Sophia's Betters Pt. 02

Pregnant? What is going to happen to me Sophia thought. She stood there, unspeaking, as they looked at her. John and Rebecca waited for her response. You selfish bitch Sophia told herself. This is not about you. It’s about your betters.

She fell to her knees as she always did when unsure—Rebecca loved it when she goteled—to make up for her delay in her response.

“That’s so wonderful ma’am, sir,” Sophia said, staring at their feet. “I am so happy for you.”

She means every word of it; their happiness was hers.

“What’s a matter Soph?” Rebecca asked.

“Nothing ma’am.” Sophia added, “I am so sorry.”

“If nothing is wrong, then why are you apologizing? C’mon Soph, I can read you like a book. Be honest.”

“I-I-I had a selfish thought,” she stammered.

“Oh no, what are we going to do to you?” John laughed.

“About what Soph?” Rebecca said. Her voice serious. The voice she puts on when she is not playing games.

“I-I-I wondered—what are you going to do with me?” Saying the words drove a stake into her heart. This is the happiest day of their lives, and you make it about yourself? If they were not going to kick you out, they will now.

“Oh Sophia. Come here.”

Sophia crawled to her. She kept her head down.

“Soph, look at me.” Sophia met her eyes. “We are Not going to do anything with you. You are going to stay right here with us. Our relationship might change, but babies are a lot of work and we need you more than ever. You hear that? We need you.”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Good girl. We will talk specifics later.” Rebecca kissed her on the forehead. A familiar mischievous smile appeared on her lips. “Buuuuut, I think we still need to punish you.” Rebecca grabbed Sophia’s head and turned it so that she could whisper into her ear. “Undress. You will serve us naked.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Sophia blushed. She took off her skirt and blouse as they watched.

“Now go.”

Sophia stood to walk out.

“No. Crawl until you are out of my sight. I am very disgusted with you.” Her voice dripped with sarcasm.

At least she is letting me make it up to her. Using me however she wants.

Christmas break after her first semester of college was the last extended period that Sophia did not serve her betters. She spent the entire time miserable. Sophia never liked her family and they never like her. Everyone was satisfied with Sophia staying in her room out of sight.

John and Rebecca did something for her. They made a group message with the three of them. Mostly, John and Rebecca talked to each other. Sophia loved reading their messages. The balance was perfect; she was part of their lives but not a nuisance. She could see how happy they made each other, and at least once a day, they checked on her. They asked how she was and if she missed them. Sophia felt completely attended to and loved. They also made her send them naughty pictures of herself and made her sext them. They laughed at her poor attempts, but Sophia was glad they let her amuse them. She imagined Rebecca getting herself off to her submission. It gave her feelings of pride and worth, but also shame; Rebecca should never have to perform the act herself.

After six weeks apart, John and Rebecca walked into the dorm. Sophia looked down submissively but couldn’t hold her smile. She almost collapsed in submissive joy.

“Oh, my little Soph,” Rebecca said putting down a plastic bag and walking over. She kissed Sophia on the forehead and hugged her. Rebecca’s blonde hair fell onto her face and Sophia smelled the familiar shampoo. She felt safe in her arms, safe with her masters. John ruffled her hair and sat down on the couch. “I missed you so much,” Rebecca said. “Did you miss me?”

“Yes ma’am. Very much.”

“Well, you are gonna get a lot of us today.” Rebecca smiled. Sophia Shook with anticipation. Finally, a chance to serve. “Kneel.”

Sophia knelt on both knees. The already large height difference expanded. Sophia was in the presence of a goddess. How long it has been since I’ve heard her commands? How good does it feel to please her?

Rebecca laughed at the obedient girl. “God, I missed this.”

“I won, remember?” John said from the couch.

“Ya, ya. Sorry Soph, he beat me on that trivia quiz—I am pretty sure he cheated—but anyway, he gets you first. I am right behind him though.”

John snapped his fingers. Sophia crawled to him and waited for more commands.

“Do you want to try that thing now?” Rebecca asked.

“Oh ya. I almost forgot,” John replied.

Rebecca sat down in front of the kneeing Sophia. She said, “My Soph, look at me.” Sophia looked up from John’s shoes. “John wants to try something that you have not done before. You tell him if it’s okay with you. Honestly. Alright.”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Good girl. Ask her John.”

“Alright Soph,” he said. “I want to facefuck you.”

Soph paused. “Yes sir,” she said.

John went to unzip his jeans.

