Karla Shaw, the busty 40-year-old blonde advanced towards the gurney where the lovely 38-year-old sex slave, Idaho, lay strapped down and waiting for her. Karla placed a stool in the middle of the inverted Y-shaped trolley and sat down. “Oh dear, Idaho, you’re just a little bit too high for me, I’ll have to bring you down a bit,” the Los Angeles property millionaire’s wife announced.
Karla stood and pumped the treadle allowing the gurney to come down slightly. The blonde settled back on the stool and announced to her captive audience: “Perfect, now I can give you a nice licking, my dear, that’ll be nice, won’t it?”
“Yes, Mistress Karla,” the naked Amazon replied.
“Oh, no need to be so formal, my dear,” Karla said in her friendliest voice. “There’s no other mistresses here at the moment so ‘mistress’ will be just fine, my darling.”
“Thank-you, mistress,” Idaho whispered.
“Now this is the first time I’ve enjoyed your company alone, so we can have a lovelychat while I help you along to an orgasm and I’m really looking forward to hearing all about your life here, my dear Idaho,” said the torturess.
Karla ran her tongue along her prisoner’s recently-flogged pussy flesh. “There, is that nice?” she cooed.
“Yes, thank-you mistress, it’s lovely,” the bound beauty replied.
“I know you embezzled a lot of money from Kurt’s company, my dear, and you could have gone to prison, couldn’t you?” The blonde admitted that.
“But Kurt decided to take care of you by making you his sex slave – I guess that was really kind of him, when you consider how you would have been treated in prison, isn’t it?”
Karla resumed licking the woman’s pussy as Ihado responded: “Yes, it was very kind of him and Mistress Barbara, mistress. I’m told dreadful things go on in prisons.”
Karla smiled: “So really all the sex games you play here are far preferable, eh, my dear?”
“Oh yes, mistress. I’ve heard horror stories of what goes on inSome prisons,” said Idaho, quite truthfully.
“And Kurt looks after you?” inquired Karla.
“He’s very kind, mistress,” said Idaho as her pussy started to throb from the woman’s attentions. “I get lovely meals, I enjoy fine wines, I exercise in the gym, I swim in the pool – it’s lovely here,” said the sex slave.
“And you get to fuck your master,” Karla reminded her.
“Yes, he’s very good with his cock, mistress,” said the slave.
“And his wife – you get to play with her, too?”
“Yes, mistress,” said the strapped-down slave.
“Who do you prefer?” asked Karla.
Idaho’s mind raced. “I prefer the person who’s playing with me at the time, mistress,” said Idaho, quickly. “Very diplomatic, my dear,” Karla laughed. “So I take it you’re a bi-sexual masochistic whore?”
Idaho agreed: “Yes, I guess you could say that, mistress.”
Karla lapped at the woman’s juicy pussy for a moment and then asked: “You slept with my husband on our first night here – how does he rate in the fuck and suck department?”
“Oh, he’s lovely,” said the slave, “a lovely cock, good with his tongue. I had a good time with Master Brad, mistress.”
“And last night you slept with my son, young Timmy. How about him, Idaho?”
Idaho gulped and then replied: “He’s lovely, too, mistress.”
Karla licked at the slave’s piss flaps and then nibbled at her clip before responding. “Well, Idaho, I have to tell you something. Timmy told me in a quiet moment this morning before the boys went upstate to that whose house of your master’s, that he has a huge pash on you – he really likes you.”
“Thank-you mistress,” said the prisoner.
“But there’s a problem – he says that you make him come too quickly.”
Idaho realized she was expected to answer: “I’m sorry, mistress.”
Karla moved on: “Thank-you my dear, so you agree that your technique is somewhat faulty in that regard – you make him come too quickly, thus depriving of full sexualgratification. That’s rather naughty, isn’t it?”
“Yes, mistress,” Idaho said, quietly, “I guess it is.”
Karla licked the bound prisoner from anus to mons and snapped: “No ‘guess’ about it, Idaho, it’s very naughty. But I have an idea – I’m going to get Timmy to fuck you later, and I shall observe your technique and see where you’re going wrong, see what needs to be done to enable him to last longer before shooting, a sort of fucking examination. There, that’s a good idea, isn’t it?”
Idaho almost sobbed: “Yes, mistress, it’s a very good idea.”
