Sloppy Seconds Captured On Tape Ch. 03

A couple of weeks after I sent Kathy the tape of me spanking her I headed into the neighborhood bar. I hadn’t been there as often since we’d broken up. It was her favorite place and I wanted to meet some new people, so I’d been hitting other places around town. Friday I’d had a few drinks after work at a place near the office, but I it was dead and I wasn’t in the mood to hang around waiting on a crowd so I decided to head home. I passed the neighborhood bar on the way and decided to step in for one last drink or three. I didn’t want to think about it, but I’m sure I knew Kathy might be there.

I got to the bar and ordered before I noticed Kathy across the room. I was about to try to catch her eye when I noticed her date – Troy.

He was sitting across from her having a beer, relaxing. I hadn’t heard anything about them dating and from what Kathy had told me they never really had. It was always just a booty call situation.

I was probably staring a bit too long. I should’ve turned away, maybe even slunk out of there, but Kathy spotted me before I thought of it. She just gave me a sort of knowing look, not a wave or even a nod, just that look of recognition before she turned back to her conversation.

I turned away before Troy noticed me. I didn’t know if he knew who I was and I wasn’t sure I wanted to know. My drink arrived and I gulped it down, wondering how much she’d told him about me. Maybe he’d even seen the video of my sloppy seconds encounter with her after he’d left.

“She wouldn’t show him that, would she?” I kept thinking.

Early in our relationship, Kathy had been a lot kinkier. It wasn’t the kind of thing she would’ve done in the latter part of our relationship, but when we first started messing around she had been a lot wilder. I wouldn’t put it past her. I couldn’t help but imagine the two of them on her couch watching the tape. Her going down on him and sucking him off while he watched. It made me feel a little ill.

I also couldn’t help but notice the hard-on it gave me.

Some kind of morbid curiosity glued me to the spot. I didn’t want to leave. I wanted to watch them interact. See how she acted with him. Heck, this could have been the “I don’t want to see you any more” conversation I was about to witness.

When the bartender brought me a second drink I noticed I could see them in the mirror behind the bar. I tried not to star, but I watched as best I could. They didn’t act like a couple. No holding hands or signs of affection. But a few minutes later I saw him jump a little. She had a sly look on her face and I couldn’t tell what I’d missed. I turned around for a better look, trying to make myself invisible. I saw him pull her foot out of his crotch under the table.

This wasn’t a breakup date I was catching.

Again I felt that mix of nausea and excitement.

I decided to head to the bathroom, get them out of my sight for a minute and clear my head. I took a leak andwashed my face and decided to get the heck out of there. Maybe go rent some porn and try to get excited about something else, jack off for a while and go to sleep.

I headed back to my seat to settle up the tab. In the mirror I saw Troy get up and head for the bathroom. I thought for an instant about at least waving goodbye to Kathy but decided to give her the same cold shoulder she’d given me. But then I saw her stand and head my way. I didn’t turn, I just stared at her in the mirror as she walked towards me, staring back.

She stood beside me, stared at me in the mirror and whispered, “Troy and I are gonna go back to my place and make another movie. If you wanna see it, go home and get cleaned up and come over,” she paused and looked at her watch, “about 10. I’ll turn on the porch light when it’s safe.”

The bartender showed up, a girl Kathy and I both knew.

“Oh, hey Kathy, hey Frank. Did you two… make up?” she asked.

“Uh… sort of,” I answered, my brainStill trying to catch up to what Kathy had said.

“We’re not dating, if that’s what you mean,” Kathy said, cheerfully.

She turned and headed to the ladies’ room. I sat there staring at myself in the mirror, mentally asking myself what the hell that was all about.

Her tone pissed me off.

She was clearly fucking with me.

But I didn’t get to dwell on it too long. Troy came out of the john and headed straight towards me. I had a moment of panic, wondering if this was about to be some kind of confrontation or something.

He stopped at the bar and paid their tab, not even looking at me.

I couldn’t help but look at him. Our eyes met and he said, “Hey, how’s it going?” with a tone that told me he didn’t know who I was.

“ok” I said, then looked away.

I was flooded with relief. She hadn’t shown him the tape. Probably hadn’t told him anything.

He got his change and Kathy reappeared. She walked right past me, throwing me the tiniest of glances as they headed out together. They still weren’t holding hands or acting like a couple in any way.

