Sophia's Betters Pt. 01

She knelt before him, his cock in her mouth, his wife behind her. She was on autopilot mode; he had his hand on the back of her head, gripping her hair, pushing her down onto him and then pulling her away. All she had to do was keep her mouth open and teeth out of the way. His pleasure was in his own hands—and well her mouth too. She did not gag—at this point only the most aggressive action did it—or complain; she tried to stay invisible. I am just merely the vessel of his pleasure she thought. Whatever I can do to make him—them— happy.

The man, John, keep the blowjob gentle to focus on the conversation with his wife, Rebecca. Sophia, the kneeing girl, did not listen. The conversation did not involve her and therefore, it felt like eavesdropping to listen. The tone of their voices suggested a friendly conversation about a businesslike matter—money perhaps. Besides, she needed to be ready for any adjustments in her task.

She did not know what to call heself or her situation. Not because she disliked labels, but because the situation seemed unique to a stupid girl like herself. Not a bangmaid—she did not get banged and she did not get paid. Not a slave—she was way too willing and her masters too kind. Not a cuckcake—she also pleasured the woman. Some sort of submissive she thought. Yes submissive.

She loved her betters—that is what she ended up calling them. That was why she did this: pleasure them when requested, clean for them, cook for them, anything at all they required. Her happiness came from theirs—often literally. If her actions could improve their life, she did it.

Suddenly, she felt the throb of his member in her mouth. He pushed her down onto him, her nose flat into his pelvis, and took the entire length of him. He came into the back of her throat breaking His conversation to moan. She felt her eyes water as she gagged. Damn. Still not all the way there yet. As she had many times before, she swallowed instantly ignoring the salty taste and slimy feel; she never grow to like the taste, but it made cleanup easier and he liked her to do it.

“Thank you, sweetie,” he said. “That was a good one.”

She gave him a polite smile, but her heart soared with pride.

“You can go back to your room unless you need anything else?” Rebecca said questioning her husband. He Shook his head. “We will eat after we finish our conversation. Maybe twenty minutes.”

Sophia stood up and started out the living room. As she walked past, Rebecca grabbed her arm. The tall blonde woman bent down and kissed Sophia on the forehead. Sophia’s polite lip smile turned into a full grin. Rebecca looked her in the eyes.

“Your mascara ran a little bit. You may want to go touch it up.”

“Yes ma’am,” Sophia said.

As she went into her bathroom—I have my own bathroom!—she remembered the day she met Rebecca and went down this path.

The sun-damaged minivan skirted around the corner and nearly hit two students. Sophia turned away from the street and looked up at squat brick building. Black letters on the front read Hoar Hall. It was her freshman dorm. Somehow, she made it.

Not only did her mother’s driving risk it, but also her grades. She was a stupid girl—as she told herself—but she did not blow her grades solely on herself. Other problems outside her control affected her high school grades. But this is a new start. A new place. She could shine here. Ya, she didn’t really believe it either.

Her grades poor, this state school alone accepted her. The school had a report as a party school. Students either dropped out after one year of partying or made it 5,6,7 years of partying. Sophia tried to like parties, but she struggled to talk to anyone and could not manage her alcohol. To make matters worse, many of her high school classes went here.

With as much confidence as she could muster, she throw her backpack on her shoulder and began rolling her suitcase up the ramp to the front door. The door opened automatically before her and she walked in. No. No. No. No No No No No No No She dropped the suitcase. It made a thud on the thin carpet. Her new dorm mates looked at her. They were all gorgeous. Long pristine legs. Shapely asses. Large tits. Perky tits. Large perky tits. Sophia—and Everyone else—knew she was the least attractive one in the room. Not all attractive women tortured Sophia in high school, but the ones that did were attractive women. Some of the women were from her high school. They whispered to each other and snickered. Sophia the Tampon Muncher. Better hide your products ladies, because Sophia is hungry. The tampon had been unused thankfully, but the story claimed otherwise. One of the many cruel jokes they played. She stood still way too long.

Someone whispered loudly, “Anyone have a tampon I can borrow?”

She snapped to, grabbed her suitcase offthe floor, and ran awkwardly past the girls in the lobby and into the hall. She heard laughter behind her. Room 13, Room 13, Room 13 where is it. Luckily, her dorm was near.

