I originally intended this to be the final chapter of the World’s Best Diet Plan story. Apparently, the characters didn’t think their story was told yet. I was already up to 27,000 words with more to go. I’ve decided to break it up into three sections because so many readers don’t like lengthy stories. This chapter contains oral and anal sex in addition to good old intercourse. This is essentially a romance. It doesn’t contain much in the way of bondage and submission, but I’m leaving it in that category as the characters are familiar and will be doing so in the future.
Marcia had one more day of vacation before having to return to work for her final month. First thing in the morning, we called a realtor and made an appointment for later in the day. Afterward, I ran out and bought three dozen Packing boxes and several rolls of tape and packing peanuts, garage sales signs, pricing stickers, and black markers. While I was busy, Marcia called the newspaper and arranged for a garage sale ad for the following weekend. I got home and we immediately started packing the smaller items we’d be taking with us, mements, knick knacks and memorabillia important to us like photo albums and books we wanted to keep. We had twenty-four boxes packed and taped up before the realtor, John, arrived. He specialized in our neighborhood and was very familiar with the area.
He had already run Some comparables to homes which sold recently with our general square footage and amenities. He said it’s possible we could get up to $375,000 for the house if we waited, but given our worry to sell, suggested we started at a price of $360,000 and be prepared to bargain down to $340,00 to make a quick sale. Marcia and I agreed to his suggestions and signed the contract on the spot. He made some suggestions for Showings and changes to make it more attractive to buyers. We told him about our plans to essentially empty out the house during our garage sale in nine days as we weren’t taking much furniture with us. He said most homes sold better with some furniture in it or absolutely empty, so rather than quickly dumping the rest at Goodwill after the sale, we might want to leave a few items in the house until it sold. The alternative was packing everything up and living in a movie.
“You won’t get as much for some of the things as you might think,” he said. The electronics are last generation. 1080p is old stuff now. Everyone is buying 4K now. Used furniture doesn’t bring much, so keep a few items to make the home looked lived in, bring the rest to Goodwill after your home sells, take the tax write off.”
His suggestions had merit, so we picked out items to sell and other things to keep for now. I saw no point in selling stereo equipment. It worked fine and I liked my sound system, but I might as well sell the TV’s and start with new stuff in LA. After he left, we finished packing up the rest of our boxes and stacked them in the living room for now. We had some supper, something microwaved, took a shower and had time to make love long and slow before we called Brianna. When we finished up, we rested right there in bed, naked as jaybirds. Marcia was resting her head on my shoulder when I made the FaceTime call. When Brianna answered, she was at the pool and Monique and Adele were looking over her shoulder.
“Hi strangers, long time no see,” I said.
“Seems like a long time to me,” Brianna replied. “We miss you already. Well, we probably miss Marcia more, but you come in a close second.”
We both laughed. “How’s everything going?” Marcia asked.
“On the whole, good,” Brianna said. “We got a bit of bad news today. We got Lucia in to see a doctor. He said there’s some fairly severe scarring on her uterus. It’s going to make it difficult for her to get pregnant, though not impossible. He started her on some drugs that can increase her chance of conception, but it will be difficult for her and she may require lotsof bed rest if she does get pregnant.”
“That is crappy news,” I said. “I know she’s got to be disappointed.”
“She’s actually looking at the bright side. The doctor said she could get pregnant and she’s focusing on the good news. We also got an appointment with a psychologist who specializes in victims of sexual assault and human trafficking. Her first appointment is Monday so she can start working on her mental health.”
“I knew you’d see to her care,” Marcia said. “You’re a good Mistress.”
“We’ve decided to take lots of video and pictures of the twins, Master,” Monique said. “I’ll upload lots of pictures and video every day so you can keep track of the rug rats progress. You can download the first batches tomorrow morning. I’ll take care of it after we all go in from the pool.”
“Thank you, Monique. We appreciate it,” I said. “Where are the babies now?”
“Out here with us,” Brianna said. She flipped the lenses on her iPad and showed us the babies whowere sitting up and playing with the plus toys in their crib. They were laughing and smiling and having a good old time. Lucia was hovering neary. “I’ll be feeding them in about ninety minutes before we put them to bed.”
“Have you given Lucia more responsibility for the children?” Marcia asked.
“It seemed appropriate,” Brianna replied, “given her desire for children.”
“How’s she taking being freed from her slavery?” I asked.
