Wasp 06: Her Main Riding Pony

The dinner went very well. Vie did not spill anything on the dinings. He spilled a drink on the way to the table and had to clean up the red wine. Big Don and Maria both saw the pink cage between his skinny thighs as he was cleaning on hands and knees.

The new Ladies Maid that Don had sent was the daughter of a man that owed more than he could pay. His daughter was going to serve as collateral and her service was going to help pay down his debt. She was cute and Don thought she would make a great Ladies Maid for his mother as she had taken care of his baby mommas. Her name was Lizzie.

“Mistress, I need to reprimand both Rosy and Vie tonight. May I have access to the playroom to do so?” Anya asked Maria after dinner was over.

The diners were lounging on the patio near the pool. Becca and Jill had Both of their betas in the hot tub, all were naked.

“Anya, you have proven good at running this household. Going forward you are supervising anyone that works inside the house. Your punishments and rewards will be respected by Big Don and myself. You may even use the submission chambers in the playroom if you believe Vie or anyone else else needs to be immersed in submission for a period.” Maria answered.

“Once you and the trainers are finished for the evening, I will be taking Rosy and Vie to the playroom for some training.” Anya stated.

The playroom at the ranch was not as extensive as the one in the city. It had the same amenities, just less of each.

“If I may ask, what is Rosy’s infection that she needs to be reprimanded for?” Maria asked.

“Master Don’s steak was supposed to be medium rare, and I served it to him. The meat was over cooked. She will receive 20 on each ass cheek and I will continue to reprimand her until she learns to cook a steak properly.” Anya replied.

“Becca and Julie, neither of you has shown us your beta male’s properly.” Maria stated.

Julie took charge. “You both need to dry off. We will unlock you and you can start, Jim. Stroke yourself hard. Once you are erect you will address Mistress Maria and tell her how I caged you, how long since your last full orgasm and how I maintain your prostate health between ruined orgasms.” Julie handed Jim a bottle of coconut oil.

“Tom can stand next to Jim and maintain an erection until it is his turn to tell his story.” Becca stated.

Jim was quickly hard as he used the index and middle finger under his cock and thumb on top to rub the oil on it. His 5″ erection drooled precum as he addressed Mistress Maria. He told about being an enlisted in Mistress Julie’s work center on the ship. She had seen him clicking photos on his phone of her assets while she worked on the ship.

Julie, being a lieutenant, held a surprise berthing inspection focusing on Jim’s locker. She found dozens of pictures of herself in his locker. Along with cum filled socks. Even though it was against regulation she ordered him to meet her at the adult store across town from the base at 8pm. She saw Tom’s locker was decked out with Lieutenant Junior Grade Becca’s photos. He was to accompany Jim as well.

“Mistress Julie rolls 4 dice every time my ruined orgasm is available. That is the number of days before I get my next ruined orgasm. We got out of the Navy 2 years ago and it was 18 months before that that I had my last full orgasm. My last ruined orgasm was 20 days ago, and I am scheduled a ruined orgasm tomorrow.” Jim explained, as precum drooled from the tip, dripping onto the concrete between his feet.

“Between ruined orgasms I am required to milk my prostate on any night Mistress doesn’t want to fuck me into a sissy orgasm. I collect the ejaculate and am allowed to swallow all of it after catching my ruined orgasm in the jar.” Jim told Maria.

“I don’t want you off schedule so you can let go of that little cock before it goes off and you don’t get your orgasm tomorrow.” Maria chided.

Jim followed directionand let go of his manhood. Tom’s story was the same.

“Jim, lick up Tom’s mess from the concrete and Tom you take care of Jim’s.” Becca ordered.

“I think you should milk them like we do Daisy with a milking machine.” Hank chided after chugging his beer.

“Speaking of Daisy. Hank, I bet she could use a little company in the barn for an hour or so if you like.” Maria said. “I will get the store to order a machine with the proper attachments.” Maria said, “do you like the idea?

“I am going to head down to the playroom to check on Anya and her charges, I might want some chocolate for desert tonight.” Big Don stated, carrying his whiskey with him into the house.

Becca and Jill locked Tom and Jim back up. Maria dismissed the girls and headed to find her Lady’s Maid to wash and bed her.

Maria woke to Lizzy’s tongue on her clip. It was nice to wake this way every morning. She was going to get some studs put in Lizzy’s tongue soon though. Maria watched the dimiNutive girl crawl from her bed.

