WBDP – Brianna Delivers Pt. 13

Like all the other chapters in the World’s Best Diet Plan series, this chapter deals with oral sex, anal sex, interracial sex, lesbian sex, bondage and discipline and general fuckery. Brianna is gaining and training a new slave and is a temporary Mistress to another for the purpose of teaching her how to be with a woman. Shenanigans happen. It’s all in fun.


We got up at seven the next morning. Chantelle worked on breakfast while Marcia and I worked on what we’d take to the beach. We had a couple sheets we used at the beach and we decided to bring eight beach towels, and four beach chairs. We knew Bowman Beach was a County Park which means no glass or alcohol, so we got twenty-one plastic bottles of water and the rest of the sodas, but left the beer and wine. We also packed a few of the cooked burgers and hot dogs left from the day before and any chips, cut up veggies and potato salad we had, along with plates, cups and utesils. I packed a couple of the toysWe had for the restaurants tonight. Today was Marcia’s last day of slavery, so I certainly had to play with her more before it ended. We ate Chantelle’s breakfast and were ready when Brianna pulled up at 8:30. They all came into the house to help carry everything out to van, except Zoe who stayed with the children. Dawn was with them, so she apparently decided to go through the weekend of submission.

I greeted her. “Hello, slave. How are you doing so far?”

“Fine, Sam.”

Brianna immediately barked, “Bend over slave. Bare your bottom, grab your ankles.” She pulled a paddle from her bag.

Dawn immediately bent over and lifted her beach cover-up exposing her naked ass. It was already red. Apparently, it wasn’t the first time she’d been paddled this morning. She grabbed her ankles. “Five for addressing a Master by his name instead of his title. Count for me.”

“Yes, Mistress.” Brianna applied the paddle hard to her ass. Dawn flinched and said, “One, Mistress.” Another smack, “Two, Mistress.” Her ass grow redder. And so it went until all five had landed on her ass. “Five. Thank you, Mistress, for teaching a slave to behave properly.” She remained bent over until Brianna told her to stand.

“This is a Master, slave, and shall be addressed as such every time you need to address him. For the moment, Marcia is also a slave, as denoted by her slave jewelry. If you ever see her without her slave jewelry or clothed when other slaves are naked, her slavery is over and she will also be addressed as Mistress. The only people you may address by name are other slaves. In the restaurant tonight, you will address all non-slaves as Sir or Ma’am, without hesitation. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Mistress. I apologize, Master.”

“I accept your apology, slave.”

“The slave hasn’t been granted a name yet,” Brianna said. “You may address her as slave or slut until she’s given a name.”

“Of course.”

We put all of the things in the van and everyone got in except I asked Brianna to pause a moment before she got in.

“You don’t normally treat your slaves so harshly, Brianna. What gives?”

“It’s a crash course in submission. She’s got very limited experience, essentially a couple weekends with two different guys who tied her down a few times and spanked her and she dominated another female the same way for another weekend. While this isn’t how her experience would normally go with me, I want her to know the extremes quickly so she can make an informed decision.”

“Okay. It makes sense. Have you established any limits with her yet?”

“No, she’s too inexperienced to have developed any limits. She has a safe word, ‘Kumquat’, which she knows to use anytime she’s reached a limit. I thought we’d use it to establish where her limits are. I plan to push her hard.”

“Let me know if there’s anything you need from me.”

“Of course. I’ve got plans.”

I kissed her and she got in the van. I got the toll road transponder from my car and put it in the van. I was going to drive today. Brianna sat next to me in the other front seat. We set out, turning onto Summerlin when we reached it. I explained a little about our location, the geography and history of the area as we drive. When we got to Sanibel, I took a quick detour to the lighthouse to show them, though I didn’t actually stop. Marcia and I had already said Our goodbye here and I had a bunch of pictures to prove it. Reversing course, I headed for the other end of the island. We passed Ding Darling and I told them about it and then the Shell Museum.

“You mean the guy who starred in all the old Perry Mason shows and the original Godzilla helped found the Shell Museum?” Brianna said.

“Yes, Raymond Burr. He helped raise money and did ads telling people to come see the museum. Sanibel and Captiva are famous for shelling. You usually have to be on the beaches at dawn in order to get the best ones which wash ashore overnight. The professional collectors are out at daylight. Good ones can be very valuable depending on what they are. You’ll find lots of shells now, but most of them will have flaws of some kind, either broken or with holes in them. The perfect ones get snatched up right away. If you want any real good specimens, I can stop at one of the ‘She Sells Seashells’ shops for good ones.”