“Well, she was more concerned with losing us as family than she was in her slavery” Marcia said. “I believe I did the right thing by removing her collar. More and more, I don’t think she was in the right frame of mind to surrender her will to a dominant. I think it was a defense mechanism, seeking protection from within the group. I was also concerned she might not be a lesbian and it was another defense mechanism to being raped. Fortunately, when we made the appointment with the shrink, she said it’s unlikely her sexual orientation couldbe altered by even something that traumatic. She’s well within the ‘you are what you’re born as’ group. It’s not to say it didn’t have some effect on her, but probably not to the extent of flipping her sexuality. It’s another topic the shrink will explore with her as she’s treated. At least it doesn’t look as though we screwed her up that way. We’re giving her lots of freedom. Nobody’s pushing her, but we’re welcome her with open arms if she chooses to seek one of us out. We feel it best she doesn’t feel like an outsider now. Chantelle started teaching her Tae Kwan Do this afternoon after her doctor appointment and she seems to love it.”
“It’s good news,” Marcia said. “Remind her I will help as well when I return.”
“She’ll appreciate your offer,” Adele said. “I think she has a crush on you, but then, she has to get in line like the rest of us.”
“Kiss, kiss to you too,” Marcia laughed.
Chantelle wandered into the picture and popped her head down into the frame.”Hello, Monsieur. Hello, Mistress. Do you miss me?” She held up her breasts. “Do you miss these?”
“Oui, Chantelle,” I said. “We miss them very much.”
“You’ve just earned yourself twenty swats, slave, for interfering with their conversation with your Mistress. Kneel.”
Chantelle dropped to her knees, “Yes, Mistress. Thank you, Mistress. Monsieur Sam’s spanking from yesterday was beginning to wear off.” She smiled.
“You’re incorrigible, Chantelle.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“You’re incorrigible, Chantelle.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“You’re firm hand may be what’s most missed around here, Sam,” Brianna laughed. “Even Monique was bemoaning the fact she couldn’t bend over your lap.”
“Is that true, Monique?” I inquired.
“Yes, Master,” she offered with a smile. “I may love a cunt, but a firm hand does me wonders as well. Mistress and Adele are good, but you’ve got a way with a paddle.”
“I can attest to the same,” Marcia said. “He knows how to ticle a girl’s fancy with a whip as well.”
“Maybe I shall have to let him use the whip next time he’s here,” Adele said.
“Girls, girls, girls. You have to stop talking about me this way. You’ve given me an erection now and I’ll have to relieve it with Marcia and she has to get up early tomorrow morning for work.”
“Show us,” Brianna said. “Hold it up, Marcia and let us see it, make sure he’s not lying.”
Marcia said, “Point the camera at your cock, Sam. They’ll see I don’t even have to hold it up. It’s sticking up all by itself.”
I pointed the camera at my flag pole. Marcia crawled over the top of it and slowly sank down over my hardness. “Say goodbye girls. Sam’s going to be busy for awhile.”
“Ciao, ladies,” I said, disconnecting.
Marcia rode me hard until I climaxed one more time, then curled up in my arms. “Goodnight, Sam. Sleep tight.”
“Don’t let the bedbugs bite,” I whispered back.
Marcia was gone before I got up. She really did have to go to work early. When I got up, I checked for the pictures of the twins and found them. There were some very good photos. Whoever was taking them had a good eye. After eating, I went out for another three dozen boxes, came back and started filling them. I needed to get the boxes out of the house. I called for a POD and one was delivered in the afternoon and I filled it, getting most of the boxes out of the house. I arranged for it to get picked up and another one to be delivered on Monday. I’d started getting rid of stuff, so started boxes of things to go in the trash, another of shreddables which had to be destroyed before trashed, and stuff which might be of value to someone to go to Goodwill. I still had a lot of clothes left over from when I was fat, and by the time I was done, my side of the closet had been thoroughly cleaned out. I was feeling pretty good at all I’d accomplished.
Marcia got home and I helped her empty her side of the closet. There were things she hadn’t hurt in a while, things she’d forgetten she had, but there was nothing she didn’t still fit into. I was so fucking lucky. She was as gorgeous, fit, and trim as when I first met her. She still had clothes she wore when she was in college. She got rid of clothes she wasn’t particularly interested in anymore, and considering it was mostly nude all the time at Brianna’s, there was a good bit of it she may never need again. All her swimsuits except for three she might need for a beach or traveling got added to the Goodwill box. When she finished, she hadn’t quite decimated her side of the closet as much as I had, but it had half the stuff it had before starting. As she went through it, she picked out things she would need to take with her when she had to go back, and the stuff we would ship with the moving van and put them on two different sides of the closet.