With the exercise of cleaning while partially bound the girl’s ass had filled out nicely. Maria was sure it helped to get regular healthy meals. Early on Maria thought she would have a surgeon give the girl some breasts. She now liked the little cones her areola made into the fat nubs of her nipples. Maybe she would get the girl pregnant and see what that did for her breasts first.

That gave Maria an idea. She now had a plan for a couple of days from then when she went to town again. Maria allowed Lizzy to dress her. Today she wore jodhpurs in a light tan color with burgundy leather inside the knees. She went with a demi bra under a white silk riding shirt. The burgundy belt matched the knee-high boots and leather wrapped bun in Maria’s black hair.

Lizzy put Some light burgundy hues in Maria’s eye shadow after lining the eyes in black. A light rouge for the cheeses and salmon for her lips and Maria was ready to go on her first pony girlride.

As Maria walked down to the barn, she saw the post breakfast bustle of her crew. Jim had milked Daisy and was returning with her post milking meal. The nurse was exiting the milking parlor after administration of the hormone shots. The nurse made a bee line for Maria.

“I would like to inform you that The Princess is confirmed with a child. The last test run showed that Red is carrying Fraternal twin Girls. Both look healthy from the genetic testing of Red’s blood.” It will be 6 weeks before we can test The Princess for the sex of her baby.” The Nurse explained.

“Thank you, I will be sending Hank down for some testing if you girls would like.” Maria said, winding.

“I think Des and I would enjoy that Mistress. Have him report to the innovation as soon as his chores are done. Des will be running to town for some antibiotics, and I will write Hank a script for sildenafil as well. Thank you, Mistress.” Nurse Ree said.             

Maria watched the white rubber clad nurse walk away in her 6″ heeled pvc clad boots. Maria knew that Hank was in for a long night, and she needed to get some more males out here on the ranch. Walking into the living Maria saw the large ebony pony mare hitched to a peg on the wall. She had a white leather hood over her head with blinders on the sides. The short riding reins clipped into the back of the stiff training collar, making up the pommel of the saddle.

The tail today was bright red and two white bells hung from the nipple rings this morning. She noticed that all the ponies were belled this morning. Maria did not realize the order had come in yesterday afternoon and it was a nice surprise.

Maria rubbed her hand over the large, muscled ass of her mount, not bothering to talk because the buds were in her ears focusing the mantras on her mind. Maria put her left index and middle fingers up through the rings and onto the exposed cliporis of her mount. They came away covered in moisture.

Teeobviously enjoyed being a pony for her owner. Becca brought over a small ladder with a flat top on it.

“Mistress, Hank is going to build a proper mounting block and we are going to start training the girls to get from kneeling to standing with a rider mounted.” Becca told her while steadying the ladder and Maria got her left foot in the stirrup.

Maria pulled on the stiff pommel with her left hand to swing her ass into the seat of the saddle. Finding the right stirrup with her booted foot. Maria’s boots had short, rounded metal out the back as spurs to gig her mount if needed.

The quirt fell to her right hand out of the clip. Tee did not even grunt with the increased weight on her torso. Becca was amazed at the increased endurance of the ponies as they trained. Maria’s boots rested just forward of Tee’s rib cage in the Stirrups. The new way Tee’s arms were under the bracing of the saddle some of her weight was held by her arms and shoulders as the front of the saddlepushed down on the core, like a hiking backpack would.

The hips took the greatest amount of weight. Because her belt for the saddle now flared over her hip bones and had a bar in the back that her hands went around with the wrists cuffed in place by the top of the belt. This made her elbows create a shelf under the back of the saddle for more weight to be carried forward. This assisted the current bracing is she became tired.

Maria flicked her wrist with the reins and walked her mount out of the living. The bells made nice light tinkles as they moved out on the road around the buildings. She pushed Tee up into a trot and the bells began to sing louder. The heavy breasts would brush Maria’s thighs as Tee trotted out covering the distance quickly with her long legs.

Maria spent the next three hours working with her mount. Maria side stepped her to open a gate into the pasture. The uneven ground was not a problem for Tee to navigate. Maria decided that Tee would be her personal mount going forward. She was going to find a suitable stud for continuing Tee’s line with surrogate babies. She needed to find a couple more hucows to surrogate her herd’s babies.

