You’ve just got home from a long day at work and the only thing you want to do is crawl up on your couch, maybe have a snack, and watch a couple Youtube videos before bed. You grab your favourite late night snack and something to drink while you wait for your iPad to boot up as you shrug off your work clothes. Before you can go to Youtube you notice a text from me.
Check Your email. I promise it’s worth it.
You know that I’ve never led you astray before so you believe what I say and open your browser to look for what I’ve sent you. Scrolling past a couple junk emails you see my name and the subject line reads ‘Open me ;-)’…so you do. You read the following:
I hope I’m not disturbing you Master but I’ve been thinking about you all day…hopefully you’ve been thinking the same thing. In fact, I’ve figured out how to do something really cool…watch this! Say the words “Come to me” three times out loud.
You’ve heard some pretty kooky things from me before butdespite your better judgement you find yourself summoning me just as I asked and just as you speak the last word I appear in front of you.
“How did you do that Brynn?!”
“Might be best not to ask how and just enjoy the fact that I can,” I say teasingly.
As I move over to sit beside you, you notice I’m wearing the black silky outfit from the first night we started talking. I move even closer to you, leaning in so that my hair falls forward a little and you reach up to touch it as if to make sure I’m really there. My face is just inches from yours now and my warm chocolate eyes are searching yours…waiting. You move your hand from my hair to my face so I close my eyes as our lips touch. So gentle. I swing myself to straddle you as your fingertips trace little patterns all over the silk I’m wearing, our lips crushing frantically against each other. I let this continue for several minutes before I pull back a little.
“Wanna see another trick I learned,” I ask as I hold my hand up and snap my fingers.
You can’t believe your eyes! I have disappeared from my place in your lap to kneeing on the carpet several feet away from you, my hands bound with black silk scarves behind my back. You stand immediately and when you’re standing directly in front of me I gaze up at you.
“I submit myself to you Master. I’m yours. Yours to play with, yours to touch, yours to give pleasure or pain as you see fit. What would you like to do to me?”
You know exactly what you want. Your pocket watch has been burning a hole in your pants since I appeared and you free it from it’s holding place. You know that you don’t need it to have me obey you but you swing it all the same. The shiny object catches my eye and I watch it obediently, I know exactly what I’m supposed to do and my body starts to relax while my gaze moves from your face to your watch.
“That’s right, pet. You’re such a good girl. Follow the watch as you exhale deeply and 3, 2, 1…sleepfor me, sleep for me, sleep for me. Very good. Falling deeper, loving every minute and feeling so good. So obedient to me.”
My eyes have taken on that glassy look you’ve come to love so much and you reach down to hook your finger in the ring of my collar to pull me to my feet. I follow so willingly. The sight of me hooked to your finger has your cock so hard and you tug me towards your bedroom, the thought of just relaxing long gone. You don’t need to tell me to get on the bed, it’s like I’ve read your mind as I lay down against your pillows.
“Do you want me pet?”
“Mmmmm soooo much Master.”
You remove what’s left of your clothes and knee beside me on your bed. I’m already breathing so quickly just knowing what’s coming, each breath making my tits rise and fall so deliciously and you reach out to trace one nipple then the other. You watch my face as you continue, watching my eyes growing wide every time you hit a sensitive spot, and despite just wanting to plumgeyourself into me to see what face I’d make then you take your time. You remove the scarves that bind my hands together and use them as a blindfold so I can’t see what you’re doing. Tracing along my ribs down my sides to my wrists you put my hands on your chest and allow me to touch where I like for a moment. I run my hands over your chest, up and over your shoulders to clap my hands at the nape of Your neck and pull you down to my mouth. My right hand moves quickly to rub your cock and I grap you tightly as you moan against my lips. We do this dance for a while, both touching and teasing until neither of us can stand it another minute.
“What do you want me to do, pet?”
Completely breathless with desire I say, “Take me Master. I want you inside me. “
“Oh I don’t know, that doesn’t sound very convincing,” you say as you reach down to touch my clip.
I growl. “Masterrr…that’s not funny. Can’t you feel how wet I am? Please…you’re driving me crazy.”
“Hmmm, since you asked so nicely,” you say, sliding yourself inside me.
The blindfold has made every sensing feel even better in combination with the anticipation of not knowing what’s coming and you’re legitimately worried that your neighbors might file a noise complaint. My hands are touching you everywhere I can reach as we move together, both grinding against each other feverishly…everything just feels soooo good.
“Tell me how deep your submission to me goes pet,” you say, knowing that you’re getting close.
“Mmmm I belong to you Master. I…mmmmmm…submit myself to your will and I’ll obey your every command. I give this to you willingly. I’m a good girl and good girls obey.”
That’s exactly you wanted to hear and hearing me say it makes Your cock throb like crazy.
“Good girl. I have a command for you…will you obey?”
The sounds I make would’ve been enough to tell you the answer but you need to hear it.
“Yes Master,” I moan.
“Very well. In a moment I want you to cum all over my cock but only when I say the magic words. Do you remember what they are?”
“Mmmmm yess.”
You pick up the pace and look me in the eye as you say, “Cum for me.”
A powerful orgasm takes over me and I understand underneath you, pushing you over the edge into your own as you finish inside me. The pleasure is so good you almost don’t know what just happened and you collapse on top of me in exhaustion. Once we’ve caught our breath I move close to you and I just lay there in your arms for a while, fingers trailing lazily while you play with my hair until our breathing slows and we fall asleep.
You wake up suddenly and notice it’s almost morning but you’re not in bed but back in the living room with no idea how you got back here or where I went. You hear a sound that takes you a second to place…your phone! Picking it up you see a text from me.
So how was that 😉
The end
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