We reached the entrance to Bowman Beach about a mile farther up the road. I found a parking place and bought an all day pass for the windshield. Four of us put the chair carriers over our shoulders. Zoe and Brianna took the baby carriers and baby bags, Chantelle and I carried the cooler between us because it wouldn’t roll well in the sand. Riyuki had the beach bag, Marcia and Dawn carried the folded crib.

I said, “We can stop here for a quick shower to wash the suntan lotion and sand off on our way back to the car,” pointing to the public restrooms and the shower stations. “We’re going to have to walk about a mile down the beach in that direction,” pointing North towards Captiva. “We have to leave the families and kids behind if we’re going to get in the buff. Marcia will text Suzanne when we get there to see if we’re safe to strip.”

We set off down the beach and left the crowds behind. We passed one other couple who were naked though I still thought they were too close to the primary beach. It wasn’t beyond probability shells wouldn’t come down this far and they could theoretically call the sheriff’s office if offended. It was only about a half mile down. Lazy, I guess. We keep going. I found a spot the GPS on my phone said was a mile from the parking lot and a mile from blind pass, the divider between Sanibel and Captiva. There were some shade trees not too far from the water, a good place for us to set up the crib. Everyone stopped and set their stuff down. Marcia and Dawn opened the crib and put the sunshade over it and Zoe and Brianna put the twins in it. From the soundsof things, they were getting hungry and would need to be fed. Marcia texted Suzanne and we got the OK to strip down with the promise she’d notify us if anything came up. The others set out the big sheet and chairs so we could settle in.

We peeled off our suits and/or cover-ups and Brianna started feeding Sarah. Dawn had a good figure, relatively small up top, but with large prominent nipples which looked like they might be fun to suck. I’d seen her bottom briefly when she was spanked this morning, but the look now was much better. Her bottom was tight and firm, with the compactness and resiliency of youth, and slim hips. Her cunt was mostly shaken with a tiny triangle over her slit. She had a tattoo of a flower on her right shoulder, a dragon below the left breast and a small bird on her ass. In small black letters above her mound, it read ‘Kiss Here’. In addition to the nipple piercings, she had another one on her clip sheath. I gave Dawn an SPF 50 lot and told her to generatorously grease her white parts or she’d have a severe burn. I instructed her to reapply every hour. I said if she needed help, to ask one of the other slaves.

“Yes, Master.”

Everyone else had good base coats from California, so they went with 25’s. Because Marcia and I hadn’t been tanning for over a month without suits, we went with a 35 for the white spots. We did each other head to toe. Dawn was getting help from Chantelle, helping her afterward. After everyone was greased, I gave them all a water and told them to stay hydrated. I’d been busy yesterday and hadn’t looked at our investments except to check general market indices, so I pulled up the information from our accounts. They were basically even with a small profit. I made adjustments which would take place on Monday at market opening. The women were all sunning themselves. Brianna was in one of the chairs keeping an eye on our kids. I sat near her and started reading another library book on my iPad. Occasionally, someone would go out in the water to cool off, then return and get another coat of lotion. When 12:30 rolled around, I offered everyone food and whatever we had in the way of drinks. Everyone helped themselves to what they wanted. Zoe started asking me some other questions as she ate.

“Where are we now?”

“We’re a little more than a mile South from Blind Pass, which is the water division between Sanibel and Captiva Islands. There’s a road pull off there. Lots of people go there for the shelling. We’ll pass by it on the way to supper. Frequently the pass gets choked up with sand and the two islands become one and it needs to be dredged. Sanibel is a city. Captiva is not.”

“Do you know the origin of the names, Sanibel and Captiva?”

“Captiva is easy. Florida belonged to Spain for a couple hundred years. Around the beginning of the nineteenth century, there was a Spanish pirate named José Gaspar who sailed these waters. Captiva is supposedly where he kept female captives until they were ready to be sold or ransomed. So essentially, Captiva would be island of captives…”

Dawn broke in, “I didn’t know this, Master. Where did you learn this?”

“Ten more strokes for interrupting a Master, slut,” Brianna said. “Master Sam will administrator them when he’s done speaking.”

“Yes, Mistress. I’m sorry, Master. Please forgive me for being so rude.”

