Synopsis: When two beautiful rooms explore the wild side of life, they meet with unexpected consequences. Kymber gets swept away by Michael, an older man who sees her as a challenge to control. She turns into his sex slave and the training is brutal.
The arrogant Cindy, a human Barbie doll, meets her match in Patrick. He makes Cindy debase herself in a place where she is the queen, turning her into a slut.
“How would you like your steak done, sir?”
“Rare, just like you, honey,” he leered.
“Yes, sir.” I blushed on cue. “Loaded baked potato or fries?”
“Loaded taters,” he said with his deep, Texas accent.
I nodded, and with a professional flourish, turned in the order and moved onto the next table. It was the best steakhouse in Houston, and my goal was tips, big tips. It was centrally located in the middle of several office parks and the clientele was well-heeled, except for the technology companies. They hired mostly geeks, thrifty geeks, and you could spot them a mile away. Sigh.
My yellow ponytail was perched high up on my head. The boss ordered a custom black vest to showcase my bulging breasts. The short, tight matching skirt made me feel sexy and when I bent over, you could see that I was wearing seamed stockings with garters. The boss said I was a vision on heels, when I was giving him a blowjob.
On slow nights, the boss sets up a fighter with the staff. All of us participated to see who gets the most tips. I was often at the top of the list. The bet was this, whoever that got lowest tip on a check had to blow the boss and the busboys. The one with the highest tip got an extra 5% on top of it. I was in! I’ve won these bets before but the boss was known to be tricky, and tonight, he knew something I didn’t.
Sure enough, there was a reservation for a big party made by one of the technology companies. When a group of oddballs walked in, they created enough attention that the otHer diners stopped what they were doing to look. It was the party from some “Geeks-R-US” technology company.
I was hoping they wouldn’t be seated in my section, but, of course, the boss saw to it that they were. After they were given menus by the hostess, I gave them five minutes to settle down before I walked over to introduce myself.
Their eyes popped out of their bottle cap glasses when I sashayed over. The apparent leader of the group was Seymour. I knew because it said so on the outer flap of his plastic pocket protector.
Starting to my right, I asked, “Can I get you something to drink, sir?”
I used the special innocent schoolgirl voice; it was a fail-safe style that garnered more tips. It was as if I was speaking in tongues. I handed them the wine list and made a few suggestions. They were very quiet, trying to catch the drift of the wine lesson. I couldn’t get a drink order out of them. They all asked for water! They were cached some more, apparently, the water had gone to their brain. So I returned to get their order. They were quite animated.
“Can you pour yourself into a martini glass?” crowned Seymour.
I smiled pretty, even as I eyeballed his white headed pearls that looked ready to pop.
“Are you going to nurse the drink,” I teased back? He wasn’t expecting to be flirted with because he smiled and his face got red.
His fellow guest, who wanted some attention as well, made a poor attempt at a joke.
“Hey! In the mornings I wake up fully focused.” He sprayed spottle as he continued, “What do I do?”
I wiped spray off my clothes and wanted to say, ‘Hey buddy, I want the news, not the weather.’
Then, howling like little boys, they ordered martinis. Hey, what the fuck.
All of them ordered steaks and even spplurged on dessert. They ate like college students who’d lived on nothing but condiments. I was working the table, giving my best service, and joked with them a bit, but I had a nagging thought that they weren’t savvy enough to know how much to tip.
The Geeks stayed until closing and although I didn’t rush them off, I brought the check to them to pay when they were ready. As soon as they left, I went to fetch the signed credit card slip and had already mentally calculated the tip. I was stunned and mad! They left me 10%. I ran after them to the parking lot.
“What did I do wrong?”
I was near tears because I’d lost the bet. They looked back at me quizzically.
“Nothing. We’re just being thrifty,” said Seymour.
On my knees after losing the bet, my lips slide up and down the boss’s long pole. He was taking an unusually long time to cum and I watched with alarm as the line of busboys grow larger. Somehow, I was coming out on the short end of This deal. It was going to be a long night.
~Lucky Day~
Then, one lovely day, I was driving with the top down. The wind was blowing my hair straight back and I had the car on cruise control onthe busiest street in Houston. Life was good!