“Wait,” said Rebecca. “Soph isn’t sure. What is it?”

How does she always know? And why does she always care about me?

“Does it hurt?” Sophia asked. She loved serving them, humiliating herself for them, but she had been in painful relationships before and hated them.

“It doesn’t have to I don’t think. I can do it gently.”

Soph turned a darker shade of red. “I’m afraid I won’t please you then.”

“This is just like extra,” he said. “Your blowjobs already please me, but I think this might please me more.”

Sophia looked at Rebecca.

“How about you guys start slow?” Rebecca said. “Let John grab your hair and guide you onto him. If you don’t like it, then just stop. It’s as simple as that.” Rebecca smiled at her: not the mischievous ‘crawl for me’ smile, but the ‘trust me’ smile.

“Yes sir,” Sophia responded

John unbuckled his pants and pulled out his cock. In truth, it was average size, but to Sophia it was the cock of a giant, of a god.

“Alright Sweetie,” he said. “You just keep your mouth open and teeth out of the way. I’ll grab your hair and use you however I want.”

He did not wait for a response, but firmly grasped her black hair and directed her mouth onto his dick. He started slow, making her only take the tip. When Sophia got used to it and he hornier, he directed her onto his whole length. Up and down he moved her head. He moaned.

“Fuck that’s hot,” Rebecca said. “My boyfriend using our girl however he wants. Physically controlling her.” Then the smile. “You like it Soph?”

Sophia loved it. Better than giving blowjobs even. Blowjobs requires a level of thinking and a chance of failure—however small that is. Doing this, his pleasure was in his own hands. He used her exactly as he wanted. All she had to do was let herself beused. She gagged when he pushed deep and her eyes watered, but his moans made up for the effort. She could not answer the question, however, with his member 6 inches in her throat. She pulled back to answer her, and John loosened his grip to let her, but before she could, Rebecca pushed her head back down.

“I cannot believe this Soph,” Rebecca said. “I ask you a simple question and you don’t respond. Not very obedient of you.”

Sophia panicked. She wanted to answer desperately, but she could not answer clearly while gagged. She made a gargling sound as John’s dick refused to let her enunciate the word.

Rebecca laughed. “Good girl,” she said. “It is the new think I want to try out. Having you answer questions while pleasure us.”

Of course, she didn’t expect a clear answer. She would never ask the impossible of me.

Up and down Sophia went. Faster and faster. It began to push her limits. She gargled and tears streamed down her face. She was about toSay something when John pushed her down and kept her there. His hot cum flew into the back of her mouth. Any doubt in her task flew away on hearing John’s moan. Even Rebecca gave a little gasp.

“Swallowed,” John said.

She swallowed.

That was the first time John “facefucked” her. To him, it was only the first foray into his desire. As Sophia got more comfortable with the task, they went harder. In the future, an experienced Sophia would knee before him, straighten her posture, put her hands behind her back, and open her mouth for him. He could then thrust her onto him or thrust himself into her as hard and fast as he wanted. She wore mascara then so he could see her black tears. She always swallowed.

“God, I don’t think I’ve ever been wetter,” Rebecca said. “I almost can’t wait, but it wouldn’t be fair. If you still have an appetite, go get you a donut while they are still hot.”

“You brought me food?” Sophia asked.

“Yes, My Soph. You need your energytoday.”

Sophia felt a burst of love. It really is amazing how kind they are to me. Nobody else in the world does this kind of thing for me.

She selected a chocolate donut from the box, before she could take a bite Rebecca said, “tongue-fuck it.” Sophia looked back at her.

“God, I love that blush,” Rebecca said. “Come on My Soph. Pretend like the donut hole is me.”

“Yes ma’am.”

Sophia licked around the center of the donut. She felt like a complete fool. Some chocolate melted and smeared onto her face. Rebecca laughed.

“Alright, that’s enough. Save your tongue for me.”

Sophia ate the donate. Rebecca snapped her fingers. Sophia walked in front of her and knelt. She said, “Thank you for the donuts, ma’am.”

“Undress me.”

Sophia unbuckled Rebecca’s belt and pulled down her jeans and panties. Rebecca’s unshaved piece of heaven waited.

“Well, what are you waiting for?” Rebecca asked.

Sophia dove in. Right here, between Rebecca’s legs is the safest best place in the world. Knowing she will protect me. Knowing I am serving her.

True to her word, Rebecca played her game. She placed her hand on the back of the girl’s head and keep it tight into her cunt.