“As I was saying, island of captives. When I first move to an area, I research a lot of information about the place. You should see all I know about Los Angeles right now. I study maps, get a lay of the land, notice what the major routes are. Soon after I moved here, I looked a lot of things up. It’s easier now than it was before. Sanibel is a lot harder and more conflicted in origin stories. Supposedly, a harbor shows up on a map from 1765 where the harbor is identified as Puerto de S. Nibel, where the Santa stands for Santa or saint. However, I’ve never found reference to a Saint Nibel, so I wonderAbout that. Other stories have the island named by Ponce de León or some other Spanish explorer after Queen Isabella I or the Saint she’s named after. Another origin story is that José Gaspar’s first mate, Roderigo Lopez, named it after a lover named Sanibel he had to leave behind in Spain, however, the map in 1765 predates Gaspar so that’s doubtful. Still another said it’s named after Santa or San Ybel, spelled Y-B-E-L. The point where the Sanibel Lighthouse sits is called Point Ybel and there’s a resort on the island called Casa Ybel. I kind of like this explanation for the simple reason that the Peninsular Florida Land Company tried to establish a settlement on the island in 1832 and the island was spelled S-A-N-Y-B-E-L at that time.”

“Were the Seminole Indians the first inhabitants of the area?”

“No. The Calusa Indians were the first ones in the area, arriving here about 2500 years ago. They were the dominant tribe in Southwest Florida for over a thousand years. The Caloosahatchee River is named after them. Unfortunately, they were exterminated by the Spanish explorers, mostly from diseases like smallpox which they had no resistance to. They welcomed the Spanish the first time they met them but after they were decimated by disease, for which they blamed the Spanish, they fought them thereafter. They didn’t survive the exposure and disappeared. The Calusa traded with Cuba and the Caribe Indians and other tribes to the North. Their burial sites contained things not native to the area which they had to acquire from far away. They left shell mounds in the area which are still around, those developers haven’t ripped up.”

“You’re a regular fountain of information aren’t you?” Brianna said.

“You should play a game of Trivial Pursuit with my Master,” Marcia said. “When we play with his family, it’s usually him against everyone else and he still wins over 60% of the time.”

“Really?” Zoe asked.

“My slave isn’t lying,” I replied. “I thnk I should administrator slut’s punishment now. What do you want me to use, Brianna?”

Brianna pulled out the Doc Johnson ‘Enforcer’. Dawn shivered slightly watching it.

“Have you experienced the Enforcer before, slave?”

“Yes, Master. Mistress used it on me last night as soon as I arrived at the hotel.”

“You didn’t like it very much, I take it?”

“No, Master.”

“Yet this is the very same instrument my little slave picked.”

“I know, Master.”

“Did your Mistress makes you lick her cunt last night?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Was it the first cunt you’d ever licked?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Did you enjoy it?”

“Not at first, Master. But as I went on, I got used to it.”

“Did you lick the other slave’s cunts?” I asked.

“Yes, Master.” Dawn seemed subdued. She was looking down. She was starting to realize the nature of submission.

“Was the slave any good?” I asked the three.

“Not particularly,” Brianna said. “She requiresres training.”

“Has your Mistress allowed you to cum, slave?”

“No, Master.”

“She has informed you that your orgasms now belong to her and you cannot cum without permission?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Chantelle, have a seat next to your Mistress.”

“Oui, Monsieur.” She set up a chair next to Brianna and took a seat.

“Here is what we’re going to do with your punishment, slut. You will begin licking Chantelle’s cunt. As you do, I will begin spanking you with the Enforcer; a swat every ten seconds. Your spanking will cease as soon as Chantelle cums, so the quicker you bring her off, the quicker your spanking will end.”

“Mistress said I was to get ten swats for interrupting, Master.”

“True, she did. Anything over ten is from me. I didn’t set any limits and it was I who had his story broken up by a naughty slave. However, given one swat every ten seconds, you can still have only ten if you succeed in making Chantelle cum in one minute and forty seconds since I won’t start for ten seconds. I guess that means you can escape any punishment at all if you can make her climax in ten. I don’t think you’re experienced enough to be that good. You will become a better cunt licker or you will have a very difficult time sitting at dinner tonight, do you understand?”

“Yes, Master.”

“The second part of your trial begins as soon as You make Chantelle cum. When she cums, you will immediately begin licking your Mistress so she can see how the spanking has improved your service. I will begin fucking you with the dildo on the end of the Enforcer, but you will not be allowed to cum until your Mistress does. If you cum first, the paddling begins again, with a fresh slave and so on and so forth until your Mistress orgasms before you. You will be the perfect cunt licker before we’re done today. Are we clear on that?”

