WBDP – Brianna Delivers Pt. 14

Marcia gives Sam a wonderful surprise by submitting to Brianna for eleven days. Dawn decides she wishes to accept Brianna’s offer. This chapter contains many of the same things the previous WBDP offered, lots of sex in a multiitude of ways. Don’t read if you don’t like.

World’s Best Diet Plan-Brianna Delivers, Pt 14

Chantelle laughed and took my arm. “I am sure you both love one another very much. I have never seen two people so in love. Even Maman et Papa would be hard pressed to love as much as you. What are the first things we must do?”

“Phone calls, lots of phone calls. The moves first, get a date for them to get the rest of my stuff. Call Rent•A•Center, get their things picked up. They told me they could be at the house the next day. Utilities, although I probably want to keep the water and air conditioning on until the moves are done. Rent a truck for the rest of the stuff going to Goodwill. I suppose I need to get all thestuff I’m bringing myself to California out of the house. I suppose I should pick up more boxes from the moving place.”

“Then we should go,” Chantelle said. “We accomplish nothing here. I could drive if you want to start the phone calls.”

We went back to short term parking and got in the car. I did let Chantelle drive after a brief run down of where everything was. I started with the moves and they told me they could pack up the rest of my house on Monday and it would take one day since most of the furniture was gone. They said I could pick up boxes and tape anytime. I entered the address in the nav system so Chantelle could find it. Good, time for me to get everything else done. R•A•C said they’d be by in the morning to pick up the table and chairs and settee. Since I knew the date of my move, I called the utility companies and cancelled everything for three days after, leaving some slip for anything unforeseen. I called Joe to see when he could pick up the grill. He saidhe was off tomorrow and could pick up the grill then.

“Hey, I’m sorry I never got a chance to take that lovely lady out. Work keep me busy all weekend long.”

“You’re in luck. Said lovely lady is staying to help me pack everything up. She’s assisting me to sanitize the place, then sharing the drive to California.”

“No kidding. Think she’ll go out with me? What does she like to do?”

“Ask her yourself, but I know she loves to dance.” I handed Chantelle the phone.

“Bonjour, Chantelle here.” “Hello, Joe. Yes, I remember you. The ugly man who did not like my cooking.” “Oh, you really did love my cooking. You were simply teasing me.” “You’re not really ugly either. I thought you were cute.” “You would like to go out? It sounds wonderful.” “I like to dance, go to movies, dine out, go to museums or art galleries. Almost anything with a handsome man such as yourself.” “Tomorrow? Let me ask Sam if he requires my help tomorrow evening.” I shook my head, NO. “He says he does not require my assistance, so tomorrow evening would be loved.” “Where to pick me up? You are coming for the grill tomorrow?” “Ask Sam when you get the grill; he will know if we will be done early and you can pick me up at the Hyatt, or late and pick me up at his house.” “Au revoir. I will see you tomorrow.”

“You do not care if I go out with Joe, Monsieur?” Chantelle asked.

“Not at all. I don’t own you. Your Mistress gives you latitude with your private lives and I’m not going to deny you the same. All I ask is if you decide to fuck, you use condoms.”

“Oui, Monsieur. We will buy some today in case he does not carry them. Add it to our list of things to do.”

“I’d prefer fresh ones anyway, not something Sitting in his wallet for three years.”

We picked up our supplies and went back to the house. As soon as we walked through the door, Chantelle’s clothes magically fell off her body. It seemed like magic anyway, they disappeared so fast. Oh, well. I went naked all the time in LA and with Marcia here at home. Mine came off too.

Starting in the bedroom, I packed what I’d need for about a week, plus whatever I’d want for the drive west, concentrating on work and leisure type clothes. Working with Chantelle, I probably wouldn’t need clothes at all, but people would come over and we’d need to go out to eat. I wasn’t going to pay room service prices every meal I ate. I figured I could wash clothes as needed as I used them up. I also packed my jewelry, watches or other small, high value items I wanted to take myself, a bathroom bag of everything needed for the hotel or the trip. We also started setting aside the things going to Goodwill. Everything left in the house I didn’t want moved. Some of our dishes, some of the linesns, anything not going to California was going to someone who needed it.

“First thing tomorrow, I’m going to rent a truck to carry all this stuff. While Joe is here, he can help pick up the heavy stuff for us.”

“You are getting rid of all these things, Monsieur?”

