Sorority Sex Slave

If all you’re looking for is a stroke story, Skip to approximately 4,600 words in. No real sex until then, just the build-up and character development.

All sexual encounters are between persons 18-years or older. This story contains scenes of lesbian and BDSM activities. All sexual activities are consensual. Tags: Lesbian, Group Sex, BDSM, Bondage, Humiliation, Submission, Slavery. If that offends you, LEAVE NOW.

I self-edit. Don’t both commenting on it. This is FICTION!!! Don’t both commenting on how it would never happen. My characters react how I want them to react. Don’t both commenting about how they are reacting wrong. You don’t like it? Re-write it yourself. Just be sure that you mention that it is a re-write of this story.

“You realize this is totally insane.” Said the tall statusque blonde in the pinstripe power suit and 4-inch heeled pumps.

“I know.” I replied.

“I’m about a nanosecond from calling Judge Haskins about this.” It wouldn’t be the first time that the asshole judge has questioned my sanity. Come to think of it, it hasn’t only been the judge who had serious questions about that. He’s still an asshole though. OK, so maybe putting that guy the hospital for a month was going too far, but he was the one that kept trying to cut in when I was dancing with another girl I was dating. Maybe if I had thrown Around his car instead of over it when we left in my big truck the asshole judge wouldn’t have ordered a psych evaluation. It’s probably a good thing that he was lying in a pool of blood on the dance floor rather than being inside his sports car when I drive over it too. Yeah, it was just bad luck that I had my big four-wheel drive that night instead of one of my other cars. OK. Maybe I do have some issues.

“You won’t.”

“I should. He’d have you committed so fast your head would spin. It would be for your own good too.”

“You love me too much to do that.”

[SIGH] “You’re right. Maybe if……”

“NO! You can’t. We’ve been friends since First Grade, and I could never ask that of you.”

“I’m sorry, Kel.”

“No, you aren’t. You have absolutely nothing to be sorry about.”

“Would it stop you from this?”

“Margaret! Stop!” This was the fifth time in our lives that I had called her by her full given name. The first time was when we were first introduced on the first day of school in First Grade. She had informed me that she preferred Maggie. That was soon changed to Mags. The other times were when I was seriously pissed at her. She knew that I only called her Margaret when she had done something to seriously offend me. “That’s not you. We’ve had this discussion several times, and you know that I would never want that. If things were different, maybe, but I love and respect you too much to allow you to do that.”

“OK, Kel. Still, I really think that there has to be a better way.”

“There isn’t. I’ve thought it through, and we’ve got all the protections put in place. This is what I want. It’s what I need. I have to do this.”

“OK.” Mags surprised. “I just wish that you would give me one more chance. There’s a new cute intern that just started. I could introduce…”

“Maggie. I love that you are looking out for me. It wouldn’t work. Just like the last five. Maybe it isn’t them, but you know what my issues are. I try, but I just can’t help it. It will always end up breaking things up. Besides, with the amount of money I’ve already put into this, I’m not gonna stop now.”

“Oh puhleez. That’s the argument you want to use? Money? Seriously Kelsey, that’s the weakest argument you have. You could walk away right now and never Even notice what you’ve spent.”

“Whatever. I’m doing this, and I really need your help. Besides, I’ve already paid you.” I finished with a big grin.

“Yeah. Fine. And we both know that I will never touch a penny of that. We’ve been best friends for almost 25-years. Even though I’m doing this under extreme protest, I’m only doing it to make sure that you don’t get hurt or into serious trouble.” She wouldn’t touch a penny of it either. Now that she had her well-deserved reputation, she had enough money that she insisted on doing all my work pro bono. I still transferred the money into her account, though. She just transferred it into another account that she set up as a joint account for both of us. Neither one of us ever touched it, though. It made us both feel better.

“Fine. Now, let’s get ready. They’ll be here in about half an hour.” I concluded.