As I sat at a traffic light, cigarette smoke was lazily blowing out of the side of my mouth, something obnoxious caught my eye, matching plaid shirts across the street! Damn bastards! It was those thrifty Geeks. Risking a nasty U turn, across the busy, six lane boulevard, I pulled up next to them with a tire screaming halt. Moving in slow motion, like a rerun of a car accident, I reached behind the seat and pulled out a sawed off baseball bat.
“Remember me?” I asked sweetly, trying to hide the bat behind me.
It was funny to see them rub their eyes under the bottle cap glasses. Maybe the sun was in their eyes, or was it my bright smile? I didn’t care.
“Who . . uh . . do we KNOW you?” asked goofy.
“She’s the martini girl! Cindy the martini girl!” cried Seymour. “From the restaurant…Remember?”
He looked at me with obvious joy and said, “Wow! Funny seeing you here.”
“It’s your lucky day,” I saidCheerily, and then went ‘Jack Nicholson’ on all over their car hood.
~Are You My Bitch?~
It was Saturday night, and the feeling was right to blow off some steam from the week. Kymber was looking cute in her black dress and boots, but I was dressed like a slut who looked like a Barbie doll. Soft, pink canyons peeked out of my halter top. It took awhile to get the gyms out of my long, blonde hair with the straightening iron. My eyes, fringed with cornflower blue eyeshadow, gave me the that $2 whore look, just as he ordered.
The point was, when I walked into the club with Kymber, all eyes would be on me.
Patrick, the studied chateleon, was standing nearby. We had an unspoken, ongoing tug-of-war to see which one of us, him or me, was more outrageous than the other. He nodded expectedly towards Seymour and his gaggle of Geeks.
Suddenly, my stomach turned queasy and I turned to Kymber and said, “Oh, shit!”
She knew by the way that I rolled my eyes that Iwas about to be fucked by fate! We’d had this discussion before, how fate has a way of biting you in the ass when you least expect it.
A lot of good that did me, because soon, I was on my knees in the men’s room with one of them and it was his lucky day. Patrick locked the door. Seymour trembled with anticipation and looked at Patrick, then, at me. I saw Patrick give him the nod to go ahead.
Seymour pulled out his pathetic little pecker. It was leaking all over his pants and by the time I reached for it, he quickly came in my hands. I must have said something mean and stood up, but, Patrick signed for me to stay put. I was imperatively tapping my foot.
“She hates me,” while needle dick.
“No, I don’t think she hates you,” consoled Patrick.
“Yeah, she does,” Seymour insisted.
As Patrick tried to hide a grin, he agreed, “Yeah, I think she probably hates you.”
He chucked Seymour under the chin, as if he were a little league baseball player who struck out.
“I’m obsessive about germs,” mumbled Seymour as he washed his hands and face in the sink, then, handed me a paper towel.
Patrick turned impatient now and took over the scene.
“Seymour,” said Patrick, grabbing my hair, “See her mouth? It is a pussy mouth. This is how you fuck a pussy mouth.”
I made a big O with my lips and Patrick stuck his big dick in my red mouth. As usual, he was pulling my hair because he loves the way my screams cause violations in his balls. The hair pulling and throat fucking made me so hot. I was swimming in my own juices. My hand moved ever so slightly. Crack! He slapped me, hard. I thought I could sneak a little pussy play in while he was distracted, be he knows me.
“I’ll tell you when, slut.”
My eyes flashed with anger. He held my hands above my head and slowly pushed his python in again. I opened up my throat. His balls smoked on my chin and pubic hair pushed up my nose. He concentrated his efforts into a steadyRhythm. Sliding his cock back and forth in my mouth, Patrick jammed it deep down my throat several times, unconcerned about suffocating me. He seemed determined to spurt directly into my stomach, so he held my head tightly with both hands. I struggled and wriggled, my face turned red, then white, and I dropped helped as he spewed down my throat. At one point, he eased back just a little for me to catch a breath, then dove deep again to release the last droplets of cum.
“Swallow bitch . . . that’s it,” he panted, but his cum was already well past my mouth.
Sputtering, I drained his balls.
“Now clean it.”
Instinctively, my tongue swam like an eel, curled around his balls, then snaked up the pole to the tip. I sucked the glans for the last drops of dew as if I were born to do this. I’m such a slut.