“It’s wet huh?”

Sophia gargled a “yes ma’am.

“Ya it is. Is it warm?”


“What does it taste like?” This time she pulled Sophia’s head away.

“Heaven ma’am,” Sophia said not missing a beat.

“Good girl,” Rebecca said.

She came onto Sophia face with a loud orgasm. Waves of pride flowed through Sophia. She felt such a place of belonging and worth that she hadn’t felt since that last semester. Rebecca kissed her forehead.

The rest of the day passed in Complete servitude. Sophia gave more head. Whenever she wasn’t getting them off, she served them in other way: massages, worships, food, and more. She spent the day at their feet beckoning to their every call, exactly where she wanted to be.Rebecca and John were almost more exhausted from being pleasured than Sophia was of giving it.

That night, the three of them slept together. John and Rebecca on the couch in each other’s arms; Sophia on the floor beneath them, but with them. Happy, content, and submissive.

Rebecca had a hell of a first week. Her new class load—the Romantics, thank god— was fun and interesting to her, but it was irrelevant compared to her other pleasure. John and her rekindled their paused relationship. They fucked hard and constantly. They talked and snuggled. Rebecca wondered if the way she felt in John’s arms was a microcosm of how Soph felt in hers.


The power she had over that girl made her hornier than anything else—don’t tell John. Seeing Her bowed head, blushing face, refusal to make eye contact, the shyness, the obedience, the reverence—the whole submissive act—thrilled her. The constant head and other work she did helped too. (That breakfastk, Rebecca’s mother yelled at her for having all her dirty clothes on the floor. She was so used to that being done for her.) The fact that the girl liked it, wanted it, and even needed it put the cherry on top. Rebecca could be a good person and friend and still get head on command. What else does a girl want? Rebecca thought.

Rebecca wanted to up the ante this semester. Perhaps, it was six weeks without her lovely little mouth attending to her pussy, but Rebecca wanted more. She wanted more submissiveness and more of her whims attended to. She wanted more time together. And she wanted to make Soph as much of hers as Soph saw herself.

Rebecca spent time thinking about Sophia—enough time that Sophia would feel guiltily overindulged. From what Rebecca could tell—and god knows how little I can get out of that girl—Soph wanted to be Rebecca’s possession. Soph couldn’t tolerate a normal friend because she was not good enough for it, and it was too much pressure. Instead, it gave her comfort to be placed below Rebecca where she felt more deserving. All the servitude was just a way for her to secure herself.

It worked for Rebecca. While the humiliation was 1a to her dominate side, the motherly—what kind of mother treats someone like this? —side was 1b. Seeing Soph happy and secure, especially during the post-nut clarity, gave her a more wholesome pleasure than Soph’s tongue. When Soph smiled under her feet, both sides fell in unison.

Sophia guarded her past carefully, but Rebecca knew there was pain there. Something to do with bullying and demeaning tasks. What’s the difference between bullying her and what I am doing? Rebecca thought. Her conscience often wrestled with the question. She made Sophia demean herself for her own pleasure all the time. Am I any better than her bullies?

She decided she was for a few reasons. First, Sophia wanted it. Nobody that watched—they must watch closelySince Soph tried to conceal herself—Soph’s little smiles and bright eyes could think otherwise. Soph struggled to state her own wants, but Rebecca watched her; she knew when Soph did or didn’t want to do something. Secondly, Rebecca returned the friend. She provided safety and structure for the girl. She provided kind words and assurance. She provided a safety net, even if Soph felt reluctant to use it.

John did not have the naturally dominant side Rebecca had. He enjoyed the physical side of it, but the psychological power did not do much for him. However, seeing him manhandle the girl did it for Rebecca. Seeing him in full control of her head using her just as he wanted made him look stronger in Rebecca’s eyes. God what a life.

Rebecca would make the semester great. She had ideas for all of them and started thinking forward—at least for the rest of college. She wanted them both for a while.

The fucking sessions with John and Soph left her needing a break. Who knew my libido had a limit? This weekend would be a good one for rest and relaxation. Rebecca woke late the next morning after their reunion. Her head leaning on John his arm around her shoulder, she felt something moving on her feet. Soph had used them as a pillow. Soph stirred.

“Morning Soph,” she said.

“What time is it?” Soph replied groggily. Then quickly, “Sorry ma’am I didn’t mean to use your foot and I should have wok you and I should already have your coffee and be making you breakfast.” She got up.