We showed and I took her out to dinner. As soon as we were home, she crashed. I’d kept her up late, and she’d been up a long time, working hard. I watched about an hour of TV, read a little and then went to bed. She was lying sprayed out on the bed with the sheets kicked down below her beautiful ass and I wanted to wake her up in the worst way, my cock springing to attention as soon as I saw her. It wouldn’t be fair, so I slid into bed beside her without waking her. When she felt the bed move, she did snuggle closer. She could do it even when half sleep.
I woke up the next morning with her sucking my cock. As soon as she saw I was awake, she knelt down on the bed and said, “Pound me from behind, lover.” I never argued about sex with Marcia; if she wanted it, I would give it to her. She managed to cum twice before I did, then told me I could go back to sleep for a couple hours. I did, falling asleep before she was dressed.
When I woke up, I looked at the new pictures of the kids, and consulted my list of things to accomplish. We were running out of things we could box before the move. Most of the rest would either be sold at the garage sale, go to Goodwill, or be packed by the moves. I didn’t want to attempt to pack dishes and we’d need a lot of the stuff while we were still here, pots, pans, towels, lamps and the like. I started putting price tags on the stuff we intended to sell. Finishing with that, I dropped off all our castaway clothes at Goodwill, then went to a movie. ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ was playing and it was a movie Morris would have loved, so I thought about him and his loss to us. Marcia was home before I was and had thrown a frozen lasagna in the air. She was in the shower. I got in and joined her, started to get frisky.
“Save it, lover boy. The lasagna will be done in fifteen minutes. You don’t have time to finish anything you start; at least the way I want you to finish it. After supper is a completely different story. I take it you went to the movies.”
“Yes. Saw the new Avengers movie. It was one Morris would have loved. I thought about him a lot while I was watching it.”
She stroked my cheek and kissed me. “I know he would have.”
“Do you think about him much?”
“Not as much as I did after we first lost him. Life moves on. I still miss him though.”
“What a waste. You know what they say; ‘the good die young’.”
“Fortunately, that doesn’t include you.” She kissed me again, with feeling. My hands started wandering again. She slapped them away with a coy “Uh, uh, uhhh. Back off, or I’ll hurt you.”
She could hurt me, so I stopped. We finished up, dried off and got back to the kitchen just as the stove timer went off. I set the table while it cooled.
“Anything special happen at work today?”
“Well the word is out I’m leaving for LA, so I’m having to put up with a bunch of jokes about California in general and LA specifically. La La Land got used a lot. A couple of guys figured they had nothing to lose by making another pass at me before I left. I’m not sure any others will.”
“Ooh. You didn’t hurt them too bad, did you? What did you do to them?”
“Well, I didn’t crush their nuts if that’s what you’re asking, but their ego’s suffered significantly. I grabbed their packages in front of a bunch of the other guys and said, ‘you have to offer a lot more than this if you expect to tempt me into cheating on my husband.’ They pretty much got laughed at by everyone present and I’m sure the word spread. They’re the types of self aggrandized, God’s gift to women, types, who’ll he quickly from that type of wound, although not fast enough to come after me again. I see you got all our clothes to Goodwill.”
I was choking on my laughter when she finished and couldn’t answer at once. “Yes, and we’ve gotten lot’s of pictures of the kids I can show you before we contact Brianna again. I’ve started going through our list. The real estate agent is coming tomorrow to take pictures, so I’m going to trim the bushes. The lawn was mowed while we were gone and still looks great. The listing comes out on Monday. They’ll collect the POD I filled and dropped off a new one. It’s the last one I’ll need. The rest of the stuff goes with the moves, gets sold or delivered to Goodwill. We won’t be able to take the furniture outside to sell it, so I’ll make sure the house is tidy, but we need to make sure any pilferable items gets put away and locked in our bedroom. Nothing from the bedroom gets sold.”
“I’m off Thursday and Friday. I can help with the cleaning and prep.”
“Karen is coming over from next door to help with the customers and sales. We’ll also have some sales brochures about the house for those people interested in the home.” I started dishing my lasagna. “Do you want to dish up your own, or do you trust me not to spit on it?”
“I trust you. I don’t care about the spit, just don’t cum on it. I get enough of it anyway.” I laughed. She certainly did.
I dished some up for her and while we ate, I showed her the pictures from the last couple days.
“Some of these are reallygood,” Marcia commented. “Someone is very talented. Do you know who it is?”