“Unless you want some of it. Figured we’d go for a fresh start. So much of this stuff is older. Some of it’s even from my first marriage. I’ve never decorated. Stuff gets bought, moved to the next house, added onto. It’s like a mishmash of junk. I mean it’s nice enough things, but nothing goes with anything else. Since we’re redoing the interior of our house, I thought I’d do the whole thing. The wicker stuff looks fine in Florida, but it doesn’t look California. I wanted a theme for once, where everything goes with everything else. The bedroom set and couch are the only pieces I could imagine in the house I see for us.”

“You might want to keep some of your toys, Monsieur.”

“Why, Marcia is in California?”

“You are charged with the care of another slave, Monsieur; one who might misbehave and require correction. It is wise never to take for granted the behavior of a slave.”

I laughed. “If you wantto be punished, just tell me.”

“Monsieur, I want to be treated exactly as you would your own slave, were she here. If you would fuck her, you should fuck me. If you would punish her, you should punish me. Mistress said I was to be yours during my time with you. She knows you will treat me well, and Marcia wants me to care for you as I did on the cruise. You Should want for nothing. I am yours to use as you will.”

“When did you and Marcia cook this whole thing up, anyway?”

“Marcia spoke to me while we were coming back from the Everglades. She was driving and I was in the other front seat. While we were doing laps in the pool yesterday, Marcia made final arrangements with Mistress. I was to keep you swimming until their deal was struck.”

“What deal?”

“Marcia has agreed to serve Mistress as her slave until her schooling starts.”

“I should have known Brianna would find a way to take advantage of this.”

“It is only fair, Monsieur. Mistress is losinga valued slave for over two weeks, one who does much of the cooking for the household. Marcia cannot cook, but she does have value to Mistress. Both Adele and Monique are suffering morning sickness, so they are not available as much as usual, and I am gone as well. Mistress should have someone to replace what she’s lost and Marcia agreed to be that replacement until she started the academic.”

“So for eleven days until she starts school on Monday.”

“Oui, Monsieur. From tonight when the plane lands until the Sunday evening before school. Mistress will make sure she enjoys it.”

“Oh, I have no doubt she’ll enjoy it. Marcia enjoys servitude. She’d be one full time if she thought she could get away with it, and Brianna has craved having her as a slave.”

“All the more reason you should take advantage of me, Monsieur. Your wife will be well used in return.”

I imagined Marcia bound, forced to service a parade of cuns. I started getting hard. I’d force her to tellme of her experiences serving a Mistress. Chantelle noticed the swelling of my groin. It wasn’t difficult. My cock was sticking straight out from my body. Fortunately, I was dealing with someone who knew what a Master needed at such times.

“Which hole would you like to use, Monsieur. All are available for your use.”

“Your mouth, Chantelle. I’d like to cum down your throat.”

“Oui, Monsieur.” She sank to her knees and enveloped my cock between her lips. I gripped her head and started rocking forward, slowly fucking her mouth. She became a reception for my need. I admit I didn’t treat her with much gentleness, save I wasn’t thrusting hard and fast, but I used her, fucking her mouth, her throat, searching for my release. When I orgasmed, my cock was deep down her throat, swelling and pulsing as spurts of my cum coated her mouth. I grunted through three or four spasms, then pulled back a little to allow her some air, before thrusting back in and finishing my climax.

“I’m sorry, Chantelle. I wasn’t particularly gentle or kind this time.”

“I understand, Monsieur. You imagined Marcia serving Mistress in every way my Mistress will use a slave and you were overcome with arousal. The thought has crossed my mind as well and I become wet and overcome with my own need. It is very stimulating to imagine Marcia serving Mistress.”

“Let’s finish up these last couple boxes, and get something to eat, then go to the hotel and get in a little pool time. If you see anything you’d like to keep, go ahead and take it. The trinkets and knick knacks we intended to keep have already been packed up. Tomorrow we’ll also set aside the cleaning supplies we’ll need to scrub the house from top to bottom. I’ll ask Karen if I can borrow her vacuum so I can let the moves take mine. The rest of the stuff we use to clean with can go in the trash.”

Working as fast as we could, we were done by four-thirty.

“What do you feel like eating?” I asked.

“Something fast, Monsieur. I want to go to the pool as soon as I can. I am exhausted and hot.”

“A sub from Subway or something from Arby’s maybe?”

