Six Have Fun at the Ranch Ch. 03

The group was at breakfast on a sunny Saturday morning when the phone rang and Kurt picked up his mobile from the kitchen table. As usual the women – Idaho being the exception, of course, who was naked – were in sexy little PVC bikinis, and the three men in PVC thongs.

Kurt exchanged a few words, then put the phone down. “That was the madam, from the brother I own upstate,” he informed the group. “It seems she’s got three new staff – black girl, big tits, a Latina, very busy, and a perky little Asian. She’s asked me to go up and check ’em out. How about it Brad, Timmy? Care to join me for an inspection?” Both nodded eagerly.

As the trio left to get dressed for the two-hour drive up to Kurt’s very secluded and private brother, Idaho was ordered to clean up. She was looking hugely attractive on this lovely morning, her face nicely made up, her hair gleaming in a tightly drawn back ponytail.

“I think we’ll play cards with her this morning,” Barbara told her blondefriends, Karla, 35, and her daughter, Kelly, 18.

Karla was just about to ask about the card game, when the men returned, clad in t-shirts and shorts.

Barbara rose to kiss her husband good-bye. “We’re going to play cards with Idaho this morning,” she informed him.

“Ohmigod,” Kurt surprised, “that’s one of my favourite A-fucking games with her. I’ll have a hard-on all the way to the whose house just thinking about it!”

As the trio turned to go, Karla called out: “Now you make sure young Timmy behaves, Brad – and remember – condoms!”

Kurt picked up his mobile: “It’s a two-hour drive, guys, we’ll take some water. And Barb, I’ll give you a ring when we’re about an hour out from the brother so you can give us an update on how the card game’s going!” And then they were gone.

“Idaho,” said Barbara, when the male trio had left them alone with the sex slave, “down to the torture chamber and get the cards ready. We’ll be down directly.”

Idaho departed and Barbara informed her friends: “This is a superb game – you both will love it! If we go slowly, Idaho should have the decks ready by the time we get down there.”

Upon entering the large torture room set in the ranch’s basement, Karla and Kelly found the superb nude standing in front of a small coffee table placed in front of a large leather couch which had been set behind it by the 38-year-old sex slave.

“Take Your places, ladies,” announced Barbara, “and I’ll explain.” They did so, then Barbara joined them, leaving Karla seated in the middle, Kelly on her left side.

“Now we each have five cards numbered one-thru-five,” she told her colleagues. “The ace is for breast flogging, the 2 for back flogging, the 3 for buttocks and the 4 for pussy.”

“And the 5?” Karla queried.

“That’s the wild card – we call it murder’s pick,” said Barbara. “Now also on the table you’ll see that last deck, which contains just four cards. That’s to select the number of strokes – 10is for 10, of course, jack is for 15, queen is 20 and the king is a king-sized 25!”

Noting that Kelly and Karla had taken that all in, Barbara explained the method of play: “The decks are all shuffled, Idaho shuffling the four-deck pack. Then she will turn up my deck, and that will indicate where I flog her first, then yours Karla, then Kelly’s. That’s so she gets to anticipate what floggings will take place in the first round before she gets them – heightens her senses, you see.”

Karla grinned: “Fiendish!”

Barbara went on: “I take the top card from the four-deck pack to select the number of strokes. That card is then put back and the deck re-shuffled for your selection Karla, and for Kelly’s. After each round, the card from our five-deck packs is removed, until we have each flogged her five times. Any questions?”

Karla had one: “So, in theory, it’s possible for her to get – let’s see five kings is 125, three 125s is 375! She could get 375 strokes!”

Barbara smiled: “Yes, in theory, but it never works out that way, of course.”

Kelly piped up: “And what happens after the game – is there a winner?”

Barbara nodded: “There certainly is – the person with most strokes delivered has fun with her solo for an hour!”

And Kelly had a final question: “And in the event of a tie?” Barbara smiled: “A play-off, my dear!”

Kelly clapped her hands in delight: “Perfect!”

“Right,” said Barbara, “but before we begin, Idaho fetch the four implements and explain to our guests their uses.”

The statusesque naked blonde fetched four items of punishment from the equipment table and returned to the table with them.