“No, but I could ask. I really like this one. The lighting is just perfect. I thought we could make an 8×10 for our photo wall.”
“Some of this work reminds me of the pictures taken of me for the audition. Do you know who it was?” Marcia asked.
“I don’t. They didn’t come in our limo. They must have come with the hair dressers and make up people. We’ll ask tonight.”
“I should know, but I was so wound up from my exposure to the crowd, I don’t remember the photos or the photographer.”
We cleaned up the dishes and retired to the bedroom to complete the business started in the shower. Marcia rode me to two splendid orgasms before I climaxed, and when she cleaned me off afterward, I showed her I wasn’t a one hit wonder when she got me hard again. She knelt on the bed and asked me to take her ass. I took what was proffered and gave her a nice slow fuck up the foundation, sending her over the edge once before I unloaded in her bum.
“Baby, that was fantastic,” I panted.
“I enjoyed it myself,” Marcia said breathily. “Nice and slow; a perfect ending to a perfect day.”
I rolled out of bed to clean myself up. When I returned, Marcia murmured, “Wake me up when you call Brianna,” then went to sleep. I was reading another Jack Reacher novel by Lee Child titled ‘The Midnight Line’, on the iPad I would make the call from. It was funny they’d chosen Tom Cruise to play Jack Reacher in the movies. In the book they described Jack as large, 6′-5″ tall and 250 pounds and Tom Cruise didn’t fit the description at all. Dwayne Johnson or John Cena would at least look bigger. My reminder to make the call came up on my screen when it was time. I nudged Marcia wake and made the call.
“Hello, you two,” Brianna said. “How’s tricks?”
“Trix are for kids,” I responded. “We play adult games.”
“I’m well aware,” Brianna laughed. “I’ve played them with you. Since you gave us a moment, however brief, of Marcia mounting your prick, I thought I’d return the favor.”
She flipped the camera and we could see Monique’s face buried in her Mistress’s sex. Monique paused long enough to give us a quick wave and a cum smelled smile before she descended back to her task.
We both laughed and Brianna’s face came back into view.
“Did you give Chantelle the spanking she earned?”
“Oh, I certainly did and I didn’t assign the task to Adele either. Took care of it myself and then had her lick me to four orgasms without any relief herself.”
“The last bothered her more than the spanking I’m sure.”
“Especially after I tied her hands and feet to her bed so she couldn’t relieve herself. She’s been a trifle less exuberant the last couple days.”
“Where is she now?” Marcia asked.
“Cleaning up after supper with a chatity belt on. She still hasn’t cum since your last call. Every time she needs it removed, Adele or Monique monitorher to see she behaves herself.”
“Poor baby,” Marcia murmured. “I hate when Sam puts me in orgasm denial.”
“How is the store and plant conversion going?”
“Adele said it’s going well so far. It will be at least three or four weeks before they’re ready. Have you received any of your bids on the guest house yet?”
“Not yet, I’m expecting them any time Now,” I replied.
“We’ve really enjoyed the pictures of the children,” Marcia said. “They remind me of the pictures taken of me for the Go Nude for the Homeless auction. Is it the same photographer? It must be one of your slaves since you’re sending pictures every day.”
“Sharp eye. It is. Riyuki is taking the photos. The auction is where we first met her. We hired her to do the photos for the auction and she approached us afterward. It’s when she joined us. She’s also taking all the photos for our sales brochures and catalogs.”
“She’s very good,” I said, “you’re lucky to have her.”
“I’m lucky to have all my women. They’re all exhaust in their own way. I have to go now. Monique is making me cum.” The screen went dark.
Marcia went to sleep soon after. I read for about an hour, then turned off the light.
And so it went. Marcia would go to work, I’d work on the house and on my new job of making money for Brianna. Marcia helped me get ready for the garage sale. I did the sale alone because Marcia worked Saturday and Sunday. My seventy-five year old neighbor, Karen, collected the money while I kept an eye on things to make sure nothing walked off. On a few of the items, I asked the folks purchasing it if I could keep it in the house a while longer, just until the house sold, for 25% off. I also promised to deliver their purchase to them as soon as we accepted an offer. About five people went for it which allowed me to keep a table and chairs in the breakfast nook and a couch in the family room. We were giving the blind chairs to Goodwill. They werein crappy condition and we could keep them until we left. We had a couple open houses and I went to the movies while they held them. A couple other times, people came to view the house and I just went to the club house and worked out. Every couple nights, we’d chat with Brianna and some of the others. We learned Lucia started going to counseling and seemed to be doing well.
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