Snake Eyes

“Honey, I’m ho-ome,” I called up the stairs in my usual sing-song voice.

“I’m upstairs!”

Following the sound of her voice, I found my wife, literally, in the closet. The master walk-in is a huge affairs with a small benchmark at the center and Julie, my wife of three wonderful years, was standing behind it with one foot on top as if she was mounting an enormous set of stairs. My mouth dropped open at the sight. Her hair and makeup where done a little more seriously than usual and her toned physique was hidden only by a simple black satin corset, matching panties and high heels.

Julie was an athlete in college and has always been serious about staying in shape. She’s 5′ 5″ and 120 lbs. dripping wet with an athlete’s build; smallish breasts, strong core and very little flare at the hip. She has long brown hair, normally wound up and large brown eyes. I’ve always been attracted to strong, intelligent women with big personality like hers. As for me, I’m 6′, 185 with brown hair kept short. I run to stay in shape but don’t love to work out as much as she does and it shows. I’ve been told I’m good looking but never really had the self-confidence to believe it.

“Strip and get on your knees”, she ordered coldly.

She had never surprised me like this before but I eagerly compiled, hoping this was the beginning of some sexy role-play. Our sex life had been passwordate, Though ordinary and predictable up ’till now. Little did I know, this was a sea change.

“Guess who forgot to clear his browser history last week?”

“I, I, I was just…” I stammered, slumping and casting my eyes down to the floor.

“BULLSHIT!” Julie barked, cutting me off. Being college educated and WASP-ish, we had had some arguments but they were always more like polite disagreements. This was different.

“I was looking for something that I forgot to bookmark and what should I find?” Julie asked rhetorically.

I knew better than to answer by her tone. I had fucked up and knew that I would have to listen to whatever she was going to say. The dominant behavior and outfit, I hadn’t figured out yet.

Julie began pacing around as she lectured.

“Not only do I find that you’ve been surfing porn when I’m gone but you seem to have someveryunusual tastes. All of the websites you visited had a particular bent to them. Care to tell me what that was?

Her tone had changed from one of irritation to one that was serious yet playful at the same time.

“They were pictures of men… being… dominated.” I sheepishly replied.

“That’s right, ASSHOLE and if that’s what you want, that’s what your sorry ass is going to get!” The playfulness was gone and she had shot past irritation and gone all the way to anger.

“Not only were you masturbating to female domination videos while I was out shopping, but you’ve been gambling too!” she said, sounding more hurt than angry. “According to what I found, you’ve lost at least a thousandd dollars on gambling sites in the past month! Is that true?”

I couldn’t get any lower or feel any more embarrassed by my own behavior. This was a real betrayal and I managed to say nothing in my own defense. There was nothing to say.

“I take it since you can’t even answer that it’s true. Is that all the money you’ve lost or are we going to lose the house? ANSWER ME!”

“No, ma’am” I replied. It occurred to me that “ma’am” was an awkward way to address my wife but it was the best I could come up with under the circumstances.

“I started betting on football games last month. At first, I won a couple hundreds and then I lost a few… and I guess it got out of control.”

“Ya think?” she said incredulously.

“Well, here’s the deal. Instead of wasting time watching other people being dominated, you’re going to get to see what it’s like first-hand. Since you apparently like to gamble, you’re going to be gambling with your ass. And since you lost 1000 dollars, weare going to continue this arrangement for 1000 days.”

My heart raced and I began to feel a familiar stirring in my groin as I imagined the possibilities. I had always fantasized about my wife taking a more dominant role in the bedroom but never had the courage to bring it up. We had played a little “tie-and-tickle” but I craved more. I wanted her to push me to my physical limit of endurance and pain but was Afraid that she would be repulsed. I wanted her to hold my face between her legs and force me to lick her to repeated orgasms but was too shy to ask for it.

“I’ve been researching your little fetish and I even went back and took notes of which videos you watched and what they were doing. I’ve also been doing some shopping to get ready. Ifyouare ready, we can start with our little ‘behavior modification’ project.”