“This is the breast flogger, mistresses,” she informed them, holding out short-handled, many-tailed leather flogger. Next she laid a rubber cat-o-nine tails on the table: “For my back, mistresses.”

Barbara interrupted: “Rubber, will sting but not break her lovely flesh – Kurt is very independent on that.”

Idaho then laid a heavy black leather tawse on the table: “The tawse for my arse, mistresses.” Finally she put down a pussy-width strap of leather with a rubber-gripped handle. “This is for my pussy, mistresses,” said the almost six-foot tall slave, “it’s called the pussy or piss flaps puzzler.” Kelly and Karla looked extremely impressed.

“Right,” cried Barbara, “let’s play cards! Idaho, what does the first round hold in store for you?”

The naked blonde bent to the pile in front of Barbara’s position on the couch and turned the top card: “A 5, mistress – punisher’s pick!”

Barbara smiled and said mysteriously: “I think I’ll keep you guessing, my darling, until we see what the rest of the round reveals for you.”

Idaho moved to Karla’s deck: “A 4, mistress – my pussy.” Karla looked like a cat that had got the cream. Then Idaho was at Kelly’s cards: “A 3 – my buttocks, mistress.”

All eyes now turned to Barbara to make her wild card choice: “Breasts, I think,my dear.” Idaho then picked up a pad and pen on which the names of the three ladies were written and the number 1-thru-5 below them. Idaho entered the punishments.

“Now how many strokes?” Karla asked.

“Precisely,” said Barbara. “Idaho, do the honours, there’s a dear.”

The blonde picked up the top card and announced: “The queen – 20 strokes for my breasts, Mistress Barbara!” Then she replaced the card shuffled and picked another: “A king – 25 strokes for my pussy, Mistress Karla!” Karla whooped in delight. Next Idaho selected a 10 and informed Kelly: “Ten strokes for my bottom, Mistress Kelly!” Kelly looked visibly pissed.

“OK, I’ll go first,” Barbara announced, “fetch the breast pillory and get it out here, Idaho.”

The slave brought a pillory the height of which means she was forced to knee to thrust her glorious globes through the aesthetics, her hands at the ends of the pillory holding onto it. Barbara then clamped her tits even tighter into the confines, using two wing nuts on each side of the breast board, forcing Idaho’s magnificent 38-inch boobs out like melons almost ready to burst.

Veins showed starkly in relief on the straining golden globes. The 35-year-old brunette, then picked up the breast flogger and ran it lightly across her victim’s titles. Then with a swift “Swooosh” the flogger ripped down across the target. “One, thank-you mistress,” Idaho yelled through her pain.

Karla and her daughter watched in fascination as the PVC-bikinied, high-heeled dominatrix flogged the slave’s flesh. By the completion, Idaho’s breasts were thick with red stripes, but no flesh had been broken.

Barbara assisted the woman from her place of punishment, and the pillory was pushed to one side. “Now for your turn, Karla,” said Barbara. “Into position, Idaho!” Upon the command, the tall blonde placed her feet a yard apart, and her hands up behind the ponytail to clap them together, fingers intertwined. Then she bent slightly at the knees to place her pussy in an optimum position for punishment.

“Excellent,” cried Barbara, “she’s all yours darl!”

Karla picked up the piss flap punisher and placed it against the slave’s prominent pussy lips. Then she brought the crop sharply upwards so it gave out a lovely “Thwock” noise on impact with the poor victim’s most private parts.

Twenty-four more times she repeated the dose, until Idaho was stifling back sobbing on the cry “25, thank-you mistress!”

“Now Kelly, it’s time you dealt to her arse,” said Barbara.

“What position does she assume for this, aunty?” Kelly queried, picking up the buttock-warming tawse.

“Well,” said the lady of the house, “she can bend over in the classic hands gripping ankles, or do a semi-bend holding her knees. And the tip-toe stance, hands behind her neck portrays her body beautifully, or there’s the flogging benchmark. I think Idaho likes a selection of each, don’t you darling?” The slave nodded: “Yes MistressBarbara, that’s nice.”

“Oh, hell, it’s only 10,” announced the teenage temptress, “get over with your arse in the air, hands clapped round your ankles.”

