Wasp 05: Ponies Dressed, and Ridden

Julie and Becca had moved in. It was day three at the pony ranch and time to get the girls into their new outfits. Rosy had sent the ponies breakfast down with Hank early in the morning. Becca sent her Beta male Tom to help Hank at 5 am. Julie’s Beta male Jim had to finish a project before quitting his job as an accountant to move to the pony ranch.

Julie went to the barn at 5:30 am to start getting the ponies ready. She had put Max back in the yard of the main house before going to work. Becca was right that he needed to work on his mouth and tongue but seemed to be learning.

Directing Hank and Tom on how to help the girls get their morning hygiene done after they finished their breakfast. Waiting for the ponies to finish their breakfast Julie went over the tack as Becca arrived to help.

The balloons attached and enemyas started the four went back to their places for breakfast. Jill had texted Maria that the hygiene had started, and it would be an hour before the ponies were ready to dress.

At 45 minutes after starting, 6:15 am, the balloons were removed by Julie. She left the ponies to evacuate their rectums.

The trainers and two wranglers waited for Maria to arrive while finishing the hygiene of the slaves.

Maria had them start with Red. Her tack was shiny black. Shiny black leather hoof boots. The laceed boots were very stiff to the knee and loose Around her thick muscle thighs. Her harness started around her meaty thighs with soft padding on the inside of the shiny black, buckle adjusted straps.

Those straps were attached to a waist strap with the same soft padding inside of it. The side strap going between the ones around her thighs to her waist had buckles to adjust them. Above the wait a strap was directly under her breasts. A center strap with a buckle came off it, directly between the breasts. It split into a ring slightly above the breasts to go just past her neck and down to the same strap around her back.

The posture collar in the same color attached to the straws that went over the shoulders from between the breasts. The top of the collar was attached to the head harness that contained the rubber snaffle bit. The blinkers on the side of the head harness kept her eyes focused forward. Her ponytail tied in her hair was through a ring in the back that split the harness in the back to the strap that held the bit in her pony mouth.

Her other ponytail was the same color as the hair on her head and was inserted and held in by the butt plug attached to it.

Reins attached to her bit in the side rings that could be run through D-rings in the sides of the posture collar or without. The snaffle bit had a small barrel around the center of the bit that allowed her tongue to move it and keep her calm as she would stand and maybe get bored.

It was something Becca found with her horses to help Keep them calm while standing or tied to a hitching post. Once harnessed Hank took thepony out to the lunge circle and hooked her bit to the moving ring of the motorized pony exerciser. The powered circle had 8 attachment points for ponies.

It was on half mile per hour to allow the new ponies to get used to their hoof boots. Even though the Amazons were used to heels these boots had no heels only a hoof that covered the pointed ballet toe and back to the ball and arch. The front inch of the arch was supported but the foot behind that was required to be supported by the slave.

Tee and PS because of the saddle and rider had a set of boots like that then a pair that supported their entire foot and had a larger hoof to help support the weight of the rider.

Tee’s special-order boots had come that morning by express delivery.

While Hank was hooking up with Red, Maria had Becca and Julie harnessing Jean. Her harness was light grey in color to offset her auburn hair and tail. Jean was quickly done now that the handlers had some experience. Hank attachedher 2 behind Red to number 3 hook on the exercise circle.

Katana’s harness was red as was the tail buried in her ass. She was placed in slot four directly behind Jean.

PS got Julie’s favorite color Dark Blue. Hank placed her in slot 6. Tee got bright white to offset her onyx skin. Becca had gotten the saddle for Tee in white as well. PS’s saddle was tan colored. Now that all the Amazon slaves were on an exercise lunch getting used to the boots it was time for Jill and Becca to fetch their stuff and boyfriends.

Maria gave them the van to use. Hank was busy fixing more of the fencing. Maria was headed to town for some supplies for Rosy. She left her pets in the yard to play. The boys were muzzled and caged so no worries there and if the girls ever got a moment from them, it would mean they were sleeping off last night’s activities.

Maria drove the farm truck to town. Hank needed a few things from the feed and farm store. He had given her a list. The woman she handed it to was well over a fifty pounds overweight. Her badge named her Marge, and she seemed to understand what the list consisted of.