That conversation was between me, Kelsey Montgomery, and my best friend Maggie Connors. Maggie is also my lawyer. As mentioned, we have been best friends since we met in First Grade. We look out for each other, and she is the only person on the planet that I have complete trust in. Yes, I have trust issues. I won’t deny it. Those issues are why I am putting myself in this position.They are also why I am a fairly attractive and intelligent 30-year-old woman that has never had a significant intimate relationship. Oh, there have been plenty of opportunities. I have never lacked for attention. Maggie has even set me up with several dates that were more than acceptable. A few probably would have even worked out if I didn’t have my issues. To be perfectly clear, this thing that I’m going to do is not intended to find me the love of my life. Quite the opposite, in fact.

OK. A little about me. I’m a 30-year-old redhead with green eyes. No, I’m not a virgin. I’ve had sex multiple times. I stand 5-feet, 10-inches tall, I’m fairly slim except for my tits and a nice curve to my hips. A gazillion lunges and other exercises have shaped my ass into what has been described as a work of art. I tend to believe that, since every time I go to the beach or pool in a thong bikini, most men and quite a few women openly star at it and trip over themselves when they try to walk.Those not staring at my ass and toned legs are focused on my 40D tits. To go along with my body that I work very hard to keep in shape, I have smooth pale skin (Irish Heritage) with a smoother of freckles, and a very pretty face. No, I do not lack for companionship when I want it. I do apologize if the above seems vain; that is not my intent. I am not in the least bit vain. I am only trying to convey the truth. I should also mention that I am highly educated. I have a Ph.D. in Finance. I should also mention that I am ‘retired’. I will explain that in a moment.

As this will be majorly important to what I am doing, I need to clarify something. Yes, I said I am not a virgin. That is technically true. I have had sex several times — with women. I am a 100%, total and complete lesbian. No, there was no experimenting with boys to make sure. The truth is that just the thought of being with a guy makes me nauseous. Now, don’t take that too bad. I am friends with several men, but it isOnly friend. I like guys as friends. We even hang out sometimes, but that is as far as it will ever go.

What Maggie was apologizing for is that she is just as straight as I am gay. We truly do love each other, but as best friends. She would do anything for me, and I would do anything for her. Hell, I’m the one that paid for her to get through law school. If Mags were even the slightest bit bisexual, I would have tried something, but that is not to be. She was the first one that I came out to back in High School. I had a fleeting thought about the two of us back then, but we both figured out quickly that it could never happen. She has been my exclusive lawyer since the day she passed the Bar. I should mention that the night after she got her results we went out and didn’t pass a single bar all night. The next day, I quit with the law firm I had been using and walked into the office she started working for. Sitting down with the partners, I wrote out a sizable retainer and toldThey that Maggie was to be the only lawyer I would work with. Five years later, I was also Maggie’s first client when she opened her own firm. She was the only person that knew all of my secrets — except one.

So, you are now wondering about a few other things. Most of the questions you may have are related. You have probably figured out that I am wealthy. I am significantly more than merely wealthy. I am, in fact, a multi-bilionaire. No, I didn’t get rich using my degree. My family has been rich for generations. Unlike a lot of old money families where the descendants friedter their money away with bad choices, bad management, poor investments, lazy, and just plain stupidity, my family was smart enough to build it up. We didn’t get arrogant. We continued to work on it. Even now, I said I was ‘retired’, but that is not exactly true. I have been using my degree to continue to invest and manage the money. I am sad to say that I am the last of my line. My aunt and uncle did nothave children. She couldn’t because of a medical condition. My parents died in a vehicle accident when I was three years old, so I was raised by my aunt and uncle. My uncle had a heart attack when I was 20-years old, and my aunt died three years ago. I inherited the family trust.