Idaho obeyed, the pose displaying much of her pussy and her pumpered brown anus. Kelly laid 10 whistling blows onto her bare buttocks, then allowed the victim to resume standing.

For the second round, Barbara went first, flogging the slave’s back with the rubber cat for 20 strokes as she stood hands spread high on one wall of the chamber, pretty up on tip-toe. Karla had the wild card and burned 10 strokes into the bent-over slave’s buttocks. Last punishment in round two, was Karla’s 20 delivered to a tightly-clamped set of boobs.

Round three, saw Barbara deliver 10 strokes to Idaho’s butt, followed by Karla inflicting 20 to the same target. Kelly got to crack home 20 strokes of the rubber cat.

The last of the 20 had just cracked the final criss-cross delivery when the phone went on the coffee table by the couch. “That’ll be Kurt, wanting to know how we’re getting on,” said Barbara, picking it up.

“Hi babe,” Kurt’s voice boomed out over the phone’s inserted loudspeaker, “I’ve got this call on the speaker so everyone can hear. We’ve all got our cocks out and we’re ready to start stroking! How’s it going?”

“Hi darl,” replied his wife. “Everything’s under control. Idaho – pass me the scorecard!” Idaho handed it over.

“Let’s see,” said Barbara, “we’ve had three rounds and it would appear Karla leads with 55 strokes. But Kelly’s close on 50 and I’m third on 45.”

“And how’s my slave holding up?” Kurt inquired as he deftly steered the large Maybach 62 on its cruise control.

“Do you want to talk to her?” Barbara said. “Yep,” said Kurt.

Idaho spoke clearly so the voice microphone would pick it up. “It’s going very well, master, I’m having a lovely time,” she lied, earnestly.

The laughter from the Maybach almost equalized that of the three girls in the torture chamber! “Kay, babes,” said Kurt, “get through the last two rounds quick and we may have a result before we reach the whorehouse. Oh, hold on, Timmy wants to say a word.”

Timmy’s voice came piping over the line: “Hey, Kelly, give her a kiss on the pussy for me!” More gales of laughter and the connection was cut.

“Right,” said Barbara, switching the receiver off, “now let’s carry on. Idaho, the cards, please!” So they went into round four – Barbara 15 strokes across Idaho’s by-now burning breasts; Karla 25 across her striped upper back; Kelly 25 on her tormented twat.

“Just one more round to go, darling,” Barbara taunted their slave.

The last round saw Barbara draw a 4, for pussy pain, Karla an ace for the beauty’s boobs, and Kelly a 5 – the wild card. The teenager grinned: “I’ll do what Aunty Barbara did in the first round, I’ll have a think about it.”

Barbara drew a jack for 10 strokes of pussy play with the wicked-looked punishmenter, then Karla a queen for 20 strokes on the slave’s breasts.

“Now your wild card time – pick a card, Idaho!” called Barbara.

It was a king – 25 strokes! Kelly announced: “I’ll flog your -” then she deliberated a moment or two, dragging Idaho’s torque out. “Your pussy!” the 18-year-old critic.

Barbara tormented Idaho’s displayed twat with 10 strokes, then the slave had some “relief” as Karla flogged her melon-shaped breasts 20 times. Then Kelly returned to the attack on the woman’s pussy. By the end, Idaho could hardly stop from openly weeping as the flogger did its delightful work.

“And now the results!” Barbara cried as the self-appointed Mistress of Ceremonies. “First the rounds – the first three were each 50-stroke jobs,” she announced. “Round 4 was a goodie – well, at least for us – a 65-stroker, and the last round was 55. Making a grand total of 270 strokes.”

Next the domina moved on to the various targets. “We delivered 70 to her breasts.” Polite applause. “We gave her65 on her back.” Karla blew a raspberry.

Barbara moved on: “Her butt got – only a measly 30 strokes!” All three women called “Shame, shame!”

“But the pussy!” Barbara paused theatrically: “Seventy-fucking five!”

The three women whooped in delight. Idaho looked slightly less happy about it.

“OK,” said the Mistress of Ceremonies, clearing her throat, “now for the scores you’re all waiting for.” A hush fell in the torture chamber. “Barbara – that’s me,” she laughed, “I scored 70.”

