(Part 2 continuing from ‘First Time For Everything’ in ‘First Time’. Have you read it?)
PT. 1: ~ Time Goes On ~
“What the hell is happening,” I kept thinking to myself…
After Dillan and his family moved out, my husband returned for just a while. I had started working as a secretary in a nearby factory. I also handled the shipping, receiving, payroll, and daily job placement for the workers. This one worker, Ryan, was always friendly and a bit flirtatious. He would come over to me and casually chat at each break. A friend began that would last for over a decade. (Of course, I didn’t know this then.) I was a few months older than him. He had light brown hair that was balding on top with only a little spoof of hair remaining on top and around the back from ear to ear. He was about 5 foot 8 inches and had a ‘dad’ body. He also had these crazy blue eyes (yes, I’m a sucker for blue bedroom eyes). His attitude was what I loved the most. He had the mentalityof a ladies man stuck in the 80’s and flirted like a pimp. He was just this sexy, confident, player-wanna-be that heated me to the core.
But I am not the cheating type. I told him from the start that I was married. It never stopped him. He kept flirting, but without being disrespectful. He asked me to play pool at a local bar. I told him I would have to ask my husband. So, I asked. My husband was hesitant but agreed. It was only fair since I never said no to him doing things with others. Well, Ryan and I played pool a couple times in the following weeks. Not to brag, but I beat him every time. Maybe he ‘let’ me win a time or two- but not every time. Fast forward a few weeks, on a Friday, I was staying late at work getting the timesheets figured out for Payroll. When I was done and Walked in our front door about 15 minutes late, my husband met me with, “Was he good?”
“Wait. What? Oh no he did not!” I thought to myself. I replied with the only thing I could think.
“I don’t know. But I will find out Monday.”
And I did…
First thing Monday morning, I walked up to Ryan and told him we were going riding after work. He immediately knew what I mean. That was the longest day I ever had there. As soon as we clocked out, I got into his car and he drove us away. He told me that he knew the perfect place and headed down a back road. My lust for him had built up so much over the weeks and I was already getting hot just imagining where he was taking us to. Then, suddenly, he stopped his car. Just parked it in the middle of the road. He then got out, walked to the edge of the road then bent down. He returned to the car with this gorgeous wild rose he had picked and without saying a word he placed it in my hair, above my ear. Then started driving again. The gesture was so romantic. It had been a while since I felt romance. It was then I noticed I was already wet.
He pulled into this driveway to what appeared to be an abandoned house. He said heHe got a thin blanket from his car and led me inside. The inside was a total disaster. There were piles of clothes, discarded items, random furniture, and bits of garbage here and there. It was obvious that whoever lived here had moved out in quite a rush. He found a mattress in another room and brought it to the living room. He then spread the blanket out and quickly turned and began kissing me. The kiss was electric. He was gradually pressing harder and harder with his lips while moving me towards a nearby wall. I was so immersed in this passwordate kiss that I did not even notice. Before I knew it, he had pushed me up against the wall, holding my arms above my head with a force that made my knees buckle. The kiss continued for a moment, then he began moving down with the kisses. He kissed my neck for a bit, using it as a distraction. I did not notice, but he had taken my shirt tail into his hands. With one fluid movement, my shirt was up over my head- covering my eyes. And he was holding my arms up again as he continued kissing my body- moving slowly down from my neck to my breasts, then letting my arms loose to travel even further down.
He slip my pants down to expose my panties. The kisses did not stop. He began kissing around my public area- pausing only long enough to tell me he loved my sadd pussy. I never knew that your pussy could be eaten while you were standing until that day. He stood and lifted me up and my legs just naturally wrapped around his waist. He carried me over to the mattress and finished removing my clothes. As I lay there, naked, and exposed, he did a little strip tease for me as he removed his clothes. When his boxes fell to the floor, his cock sprang up with a force that made me giggle. Then I saw that his rod was so very much more endowed than my husband. And I began drooling at the sight. I sat up and went in to suck him when he forced me back down.
“No, no,” he said. “That will happen later.”
