WBDP – Brianna Delivers Pt. 15

Okay. I know the ending is four chapters away because it’s done except for editing. It could have been one disgustingly long chapter, but I felt I could break it down into four. This chapter’s content includes oral and anal sex, lesbian and heterosexual sex, interracial sex, bondage and discipline. All four chapters should be published within the week. Thanks to all those who comment. I appreciate constructive criticism. Take care.


World’s Best Diet Plan – Brianna Delivers, Pt 15

During the middle of the night, I awoke hearing halting breath again as Chantelle edged Dawn, before closing my eyes and going back to sleep.

In the morning, I heard Dawn whispering, “Please let me cum, please, God, please!” Her hands were gripping the bed sheets in total frustration.

“Monsieur has ordered me not to let you cum, Dawn. I do as Monsieur says.”

“Good morning, girls,” I said, starting both of them. “How are you this morning?”

“Good morning, Monsieur. I am fine.”

“Good morning, Master. I’m not,” fumed Dawn.

“I heard. That will be forty strokes with ‘the Enforcer’ for you.”

“I didn’t cum, Master,” Dawn protested. “Chantelle wouldn’t let me.”

“If she had, the number of strokes would be much higher for you and she would be getting paid alongside you. You are getting twenty for attempting to get around my ban on your orgasms and twenty for attempting to get another slave to disobey her Master. Chantelle, we’ll need ‘the Enforcer’. Please get it.”

“Oui, Monsieur.”

Chantelle got up and retrieved it, bringing it back to me. I had Dawn lie over my lap. She was instantly aware of my morning wood throbbing against her hip. I’d soon be taking care of that in Chantelle. Seeing Dawn’s youthful bottom drawn over my lap merely increased its hardness. I removed her plug and handed it to Chantelle to clean off.

“Please count for me. If you lose track of where I am, we’ll start again.”

“Yes, Master,” with a choke in her voice. I brought it down with a satisfying thwack. “One.” Another. “Two.” And so it went. The Enforcer would come down on her bottom and she’d gasp out another number, squirming provocatively on my lap. Her struggles were somewhat vigorous and at some point, my cock went between her legs and began rubbing against her clip and slit. I wasn’t opposed to the delightful sensings and let her squirm there.

About the time I got to the mid-thirties, Dawn suddenly gasped, “I think I’m going to cum, Master.”

“If you do, I will add fifty to your total. Do not cum!” I ordered.

“Yes, Master. Please worry. I don’t know how long I can resist.”

I rushed through the last few and pushed her off my lap so she was no longer rubbing against my erection.

“Chantelle, lie down on Dawn. I’m going to fuck you now. You may arouse her thrice more, but she’s not to cum. Give her a couple minutes before you start.”

Chantellepushed Dawn flat and laid herself over her in a sixty-nine. I told Dawn to start licking Chantelle’s clip and I slide deep into her cunt without effort. I was already stimulated from Dawn rubbing against my cock during her spanking, so it wasn’t going to take long to cum now I was enveloped in Chantelle’s finely tuned pussy. A dozen strokes and I was gushing a full load deep into her cunt. When my pulsing stopped, I pulled out and told Dawn to clean me off and I felt her mouth cleaning the joint fluids from my prick. When it was clean, she was ordered to do the same for Chantelle until she climaxed three times. I went to take a shower.

My shower done, I went into the bedroom. Chantelle was sprayed across the bed in satisfied completion, Dawn was huddled in a frustrated ball.

“You may both shower Now. When you’re done, we’ll put a larger plug in Dawn for her to wear all day.”

“Oui, Monsieur.”

She led Dawn to the shower and they came out twenty minutes later, fresh and squeaky clean. I had the lube and a larger plug waiting when they got out. I had Dawn bend over the bed and greased her bottom and the plug and worked it into her back door. She’d learned from the first one and didn’t clnch up so hard, so the only rough spot was getting the wider section past the gate. I gave it a little push with the heel of my hand to push it on in and she grunted when I did so; a ladylike grunt if There is such a thing. Helping her stand, she walked around some to test how it felt.

“Remember, collar and wrist cuffs all the time, today. You can remove the ankle cuffs if you have to go into a store for any reason. I will double the spanking you received this morning if you attempt to cum,” I told Dawn.

“Yes, Master. I’ll obey.”

“Good, slave.”