“Yes ma’am.”

“You may call me ‘Mistress’ when we’re alone” she said, her tone changing back to playfully serious.

“Since you are literally full of shit, we’re going to do something about that. According to your websites, 2 quarts of hot soapy water is a typical enemê for a submissive who needs cleaning. Mine needs cleaning and a punishment so we’re going to ‘up the ante’, so to speak.”

Julie turned imperiously and I reflexively crawled after her.

“Good instincts, dear.” she commented as I remained on my hands and knees.

Julie spent herself preparing the enema. I couldn’t see everything she was doing but I did see that she had pre-dissolved a general amount of Ivory soap and the bag bulged when filled. There was no doubt that I was excited as pre-come had started to leak from my cock and was forming a sticky string to the floor.

The enema bag was hung from a towel rack about three feet from the floor and Julie handed me a pair of dice.

“You will roll the dice and we’ll multiply the numbers together. The result will be the number of additional ounces you’ll have to take for punishment.The best outcome, for you, will be ‘snake eyes’ since that would mean only one extra ounce. The worst would be ‘box cars’ since that would mean thirty-six, or a little more than a quart. Three-plus quarts is a very large enema and will be painful, but not dangerous.”

“Good luck!” she said as she blew very gently across the dice in my hand. Unfortunately, her idea of ​​luck and mine were different but my dick jumped non-the-less.

I rolled the dice and came up with 3 and 6. Julie wasted no time applying a tiny amount of lube to my anus and inserting the enema tube. It was different but not uncomfortable. With the barely audible “click” of the clamp being undone, water started to fill my rectum. At first, it was cool where the water in the tube had come down to room temperature but quickly warmed to Near-hot. Part of the sensing was due to the soap irritating my bowels, a feeling that I knew would only grow in intensity.

Julie handed me the dice again saying, “This time,you’ll be rolling to see how many minutes you’ll have to hold it.”

I rolled and came up with a relatively lucky combination of 1 and 5. She clearly wasn’t happy that the roll had gone my way and told me to roll again.

“Now you’re rolling to see how many licks with the paddle you’re going to get.”

I rolled again and came up with a 5 and a 3.

I snuck a glance up to the enema bag and saw that I was about half way through the first two quarts. I was already feeling the pressure and was starting to cramp due to the volume and soap. This was going to be much harder than I thought.

Julie saw it too and began measuring out the additional 18 ounces. Once she had it ready, she topped off the bag and turned her attention to other matters.

I was panting and grunting from the cramps and the pressure, wondering if I could take it all and what the consequences would be if I didn’t.

“Here sweetie, let me take your mind off your full tummy.” Julie said in a patronizing tone.

She began running her hands all over my back, moving down to the cheeses of my ass as if giving me a rub down. Gradually, she began focusing on my ass and then slowly to my cock and balls. Loving strokes soon turned to hard squeezes. Before long, she was squeezed my cock as hard as she could and my balls as hard as she dared. I was groaning now from the pain and arching my back in a vain attempt to get away. My dick was betraying my arousal and was as hard as it had ever been.

Julie let up with the massage and I snapped back to the reality that I was full to bursting. I looked up to see that the bag was nearly empty and anticipated that my retention time was about to start.

My wife-turned-mistress deliberately ignored me as she made a production out of washing her hands and putting away some of the supplies. Only after what seemed like an eternity with me pounding my fists on the floor and tapping my toes, did she acknowledge that I had taken all of theenema. With an equal amount of casualness, she slid the tube from my rectum and hung the bag in the shower.

“Go lay on the bed dear, and don’t make a mess.”

Julie had prepared the bed at some point without my noticing. She had doubled several towels and had them arranged on my side of the bed with a pillow under them in the middle. I could see that laying on my stomach, as she unfortunately wanted, would make my ass stick up and put additional pressure just where Ididn’twant.