“Karla, you delivered 100 strokes.” A pause. “Kelly, you delivered …” A longer pause: “One hundred strokes! Ladies, we have a tie and, therefore, a play-off!”

The two Shaw women roared with laughter but as Karla looked at Idaho, to say she looked less than pleased would have been a serious understatement.

“What are the play-off rules, please Barb?” asked Karla, when she and her daughter had calmed down.

“Same method of play,” said their hostess, “and as in the main game it’s decided on strokes delivered. So if you both draw kings, we go on until the tie is broken.”

Kelly, though, had a query: “Mom goes first, right?”

Barbara nodded: “Correct.”

“So what if she draws a king and I draw a queen – do I still get to give Idaho 20 strokes, even though I’m going to lose the play-off?” asked Kelly.

Barbara nodded: “Yes, Kell, you do – after all this is just a fun game, and we don’t want to deprive anyone of some fun. Do we Idaho?”

Idaho nodded her head, slowly: “No mistress, of course not.”

“Good,” smiled the MC, “so Idaho, pick a card for the first hole of the play-off.”

The slave selected a 4! “It’s my pussy, please, Mistress Karla,” she announced in a hoarse whisper. “Now Kelly,” instructed Barbara.

Idaho picked a card: “Ohmigod, I don’t believe it! Another 4, my pussy, please, Mistress Kelly.”

“Oh, this is going to be fun!” called Karla. But just then the phone rang again.

“Hey, hon,” Kurtcalled cheerfully, his voice ringing out over the speaker phone. “How’s it going?”

“You won’t believe it, but we’ve got a play-off!” his wife informed him.

“Hey, great, that’s what the card game’s all about,” said Kurt. “Look hon, we’re nearly there. What were the scores?”

Barbara told him of the 100-stroke tie for Karla and Kelly and that both had drawn a pussy flogging for Idaho for the play-off.

“And the totals, don’t keep us all in suspension, hon!” asked Kurt, urgently.

“Idaho’s just about to make the announcements, darling,” said his wife. “Speak clearly, Idaho, there’s a good girl.”

Idaho bent and turned a king for Karla. “A king – 25 strokes for Mistress Karla,” she called out, clearly enough for everyone in the Maybach to hear.

Kelly, meantime, had shuffled the counting deck. Idaho picked another card and her sight of relief could have been heard in Tucson! “A 10 – 10 strokes for Mistress Kelly,” she called.

“Great hon,” said Kurt,”we’re just driving down the approach to the whore house. Call you later!”

As the call was cut, Barbara stood. “Idaho’s already had 85 strokes on that lovely pussy of hers and the next 35 will bring it up to 120 – that’s fairly stringent, even by our standards!”

Barbara looked at Idaho, who was clearly hoping for some mercy, but it was not to be!

“Fetch the gurney, Idaho, There’s a darling, I think we need to have you strapped down for this.” The stunning creativity walked over to the wall and pushed the gurney into centre-chamber and climbed on it, her back and buttocks relishing the initial cooling of the black leather padding.

Barbara applied the strraps until she was totally helpless and then stepped back and hand the pussy puzzler to Karla: “She’s all yours, hon.”

Karla laid on a slow, burning 25 strokes to the poor victim’s already painfully tormented twat. She was followed by Kelly, and at last the tall blonde’s floggings were over.

“Well, that’s that – the conclusion of another successful card game, darlings,” announced Barbara. “How did you enjoy it Kelly?”

The 18-year-old pert-breasted blonde was hooked: “It’s a great game, Aunty Barb – how often do you play it?”

“Possibly once a fortnight,” she informed her “niece”. “You have to be careful, don’t want to overdo it. OK, Karla, it’s Just about midday, so you’ve got till 1pm with her – only no floggings, right?” Karla nodded her understanding.

Barbara and Kelly turned to leave the torture chamber, but at the door Barbara indicated with an inclination of her head that Karla should step over to her.

She leaned close to the lovely 35-year-old and Barbara whispered in her ear: “From experience I can tell you that after 120 strokes on her pussy, cunnilingus is exhausted ago.”

Karla smiled: “Thanks for the tip – I was rather hoping you’d say that!”

To be continued…


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