I handed Chantelle a twenty and told her to stop someplace for a fast breakfast, go to Dawn’s apartment, help her to pack and bring whatever needed to go with the movements tomorrow over to the house. I said we could wash any clothes that needed cleaning, so bring those, too. Above all, Chantelle was to ensure Dawn remained a frustrated slave all day. I’d see them at the house as soon as they were done.

“Don’t forget Dawn’s suitcase. It’s there, in the corner, and any clothes of yours you want washed.”

“Oui, Monsieur.”

I left on my own, heading to the house after a quick stop at Mickey D’s. Once at the house, I stripped the bed of the linesns, grabbed used towels and whatever was in the dirty clothes basket, separated into dark and light colors and started a load of laundry, starting with towels and bedding. I’d hold off on the clothes until the girls got here. While the washing machine was working, I checked my texts and found another one from Brianna. There was a movie of Marcia secured spread eagled to Brianna’s bed. She was being hand fucked by Zoe with a big vibrator and cumming hard from the amount of thrashing about going on. Lucia and Riyuki were nibblingon her breasts. It was good to see she was being shared with others and Brianna wasn’t having all the fun. The camera moved in for a close up of Marcia’s cunt and you could see the liquid almost dripping from it. It was easy to see it wasn’t her first orgasm of the evening. The camera person said to say ‘Hi’ and the three slaves all waved to me before they returned to their task of making Marcia cum. I hoped she was having a good time.

I started boxing non-perishables from the pantry the moves could take. Things with a shorter shelf life, I put in other boxes to take to the food bank. Things from the fridge would go last and we’d haul everything straight to the Harry Chapin Food Bank before going to the Hyatt. We had two cars, so we could do it one trip. Anything opened, went straight to the trash, but I’d wait Until the day before the trash pick up to haul it out so I didn’t stink up the garage. The bedding was in the dryer near the end of the cycle when Dawn and Chantelle arrived. Chantelle automatically got naked. I told Dawn to strip down too, so I could see the butt plug in her as she moved around. I told them to start a load of dark clothes if they had anything to wash. They added their things to my dark load and started the washer.

“I will be awhile before the washers done, I think we should have more fun. And by we, I mean Chantelle and I. You still can’t have fun yet,” I told Dawn.

I tied her to bed frame as I’d done to Chantelle a couple days before. When she was secure, we left her there. Chantelle leaned over the bed and I speared into her pussy, right in front of Dawn, fucking her through two orgasms before I climaxed myself. Chantelle licked me clean and I licked Chantelle. I touched Dawn’s cunt and she was dripping wet when I ran my finger Through her slit. She bucked against my hand, seeking more contact. I pulled it away, waving my finger at her.

“You seem tense,” I said, “frustrated. You should take it easy. A good orgasm always helps me. I’m as loose as a goose, right now.”

“I’d love to have an orgasm,” Dawn spat. “I have a Master who doesn’t think I should have one.”

“I wonder what you did to piss him off?”

“I teased my Master to an erection when he couldn’t fuck anyone.”

“No wonder you’re being punished. That seems a dangerous game to play with a Master.”

“Master, I’m sorry. I’ve apologized to you. Please let me cum. Stop teasing me.”

“Not yet. Chantelle, please pleasure this slave close to three more orgasms.”

“Oui, Monsieur.”

She knelt at Dawn’s feet and started her slow tease and Dawn screamed in frustration. The bedding was dry so I pulled it out of the dryer, folded it and set it on the empty bed as Dawn was thrashing about, straining to push her cunt into Chantelle’s face. I pinched Dawn’s nipples and told her to be careful. She didn’t want to cum or she’d face a worse punishment. She refused with an unhappy groan. Chantelle smiled up at me wit Dawn’s sex fluids all around her lips.

I went into the kitchen and made sure every dish with a spec of dirt on it was loaded in the dishwasher and turned it on. Chantelle came in shortly after.

“That didn’t take long,” I said.

“Dawn is ready to exploit,” Chantelle said. “I barely touched her and she told me she was ready to cum. I rested more in between attempts than I actually spent trying to bring her close.”

I laughed. Chantelle helped me finish emptying the pantry. We went under the sink for the cleaning products and I said I would leave anything with a substantial amount left in it for the new owners, but to throw away anything half empty or less. When we finished there were about seven bottles or cans left, plus half a tub of dishwasher soap. The dark load finished and I tossed them into the dryer and the whites in the washer. I went back into the bedroom and looked at Dawn stretched out.