As Maria waited for the items to be loaded in the truck Marge continued to complain of her daughter Daisy’s antiscience over the last month. The story boiled down to the fact that Daisy thought that since she turned 18 six months ago, she did not have to follow Marge’s rules. Daisy had been singing out at night after her mother went to bed and partying until all hours of the morning.

A month and a half prior to the conversation Daisy had become pregnant. She did not know who the father was because she had been with someone different most nights. Now Marge was going to have to support not only her daughter but her daughter’s bastard offspring.

Maria asked about Daisy, her ability to care for Infants and children and her possible willingness to work as a nanny. Marge said that it might be the perfect job if you could keep her from sneaking out at night and sleeping around. Maria asked about interviewing Daisy that day. Marge was having lunch at 11. They would meet Maria at the cafe if Maria bought lunch.

Maria agreed. It was 9:30 and she still had groceries to get. Maria arrived at the Diner at 10:55 am. She asked for the most private table available. The red headed gum chewer looked promising, but her voice was annoying. She showed Maria to a table in the bar that was currently empty, but the red head would still be able to serve them.

The red head knew it was Marge and Daisy that Maria was meeting. She showed the mother and daughter back to the table.

Maria assumed the heavy blonde girl was Daisy. She looked 100lbs overweight. Her pudgy face retained her cuteness. Bright blue eyes peered above the rosy pudgy Cheeks. Maria stood as Marge introduced Daisy to her.

Maria asked Daisy if she would be interested in being a nanny to some children, yet to be born on her ranch. She would be supplied with room and board. Once the children were born Daisy’s stipend would be renegotiated. Until her child and the others were born Daisy would help around the ranch house as a maid. She would be under the Anya for her duties.

Daisy agreed and asked if she would get time off in the evenings. Maria explained that they had recreational opportunities on the ranch if she needed companionship. She also told Marge that all medical would be covered. Maria told Marge that she would be allowed to visit anytime she wanted. Daisy agreed to try it as her mom was about to kick her out anyway.

Marge gave Maria the address to pick up Daisy in the afternoon. They chit chatted over lunch and Maria gave the redhead a folded paper with her phone number and an invite to apply for a serving position in her house. Maria figured if she was gagged, she wouldn’t have to listen to that voice.

Maria finished up some shopping back at the tack and feeds store. She wanted some whips and horse bits she was looking for.

She then went to the address and picked up Daisy. Once they were off Maria asked Daisy for her measurements so she could get her uniforms ordered.

44H-44-48 was the last time she measured and was tight in her bra. She felt she needed to move up some on the bra. Maria explained that it might not be a problem as she moved forward.

Maria had Daisy help her unload the groceries into the house. Daisy saw the tall well-endowed women on the circular lunch as they drove in. She asked Maria what was going on.

“Those are my son’s pony girls. I just have care of them and there are two trainers training them to become cart ponies and riding ponies.” Maria explained to the girl.

Daisy then met Rosy in the kitchen as they deposited the groceries on the dining table. Hank was at the pickup going through the supplies and organizing them when Maria and Daisy returned. Hank looked Daisy up and down.

“Who is your friend?” Hank asked Maria.

Maria heardthe arousal in Hank’s voice. Explained that Daisy had come to the ranch to work. She was due about a week before Red. Daisy would have the role of nanny then, but she would be helping the maid in the house until then.

“Daisy can come help me clean stuff at my house anytime she wants to.” Hank said.

Daisy looked at the older man’s leather skin and saw his muscles as he was unloading the supplies to the UTV.

Daisy on the way into the house said, “I would tap that.” To Maria.

“If you want to get to know Hank, you can head down there after your orientation in the house.” Maria told the 18-year-old.

Once the groceries were in Maria found Anya and told her to go over the duties and instruct Daisy on what was required. The little dark-skinned girl gave Maria a double Take then guided Daisy down the hall to clean the bathroom.

After dinner that night Maria saw Daisy heading down the small hill to the bunk house. Six packs of beer in hand. She would talk toHank to make sure the girl wasn’t drinking while pregnant. But chuckled thinking her hired hand was a chubby chaser.

Maria was happy with her new girl as she imagined Hank playing with those bit fat tits as he plugged her holes. Her pets were placed in their cages for the night, and she was enjoying a glass of wine for the night.

