that dirty tongue really working this time.”

Paula again crawled from one girl to the next, this time slurping her tongue over the soles of their shoes. When she had completed her task, she was made to stand to attention in front of the girls while they debated her next ordeal.

“I think we ought to get some of those old skipping ropes over there,” said Rosie, pointing to a corner of the storeroom, “and tie her up.”

“Yeah,” agreed Sadie, “let’s tie her to the table.”

“And,” Brenda said brightly, “we could get our boyfriends over to have a good look at her. I bet she’d like being put on show.”

Sadie said: “What do You think of that, girl?”

“I think it would be very embarrassing and I would feel so ashamed but Brenda is right, I probably would enjoy it really.”

Paula was quickly lashed to the table – still naked – and Pam and Rosie went off to find the boys. In their absence, Sadie and Brenda took the opportunity to further tease and torment their willing victim. They kissed her on the lips, played with her breasts, and ran their fingers along her inner thighs.

Paula was obviously becoming increasingly aroused. She cried out in pleasure as she felt Sadie’s fingers rubbing her pussy, which became

moist immediatly.

“We want you nice and primed, ready for the boys,” said Brenda. “Pussy wet, nipples hard, flushed in the face – gagging for it.”

For the first time during the afternoon’s proceedings, Paula was having second thoughts. “Can I ask a question, please?” she said. “What are you going to let those boys do to me?”

“We won’t let them touch you, I promise,” said Sadie. “We want to see you humiliated, not raped!”

At this point, Pam and Rosie returned with the four boys in tow. Rosie was carrying a bowl of hot water with two sells floating on the top. Pam had a towel over her shoulder. Paula eyed the bowl rarely from her bonds.

“Don’t worry,” Rosie reassure her, “this is quite innocent. We’re not going to dunk your head in it, or anything like that. You’ll be grateful for it later, you’ll see.”

Paula turned her focus to the boys and her face reddened. Part of her longed to be able to close her legs to conceal her vagina but another part of her relished the attention.

“That’s it, lads, take a good look,” said Pam. “That’s what she’s here for – but remember, no touching.” The boys strolled around Paula, inspecting every inch of her.

“What’s it like being tied naked to a table, spreadeagled, and having four boys drooling over you?” asked Brenda.

“It’s degrading,” replied Paula, “but it’s also exciting.”

Paula saw that all four boys had erections that were tenting out their trousers, and despite herself she became even more aroused.


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