Big Don currently had 3 babies on the way. She wondered how many he would want and if he wanted any with dark skin.

Riding Tee around the ranch gave Maria great pleasure. She decided that the girls riding the ponies should have some treatments to give the ponies while out riding. She would talk to Becca about what would be best and have Rosy cook some up to keep in a small sack on each saddle. Maria only had to use the quirt a couple of times for correction when Tee did not understand Maria’s inputs to her pony.

She would talk to Julie and Becca about training her in the proper input for each of the things she wanted her ponies to be able to do. Maria had planned to finish riding at 11 am and looking at her watch it was now 12:15.

Maria was at the end of the bottom pasture and hada two-track road up the 100 feet and covering the 1/2 mile to the barns. She stopped the mantras in Tee’s ears and spoke through the microphone on her phone.

“Tee, I want you to run as fast as you can back to the main house.” Maria said.

The main house was another 1/8 mile and up another 100 feet. Maria started the Mantras again and flicked the reins. It was beyond Maria’s expectations at the speed and stamina of Tee. The ground flashed by. Julie was outside the barn and noticed the onyx skinned pony running with Maria mounted in the saddle, standing in the stirrups, and leaning into the speed.

Julie could imagine some races in the future. The bells were singing on the way by as the onyx skin shined with sweat in the sunshine. The large breasts moved up and down with Maria’s calves framing them in light tan fabric. Julie had started the recording on her phone as she noticed them coming towards the barns.

Julie walked up to the house following Maria and Tee. Mariahad dismounted to the ground and was busy praising Tee while rubbing her ass and vagina. Just as Julie got to them, she could see Tee orgasm on her owner’s hand.

“Let me take her down and cool her out and bathe her. She looked magnificent running under you. I think we should start running them more and then look at building a quarter mile track for racing them.” Julie told Maria, handing her the phone with the video cued up.

“I found her very responsive, but it became obvious to me that I need to be trained as does anyone else that is going to ride my ponies that all signals need to be standardized. She was confused when I tried a couple of the more complicated commands with the reins and my feet. I also want Becca to give Rosy a recipe for some treatments to give to the ponies and they can be kept in a small bag on the saddles.” Maria explained to the head of training.

Maria found Lizzy in Big Don’s bathroom on her knees scrubbing the floor with her right hand and leftStill bound to the training collar around her throat. Maria saw the shiny belt between the girl’s legs with her short maid’s skirt riding up over the small bubble butt that was forming.

“Finish up here, quickly and attend to me in my shower. I am going to take you to town, and we have a couple of things to do. I will dress you from the clothes I retained from when you moved out here.” Maria asked.

Maria had removed her blouse and bra. Was pulling the leather thong from her bun and releasing her hair as the small maid entered her dressing room. Maria released Lizzie’s left hand and allowed her to use both to remove the riding boots, her socks, and jodhpurs. Maria stood and allowed the girl to remove her panties while on her knees. Maria knew the odor of her sex from the sweat and saddle was strong.

Lizzy had come to adore the odor of her Mistress and was hoping the next instruction was going be her burying her nose in her Mistress’s core. Sadly, it was to strip and meet Mistress in the shower. It means Lizzy would be instructed to soap Mistress’s large breasts and fragment crotch. The water temperature was perfect as Lizzy entered following Mistress’s perfect ass into the cascade of water.

Maria dressed Lizzy in a short stretch skirt, four-inch pumps and a wife beater tank top. Lizzy’s nipples and areola were visible through the fabric of the tank. Maria finished with a bright pink chaser for Lizzy with a ring in the front for a leash. Maria dressed in a mid-thigh pencil skirt, four-inch business heels, lacy bra that could be seen through the silky white business blouse. Her hair was in a tight bun on the back of her head. Lizzy’s dirty blonde hair was down and loose.

Maria looked like a strict teacher out with a student. Nothing could be further from the truth. The outline of Lizzy’s belt could be seen through the tight fabric of her skirt. Lizzy knew that it was a privilege to ride in the front seat with Mistress and remembered that property sat with skin on leather not skirts. From Master Don bringing her to the ranch. Lifting the skirt around her waist as she entered the convertible Mercedes roadster.

The powerful engine roared as the two left the ranch for town. Lizzy had always loved fast cars. Mistress did not disappoint with the roadster. They roared down the back roads and onto the freeway. Lizzy did not expect to arrive at the local college campus with Mistress Maria.