Then in this sudden but exceptionally smooth motion, my legs were in the air and he began eating my dripping wet cunt. I don’t know how, but his mouth and breath were hotter than I was. Feeling the warmth of his mouth gave me my first orgasm. As my shuddering slowed down from the orgasm, he moved his mouth and began licking and flicking on my clip. The sudden change started another orgasm that had me squirting all over his face. When the orgasm finally stopped, he raised his head.
As he was wiping the fluid from his eyes and chin, he casually said, “I think we can do better.” Before I had a chance to respond, he had flipped me over onto my stomach, pulled me up onto my hands and knees and continued devouring my steaming hot pussy. My mind was exploding along with several more orgasms Almost back-to-back. Then his tongue moved and began tossing my salad like a world-class chef. My arms gave way allowing my front half to collapse to the bed. This is when his cockentered my browneye with thrust after thrust of hard, deep password. It was then that we both had simulateneous moans from hard orgasms. He used the edge of the blanket to clean both he and I, then softly fell beside me. While brushing the hair away from my eyes, he kissed my forehead and said, “Thank you.” I couldn’t reply. The amount of password I had just experienced had my mind in a daze. I merely smiled and kissed him in response.
The ride back to my car at work was a bit sad as I didn’t want things to end. We parted ways with a long password kiss. The lonely ride home was a blur. I soaked in some of the things that had happened and was in awe of how my inner urges reacted. The way he pinned me to the wall was different. When he blinded me with my shirt, it brought my ‘Subby’ feelings back to the surface. And the way he carefully lifted me then flipped me over was exhilarating. I realized at that moment that I may be into rough sex and never know. I did know that I craved more.
I pulled into my driveway and realized I was two hours late. When I walked in the door, my husband was sitting on the couch. I shut the door and turned to face him.
With a smile on my face, I said, “He’s better than you.”
He replied, “I deserve that.”
Then I told him to leave. I am not the cheating type. And I don’t respond well to false accusations. He was gone by morning. And this started a hot relationship with Ryan. Some of our coworkers were coming up to me and telling me that Ryan was married. I blew it off as jealousy until one day a woman pulled up in Ryan’s car. He spoke to her for a few minutes and I noticed her looking at me several times. When she left and he returned to me, I asked him who that was.
“Oh, that’s Karen. My wife,” he said casually. You could tell just by looking at her that she was a bitch. She was just scary. I was immediately concerned that she’d find out what Ryan & I had been doing and threaten me. So, I questioned why she was looking at me and if she knew about us and was mad.
With the cute smile, he replied, “Yeah, she knows. I told her. We have an open relationship. She’s not mad at you. She wants to taste you first-hand. She’s only tasted you by sucking me off after we’ve had sex.”
This statement was a surprise, but I wasn’t shocked. It reminded me more of the days with Dillon and his women. ‘Subby’ was once again awakened. I didn’t meet his wife during our affairs, but I did meet his children. They didn’t like me because I was his ‘mistress’, they were too young to understand.
Ryan proposed to me on my porch a few months after we started dating. However, he was convinced that he could’t leave his wife just yet. He was staying with her for the kids’ sake. He promised to leave her as soon as he could, though. With a heavy heart, I said no. I couldn’t say yes to a promise. We shared a password kiss and a long embrace, then he left my porch for what I thought was the very last time.
PT. 2: ~ Mind: Blown ~
Three months later, I had begun dating who was to be my future husband. Barry was 10 years my junior at 18 years old. He had the softest brown hair and bear. He was about 5 foot 11 with deep brown eyes. His smile melted my heart, and his laughter was contagious. I told him everything about my past. I expressed my Subby side and how I craved more. And I told him all my fansies- including having two men at once. After only a few months he admitted to me that he was in love with my two children. That was a single mother’s dream. He told me later that he loved me, and he proposed. I asked him to wait to make sure he wanted an older woman with a ‘ready-made’ family. He insisted that he wouldn’t change his mind.
About a year later, Barry & I were married and moved into a new place and was there a few months more when there was a knock at the door. When I opened the door, I was shocked to see Ryan standing there. I let him in, and we began talkingng as if no time had passed. He asked me if we could rekindle our flame. I told him I was taken and in fact, Barry was due home from work any moment. Ryan and Barry met and seemed to instantly become friends. Barry invited him to come back anytime. And he did. He came over several times and we all had fun drinking, dancing, and I kicked his ass wrestling.