I laid on the bed as ordered and Julie came in with a paddle. It was a single thick layer of leather about eighteen inches long and four inches wide with one end formed into a handle. Six equally spaced holes roughly 1/2 inch in diameter pierced the business end, giving it the appearance of a kinky six-pack.

The first blow landed Without warning and without warmup. This was meant to be punishment and there wasn’t any sexiness about it. It hurt. I suspected that my now-dominant wife intended to end with the same shade of red, no matter what the roll of the dice was. With only fifteen to be administratored, every blow was going to be harsh and I found myself wishing I had earned more, if only to reduce the severity of each.

Three blows had landed before I remembered to breathe. The tenth blow cracked and I realized that my ass was clnched so tight that I couldn’t have leaked if I’d wanted to. My eyes were screwed shut and tears would have been dripping from my nose had I not had my face buried in a pillow. Suddenly it was over. My ass was on fire and I lifted my head to see what was happening.

“Did we forget to count?”

The terrifying implication of those words made my blood run cold. Julie started in again, only slightly less forced and I dutifully counted out each lash.


By the time all fifteen were administrator, I was a moaning, writing mess. Every bit of twenty minutes had elapsed since I had seen that last ofthe soapy water disappear into the enema tube but I dared not remind mistress that the retention time was to be five minutes. Somehow, she read my mind.

“Your five minutes begins now.”

As much as I had been through and as difficult as it had been, with nothing else to distract me, I simply couldn’t hold it any more. Without permission, I jumped up from the bed and bolted for the bathroom, barely making it to the toilet before exploding. The cool seat actually felt good on my red, swollen ass as I wondered what my punishment for failure would be.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk.” Julie clicked, leaning against the door frame. “We’ll keep going until you’re able to hold it,” she said, turning on her heel and retirement to the bedroom.

It took some time to empty completely, including several false alarms where I thought I was finished only to stand and be urged by my bowels to sit again.

Eventually, I peeked out of the doorway to see Julie busy setting up the next activity. She turned just in time to see me as I shrunk back. Without a word, my mistress motioned that I should go back to the bathroom.

Back on my knees, Julie filled the enema bag again, this time adding about a quarter cup of baking soda.

My lovely wife began to insert the nozzle into my rectum and I immediately felt a difference. This one was much colder, larger and harder. My anus was forced open wider and wider by the intruding object until I felt as though I would be split open. A little further and my ass clenched down on a narrow part, drawing the evil device another inch into my ass, making me gasp for breath.

“You may have noticed that I’ve replaced the small enema nozzle with a larger one,” she said teasingly. “This one is a small aluminum butt plug. They say it will warm up quickly once the water starts to flow through it.”

With that, she opened the valve. The mistress of my fansies also repeated the harsh hand job and spanked my already reddened ass.

This time, I was able to take the entire bag plus the additional 18 ounces without as much difficulty.

“We’ll go ahead and start your five minutes now since I doubt you can take another spanking.”

Five minutes later, I was mercifully allowed to release. After I was finished and had time to get cleaned up, I confidently came out of the bathroom knowing that we were likely done for the Evening. I could not have been more wrong.

Julie had apparently seen the videos on electro-stimulation that I had been watching, purchased the requestite equipment and now had laid it out neatly on the bed.

“Hands and knees,” she said, pointing to the floor.

I obediently dropped to the floor and assumed the position. Instead of thoughtlessly resting in the “doggy” position, I took a page from her own sexy playbook and deliberately arched my back to stick my ass up and spread my knees to allow better access to my ass.

“Nice pose, darling. Remember that’s how I will alwaysWant you. Since you could’t hold the enema, we’re going to work on tightening that ass of yours with a little electron-muscular stimulation.”

Julie spread a general amount of lube around my asshole and soon began pressing something cold and hard against it. Slowly but surely, my ass opened to accept an even larger butt plug. One sticky pad was applied to each buttock and wires connected everything to a TENS style power supply.

“The videos were hard to find but I think I learned a lot from them. I hope it excites you as much as it did me.”