“Shh Soph. Its early. Its Saturday. Relax.” She smiled kindly.”Come here.” Soph obediently walked over. Rebecca kissed her on the forehead. “Sit with me,” Rebecca said.

“I don’t think I deserve to and I have to go get your coffee and breakfast and I’ve already offended you.”

“Shh. The one time you talk to me and it’s a Saturday morning while my boyfriend is sleep. No, don’t apologize. Sit with me. My Soph sits with me on Saturday morningings.”

Reluctantly, the girl sat next to her. Rebecca extended the blanket over her and throw an arm around her shoulder. Rebecca knew Soph loved this but would never ask for it.

“I missed you Soph,” Rebecca whispered.

“I missed you too, ma’am,” Soph replied.

“You know Soph, sometimes I want you right here. Okay? No tasks, no kneeing. Just you right here in my arms. And you don’t worry about it, because it is exactly what I want, and you are proud to serve me, right?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Good girl.” They sat like that for a quarter of an hour. Soph looked conflicted, but only half as much as she did when she wasn’t actively pleasure. When John woke, Rebecca let Soph go make them coffee. When she finished that, Rebecca sent her to make them breakfast.

“God, how am I this lucky?” John said sipping his coffee.

“How are we this lucky?” Rebecca responded. “I don’t know about you, but I am exhausted.”

“Ya I am.”

“We should take a day off and do something for Soph. Other than using her for our amusement.”

“That’s fine with me, but isn’t that what you said she likes?”

“She does, but because we like it. I don’t like taking too much from her. Besides, we have plenty of time for that stuff. And I’ve got plenty of stuff for that time” She grinned.

“Poor girl. Okay, what do we do Then?”

“Honestly, I don’t know. I don’t know what she does other than please us.”

Sophia walked back into the dorm holding two plates of scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast. She handed them to her masters.

“Hey Soph,” Rebecca said taking a bite of her eggs. “great eggs by the way.”

“Thank you, ma’am,” Soph responded.

“What do you do for fun?”

“For fun?” she stammered.

“When you are not licking my pussy or doing schoolwork?”

“I-I-I don’t like doing anything else. I just want to make you happy.”

“You do, dear.” Rebecca chewed a bite. “But, I can’t be your everything. Just almost youre everything.” She smiled at her sub who looked to wish to be elsewhere.

“You are my everything I promise,” her voice sounded desperate. “You two are.”

“Soph Soph Soph, what are we going to do with you?” Taking another bite, “John and I let you pleasure us to your hearts content, but you won’t let us do something for you.”

“Forgive me—”

“Do you ever masturbate to us? You can do that now.”

Soph’s face turned red with principle and almost anger. “I would never!” Soph said. Does she ever get herself off? Might be fun for later.

“Ah My Soph, if you don’t let us do something nice for you, I won’t let you touch me all week.” That’s a check I can’t cash.

“No, I mean please. I’ll let you.”

“Good, now what do you want?” Rebecca handed her empty plate to Soph who looked glad to do something useful.

“I guess I like watching TV with you,” she said.

“Ah, TV. I think we can do that. Don’t you John?”

“Sure,” he said./p>

“Please, you pick,” Soph said. Tricksy girl. Anticipating my questions.

“Fair’s Fair. We will watch tv. I will choose the show and you will sit at our feet.”

“Your feet?” Soph blushed as Rebecca expected. I knew she’d love it.

“Yes. Now clean those plates up and anxious back here.”

The spent a rare Saturday with no sex or humiliation or submission. Sophia was right where she belonged: at the feet of her betters. She would not avoid—she wouldn’t wish to—Rebecca’s plans for her, but this day, they were friends. If you make your friends sit below you.

Sophia hadn’t thought she could fall anymore in love. She had given herself—absolutely everything she had—to this woman and was treated with more respect than she deserved. She cared for her even when she didn’t care for herself.

Rebecca set up a schedule like she did last year for Sophia. Sophia knew exactly where to be and what to do. She thanked Sophia graciously for it, but she felt guilty; she just did not have the time to worship as Rebecca deserved. She also continued to struggle in school despite this. Rebecca’s tutoring sessions put her near tears. Not because Rebecca treated her poorly, but because she just could not understand the work and she was failing her mistress. She longed for an easier task: laundry or cooking or worshiping. It took weeks, but she gathered the courage to tell Rebecca.

“Rebecca, Ma’am?” She asked Rebecca as she messaged her calves after her run.


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