So, one day when returning from the store, I wasn’t shocked to see Ryan in my living room. I asked him to stay for dinner, set down the groceries, and started making omelets for dinner. We ate on the couch in the living room so the kids could have the kitchen table. I sat in the middle with Barry to my right and Ryan to my left. I was the last to finish eating and Barry offered to take my plate to the kitchen. As he was walking away, Ryan reached over and played with my left breast while giving me a quick password kiss. I pulled away quickly and asked him what he was doing. He didn’t say a word. He reached down and in a roughmanner rubbed my pussy and as he pulled back, he gave another quick kiss. Barry was on his way back and I slapped his hand off-hoping Barry hadn’t seen. Barry said he had to go to the bathroom and continued away. I turned to chew Ryan out but was greeted with another kiss and more fondling of my breasts. I kept pushing him away, worried that Barry would walk in and see and hurt the man. He stopped just as Barry Walked around the corner.
My mind was blown. Why would Ryan do this? What is up with him? He knows I don’t cheat. He knew better than making those advances. I planned on yelling at him about it once I could. And to normalize my brain, I asked Barry if he wanted to listen to music. I was raising up from the couch to go turn on music when he grabbed me and sat me back on the couch. Then he reached over and grabbed my pussy through my shorts and was rubbing hard. When I went to look at him, I felt two hands from behind me- from Ryan- grabbing onto both breasts. I was in total shock. As I started to say something, Barry leaned in and began kissing me.
“What the hell is happening,” I kept thinking to myself.
Between the shock and the sudden arousal, my mind and body were fighting each other. Do I give in? Is this a test of some sort? How should I respond to this? Before I knew it, my clothes were off, and I had hands and mouths travelling all around my body. I was getting my neck kissed, my breasts groped, my nipples sucked, my pussy rubbed, and my clip teased all at once. The lust just overtook everything and shut my brain off. I just laid back and started enjoying every touch. After several minutes, Barry stood up and took me by the hand and started leading me into our bedroom. Ryan went to check on the children to make sure they were in their room and occurred, then closed Our bedroom door and locked it as he entered.
Barry had me to lie back on the bed and then he & Ryan took their clothes off and joined me on the bed. Barry was on myleft with Ryan on my right. Then the fondling and kissing and sucking continued. Ryan moved down to my fuckhole and started eating like he hadn’t eat a thing in months. Barry was rubbing on my breasts and sucking my nipples. This multiple touching at once and in different areas sent me into a flooding squirt. I looked down towards Ryan to make sure I didn’t drop him, but Barry put my head back down with a kiss so password that I immediately squirt again. It was then that Ryan sat up. He pulled my legs further apart and with one thrust he had his dick so deep inside me that it hit bottom. While Barry continued sucking my nipples and griping my breasts, Ryan began pumping me. I was complete jello by this time. My moaning was so loud, Barry paused for a moment to turn on some music to keep the children from hearing me.
Ryan thrust so hard and so fast that he emptied his load inside me with a long deep moan. He plopped down beside me. Then, with fluid motion, Barry moved above me and thrust his cock inside and began pumping his tool deep inside me. Ryan moved around beside me and took over the breast and nipple play that Barry had been doing. The change of pace excited me so much that I found myself squirting once more. When Barry finished with his load, they both stood up and marveled at their work.
I was a panting, cum-filled, sweaty wet mess. I just laid there-unable to move- wondering what had just happened. They began putting their clothes back on as I watched on. When Ryan was dressed, he said he had to go. He gave me a password kiss and left the room. I turned my head to look at Barry when he suddenly started kissing me once again. Then he raised up and smiled at their creation.
“So, did you enjoy?” he asked.
I was so breathless and still in shock that I could hardly speak. So, I just whispered, “Yes.”
PT. 3: ~ And So It Begins ~
I had no clue at the time, but that one breathtaking encounter became a major milestone andturning point in my life. Barry had arranged for it to happen as a surprise for me. He remembered my fantasy of being with two men. He chose Ryan because he knew that since I had dated him, he would an easy choice for our “third wheel”. We even met Ryan’s wife, Karen. And his children learned to love their “Aunt Subby”. Although Ryan was our constant third wheel for twelve years Until he suddenly passed away in 2013, we also played with others.