“Yes, Master.”

“If at any time, you say ‘Kumquat’, the punishment ends, this experiment is over and you can return to your home tonight, after we return from dinner, or say it now and you are free of further punishment and humiliation and you will realize you’re not cut out to be Brianna’s submissive. If you want to continue, crawl on your hands and knees and begin licking that beautiful, black, cunt.”

It took maybe four seconds before she started crawling across the sand to Chantelle. Chantelle spread her legs, parting them to give Dawn access to her sex and slide forward on the seat. Dawn’s tongue began licking and I started counting down from ten. As soon as I reached zero, the Enforcer smoked her taut bottom and she jumped, but holding onto Chantelle’s legs, managed to keep licking without much delay. It took five minutes and fifteen seconds before Chantelle started to climax, thirty-one swats of the Enforcer. Her ass was very red. I immediately stopped the spanking and told her to clean Chantelle’s cunt.

When she was done, she set to work on her Mistress and I slowly worked the dildo handle into her pussy. When I was sure her sex was sufficiently moist, I started fucking her with the handle, setting a rapid pace. Dawn started moaning fairly quickly. She was obviously a girl who liked a good fuck. She worked harder on her Mistress, realizing she was in real danger of cumming before Brianna.

“She’s improved significantly from last night, Sam,” Brianna said, holding Dawn’s face against her cunt.

Dawn lapped harder, working Brianna’s clip, hoping against hope Brianna would cum soon, because Dawn was thrusting back against my hand, eager to finally reach release. She lost. She started mewling and her pussy clamped hard on the dildo as she orgasmed, sobbing, realizing her failure.

“Marcia, please take Chantelle’s place,” I said. “Begin again, slut. You’re fortunate. Marcia cums easily. You might finish in three or four minutes this time.”

Marcia parted her legs and Dawn started again, licking and sucking. Marcia leaned back and enjoyed the sensations of a newly anointed cunt licker working desperately to make her cum. Just over four minutes and 24 fresh swats later, she reached her goal. Dawn cleaned up after herself and approached her Mistress again.

“Try to resist cumming harder,” I suggested. “You were practically fucking my hand last time. Don’t think about your fucking, think about your Mistress. One advantage you have this time is she didn’t cum the last time and she’ll be more eager to cum this time. Your failure is you’ve already cum once and it might not take as much to cum again and your lips and tongue may be getting sore. I’m guessing you don’t want any more of the paddle, so work harder on your Mistress and less on your own pleasure.”

“Yes, Master,” Dawn panted, trying to catch her breath.

“Get on with it then.”

As soon as she started on Brianna, the handle went in her cunt. She was much wetter now and I didn’t have to delay at all in fucking her, it slid in her so easily. Dawn worked hard to make Brianna cum. I could tell Brianna was trying to delay cumming as long as possible. Dawn started thrusting backward again, getting close, but suddenly realized what she was doing and stopped moving altogether except for her mouth and tongue working the wet slit and tiny nubbin in front of her. I was still fucking her hard.

Suddenly, Brianna grabbed Dawn’s head and rubbed it up and down her cunt. “Fuck, slut, you’re making me cum. Keep licking, slut. Don’t stop.”

As soon as Brianna screamed her release, Dawn bucked back against the dildo twice and spent herself, moaning pretty as she climaxed, her moans smoothed in her Mistress’s pussy.

“Very good, slut,” Brianna said. “You’re becoming adequate. I want you to leave the girl cum on your face until it’s time to leave.”

“Yes, Mistress. I’m glad I was pleasureing.”

“Zoe and Riyuki; why don’t you each sixty-nine with this slave until you have one orgasm each, so you can catch up with the rest ofthe ladies,” I said. “It will give her more girl practice as well, reform her new status as a bisexual slut.”

“Hai, Sam san.” “As you wish, Master.” “Yes, Master.” All three of them answering in response.

Zoe was the first to seek Dawn’s arms and I could hear their moans and the sounds of liquid pleasure being sought and received. I turned away, already hard and not Wanting to suffer more than I already was. I gave the four of us another bottle of water and took a deep drink, thinking about pouring some cold water on my rampant erection. Sarah started to fuss, getting hungry again. Chantelle picked her up and laid her in Brianna’s arms.


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