I watched as they got into separate cars and pulled out of the parking lot, headed in the direction of Kathy’s apartment.

I looked at my watch. I considered ditching, leaving Kathy to think I’d finally got disgusted with her and wasn’t interested.

I got another drink and stewed on it for a while.

The bartender came over after a while, “So, how are you doing?”

The way she said it told me she wasn’t asking if I wanted another drink.

“I’m ok. You?”

“Good. Sorry about you and Kathy.”

“It’s ok,” I said, trying to sound approximately sad yet optimistic. I think it came out as purely nervous.

“Let me know if you need anything. That one’s on me,” she said pointing to my drink and moving on to help other customers.

“Thanks,” I said, weakly, and downed my drink.

I decided to split after that. I headed home with visions of what the might do swimming in my head. I got home and stared at my empty apartment then suddenly made my mind up and jumped in the shower.

So an hour later I found myself sitting in my car in her parking lot, staring at her porch. Her living room lights were on. Her car was there.

I couldn’t help but imagine what they were doing in there. I thought about what I’d seen in the first video Kathy had showed me. Troy’s cock invading her pussy. The look of pure pleasure on her face. The nasty way she’d sucked his cock clean. The taste of her pussy afterward.

I’d had a bit too much to drink to sit still and patient. I began to wonder if they’d changed their minds, called off their evening, or if he’d stayed over this time and wasn’t leaving. I was getting a little drawsy myself.

But Eventually her door opened and Troy came out and headed down her stairs. His shirt was untucked and I couldn’t help but notice a satisfied bounce in his step, whether it was really there or not.

He drove away and left me, now wide awake, waiting for Kathy’s porch light to come on.

Again, I was waiting so long I began to wonder – had she changed her mind? Forgotten?

It was probably only a few minutes, but it seemed like half an hour before the light finally came on. I was nervous as I hoped out of my car, wondering if this was something I really ought to be doing.

I got to the door, saying “Stupid stupid stupid” to myself over and over again the whole way.

I knocked, still telling myself it was dumb.

“Come in,” I heard.

I opened the door, deciding at the same moment I wasn’t going to watch any movie. I was going to fuck Kathy’s brains out. I stepped in, ready to throw my clothes off and tell her to turn off the damn TV.

She was on the couch watching herself on camera, just as she had been a few weeks before when I’d come in after Troy. I undid my shirt as I moved closer. But what I saw on screen stopped me in my tracks – she hadshe had her pussy completely bald.

I turned from the TV to her pussy.

It was something I’d asked her to do many times when we were dating but she’d never done it.

“Too much hassle. And it it itches,” she had said.

Now she sat on the couch, legs spread, lips open and oozing.

She gave me a look that said, “Well? Get to work?” and spread her legs a little wider.

Again I’d like to use the alcohol as an excuse, but I couldn’t seem to stop myself from kneeing in front of her.

Her smooth lips slipped around under my tongue. Her clip poked out at me, rolling around under my tongue. She let out a sight that caused me to look up at her.

Her mouth hung open as she stared down at me with an expression she’d only had a few times in the entire time I’d known her. She’d gotten it once when she’d gotten drunk and told me how to go down on her, in graphic detail, as I followed her lead. I still masturbated thinking about that night from time to time. I knew it was because of how domineering she was, something that always turned me on but something she was rarely comfortable with.

But she was more than comfortable with it this night.

“Lick my pussy,” she whispered.

I licked and little harder. She seemed to pull back a bit – still a little too sensitive, I guessed, so I stuck with licking her lips and elsewhere. I found my tongue sliding down to her entrance to lap at the mess dripping out of her.

She moaned, “Oh, stick your tongue in me.”

I slipped my tongue inside her. She put a hand on my head and curled her fingers in my hair, pulling me deeper in.

“Lick it out. Yeah, lick his cum out of me.”

I felt a moment of nausea come over me. It was too much.

“Oh yeah. Suck it.”

I sucked. The more she bossed me around the more I seemed to want it. I clammed my mouth over her entrance and French kissed her pussy.

“That’s it. Oh yeah…”

Her other hand went to my head and clamped me inplace. I licked and sucked, getting nastier and nastier by the moment. I moved my mouth in circles around her entrance, fucking her with my tongue, feeling her slick, bare lips roll across mine.