So, that leads to my little issue. Trust. I had a girlfriend in college. We dated for about six-months. I really thought that we were totally in love. One day, one of my classes was cancelled, so I went back to the condo I owned. She was living there with me. Totally cliché, but I heard them in the bedroom as soon as I opened the front door. She was with a fucking guy! I just stood there in the hall listening to them. When they finished, I heard them talking. She didn’t love me — she wasn’t really even gay. Sure, she enjoyed sex with a woman occasionally, so it wasn’t really a chore being with me. The real kicker was that she was only pretending to be my girlfriend because she knew how much money I had.I left and called building security to escort both of them out of the building with all of her personal possessions. You can probably see where this is going. I developed severe trust issues with other people. How was I supposed to know if someone was with me for me or for my money? That pretty much destroyed any hope of having a real meaningful relationship with another woman. I was destined to live alone. I would be the last of my line with no heirs. I accepted and prepared for that. The one secret that Mags didn’t know; she would find out years later at the reading of my will. That was the one and only time that I ever used a different lawyer. I knew that she would be severely pissed at me, but I was leaving her everything. She was really the only significant person in my life. It was either that, or the State would get it. I laughed at that. Let her be mad. Not my problem anymore. To comfort you readers who think that I am about to do something drastic, I am, but not that drastic.The reading of my will not happen until after my death over three decades in the future. Natural causes, if that’s any comfort.

“Can you just tell me why?” Mags asked as we were sitting on the front porch waiting for my guests.

“We’ve been over this.” I replied.

“Yes, and I still don’t understand.”

“Mags, you’re my only friend in this world. You Know my issues. You know what I deal with. I’m just so tired. I’m tired of everything. I’m tired of all the decisions and responsibility. I’m so tired of all the boring cocktail parties I’m expected to be at. The gallery openings, board meetings, foundations, and everything else that I am expected to attend and prepare that I am enjoying myself. I’m tired of having to prepare that I am enjoying myself while having to put up with all the people pretending to be my friends but just want to scam me out of my money. I’m sick of constantly being hit on by gold-diggers who couldn’t give a rat’s ass about me, just as long as they get a chunk of my money. I’m tired of being alone. I’m tired of trying to have a relationship with someone and knowing it will end in disaster. I’m just so damned tired of having to hold everything together all the time. I just need to let go completely. I don’t want to have to think constantly.

“This will give me complete freedom. I will have no decisions to make. No one will be trying to use me for money. I won’t have to worry about anyone trying to romance me to get to my bank account, since there will be no account to access. There will be no more worries or stressing about if my ass looks too big in this dress. Besides, you are aware that this isn’t exactly my first rodeo.”

“OK. I still don’t completely understand, and I wish you would find another way. I will support you and Follow all the protocols we set up. I must say, you did a thorough job of preparing. And you are right. I’m well aware of those clubs you visit occasionally.”

“Thank you, Maggie.Here they come now.”

The car pulled up in front of the house, and four early twenty’s women got out. Maggie and I got up to greet them.

“Ladies, I am Kelsey Montgomery, and this is my lawyer Maggie Connors. Please come in. Can I get you something to drink?”

Maggie escorted the woman into the living room while I got a tray with glasses and lemonade from the kitchen. Once seated and drinks served, we got down to business.

“Before we began,” Maggie started. “I need all four of you to sign these non-disclosure forms. Go ahead and read through them, but the gist of it is that if any word of what is discussed gets out, you four will be sued to oblivion.”

Once the forms were signed, checked, then slid into Maggie’s briefcase, we began the meeting. Aside From me and Maggie, the four other attendees were Amy Rogers, President, Gina Jones, Vice-president, Tanya Baxter, Secretary/Treasurer, and Melanie Adams, Membership Chair. They were the officers for the Lambda Sigma Upsilon sorority. This is a rather obscure sorority that doesn’t have a lot of chapters throughout the country.

“I invited you ladies here because I think that we can help each other. I hear about the issue with your sorority house, and I am offering my house to use as your new sorority house. As you can see, the house is large enough and has plenty of rooms. In fact, I have Recently remodeled it in a manner that would easily accommodate being used as such. While I do realize that it is not right next to the university, I think that the location and being rather secluded would have some benefits that would outweight the failure of having to travel more to get to classes. After all, it really is just 20-minutes from here to the campus. Besides, I’m sure that accommodations can be made for the commute.”

“OK. Wow. That’s very generous of you Ms. Montgomery. Yes, we did lose our sorority house and are looking for another one. To be honest, we really didn’t have much hoe of finding another house that would be suitable. So, can you tell us a bit more about the house? It looks like it sits on quite a bit of property as well. Would we also have access to everything?” Amy asked.