With that, Julie handed me the dice again. I rolled and they came up deuces.

“The lower number will be the setting and the higher number will be the number of minutes you’ll have to endure. If it’s not enough for you, we’ll switch it up.”

When she turned it on, I felt a pulsing deep in my rectum that made my ass clench involuntarily. The sensing was quite nice and I thought, “This is awesome!” but I knew there were lots of numbers above and not many below.

Julie wasn’t content to just let me enjoy myself and instead retrieved a pair of nipple clamps from the bed. The bite of the first one on my left nipple left me breathless. The right nipple wasn’t any easier and my mistress roughly fondled both until my time was up.

“You’ll roll ten times for this part of your punishment, dear.”

I rolled again and came up with a 4 and a six.

“Level four for six minutes”, she said, sounding almost cheerful.

As she turned the knob, the contracts became very strong, bordering on painful. Six minutes was going to last forever and I shuddered to think what levels five and six would be like. In the middle of my session, Julie knelt in front of me and had me worship her still-covered ass.

The third and fourth rolls were lower settings for less time and were almost boring. To keep me on my toes, Julie removed the nipple clamps and even laid down beneath me to suck on my nipples. Thepain of having the clamps released was like fireworks and having her suck them was like the fourth of July in D.C.

Roll five and I came up with two sixes.

“This is the one I’ve been waiting for!” Julie said with obvious excitement.

She turned the knob and I instantly arched in pain. The contracts shot through me in waves with only a few seconds in between to catch my breath. I was prithing, moaning and calling out with each burst of electricity. My beautiful wife striped off her sodden panties and stuffed the crotch into my mouth to keep me quiet through my ordeal. I inhaled and tasted her arousal and I might have enjoyed that had I not also been in age. An eternity later, the power was shut off and she handed me the dice again.

I was shaking and actually terrified to roll, afraid of landing on fives and sixes.

“Do you need to take a break sweetheart?”

“Yes ma’am” I said weakly and Julie went to the bed to clear a space.

“Here baby, lie back for me.”

I did and closed my eyes to catch my breath for a moment. I felt Julie lift my sagging cock and looked down to see what she was doing. In one hand was my dick and in the other was an electrone known affectionately as a ‘sparkler’.

I desperately shook my head and tried to talk through the panties but apparently didn’t get my point across. Julie dabbed a little lube directly onto the opening of my urethra and twirled the tip of the sparkler in it. Holding my penis firmly, she inserted just the tip into my urethra. Just then, she looked up, made eye contact, smiled and shoved the rest of the probe into my penis with one smooth push.

The electronede was only about six million meters in diameter and six or so inches long. It wasn’t too painful going in, instead creating a slight burning sensing and unusual fullness. Julie hooked the electronede up to the TENS unit and applied two more sticky pads to my inner thighs.

“Time to roll the dice again, only this time the higher number will be the setting.”

I rolled as best I could in my position and came up with a two and a three.

The sensing of electricity running through my penis was the strange thing I’d ever felt and I was thankful to have started on a relatively low level.

The rest of the rolls were combinations of ones through fours and were tolerable until we reached roll number nine.

Roll nine was a six and a five.

Julie turned the knob directly to six and I screamed through the panty gag. Every time the lights blinked on the control box, I received a pulse of electricity. My back arched off the bed and I half moaned, half screamed and compromised until the pulse ended. A second later and the pulse was back.

In a flash, Julie raked the other side of the bed free of toys and laid down beside me. Her fingers flew to her clip as she feverishly masturbated to the sound of my cries, coming only a few seconds later. As she coasted down, she reached for the box and turned the power off. We both lay there panting for what seemed like an hour.

“I think that’s enough for today, John.” she said, using my name for the first time since our encounter started. “Your last roll will tell us how many days until we have another training session. We’ll just add the numbers together this time.”

I turned over and rolled the dice onto the floor, turning back with a defeated look on my face.

“Snake eyes.”


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