She found room 13 and burst in out of breathe. She saw Rebecca for the first time. Rebecca at 19 dressed in her tight running outfit. She had luscious blonde hair that flowed onto her smooth Shoulders. Deep blue eyes. Her tits, remarkable not for size, but for shape and their perk—Sophia would find out that they in fact do not drop an inch without a bra—were on full display as she did the touch-your-toes stretch. Her runners body revealed not an inch of fat.

She stood up from her stretch. Sophia felt small. Really small.

“Hello, you must be Sophia,” she said.

“Yes-yes ma’am,” Sophia stammered. She felt flustered by the gorgeous woman before her.

Rebecca’s eyes flickered at the strangely respectful reply. In hindsight, this would be the first time she learned she had a dominant side.

“I am Rebecca.”

“I know.”

“Oh, well. It is nice to meet you.”

“Thanks.” What are you saying?

Rebecca left to go on her run. Sophia felt like a complete idiot and that she had just ruined her first year of college. Great she thought. My roommate is exactly like all the girls in high school. And what do I do? I am rude to her and make a complete ass out of myself. She fully expected the bullying to resume. She remembered the taste of that tampon in her mouth.

She settled in to her little dorm. All she brought was her suitcase of clothes and backpack of school supplies. Rebecca obviously came from a from a richer family. She brought an oriental rug for her side of the room. Her side was covered with posters and paintings. Sophia looked at the bland yellow cinder blocks on her side. Rebecca also brought all the shared items: TV, pullout couch, refrigerator, coffee machine, and a microwave. Sophia had forgotten how humiliated she was when she messaged Rebecca saying she could not afford any of that stuff. She knows I’m poor and I already owe her. Sophia cried.

Rebecca returned from her run. Somehow, she looked even hotter; the sweat making her tight shirt slightly see-through and bringing color to her face. Sophia tried to hide her swollen eyes, but Rebecca saw them.

“Whats the matter?” she asked.

Sophia didn’t respond.

Rebecca walked over. Oh God. It is happening already. She knows I am weak. What is she going to make me do?

Rebecca sat on the springy cot next to her. Sophia could not afford a mattress cover and was stuck with the crappy school mattress.

“Homesick already?”

Sophia sniffled, terrified of what she would make her do.

“That’s ok. I’ll tell you what. When I was a kid and I got homesick, my mother always told me to watch a movie. My favorite movie was The Princess Bride. I must have watched it a hundred times.” In apoor Spanish accent, she said,” ‘My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.’” She gave her such a warm smile. Sophia lowered her guard. “Let me take a quick shower and then I will watch the movie with you. If you want to.”

Sophia could not believe her ears. If I want to? Is she being nice to me? Whats the trick? She nodded.

“Great!” Rebecca said. Rebecca stood up and awkwardly kissed Sophia’s forehead. “Oh God. That was weird. Sorry, I am so sweety and did not want to get it onto you.”

“Oh no, its alright,” Sophia replied. The kiss filled her with more warmth than any other affections she had ever received.

That night, they watched the movie on Rebecca’s pullout couch. The school kept the dorms cold. The cool air forced the girls close together under one blanket. Sophia pressed her head on Rebecca’s should and Rebecca put her arm around Sophia. Sophia’s heart danced with joy. She felt so safe. She is so nice to me. Until she realizes what a pushover I am.

Rebecca never turned on her. They spent much of the first few weeks together. Rebecca made other friends, but Sophia did not. It did not matter; Rebecca made sure Sophia always had an invitation. The other girls disliked her. One of the girls, a cheerleader from Sophia’s high school who made her clean her car, wanted to bring back the high school games they played on her. Sophia, on a run to refill her drink, overheard the conversation.

“Ya, Tampon Muncher is a total pushover,” said the cheerleader not taking care to be quiet. “I heard that all you had to do was ask her and she’d be on her knees giving you head. I never tried it, but one time I got her to send me a picture of her pussy just by asking. Everyone at school was looking at her vagina at lunchtime. ‘Beaver’ never replaced Tampon Muncher though.”

“That’s just cruel.” Rebecca said.

“Who cares. She deserves it for being such a weak pushover. I didn’t even threaten her with anything. What should we make her do?”

“Nobody touches her. She is my roommate.”