Karla pulled her head away from the slave’s crotch and stand up. She stepped away from the gunney, off to one side and removed her PVC bikini bottom.
“Now I’m sorry to do this to you, my darling, but I have to piss. I’ve never pissed down a woman’s mouth before and I’m a little worried about some of my stream missing the target, so I was wondering, is there is piss funnel in the torture chamber?”
Karla knew verywell that there was, she had seen one on one of the chamber’s equipment tables.
“Yes, mistress,” Idaho said, in a small voice, “on the bench next to the whip rack.”
Karla walked over and found a large red plastic funnel with straws attached to its shaft about an inch from the end. She walked back to Idaho and placed the first inch of the funnel’s tunnel into the slave’s mouth, then took the straps around the back of the woman’s blonde hair and tied them tight.
Karla then put one of her high-heels in the stirrup at the head of the torture benchmark and placed her other across the slave’s body, before planning it in the opposite stirrup. Standing fully erect, Karla found that her shaken pussy was now about an inch from the rim of the funnel. “Now I want you to block the end of the funnel – no drinking until I give the word, Idaho,” she ordered.
Then she relaxed and succumbed to the temptation that had been growing in her bladder for the last 20 minutes or so – a strong, thick stream of yellow piss flooded into the funnel. Karla’s stream ran for a good 50 seconds, until a few final drops dripped into the funnel. Karla then dismounted from the stirrups and looked down at the anguished slave.
“Right, Idaho, I’m away to have a chat with your mistress – no cheating, no drinking till I get back, there’s a good girl. I can see the level is just an inch from the top, so I’ll know if you’ve taken a sly swallow!”
Karla then realized that Idaho was going to have a helluva job keeping the funnel in place, so she unstrapped the woman’s wrists from her sides.
“Hold onto the funnel with your hands, just make sure you don’t spill any, there’s a dear.” And with that the nearly-naked dominatrix turned on her heel and walked out of the torture chamber, leaving the slave supporting the funnel holding the warm piss.
Karla skipped upstairs and entered the large blinde. “You won’t guess what I’ve left her doing,” she started to say as she walkedinto the room, then her words dried up.
Standing in front of the long couch Karla saw the broad back of a Nevada Highway Patrol officer. Beside him, turning to star at her was a large blonde woman, also from the NHP. Seated in front of them were Barbara and Kelly, both covered up in towelling robes.
Suddenly, Karla became aware that she was naked. Her hands flew to cover her pussy and her breasts.
The male member of the Highway Patrol team turned and stared at her. “Ma’am,” he drawn, “I’d be obliged if you’d get yourself clothed and then join us here, I’ve got something to tell yo’all.”
Karla sprinted upstairs, quivering from shame, her heart thumbing. She pulled a robe on and tried to compose herself as she walked back.
While this was going on, the male patrolman turned to Barbara and Kelly and said: “‘Scuse us, ladies, but I’m gonna have a quiet word with my partner.”
Out in a corridor, out of earshot from the pair, the patrolman told the big blonde: “Somethin’ weird going on here, Tammi. We get here and find two stark-naked women watching a torture video, then a third naked woman arrives from downstairs.
“After I’ve broken the news to them, you snoop around downstairs, see if there’s a basement. There’s somethin’ funny goin’ on here.”
When Karla returned, she slipped onto the couch beside her daughter. Then all three looked up at the male officer.
“Now ladies,” he said, after clearing his throat and removing a pocket book from his tune, “I unfortunate that Mr Kurt Hunt is the owner of a borderllo upstate and that he went to visit it today, correct?”
Barbara Hunt nodded: “Yes, he’s my husband and he went with Karla’s husband Brad and their son, Timmy.”
Karla raised her hand, like a kid in class, and whispered: “I’m Karla Shaw and this is my daughter, Kelly.”
The officer nodded. “Well, ladies, I’m afraid I have some bad news,” he said, gravely. “It would appear that these gentlemen were on the top floor of the borderllo when there was some sort of gas exploration.”
The three women stiffened.
The officer went on: “Some sort of heating malfunction, the experts are checking it out. It appears that the giantmen were with three, er, three ladies.”
Barbara nodded almost automatically. “Yes, they’d gone up to er, interview three new ladies at the parlour. But are you sure it’s my husband and the Shaws?”