“Did you attend classes here?” Maria asked.

“No Mistress, I worked at the shop since I turned 18, my parents did not have the means to get me into the college and I did not have the grades for a scholarship, because I worked. Then that cunt captured my dad and sent me to you to pay her debts.” Lizzy explained.

“If I paid for the classes, would you be able to pass some business classes?” Maria asked Lizzy.

“If Mistress wants me to pass some business classes, I will do everything in my power to understand the materialal and pass the classes.” Lizzy proclaimed.

Maria started down the walk to Jacob’s school of business to meet with the advisor for freshmen to enter school. They two entered an office on the bottom floor of a building lined with administration offices. The plaque at the door read, “Rafael Jones- Business School Advisor” Maria chose it at random from the other offices.

A small older woman, early 60’s, sat behind the desk at the entrance. Maria walked up to her, towering over the grandmotherly figure and asked a question the woman had never been asked.

“Is the guy behind that door a prick, or is he reasonable?” Maria asked the woman whose desk plaque said Mrs. Francis.

Mrs. Francis looked up from behind her screen in surprise. “Why, Mr. Jones has been mostly reasonable since I have worked for him, the last ten years. Now the man who preceded him was an insufferable price!”

“Would my girl here be able to meet with Mr. Jones about taking some business classesWithout having transcripts in hand?” Maria asked.

“That is an unusual request. I don’t know, let me look at Mr. Jones’s schedule and see when the first time he could meet with her is?” Mrs. Francis claimed.

“If you will let me have 3 minutes of Mr. Jones’s time at the end of the meeting, he is in I will give you this.” Maria stated, handing Mrs. Francis an envelope with 10-100-dollar bills inside.

“Oh, my, is what you’re asking for illegal?” Mrs. Francis asked, looking around for cameras.

“No but my girl will need to be scheduled daily for the semester to assist Mr. Jones with the pressure of his job so she can attend classes without a major.” Maria told the secretary.

At that moment a man in his early 20’s walked out the door of Mr. Jones’s office. Maria grabbed Lizzy’s hand and told her. Here is how you get what you want from a man.

Maria stormed through the door, securing and locking it as she dragged Lizzy through.

“Hey, you can’t…” Waswhat Maria heard from Mrs. Francis.

“What, you are not my next appointment.” Mr. Jones said standing and walking to the larger, older woman.

Once he cleared the desk Maria grabbed the man and spun him in front of her by his back. She secured both arms behind him with an armbar. Rafael was confused and scared by this woman.

“Lizzy, get the pants down and the cock in your mouth.” Maria ordered.

Lizzy did not question her owner. She immediately went to her knees and unbuckled Rafael’s pants. Unhooked the waist band, pulled down the white panel boxer shorts and was confronted with a metal cage over a straining cock.

“Mistress?” Was all Lizzy said.

Rafael with tears streaming down his face and precum now oozing from his purple and caged penis.

“Did he put you up to this?” Rafael asked.

“Who is He and does he own you?” Maria asked.

“He is Brad, the football coach and yes, He owns my wife, and she owns me.” Rafael stated.

“Well, I was going to meet with him next anyway. You are going to take Elizabeth and myself to meet with Brad, then you are going to bring Elizabeth back and give her a pre-enrollment test for business. You have one year to get her ready for her CPA Assistant exam. We will see who owns your wife by the end of the day.” Maria explained to the submissive man.

Maria walked out of the office first with Rafael and Lizzy following. She winded at Mrs. Francis. Rafael looked back at Mrs. Francis.

“Clear my schedule, something important has come up.” Rafael told Mrs. Francis as he was led out of the building.

The walk across campus to the sports complex was uneventful. They rode an elevator to the sixth floor above the football field to a group of offices and meeting rooms. Rafael entered the office off the elevator anxious.

“What is Brad’s secretaries name and is she the gate keeper or someone else?” Maria asked the scared man.

“Brad is the alpha, but he is protected by Jamal. We don’t get a meeting with Brad unless Jamal lets it happen.” Rafael said upon leaving the elevator.

Maria, used to her son’s group of associates, was not here to go through fluunkies. She walked up to the secretary’s desk. The secretary recognized her from the tabloids of the Art Gala. The plaque on her desk read Ms. Freeman.


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