“What is in your fridge, Monsieur?” She started digging around in it, apparently finding something things she liked. “Do we have any wine left?” Chantelle asked. She started sticking things on the counter. “We have to empty this anyway.”

“A half dozen bottles and two of champione.”

“Bring some back to the room, Monsieur. A red, a white and one champione. If we are judicial, it will last a while. We have the makings for a lovely little picnic. I’ve got some nice rolls, some lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes and cheese, must and may. All we need is some sliced ​​roast beef from the deli at the grocery store. We still have some chips left. I will put this in bags and we can take it with us. I will make sandwiches quick and we can bring it down to the pool. Leave half the waters here for our packing, bring the rest.”

She grabbed a grocery bag and started tossing food into it. I snatched up a box and put water, champione and wine in it. Finding everything she needed, Chantelle carried it out to the car. I put the wine in with it.

“It is too bad we have to get dressed again,” Chantelle said. “I do not want to put clothes on, Monsieur.”

“Hard to buy roast beef without them.”

“You can put on clothes, Monsieur. I will put on your robe. I do not need to go into the grocery store. I can wait in the car.”

“That’s all you’re going to wear?”

“It is Terry clothes and long enough. It will be fine, Monsieur. You will see.”

I smiled at Chantelle. “You’re the biggest nudist of the bunch, aren’t you?”

She smiled back. “Well, I do not like clothes very much, Monsieur. Nude is how we come into the world; nude is how we should live in it.” She put on the blue robe. “See, I am properly enough even for stodgy Floridians.”

“You still have to wear a swimsuit to the pool,” I said.

“But it will be a very tiny one, Monsieur, or perhaps we skip the pool and sit in the big tub instead. Or we can take a fast shower and you can fuck me. I am a very slutty slave and need frequent fucking to be happy. You will see. I shall keep you as busy as Marcia does.”

“Whatever you say, Chantelle.”

“No, Monsieur. Whatever you say. You are the Master; I am the slave. I wish to serve you totally. I am without my Mistress. I am your responsibility.”

“We’re friends. I don’t know if I can treat you like a slave all the time. I’ve never had a full time slave.”

“We are more than friends, Monsieur. We are a dominant and a submissive. It is your job to command and mine to obey. Mistress is often busy now and I am a tiny part of her harem. You, I can have full time. This is what I wish.”

I throw on shorts and a T and we got in the car and headed for the store. I went in and bought a half pound of lean roast beef, sliced ​​thin. Since all we had was chips and sandwiches, I also grabbed a three bean salad, since I knew we didn’t have but a few leaves of lettuce in the bag. Might as well get a bag of pre-made salad ingredients, too. I tossed the groceries into the car and we hit the road to the Hyatt. Chantelle told me where to park, it was on the side near the pool, on the second floor. My key got us in and Chantelle dropped the robe on a chair and started preparing our food. This room didn’t have a kitchen like the suite did, nothing but a small refrigerator, and apparently, it’s all she needed. In a relatively short time, the savory cent of our food filled our room. While she was dishing food up, I filled the tiny fridge with the bottled water and the champione and a couple bottles of white.

“Monsieur, the food is almost ready. Would you please open a bottle of wine and remove your clothes?”

I had to admit watching Chantelle frame around in the altogether was making the wearing of clothes uncomfortable. I removed my shorts and T-shirt and my cock sprang up like a jack-in-the-box. I opened a bottle of the red and poured us each a glass. She pulled the covers from the king size bed and set them on the floor. Tossing a couple pillows down, she lowered herself cross legged onto the floor.

Chantelle lifted her glass in a toast. “Bon appetite, Monsieur.”

I sat down and leaned on an arm, I clicked glasses. “À votre santé.”

“To your health as well, Monsieur.”

“I think a slave should feed her Master,” I said.

“But of course, Monsieur,” Chantelle smiled. “A slave is happy to serve.”

So, we spent a pleasant hour slowly eating what Chantelle prepared, roast beef sandwiches with ingredients left over from the party, three bean salad, a Caesar salad and red wine. Chantelle fed me Each bite, and often, my wine was served to me by dipping her breasts in the glass and letting me lick the wine from her big, brown nipples. They remained taut and excited the entire meal as did my cock, in varying stags of hardness. When we finished, she pushed my head down on one of the pillows, and started sucking my cock. She only did it long enough to get me fully hard, then she squatted over it and slowly lowered herself down until it was fully enveloped in her warm wetness. I grabbed one of her breasts in each hand, thumbing the wrinkled nipples, flush with desire.