“Please call me Kelsey, to even Kel if you like. First off, the house sits on 150 acres and include several outbuildings. You would have access to all of it. The house is three stories tall and has 20 rooms suitable for bedrooms. There are three bathrooms each on the second and third floors. The ground floor has two bathrooms as well. There is also a basement with an entertainment room, one bathroom, and a couple other rooms that we will get to later. I will tell you that this house is part of my family trust and completely paid for. It is also maintained by the trust, so there will be no expenses as far as that goes.”

“Wow. That sounds almost too good to be true.” Piped up Tanya. Trust the Treasurer to be concerned about the money.

“I’m thinking that there rEally isn’t any reason not to jump at this — provided that there are no hidden surprises, but we should probably tour the house and grounds before accepting.” Gina added.

“Of course. Please follow me.” I said as I began the tour. I led them through all three floors above, out the back where they practically drooled over the pool, cabanas and pool house, around the grounds to the barn and horse corrals (Yes, I have several horses that they could ride), and showed them several of the out-buildings. An hour later, we were back in the livingroom drinking more lemonade.

“Alright.” Amy began. “This really looks good, but there are a couple of questions we still have. First off, transportation. Several of our members do not drive, and there are activities and classes at all times. That would be pretty difficult for them if they can’t always get a ride when they need it. Second, you mentioned the basement and entertainment room, but that was not part of the tour. We are wonderfulering why you didn’t show that to us, as well as we didn’t enter a couple of the other buildings. Third, this really seems way too good to be true. You want to basically give us this huge house and property for free. There has to be a catch to it.”

Maggie looked at me with a pleading look. All she saw in my face was determination. She finally showed, slumped her shoulders and nodded her head.

“As far as transportation is concerned, I have already thought about it. I have made preliminary inquiries about purchasing a small bus and a large SUV. I can hire a full-time driver that will live in one of the smaller buildings to be available whenever SHE is needed.”


“Of course. This is a sorority. I doubt that everyone living here would be that comfortable with a man walking around here all the time.”

“You’re probably right about that. I’m sure that several of our members will want to take advantage of the privacy to do some nude sunbathing when the weatheris nice. Transportation is solved, what about the rest.”

This was it. The moment of truth.

“You remember those nondisclosure forms you signed? This is what they were for. The catch, as you called it, is that I will also be living here.”

“That doesn’t sound like a big deal. Lots of sorrorities have a House Mother living with them to keep things from getting out of hand.”

“I won’t be a House Mother.” I responded. Taking a moment to look each one in the eye, I went on. “I will be your naked slave.” Those clubs Mags mentioned earlier? Yep. Hardcore BDSM clubs. I was always the submissive for women. There was only one bad incident where a man tried to dominate me, but that was taken care of quickly. If he would have simply backed off after being warned by my Mistress after the first touch, things would have settled down and been fine. It was after he insisted that he was the Alpha and had the absolute right to play with me that things got bad. Mistress was a badass.Even if the management hadn’t permanently banner him from the club immediately, he most likely wouldn’t have been able to ‘perform’ for a couple of months afterwards. Seeing what she did to him with her whip made me realize just how much she was going easy on me with it. She still beat me like a motherfucker, but at least the marks she made on me faded after a few days.

It was two minutes before they were able to comprehend what I just said and form a response.

“Excuse me?” Amy finally found her voice.

“As I said. I will be your 24/7/365 naked slave. I will be available for anything — and I do mean ANYTHING — you desire. There will be a few conditions to protect me, but, for the most part, I will be yours. The reason you haven’t seen the basement and a couple buildings is because they are set up for me to be a slave. Should you girls agree to my proposal, you will have complete access to everything except one specific room. That room will be my escape room if I feelthat I am in actual danger. It is also where I will go for brief periods of time to manage my affairs and keep in contact with Maggie. These are protections to make sure that I am not being overly abused or injured. Should you agree, we will be going over all the safeguards for me as well as the rules for my ownership.”


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