Snow Pony

Masters little snow pony

It is a bright winter’s day – and pet is just waking up after a long and good night of sleep. She is alone, and as she is told, the minute she wakes up, she is to step into the bathroom and do as Master’s message in there tells her.

She walks across the soft rug and her eyes are still heavy with sleep. She is rested, though and with a soft little smile she slips into the bathroom. There – on the mirror, a note from her one – and she read with wide open and very happy eyes, “Pet, My beloved. Take a long, good bath – play with yourself – bring yourself to the edge 5 times, but do not release. Then you will shake your legs, under your arms – and your pussy. Leave that lovely lil patch so Master has something to pull on. When done, you will use moisturizer all over. Master wants His pet soft and sweet. Then walk back to the bedroom and open the closet. Master” .

She smiles, kisses the note where Master’s hands has held, and draws a bath. Soft scentered oil crystals is dropped into the water, scinting it with a very milk rose scent, and she and steps in. She is placing one leg on the edge and purrs happily as she starts to play with her soft sex. It does not take her long to reach the first step of arousal, and she has to stop for a few minutes to calm down her pounding heart. She starts again, fingers softly rubbing across a hard clip, making her hot little body mistake in her bath. Gasping in joy she smiles, but stops. Just as Master has told her. This time she waits a wee bit longer. She is so hot and burning inside now, a mere flick of a tongue, or a touch of a finger, will send her over the edge. Or it could simply be Master uttering one word, “CUM.”

She starts to play again, this time two fingers sinks inside her. Making her arch her back, and rock her hips gently She moans quietly into the silence, “oh God!” She needs to cum, but she knows she can not. Her heart is beating like a drum, and she pinches her clip hard to stop the silent beginning for release. She cries out a little, but just seconds later she smiles happily. She did not cum, and she began her teasing for the fifth and last time. Her pussy is burning hot now, and her eyes are darkening. They seem to be bottomless pools of sweet submission and wild lust, and she cries out in a soft little yelp as she stops for the fifth time. She is breathing with difficulty and she has to slap her pussy hard, to stop that burning need to release

Her fingers leave her pussy, and with a quiet moan she licks them clean. She stands, and one of her feet is placed on the edge of the tub. Slowly she starts to shake her pussy. Gently and softly she shakes her legs and under the arms. Her pussy is also shaken neighborly, making sure she leaves that small patch Master so enjoys to pull. She shapes her patch into a narrow line from her clip and a little way up. Her tattoo is revealed, and between her legs, smooth and soft petals. She is clean saden and easy for Master to feast on, and for Him to rest His eyes on.

She steps out of the tub, and onto the soft white rug. With a small hand she reaches for the towel, given to her by Master. It has one word embroidered on it, ~pet~, and she smiles through her tears. Her heart loves Him so much her that her little body almost can not handle the feelings exploding like a million of small kisses inside her. When she has rubbed herself warm and dry, she walks into the bedroom and opens the closet. Her eyes widens, because all that her eyes can find in there is a lovely white fur. She brushes her hands over it, and it seems to be fox. Underneath the exhaustite coat is a pair of white thigh high boots. She smiles and take the fur out, and places it on the bed while stepping into the boots. They are made out of soft shiny white suede, and they have Small strands of leather dancing from the edges, tiny colorful beads and small bells dancing and chiming happily each time she takes a step. The heels are so high she can barely walk, but she practitioners back and forth in the room for a long time to find her balance in the boots. She knows it is best to get used to them before He sees her, if not she knows Master will be upset. Another note is attached to the fur – and pet reads, “My pet. You will go downstairs at 7 pm precisely. There will be a car waiting. Do not talk to ANYONE. No matter what, you will Just seat yourself in the backseat. The driver knows where to take you! You are to spread for Him, and show Him My pussy. You will open the fur, and let His eyes feast on you. He is instructed NOT to touch you. Master”. Pet’s eyes grow wide as she reads, and she feels a tight ball dance in her tummy, but as always, she obeys and walks to the elevator after slipping into the lovely fur, and Close the door to the apartment. She walks through the lobby and outside where a white limo is waiting. The driver is incredibly handsome, and he opens the door to the backseat with a sassy lil smile,whispering, “I will so much enjoy this ride, lady.” Pet slips in without a word, and her cheeses are burning from shame. She knows all too well what she must do as He gets in behind the wheel, and she waits until the limo is moving. He gazes into her eyes from his front mirror, and pet lowers her eyes immediately and slips the fur off of her rounded shoulders. Her nipples harden at once due to the embarrassment, but also due to the sweet heat burning in her. She leans back, and spreads her legs widely, and she feels her petals opens a little, showing him the glistening drops forming there. He laughs…and says, “You are a hot lil lady”. Pet’s eyes are glued to the floor, and after a while that seems like a small eternity, the chauffeur hands her a note. She blinks a tear away and reads, “Pet. My darling little angel. If you read this, it means that you again have done what Master has asked you. You can close the fur around you, little one, and take a glass of champagne or more. Master loves you more than you will ever know. Master”.

Pet’s eyes grow misty from His words, and the chauffeur’s eyes are mysteriously shiny too when he sees how softly her lips kisses the lil note before she neatly folds it, and places it in the pocket of the fur. He smiles warmly to her and lets her be while she enjoys her chilled champione. The ride takes 2 hours, and they listen to music as they drive in silence. Pet is not allowed to talk, and the chauffeur respects that, so he is silent too.