The conversation ended when Sophia walked back up. Sophia decided that Rebecca was good. She likes me. She helps me. She protects me. Oh no. Sophia owed her. Big time. She does all this for me. What do I give her? Nothing. She will leave me if I do not prove my worth. From that moment on, Sophia did everything she could think of for Rebecca. She cleaned Rebecca’s side of the room, let her use the bathroom first, took the trash out, and completed her every chance she got. Rebecca never said anything or changed her friendly disposition, but Sophia worried that it was not enough to keep her.

On top of the Rebecca issue, school did not go well. The Assignments, the project, the tests! She could not keep track of it all. She tried an organizer and a planner. A stupid girl like herself could not keep up with everything. She still showed up to class on the wrongdays with late assignments. She forgot and failed tests. After only a few weeks, it seemed that she would fail out of school. The stress made her cry. A lot.

But Rebecca was always there for her. Whenever Rebecca came in from class or a run and found Sophia crying, she came up and kissed her forehead. Then they would watch some old campy movie. Sophia snugged close to Rebecca, Rebecca with her arm around her, protecting her. Sophia felt comfortable and safe, but it also made her more wear of losing her. She pictured the old-school balance with the strings and weights. Rebecca’s side of the friend nearly touched the floor; Sophia’s neared the top. She started doing more: baking and cooking snacks for her, doing her laundry, offering to run errands for her, messaging her athletic legs and feet after runs. Rebecca never asked for anything and prepared to refuse, but she enjoyed the attention.

“Hey Soph,” Rebecca said one evening.

“Yes ma’am?” Sophia responded.

“You don’t have to apologize to me. Is that why you sleep on the shitty school mattress?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Why don’t we make a trade?” A trade? What could I possibly offer her. “You let me hang some of my stuff on your side and I will let you use the pullout coach for your bed.”

Sophia smiled and nodded.

She letting me sleep on her couch! Something about it feel perfect. The gift felt personal—she thought enough about Sophia to offer it—but not overbearing. Rebecca’s bed surpassed the pullout in all ways. Exactly as it should. I should be Below her; It makes sense. But, she also is giving me something of hers. I’ll sleep on her bed. Sophia’s side of the room didn’t matter. Rebecca could take the whole room for all Sophia cared. Besides, Rebecca’s decorations would improve the room. But, Sophia owed her even more now. She had to do more.

She thought of one more thing she could do. She could pleasure her. She had done it once before. One of the high school girls made her do it after learning Tampon Muncher played for the other team. It did not go well—that girl is now completely straight—, but Rebecca would give her a chance to practice and get good at it. The idea of ​​asking the question terrified her. She could only hope that Rebecca was bi; Rebecca had brought men to the dorm before. She might find the idea disgusting and sever all ties with Sophia. She could not risk it. She just had to hope she was doing enough.

More time past. Sophia clung to Rebecca and her grades. Rebecca brought men to the dorm, frequently. By now, Sophia realized she loved Rebecca, but not in a romantic sense. She knew she was not Rebecca’s equal and did not deserve to be her lover. She did not need all of Rebecca anyway; just a piece of her was good enough. The men were no problem as long as everything was safe and consensual. She simply waited outside the room listening to Rebecca’s moans until they were finished. Then, the man would leave with a big goofy smile and never be seen again. Rebecca and Sophia would watch a movie and Rebecca would put her arm around her to protect her.

Once of such nights, Rebecca asked, “Hey Soph, you want to come to a party this weekend?”

“Oh um, I am not sure. Don’t you need a dd anyway?” said Sophia. She had been the designed driver before.

“We are walking to this one. It is on campus at a frat house.”

“Oh umm—”

“Oh umm—”

“Oh come on. You are not getting out of this one. You are coming and that’s final.” Rebecca means it in a joking tone, but to Sophia, it was an order.

“Yes ma’am.”

Rebecca laughed.

Nervously, Sophia prepared for the party. The last party she went to, she ended up passing out and having many gross pictures drawn on her: a swastika, boobs, and manyPenises. She woke up with a tampon in her mouth. Sophia pre-gamed to get rid of some of the nervousness. By the time they reached the frat house, Sophia walked uneasily and slurred her words. When she got drunk, she lost all control over herself. Instead of counting drinks like she planned, she drank as fast as she could. Rebecca tried to slow her down, but the other girls egged her on. She danced wildly and inappropriately to the music. Rebecca’s disgusted face would have terrified her in a sober state, but she did not notice it. The frat boys circled her like sharks. Not used to attentions, she enjoyed their advances. Until she throw up.

