Slaves Pt. 03: Implications

Some more stories from my early slave training, Circa May 2018

“Slaves” Part 3: Implications-by slave girl sara

“Slaves” – Implications

When we had all finished we were ordered to latched on to our Master’s cocks.

At 12:30pm we slaves were sent to our bedrooms to warm the beds for our guests. I did not mind who I got as long it was not the young man who had me caned.

My door opened, it was…………I will let you guess who it was and what happened!

On Sunday morning, after all the guests had departed Sir told me I had let him down, very badly, getting the 5 off Daisy for disobedience at his slave evening. He told me that after church I had to wait for him at the end of the corridor. We would also be discussing my suitability of staying in the job of their trainee house slave.

He made me feel wretched and I cried, not because of the hiding I would get, but for letting my Master down and its implications.

Plus the true circumstancesof me getting the 5 off Daisy, I was in such a predicament, my mind could not calculate what I should do.

We all met at church a little later that morning and not a word was said about the weekend, not that I was in a mind to chat.

I never spoke on the way home, everything just went over it in my head, why was I so stupid to get Daisy`s cane and incur Sir’s displeasure.

I went straight upstairs and undressed and waited for Sir at the end of the corridor, he appeared to take ages.

My nose was running from crying so I popped into the downstairs cloakroom for some loo roll to blow it.

I was like mini seconds, but Sir was waiting for me.

“Looks like you disappointing me is becoming an epidemic sara.”

I could not answer for crying.

He bent his left leg slightly and pulled me over it and spanked me. “Something to cry about girl.”

Daisy arrived, went past us and into Sir’s dungeon.

After my prolonged bottom smacking I was put down and followed Sir in.

Daisy was stood next to the big X structure and we walked towards her. She took my hand and squeezed it as she stood me in front of it.

She took my right arm and lightly fastened my wrist into the harness, then left wrist and both ankles so I took on the shape of the cross.

Sir had to walk in front of the cross to the rack of whips and straps.

I screwed up my eyes, I did Not need to know. I soon found out though as the first whip lash hit my back and curled round and hit my nipple end. “Yeoooooowwwwww”

It was the first of 5, finally it stopped, and Daisy unfasted me, but she turned me round to face Sir and his whip and fastened me in again.

“You will watch every lash sara,” as he finished my name I took 5 quick lashes across my tits and nipples, I knew I deserved it and stuck out my tits, but just for the first couple, it hurt so much.

After 5 lashes I was taken down and put in a corner.

I was left to cry, no hugs or cuddles, just me and my tears.

I never took my hands off my head as much as I hurt.

My tits and nipples throbbed, my back and front felt as if they were burning, my bottom was on fire from the spanking.

“sara, Sir wants to see you in his study, be brave my darling.”

I followed Daisy to his study, omg, father is there too.

I stood in front of them both, no one spoke for a while.

“sara!” Father patted his knee and I went to him.

“So sorry Father, so very sorry.”

He was very cross and pulled me roughly over his knee.

“Maybe a lesson in obedience will help focus your mind.”

I think it must have been the hardest spanking anyone in the whole world ever had, and the longest and how I so deserved it.

I was upset with heartache and pain.

It stopped and I was stood up, again, no cuddles or hugs offered, I was crying and crying and through my tear-filled eyes saw Daisy with my overnight bag.

I had a tantrum and stamped my feet, “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO”

I was soon back over father`s knee.

Father was speaking to me on our way home, but I never heard a word.

As I was going through our front door father gave my bottom a hard slap, I only had my silk dressing gown on, room girl, it not over yet.

I ran upstairs and onto my bed till I heard father coming up.

I dropped my gown and got naked to my corner as he came in, carrying his cane.

He pulled me to the middle of my room, and I went over for 5 off his cane, then he found room on my bottom for 5 more.

“Stay down.”

I was invited down for dinner but had little appealite and Father made me sit naked in front of the family.

“Mr. and Mrs. Brown will be away for a few days so you will stay here, at home. Excluding this evening you will receive a breakfast and bedtime over my knee spanking and when we are away over next weekend your brother Luke will deal with you.”

Tears from me again as I spluttered out a thank you.

“Please may I leave the table Father?”

“No, mother has chores for you, starting with clearing the table.”

Everyone left the room except Luke. I went to the walk-in pantry to put the breakfast things away and he followed me, closed the door and unzipped.

I knelt and took his cock out.

“Welcome home my little slave girl sara, have a taste of your future week’s chores.”

Got to be honest, I was not over sure how all this would end. I was pretty down at the time.



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