The officer paused. “How can I put this, ma’am? Er, let’s say we only know there were six naked bodies at the scene of the exploration, but there was a changing room off from where the exploration took place. Seems like a concrete wall sheltered it from the blast.
“We found three wallets, three drivers licences, one for Nevada, the other two from California. The Nevada licence was made out to, let’s see here, Kurt Hunt, aged 45, industrialist.”
Barbara stifled a sob: “That’s my husband.”
The officer read from his notebook again: “And the California licences were made out to Brad Shaw, aged 40, property developer, and Timothy Shaw, aged 18, student.”
Karla croaked: “My husband, my son.” Then she broke down.
The trio had been so riveted by the officer’s announcement, that none noticed the large blonde patrolwoman step quietly from the room. Finding the stairs leading down to where the naked woman had emerged earlier, Tammi Walked carefully down to the basement corridor.
At the door to the torture chamber, she hesitated, then very slowly, opened it. An experienced officer she may have been but the sight that greeted her caused her to gasp in shock.
On the gurney, her pussy reddened by the attentions earlier, lay Idaho, holding the funnel containing Karla’s urine. Tammi checked to find the room empty but for herself and the naked prisoner, then stepped over to the gurney.
Bending over she sniffed at the liquid in the funnel. “Is that what I think it is, hon?” she asked.
“Mmmmm,” Idaho replied,flicking her eyesbrows up and down in what the officer took as a “Yes”.
With a flick of her wrist, Tammi smacked the funnel from Idaho’s mouth, spraying the contents onto the floor. The patrolwoman then walked around the gurney unstrapping the large blonde.
When she was unbound, Idaho sat up. Tammi put her arms around her and asked: “What do they do to you, hon?”
Idaho whispered “They torture me”, then broke down into sobs, her tears wetting the top of the officer’s tunic.
“Not any more, hon,” said the officer, “not any more.”
The police had found enough incriminating evidence in the video tapes to build a very impressive case. Defense counsel tried to argue that Idaho had been a willing participant, but a wily old judge was having none of it.
“Don’t give me that kinda horse hockey, counselor,” he snapped at one such fee attempt to divert the trio’s guilt. “This lovely lady may be a mighty fine actress, but she ain’t no Bette Davis or Katherine Hepburn. I’ve seen the disgusting tapes, so don’t you try pulling that kinda wool over these old eyes.”
Attempts to suggest that Idaho enjoyed her torques, as reflected by her appearance in the torture program on the sex channel didn’t wash with the judge, either. “If I had my way, that channel would be outlawed, but these days anything goes on cable TV,” he snapped. “Anyway, you tryin’ to tell me that she became to go on the show, counselor?”
In the end, Barbara received eight to 12 years in prison, as she had been involved in inflicting the indignities on Idaho for the longest.
Karla received six years in prison “because you should know better, missy”, according to the judge.
Kelly got two years – her youth being taken into account, but her obvious relish at what she was doing as evidenced by the video tapes, counting against her.
Then the judge turned to Ihado’s admitted embezzlement from the late Kurt Hunt’s business: “You did wrong,young lady, but you admit it. Normally I’d put you in the state pen, but since you’ve agreed to pay all the money back, I’m deferring sentence for two years. Keep your nose clean for that period of time and the state of Nevada in its infinite mercy will wipe the slate clean. And don’t let me find you in my court again!” All that had been 12 months ago. Idaho lay back on the poolside recliner and sipped on a long glass of rum and coke. Funny, after all the indignities he had inflicted on her, Mr Hunt had left her $20 million in his will – and the ranch!
Mrs Hunt would receive $50 million, but that would only be after her term of incarceration – still at least seven years to go!
Kelly Shaw had been released from youth prison after 12 months. She had received time off for good behavior and would have been the first to admit her experiences behind bars had changed her. From being a sadistic little slut, she was now a submissive little slut.
Idaho checked her watch. Justgone 2 o’clock and really hot. She adjusted her bikini top, decided to go bare-crotched and pulled on a sun-shading stetson before walking over to the parked Jeep.
Kelly, stark naked save for sox and struggle boots, was already “hitched” up to it with the tow rope taut between her legs. Idaho gave her a cheerful pat across her lovely buttocks.
“OK, Kelly,” she grinned, “time for your Afternoon walkies.” Then she paused. “Oh, I nearly forgot – I’d better pop inside and get a nice bottle of piss.
“Can’t have you getting dehydrated, can we?”
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