The dark-skinned maid showed up on the deck. She told Maria her name was Anya. She was concerned the new girl was not going to be able to do the work. Anya told Maria that Daisy was pregnant and overweight.

Maria told the girl she understood and asked if Anya would like a drink. Anya decided and said that Rosa had something she needed to take care of. She just wanted to voice her concerns. Maria told the girl that she had full rights to discuss her new Underling if necessary to get the job done. That discipline is what the girl needed as much as anything.

Maria had watched the trainers and hand put the ponies in after dinner. Theywould be fed and settled on their beds for the night. The feet would be continued in training with small attachments for the night. It kept the Amazons’ feet pointed the same as in the boots. Maria wanted their tendons to retain the pointed position.

Maria answered a call from Big Don in the evening. She was on the porch with the day winding down. Watching the sunset over the ranch she heard Don tell her that he and the Princess would be home tomorrow. She told him to take her to the ranch so the nurses could give her a checkup and she could continue training.

Don was curious as to what Maria was up to so was happy to go to his country home.

Maria slept alone. She woke for the first time in months without an orgasm. She went to the kitchen and Anya quickly brought her coffee and a small breakfast pastry made fresh by Rosa.

She saw Daisy in a fresh maid’s outfit. Unlike Anya, Daisy’s breasts were exposed, and clamps dangled from each pink nipple with a chain betWeh them. Daisy was mopping and as she moved the mop back and forth the heavy clamps swayed her breasts. Maria imagined the disappoint the young girl was in.

When Anya returned with fresh coffee Maria asked about the clamps.

“I took them with me to fetch her this morning from the bunk house. She was led back here for work at 5:30am and will wear them until noon break. If she wants to think of nothing but rutting and breeding with Hank all the time, she can concentrate on work, during work time.” Anya told her Mistress.

“She is yours to command and control. I think that is a good way to get her to concentrate on her duties.” Maria told Anya.

Maria’s egg white omelet with fruit was served and finished. Maria noticed stripes across the pale ample cheeses of the large maid also. It looked like Anya had Daisy well under control.

Maria went to the barn with a large vacuum tumbler of coffee for the morning. Her girls were being harnessed and put on the lunch forthe morning. Today the speed went up to 3/4 of a mile-per-hour.

The incremental increases would occur daily until they moved up to a trot.

The carts and two wagons were delivered at 9am. Maria noticed Aya put out the pets at about the same time. Becca explained that the girls would be ready soon to start cart training. She and Julie were going to change out Tee and PS’s hooves in the afternoon and Try taking a ride up to the top of the hill and back.

Maria could not wait to observe that. In the meantime, Maria leaned on the fence and watched the majestic pony flesh going in circles. Playing on her phone Maria came across a site that custom-made bells.

She called them and asked the technician if they could make them in specific tones and colors. She was told they did and that the bells weighed 2 oz each. She ordered 6 tones, one in each of the ponies’ harness colors.

Maria then called the salon to get the piercer to come out. That evening before being put in for the night each of her ponies got fully pierced the same as Tee and PS before.

After lunch Julie and Becca pulled Tee and PS off the lunch. Julie noticed that they were going to have to start refilling the electronice bags for the ponies 2 times per day. Most were over half empty. They were consuming more hydration today than yesterday, with the increase in speed.

Hank helped the two trainers to change the boots for Tee and PS. Both ponies noticed how much more support the new boots gave them. Taking a great deal of strain off their calves. Both became nervous at the appearance of the saddles brought out.

The upper harness was removed and replaced with the saddle and harness. Like football should pads the front of the saddle went over the shoulders. The front went past the clavicle and down to the breast tops. Down the sides of the breasts, pushing them slightly on the sides.

The back went down 10″ wide on the spine to the top of the ponies’ hips, just above the tail bone. On the sides it went the same distance as the sides of the breasts and attached with a belt and buckle on the back strap.

The front pommel of the saddle was a training collar that replaced the previous collar. The top of the pommel had a clamp for hooking the reins too so they would not fall on mounting, dismounting, or leading of the pony.