Rebecca carried her passed out roommate the entire way to the dorm so that they would not get in trouble for under drinking. She throw up several times on the way and even got some on Rebecca. After emptying some of the alcohol, Sophia could loosely understand what had happened.

Throwing Sophia off her shoulder and onto the couch, Rebecca said, “I shouldn’t have made you come.”

“Rebecca, I am so sorry.” Sophia cried. “Please forgive me. I’ll do anything!”

“Soph, it was my fault.”

Sophia did not hear her, “Please. I cannot have you leaving me. I love you.”

“Oh Soph, you love me? Leaving you? You need to go to bed.”

“I don’t love you. Not like that. I only mean that you are so nice to me.”

“Everyone should be nice to you.”

“But they aren’t,” Sophia dropped to her knees. Something about a woman on her knees before her, made Rebecca tingle. “Only you are nice to me. If you want, I-I-I will eat your pussy. Or anything else. I can’t think of anything else to do for you.”

“You will eat my pussy?” Rebecca asked wide-eyed.

“Please let me eat your pussy,” Sophia said. She bowed lower and kissed Rebecca’s foot. A part of Rebecca burned passwordately. A woman begging to eat my pussy and kissing my feet? Another part of her remembered how drunk Sophia was. Her conscience couldn’t justify making a pass at this point.

“Soph, go to bed,” Rebecca said sternly.

“You are mad at me,” Sophia said about to cry.

“I am not mad, but you need to sleep this off. If you remember this in the morning, bring it up to me then. We will talk about it then.”

“Yes ma’am.”

Sophia crawled into bed and soon passed out again. Rebecca made sure to put a pillow behind her back. Rebecca lay awake most of the night in thought. She knew Sophia had… a thing. She already acted so submissive towards Rebecca, but this would be something else. Images ran through her brain. Images of Sophia on her knees before her face pressed into her crotch. Images of Sophia on her back while she Rebecca sat on her face. Images of her grabbing Sophia by the hair and stuffing her face into her vagina. Images of Sophia’s face wet with her cum. She is not the prettiest girl, but damn would that power be sweet. She did not especially like girls, but she had learnedthat she did like power. Rebecca had long suspected Soph was a submissive and greatly enjoyed her attentions: the yes ma’ams and the messages. She liked how Soph always apologized and never met her eyes and showed her reverence. Watching Soph pick up her dirty underwear off the floor, taking it to laundromat, and bringing it back folded made her feel some type of way. She felt guilty for getting off on it, but if Sophia like it, what was so wrong? Rebecca had lived long enough to know that people were in to all kinds of sex stuff: like submission and domination. She was just drunk. She probably didn’t mean it. Still, she could not sleep until she got herself off a couple times.

Rebecca whoke to the sound throw-up. Any horniness she had disappeared completely on hearing Soph dry heaven. Puke covered the bed—thank god for the pillow—but now Sophia throw up into a trashcan. She noticed Rebecca when she finished her convulsions.

“Did I wake you?” she asked. “I am so sorry ma’am. Please forgive me.”

“Its alright Soph,” Rebecca said. What did I do to her? “I needed to wake up early anyway. Besides, it was my fault. You told me you don’t like drinking, but I made you go anyway.”

Rebecca honestly felt bad about last night. Soph told her several times that she shouldn’t drink, but she pushed on. So much for getting my pussy eaten she thought. The images of an obedient sex-worker seemed long gone.

“Here, take this.” Rebecca had gotten up and grabbed her bottle of ibuprofen. “I’ll go get a bottle of water from the hall.”

“Don’t do that.”

“Why not?”

“Don’t waste your time with me. I’ll find somewhere else to go so I don’t both you.” Sophia tried to stand up.

“Soph, lay down,” she said. Sophia did everything she said when Rebecca used this tone. “I am going to take care of you ok. I know you have… a thing, but respect yourself enough to let me help you.”

“Yes ma’am,” Sophia said looking atRebecca’s feet.

Motherly instincts, her dominant nature, something in this scenario made Rebecca feel powerful. The obedient girl and Rebecca to rescue her. It was a fantasy she didn’t know she had.

She returned with the water bottle to see Soph dry-heaving again. She looked horrible.


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