Suddenly she pulled my head away.

I looked up at her, probably with her juices, THEIR juices all over my mouth.

“I’ll make you a deal,” she said.

Her tone still had that “I’m in charge here” quality.

“Do you want to watch the tape?” she asked, knowing what I’d say.


“I’ll let you watch it – only if we do everything Troy and I did while we watch it.”

Visions of the things they’d probably done flashed through my head, followed by visions of me replacing Troy in the same scenes.

Of course I agreed, “ok.”

“But,” she said, pausing for a second, obviously toying with me, “I get to be Troy.”

“Huh?” I said, confused.

She reached down to the coffee table and opened up the drawer to pull out a handful of leather straps attachedto a dildo. She rolled it over so that the fake cock stand erect, the straws played around it across the couch.

“I get to be Troy.”

I had admitted to her once I had a fantasy about her getting a straw-on dildo and using it on me, but she’d just crinkled her nose at the thought. I hadn’t brought it up again.

But a year later she sat there, shaken pussy oozing cum, holding me by the hair with one hand and a black rubber cock in the other, asking me if I still wanted it.

It wasn’t at all how I’d fantasized the situation would be. I had imagined her on top of me making love to me as I felt her penetrate me in a way no one had before. We would star at each other as she made me feel things I’d never felt before.

Instead, she wanted to fuck me while I watched a video of her fucking Another man.

All the little images I’d had of duplicating what she and Troy had done suddenly shifted. This wasn’t anything I’d wanted when I’d walked in the door, wasn’t whatI’d wanted when I’d fantasized about her dominating me, wasn’t something I wanted as I knelt in front of her.

Was it?

“Deal?” she said, interrupting my mental debate.

“ok,” I heard myself saying, not sure I was saying it out loud.

She reached for the VCR remote and stopped the tape and hit rewind. It only barely registered in my head that she had set up the camera so that it was dubbing to the VCR. She stood up facing me and untangled the strap-on. The straps were black leather, matching the black rubber of the dildo. She pulled the thing on like a pair of panties. A pair of straps went between her legs and up over each hip to attach to the belt around her waist. The fake cock bobbed in front of her, straight as an arrow. It was complete with a head and veins and could have been cast from the real thing.

I tried not to think about why she’d picked that particular color. I tried not to think at all.

She adjusted the buckles at her hips, then wrappedher hand around the cock as if it were her own. She gave it a little tug, probably making sure it was in place but giving the illusion that she was playing with herself.

“How do I look?” she asked.

Before I could answer, the VCR clicked at the end of the tape. I wondered at the time why she had bothered to dub the video feed while she’d recorded it with the camera, but then I realized she’d have remote control of the movie while we…

While we did whatever it was we were about to do.

She stood in front of me, the dildo at eye level, pointing at me as if saying, “You asked for it.”

“I want you to do everything I do on the tape,” she said, taking my attention from her rubber friend.

Angain she didn’t wait for my answer. She pointed the remote at the VCR and hit play.


She walked away from the camera, still wearing the skirt she had been wearing in the bar, but her shirt was open. Troy was in the background taking his clothes off.

She walked around the coffee table to him and knelt.

I realized I was kneeing in the same spot. She stood next to me exactly where Troy had stood.

On screen, she waited, staring up at him while he stripped. When he stood naked over her she looked at his cock for a moment then opened her mouth and looked up with an expression that said, “Fuck my mouth.”

They moved together, sliding his cock into her mouth.


Kathy moved forward a bit so that she stood between me and the TV, but without blocking my view, letting me see what she wanted and showing me as much at the same time. The dildo bobbed in front of my face.

Her hand pushed at the back of my head. I glanced at the TV to see Kathy sucking with abandon. I wasn’t sure any more it was something I wanted to do, especially with the image of Troy in the background. But Kathy’s hand was firm and something inside me wasn’t firm at all.

I opened my mouth and took the head of the fake cock inside.

I heard her moan above me, making me look up. She stared down at me with a look of pure lust. She was getting off on what she saw.

Somehow that got me off too. I felt incredibly dirty, but I wanted to make a show of it. I stared up at her and sucked as much of the dildo into my mouth as I could.