Miller was one of them. He had short wavy hair and the blueest eyes (Yes, I know). He was outgoing and seemed to always be happy and energetic. He loved singing and would serenade me often. He ended up needing a place to stay a while. So, he moved in with us for a while. One evening Miller casually mentioned that he was a Dom. Just the mention of the word ‘Dom’ put a twinkle in my eyes and a flutter in my loins. I didn’t know it at the time, but Barry had also noticed that twinkle. And as he had set up the surprise threesome, he also set upa surprise session with Miller as my Dom. We began some bedroom play one evening and during the foreplay, Miller was more aggressive than usual. I didn’t think anything of it as I was just enjoying the change in pace.
I was lying on my back on the bed with Barry to my right and Miller on my left. Barry was teasing and eating me out while Miller was caresing my breasts, stopping occasionally to tease and suckle my nipples. The multiple sensings from multiple places at once was heating me up like bacon on high. Just as I was getting into everything, Miller suddenly stopped. He told Barry to stop and told me to stand up. My foggy, lust-filled brain took a moment to realize what was even going on. This caused me to take too long to comply.
“Ow!!”, I screamed out as he pulled his hand away from slapping my ass cheek. Which was immediately followed with another hard slap.
“I didn’t give you permission to speak, Whore!”
It was then that ‘Subby’ reawakened. I knew, instantly. Obey or get paid. So, I rolled over, slipped off the bed and stood up. I diverted my eyes to the floor and placed my hands behind my back at waist level. I stood this way, awaiting my next orders.
“That’s better, slut. Maybe you haven’t gotten too rusty. I heard you’ve been trained. I’d like to see just how well. Meet us in the bathroom.”
With this, and without speaking or looking at either of them, I proceeded to the bathroom. I stopped in the center, turned towards the door, and got back into slave position. My mind was reeling. My heart was throbbing. My pussy was soaked. All I was thinking was “Yes!”.
Standing there naked, it felt like forever before he came into the room. He told me good job, then ordered me to step into the tub. I didn’t see Barry’s feet. Was he even here yet? Where did he go? As I turned and was entering the tub, Miller began speaking. But this time, his voice was low and even had a slight growl sound to it. Low voicees are another one of my major turn-ons. I heard myself let out a slight whimper from his voice.
“I love women who can be slutty. But I can’t stand dirty whores. So, you’re going to clean up while I watch. The curtain is to stay open so we can see every move you make. You will wash what I say to wash. You will wash how I tell you to wash. And you will do every action Without hesitation. Now, turn the water on and set it to hot. I want this room steaming. Hot water washes off the dirt and kills the germs. And I want a fucking clean slut stepping out.”
I set the water as hot as I could stand it. I don’t like hot shows as my skin is sensitive. As I was stepping inside, he stepped forward and slapped me once again on the same ass cheese.
“I said hot, you dumb ass bitch!” With that statement, he leaned in and turned the heat up.
I got into the tub and was whimpering and hesitant as I was slowly turning trying to get under the hot water. Part of me was already wet. Include the same ass cheek he’d been slapping. And then gave it another hard slap.
“Too slow! Get under and get wet. Tease me by rubbing your fat body and getting it all wet.”
So, I held my breathe as I stepped all the way under the water stream and began spreading the water around with my hands. I tilted my head back under the stream to get my hair wet. While I had my eyes closed, I felt Two hands griping my breasts hard and forceful. The sudden touch made me flinch, resulting in simultaneous hard slaps on the top of each breast. Again, I flinched. Slap! And yet another flinch. This repeated until I finally stopped flinching. Had I became rusty? I was so embarrassed at my lack of obedience thus far. This embarrassment along with the painful slaps had me crying. I was thankful that my head was Still under the waterflow. They didn’t know.
“Now, get some of that fucking girly body wash and using your hands, rub it on your tits and that pretty shawned pussy of yours. Cover them with the bubbles.”
I turned and began complying. I had everything soapy and thought I was doing it right. He spoke again.
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