Finally the limo stops and the driver turn around and smiles. He steps out of the car, and opens the door for her. She takes his hand with a smile, and steps out. It is nothing but a deep forest around them. The snow is falling gently, and the silence is kissing her ears. He bows, steps into the limo – and drives away, leaving her there alone in the dark in the middle of a winter wonderland. Her eyes search the shadows, and all the light there is, is the bright moon – dancing over her. It is an unreal world, it seems. Shadows and shades casting their darker touches on the white shiny snow, and the moon so brightly lit, the shadows sharpen – yet they are soft…She takes in the beauty for a while, and almost forgetting her fear of the dark. Then her ears perk. Bells are approaching. Jingle bells??? She turns towards the sound, and sees 4 beautiful horses come closer, pulling a sled. Inside the sled a man is seen, and her heart beats hard and fast when she recognizes the form. It is her Master!! She stands still as the sled approaches, but when it stops she drops to her knees gracefully, and in the same moment, she slips out of the fur. Kneeling on the cold snow – knees wide apart, and her hands claped behind her head. Her fair skin is glowing against the snow, and her hair seems to have stolen the light from the moon. Master softens inside, and all He wants to do is to scoop her into His arms, and cuddle with her in the furs, but He does not movea muscle. He simply waits while He watches her. 1 minute, 2 minutes, 5 minutes. Until His lil angel is shivering wildly in the cold, but still holding her position so obediently. Finally He speaks, -“My love,” he says calmly “on all fours -now-!” His voice is soft, but she hears the deep stern song in it, and she is on all fours within a second. Her hands hurt from the chilled kiss given by the frozen ground, and she is so cold. She is shaking and shivering, waiting for His next command. She hears Him step out of the sled, and hears soft bells jingling. Her heart sinks down into her tummy when He says with that tone of voice that has to be obeyed, “Open!” She opens her mouth, and to her own surprise naturally accepts the bit He places there. Then the harness is wrapped around her shivering body with goose bumps all over, and hands numbingly aching from the touch of the cold ground.

Master suddenly pushes a finger deep inside her sex, and smiles, “Wet! Good, my angel.” His head nods as His finger pushes inside her, “Always so wet for Master.” Pet tries to smile, but her lips are too stiff and her teeth are clicking against the bit as she is slowly numbing from the angle nip of the cold. Masters hands works fast. He inspects her at the same time. He looks over her silent skin, softly hide, her mounds, also free from hair, and finally that neighborly trimmed little patch,” I am pleased, pet,” he says, and her heart grows big in her. Then she feels a sharp pain as Master shoves a dildo with a ponytail inside her ass, and fastens it with leather to the harness, in this way holding it securely in place inside her tight ass, and then He orders her to crawl in front of the horses.

Pet does as she is told, and then Master cracks His whip, and it lands over her back in one rough snap, making a perfect line across it. She gasps, but does not utter one word. “Now, my pretty lil pony girl,” Master says. “Rise to your feet and run for Master. You will be my lead pony today.” Pet lifts to weak knees. Never has she been colder, and never has she looked more beautiful.

She starts to run in front of the horses, and the crisp sound of her tiny bells fills the air. She runs for a little eternity before Master again cracks His whip, and He sees that she is staggering now, so He gets a little worried about her health. He commands her to stop, and she obeys. By now she is swaying back and forth, totally exhausted and so very very cold. Master hurries out of the sled. His hands touch her and gently, so very gently, He removes the ponytail from her tune and the bit out of her mouth. The harness is opened, and slipped off of her, and He scoops the little one into His arms, and carries her back up into the sled. Warm furs are wrapped around T/them both, and He gives her hot tea with whisky to get color back into her cheeks.

Master opens His pants, and places pet so that His cock slides into her, and sits like that – quietly fucking her as the horses run towards the chalet. Pet’s heart is beating strong and hard, feeling His cock move inside her so gently, and she leans her blonde head against His shoulder. Not a word has come from her lips yet, and Master kisses her tenderly but yet so demanding.” I do love you, pet,” He whispers tenderly, “and what you did for me today will be so generally rewarded.” Pet purrs softly, and gazes up at Him lovingly as she is slowly getting the warmth back in her body, and finally she flashes Him that snow melting smile.

“You may speak pet,” Master whispers, and she opens her mouth. He chuckles a bit and expects a shower of words from His little chatterbox, but all she manages to whisper is a quiet and loving word, “Master.”

He softens totally inside His heart hearing that one single word slip from her lips and He is kissing her hard and passwordately. He lifts her head, and stars into her eyes and simply commands one single word, “CUM.”

And she does, my God, she does. Wild passwordsets her entire body on fire the same moment Master speaks, and He has to grab her. She tenses and she cries out her passages and desires without any shade, and He is totally amazed by all the strong emotions pouring out of that little bundle of wild joy He has in His lap.

She understands in His arms, and her pussy clings to Him. A low growl forms in His throat and He can not hold back He tosses His head back and He and fills her belly with His cum.

It darkens in front of His eyes for a few seconds, and He HAS to cry out. Never has He cum like this. Never will He let this one go – ever!


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