“Mmmm, Monsieur. I’ve been waiting for this all day long. You are so big and hard.”

I thrust up into her. “No, Monsieur. Let me do the work. Lie there, and relax. You will last longer that way.”

She rode me slow, letting her internal muscles do a lot of the work. I don’t know if she exercised her Kegel muscles the way Marcia did, or if it was a function of her Martial arts training, but they executed a tight, independent pressure on my cock as she rocked back and forth. I feel her cum as she moaned her release, her vagina tightening in waves of compression as it swept in shuddering contracts through her body.

“Monsieur, you feel so good in me.”

She continued to gently rock up and down, back and forth, her pussy clinging like a glove. Apparently, she found a rhythm she liked, cumming again four minutes later. Or perhaps it was having to wait all day long for what she’d been craving. It still wasn’t fast enough to get me off, so I continued to relax, enjoying the sensings of her sliding up and down my shake.

“I could do this all night, Monsieur, it feels so good,” moaning into another climax.

“I can’t wait any longer,” I answered. “I need to cum now.” I thrust hard into the silky slickness, then again, and again, faster and harder.

Chantelle whimpered. Working my abs, I drove up over and over, slamming into her cunt. It was like doing sit-ups with an entirely different goal. My cum churned in my balls, fixing to exploit. She orgasmed again and the internal contracts spurred my own release and I popped like a champion bottle and flooded her cunt with my sperm, spilling over in an unleashed flood.

She laid down on my chest, seeking kisses; kisses I was happy to provide in return for the excellent fuck. My hands rested on her beautiful buttocks as trailing tremors shiver like aftershocks in the wake of her climax. Eventually, my cock shrank and fell from her pussy with a wet plop. She gave me one final kiss and climbed off me to gently clean our fluids from my prick.

“Forget the pool, Monsieur. I think we should get in the tub. In that way, when you are ready to fuck again, we need not worry about the other guests and can get right to business.”

Chantelle got up and started filling the tub. It was almost a hot tub, large and deep with jacuzzi jets. While she did so, I disposed of our meal detritus and recorded the wine bottle. I checked my phone and there was an email from Marcia.

We landed two hours ago. Monique picked us up in the limo. I don’t know if Chantelle informed you yet, but I traded myself for Chantelle’s service. I’m to service Brianna until school starts except for activities related to getting ready for school. I will find out if Mistress is as demanding as my Master. I need not serve her off the grounds of her Estate. I found the toys you left in my luck. It was very sweet. Mistress tells me she will fuck me with the strawless strap-on tonight.

They’ve done quite a bit of the work on our home so far, mostly removing the old jewelry making equipment and reframing rooms and redoing the plumbing.

It was good seeing Monique again. All the girls, really. They aren’t showing their pregnances yet. Lucia seems to be doing well in counseling. I think she hopes she’ll be ready to join you during the next fertile period after you arrive. I don’t think she will, but she’s Hoping. Mistress says I will be taking over Lucia’s martial arts training as one of my duties. I’m sure you know what the others will be. I don’t mind.

As much as I resisted being with a woman before, I’ve always enjoyed myself. It’s hard not too when they’re so skilled in pleasure a woman. Mistress says I’ll have to wear their cum like a badge of honor while I’m here. The only time I’ll be allowed to remove it is when I leave the Estate. I wonder if it’s good or bad for my complexion. I’ll have to ask if anyone knows.

I hope you’re taking full advantage of Chantelle. It’s what I wanted for you, darling. Use her like you would me, a delicious, well trained, three hole slut. I wasn’t kidding about wanting to see you use her. I shall ask Mistress when I may have the time to watch you.

I received a text from Lynn. She didn’t say anything other than she was sorry. I hope she figures out what she’s going to do. I love you, Sam Evans. I can’t wait to see you again. Love, Marcia

I sent a quick response back.

You won. I bow down to you, my Queen of Hearts. Chantelle did tell me a few hours ago of your sacrifice. Of course, I imagined you serving as Brianna’s slave and had to use her mouth immediately to release the pressure. I’ve just used her cunt, and I imagine I’ll use her third hole before I retire. It was an amazing gift and I appreciate it so much. You must tell your Mistress I shall want a lot of movies and photos of you serving your slavery. It will probably serve to allow me to fuck you constantly the first two days after I arrive.


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