The ponies still had mantra in their ears so only felt the change of tack and did not hear any of it. Julie and Becca led their new mounts out to the front of the barn. Backed them to the fence and climbed up onto the saddles. Short reins had been clamped along with a short quirt for each pony.

Maria watched as each of the Amazon pony girls took the weight of their new tack and rider easily. Tee’s thighs and buttocks tensed, then relaxed. A light slap of the quirt on a hip and the ponies were walking along being ridden effortlessly.

As the girls ascended the hill towards the main entrance Maria saw a black limo pull in. Big Don saw the two largest Amazons with the petite trainers in the saddle.

“That is beautiful.” He said to no one.

“Yes Sir, I would love to do that!” Princess said.

“Ride a large pony girl?” Don asked her.

“No, silly, carry a beautiful woman on my back as a pony!” Princess exclaimed.

“I’ll let your Mistress know that it is Your dream and wish.” Don told the young Amazon.

Don dropped Princess at the barn for the nurse to give her a checkup. He wanted to make sure she did not have; an STD after Central City Don had used her mouth and asshole for his consumption of their deal.

He watched from the house the two trainers riding the larger women. He also saw the other three on the lunch. The brand-new carts and wagons were next to the barn waiting to be put away.

At 4 pm a van came down the driveway. He saw it pull up to the barn and watched Hank grab Jean from the lunch. He decided to investigate what was happening. Mixing a tall drink, he walked down to the barn.

Maria was there in one of the grooming stalls observing while a woman covered in tattoos and piercings worked on Jean. It was obvious she was being pierced. He asked Maria what the pony was getting.

Maria answered “A 2″x 1/4″ ring through the nasal septum. Same for each nipple and behind the clip, holding the hood on each side of the gland. She then added three through each side of the Labia Minora and Majora. Once healed this gave her many options down there. Three rings could hold the slit closed. 12 rings could tinkle against each other or as set now 6 rings framed the vagina. Holding her slit open.”

The Princess was brought in by the nurse and placed in a grooming stall. Jill and Becca had the other 4 ponies hitched to pegs in the breezeway. The Princess was frightened initially. Her ear buds were put in and the mantra began to calm the girl and remind her that the dominant was the most important thing.

The Princess wasthe last to go through the piercing process and she was placed in her new sleeping boots. Don pulled Maria aside and told her that The Princess wanted to have a rider as well. Maria told him that she would order her the tack and see if she could pack Julie easily.

If she could then all the girls would be saddling ponies as well. Maria told Becca and Julie that they would be on the saddle ponies for the day tomorrow and she was going to hit the girls onto carts tomorrow inside the covered arena and hand lunge them on the carts.

Maria felt she had not spent enough time with her strawberry blonde kitty. Black Kitty cleaned her Mistress in the shower. Then herself, before she verbalized a request. It was the first words she had spoken for the first time since being first put in her Black Kitty suit.

“Mistress, can I sleep in my suit, I am uncomfortable outside of it. Please?” Mary asked.

Maria stroked her slave’s wet hair. “I would love to sleep with Black Kitty.You are beautiful in your suit and give me great pleasure watching you play in my yard.”

“I appreciate my owner giving me opportunities for pleasure with her puppies, but I truly miss serving my owner. Thank you for bringing me to your bed, but I am most comfortable in my suit.” Black Kitty criticized.

Maria rolled Black Kitty onto her back on her bed. Her stubby arms, legs and pussy were wide open for her Mistress. Maria used an 8″ stick on with a 5″ stub into her own cunt to fuck her Black Kitty into submission.

Watching the strawberry blonde’s slightly tanned freckled body move under her excited Maria. She enjoyed watching the breasts of the Black Kitty roll on her chest as the fake cock slamming into the girl’s vagina.

The Black Kitty’s orgasm was gained as Maria fell onto Mary giving herself her own with the nub on the backside of the strap-on. Finishing Maria pulled the strap on off and pushed the girl down to suck and lick Maria’s juices from her crotch.

Maria could not believe how aggressive the Black Kitty was about serving her Mistress. It was nice to spoon the leather covered pet girl for the night. Black Kitty extracted herself to wake her owner with her tongue.

Maria weke to her hand on the hair of the strawberry blonde’s head, holding it while she orgasmed into the mouth of her Black Kitty. Maria crawled from the bed to shower and got clean.


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