I pulled out my phone and said, “I’m going to take a fewpictures to show Brianna her new slave.”

Dawn said nothing. She actually appeared a little dropy. Of course she’d been in her position for about 90 minutes. I took the pictures and sent them to Brianna. I decided Dawn needed to be released to stretch a bit so I unsnapped her cuffs from the ties and let her move around for a few minutes before tying her back up. She wouldn’t be able to cum while her arms were Secured to the bed. The bedroom reeked of sex and it was almost all from Dawn.

“You smell ripe,” I said, “and ready to be plucked. We may not be able to take you out to dinner tonight. I’m sure the waiter or waitress would wonder if you’d been fucking a football team. I suspect we’ll have to order from room service tonight.”

Dawn moaned in frustration. I wondered if she was always This highly sexed or her submission was causing her more arousal than she normally exhibited. She did work in a sex toy shop, so there might be a reason she did so.

The darks finalshed drying and Chantelle split them into mine and hers and whatever remained, we assumed was Dawn’s. The dishwasher completed its cycle and we pulled everything out and stacked it on the counters. No sense in putting it in the cupboards if it was all getting packed tomorrow.

With ten minutes left on the drying cycle, I released Dawn from her bonds and told her to dress and start packing the clothes to take back. I put all the toys I didn’t want to haul myself back in the toy box and locked the padlock. The chest wasn’t heavy so they could carry it as is. Chantelle was out in the garage taking what few things we had left out of the freezer and putting them in one of my coolers along with some ice. When she finished, she donned her clothes and we carried the clothes and food out to the cars. I put all the clothes in mine and then the food was evenly divided between the two cars. Chantelle locked up the house.

I asked Dawn if she knew where the Harry Chapin Food Bank was.

“No, Master. I’ve never been there before.”

“You can follow me, but the address is 3760 Fowler Street in case you lose me.” I could see her making a mental note of the address. “Chantelle will ride with you.”

“Yes, Master.”

“No, ‘Masters’ at the Food Bank. Call me, Sam.”

“Yes, Master.”

We all got in the cars and Dawn backed out and then followed me to the location. I lost her at one light, but she caught up to me at the next one. We got there and started bringing boxes in. They thanked us, gave us a receipt for the donation and gave us the cooler back. After it was straight down US 41 to the turn off to the Hyatt. We all carried something in. We all got naked and pulled out the room service menus.

After glancing at the menu for a couple minutes, I said, “I don’t feel like eating anything on this menu at the moment. I’d like a pizza.”

Chantelle put hers down and said, “Pizza sounds good to me, too.” We looked at Dawn.

“I actually get aSay in this?” She asked. We nodded and she said, “Fine, I’ll get pizza too.”

I pulled up the Yelp app and checked for pizza delivery in the area. There were a couple of possibilities.

“Blackjack Pizza and Salads has 30 reviews and they have five stars, so they must be doing something right,” I said. “We can get an antipasto salad with it. They have square pan pizzas and deliver. What do you want for toppings?”

We discussed it for a few minutes and decided on pepperoni, Italian sausage, green olives, onions and extra cheese and a large salad with Italian dressing. I called and asked if they delivered to the Hyatt Regency and they said it was no problem, so I ordered a large pizza with the agreed upon toppings, large salad and a half liter of Diet Coke. I gave them my debit card information and told them to stick a five dollar tip on it. They said it would be about forty minutes.

“Well, Chantelle; you should have enough time to tease our little slave four or fiveMore times before they deliver the pizza given how hot she is.”

“Must you, Master?” Dawn asked.

“I tell you what,” I said. “Chantelle, do you remember the conversation we had when Marcia was undergoing orgasm denial about ten days ago? Should we offer the same content to Dawn?”

Chantelle said, “I remember it well, Monsieur. I do not see why she should not receive the same opportunity Marcia did.”

“What content?” Dawn asked suspiciously. Apparently she didn’t entirely trust our motors. Wise girl.

“Well, we can continue to bring you close to orgasm for the next five and a half hours or you can agree to participate in a conversation. I’m sure in the time we have left, Chantelle and I can bring you close fifteen or twenty more times. You must accept the conversation without knowing the rules, however if you win the conversation, you will not have to undergo any more orgasm denial for the next two weeks unless you are disobedient again, and may cum anytime you want without askingpermission. If you lose the content. You must undergo the same orgasm denial as you have today for the next three days, plus one other punishment which I’ll tell you before the content starts.”