My response got a response from her. Her mouth dropped open and she moaned. It echoed Troy’s moans from the TV in a strange way.

I thought for a moment about how she might enjoy watching this, but she wouldn’t feel it, not like a man would. I glanced at the TV and saw Kathy playing with Troy’s balls with one hand, stroking him with the other. It gave me an idea.

I took the dildo in one hand and gave it a little tug. I imagined the leather straps pulling at her pussy and ass. She moaned with each tug, so I know she felt it.

I slid my other hand up her thigh while staring up at her. She was wide-eyed, obviously surprised at how much she enjoyed this.

My hand reached the top of her thigh. I could feel the leather strap against my thumb. I slide over a bit and feel her pussy lips protruding from between the straps. She gasped when I slide my thumb over them. They were hot and slippery to the touch.

I kept up the show, staring up at her the whole time, while I worked my thumb up between her lips up under the bottom of the dildo, up where the straps came together right over her clip.

She moaned a little more and more as I got closer. When I felt her clip slide up under my thumb she actually pulled away for a moment. But I held her still with my other hand wrapped around the dildo and she stopped pulling away long enough for me to start rubbing her clip in little circles.

“Oh god…” she croaked.

She shut her eyes for a moment, then glanced at the TV. My eyes Followed to see her and Troy really getting it on. He had his head thrown back and was shaking. She was sucking him in and out with rapid precision, a kind Idoubted I could match even if I tried. She’d already caused me to gag a little once or twice with even the tiniest of thrusts.

I watched, trying to mimic her movements on the screen.

“P-put… put a finger in me,” she whispered.

I looked back up to see her staring down at me again.

I shifted my hand a bit and slide a fingerprint against her lips, trying to keep my thumb in motion over her clip. It wasn’t easy, especially with her thrusting the fake cock at my mouth. But a moment later my fingertip slid into her. The tightness she usually had at first was nowhere to be found. I slid my finger in to the hilt. She sucked in a breath, then let it out in a long “Ohhhh…”

I wiggled my finger and thumb the way I knew she liked, though it wasn’t easy with all the leather in the way and in that position. But obviously I hit the right spots. She trembled and her knees shook. The hand in my hair pulled on me a little too hard, causing me to gag for a moment on the dildo. But when I pulled back and got back in the groove, I looked up to see her grinning.

She turned her head back to the TV. I followed.


Troy was close to orgasm. I was getting all too familiar with his tell-tale signs (I’d watched my copy of their first movie more than a few times.)

She worked him, using her mouth to lubricate his cock while struggling him. She rubbed her fingertips over his balls almost like she was tickling him. Even though I’d seen the other movie much like it, it was still hot.


Kathy’s voice made me realize I’d stopped paying attention to what I was doing, “Don’t… stop.”

I looked up to see her, eyes half-shut staring at the TV with that glazed expression that told me she was close. It was hard not to increase the tempo, thrust my finger into her a little harder, but I knew she liked it steady. Sometimes she liked it hard, sometimes soft, depending on the mood, but always steady. So I tried to keep an even pace, staring up at her to give her the best show.

She looked back and forth from me to the TV a few times then focused entirely on the TV. I could hear Troy groaning loudly so I couldn’t help but look.


Troy came in Kathy’s mouth, shivering and groaning non-stop. Kathy didn’t miss a stroke, sucking him in and out through the whole thing. A little cum leaked out of her mouth but she didn’t stop.


Kathy shivered, her knees almost buckling.

“Oh goddamn…” she groaned.

I wasn’t sure at first, but a moment later I realized she was having an orgasm. I had to concentrate to keep up the pace, but I managed to keep working my thumb around her clip in little circles, despite her hand tugging on my hair a bit too hard every few strokes. I Felt her pussy clench around my finger.

She shivered hard, then pulled away.

The tip of the dildo was still at my lips so I looked up at her and licked the head. She shivered again, letting me know she was really enjoying the show, then stepped back.

I glanced at the TV to see Kathy laid back on the couch, skirt hiked up around her waist and Troy’s head between her legs.

A moment later her hand pushed me towards the couch. I was already wondering if I’d get the same treatment before I even hit the cushions.

She undid my belt and pants and grabbed them and my underwear at the same time and tugged them down. My cock popped free, hard and dripping. I tried not to think too much about what specific things had me so turned on.


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