“Can I at least ask what type of content it is. Do I have to answer geography questions, math problems, run a marathon, what?”

I looked at Chantelle. “I can tell you it will be somewhat Similar to the one Lynn and you underwent in the van.”

“The one where she had to lick me to orgasm and I had to resist as long as possible or be punished?”

“Yes, similar to that.”

“Will I be the licker or the licked?”

“That’s too much information. You have to decide now.”

She thought about it for several minutes. Undergo more sexual torture for over five hours, Taking a chance she would be subject to more if she lost, or win and not have to worry about it for two more weeks. She really wanted to cum. She’d been edged at regular and frequent intervals for over eighteen hoursand was craving release bad.

“Apparently, she can’t make up her mind, Chantelle. Go ahead and start now.” It made up her mind for her.

“I’ll take a chance on the conversation,” Dawn said.

I got on the bed and called her to sit between my legs. I put my arms around her, and said, “The rules of the conversation are this. Chantelle is going to start licking you, so I need you to put your legs outside of mine. When she starts, you have to hold out for ten minutes. If you don’t, you lose. For each orgasm you have within the ten minutes, you must undergo an additional day without orgasms up to a maximum of three. If you only have one, you lose one day, tomorrow; two, tomorrow and Tuesday, three or more, through Wednesday. The additional penalty is this; if you cum in less than five minutes, you have to let the pizza delivery guy in while you’re naked. Any questions?”

“I have to answer the door naked, Master?”

“Yes, and let him in. I’ll have to sign the credit card receptiont. You won’t be able to cover up in any way.”

I knew what Dawn was thinking. She’d held out when Lynn was doing her for over five minutes and if she could hold out five minutes for the first, and five more for the second, the most she’d have is one orgasm within the allotted time frame and would get out of answering the door naked. It was one thing to be nude before us, who were also naked most of the time, and another entirely to be bare before a fully clothed delivery person. What Dawn wasn’t taking into consideration was she was practically ready to cum now, she was left frustrated all day long. The other thing she didn’t consider was Lynn was a neophyte when it came to pleasure women; Chantelle was anything but a beginner.

“I understand, Master. Let’s got started.”

“Put your legs outside mine. You can’t close them for any reason. Lean back against me and try to hold out as long as you can. Begin, Chantelle.”

I began fondling Dawn’s breasts as Chantelle started in on Dawn’s cunt. Her nipples were almost instantly hard. Within a minute, Dawn realized how little chance she had of actually winning this content. Her legs were quivering and her hips were rocking almost independently of consciousness thought. I could see how hard she was straining to hold out. Her legs were like boards over mine, afraid to even bend them and relax in the slightest. I was actually Surprised she lasted as long as she did.

Just over four minutes and she was screaming her release. “Fuck! Oh, shit! I’m cumming.” She didn’t have to announce it. It was apparent to both of us how powerful her orgasm was. Just like Marcia. She’d done her best, knowing the penalty awaiting her and no matter how hard she’d tried to resist, exploited in a violent climax. Just like Marcia; once the Flood gates opened, they couldn’t be closed. She had four more in the remaining six minutes. When the ten minutes ended, I called time and Chantelle stopped. I continued lazily fondling her heaving breasts and finally allowed her to close her legs.

“Five orgasms in ten minutes. I don’t know if it’s some kind of record for you, but I was quite impressed. First one in four minutes. I guess the delivery person is going to get a tip they didn’t know about. I don’t want you to clean yourself up. Answer the door just as you are, wet and smelling of sex.”

“Yes, Master,” Dawn whimpered.

“I think you should return the favor to Chantelle. Reward her for how good she made you feel. I tell you what; if you can give Chantelle five orgasms in the same amount of time, I’ll reduce your denial time by one day.”

Dawn tried. She actually gave her three within ten minutes, which was creditable given the first time she licked cunt was a barely a week ago. Chantelle thanked her for her efforts.

“The delivery person will be here in the next five minutes. I want you to leave your face as it is now; Chantelle’s cum all over your mouth and chin. Chantelle can stay in thebed with the covers over her so the delivery person can see what you’ve been doing. Tell me, which would be worse, a man or a woman driver?”

“A man, Master.”

“Worse if it’s young or older?”


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