Realizing that Seymour just observed one of the best blowjobs he’d ever seen, Patrick resumed the lesson, “That’s how you do it.”
Seymour’s dick had revived and he asked eagerly, “Can I go again?”
Patrick laughed and stepped aside, “Go to it, tiger.”
With geek bravado, he stuttered, “Lick my dick.”
Seymour fisted his dick and rubbed it all over my face. I was pissed. Glaring at Patrick, I spat out Geek pre-cum. Patrick wagged his finger in a mocking way. I wanted to rethink this thing, so I hesitated, trying to figure out how to get out of this situation. Patrick pinched my nipple hard when Seymour silenced me with his dick. He clumsily jerked his pecker in and out, then toured my mouth as if he were sharpening his pencil. My breasts were fondled and nipples twisted. I sucked and licked his balls as he fought the urge to cum. Suddenly, a fart escaped from Seymour’s butt. I stopped licking; it was so gross. Patrick observed the tug of war as tears of humiliation well in my eyes. I must have looked pitiful, and hoped to tug at his heart. Patrick rewarded my diligence with a little treatment.
“You can cum,” Patricksaid, “after Seymour.”
Patrick said the magic words, ‘you can come,’ and I feverishly focused on bringing him off by fingering a spot between his balls and anus, pressing firmly with my digit. My other hand caresed his balls. That was sure to make him pop like cheap championne. I sensed his balls contract as if to spew and I snuck my hand to frig my clip with frenzied speed. At last, Seymour lost the battle, and with great relish, sprayed my face with a drizzle of cum.
“Just desserts,” he sneered, looking at me with satisfaction.
Seymour washed his spent dick in the sink and left with Patrick. I pulled out my lipstick and checked my hair, then took respite at the bar with Kymber. I was looking forward to the evening’s end. However, my reverie was short lived when I saw the shark-like smile Patrick throw me. That simple act always sends blood pulsing to my pussy. Why? I don’t know. He just knows how to make me do what he wants.
“What’s going on Cindy?” asked Kymber as she observed the exchange.
Picking up my purse, putting on my best face, I followed him to the banquet room. I was fucked! He did it again! The rest of Seymour’s friends were waiting for their turn with me. My slut pussy betrayed me with wet anticipation. Then, I spied the blinking red light of a video cam.
“What’s going on here?” I hissed, evaluating the situation.
The sight of Patrick, the panting geeks, camera and tripod, it all sent me over the edge. There was even a pillow in front of the camera for me to knee on!!!
As I spun around to glare at the grinning Patrick to voice my objection, he simply said, “They want their money’s worth, they’re thrifty.”
“That’s glib,” I retorted and walked out.
I should have known it wasn’t smart to disrespect him this way. Patrick quickly caught up with me, grabbed the back of my neck, and firmly walked me back into the banquet room. As he escorted me to a spot in front of the camera, he picked up the pillow off the floor where I was to knee and service all those stinky little dicks. It took the last reserve of self control to keep from complaining, that, and having one of those dicks stuffed into my mouth. While Patrick stayed at my side, the boys stepped up, one after the other, and pumped and spewed all over me.
The last of the geeks blew his nuts all over my tits and shortly after, handed Patrick some money. I cursed and swore. The room was empty except for the two of us. Patrick’s eyes narrowed and his nose flared.
“You do what I say, Cindy, if you want to be my bitch. That’s all there is to it. So, what’s it going to be? Are you my bitch or not?”
I was ignoring him, busy cleaning geek cum off my chest and lips, adjusting my skirt, and putting my heels back on. There was Such a nasty after taste of salty snot in my mouth, I wanted to throw up, and using all the disgust I could muster, spit a wad of leftover cum on his shoes. As usual, I didn’t think through the consequences of my rebellion.
“My bitch would have crawled on her knees to kiss my boots and tell me how grateful she is to be owned by me,” he said.
I smarted at his remarks and lowered my moist eyes to the floor. My cheeses were flushed with embarrassment at his disapproval. I had to salvage the results of my actions. He had to show me the error of my ways and I knew it. Patrick turned in silence on his booted heel and left.
“Wait!” I ran after him, “I’m sorry.”
Chastened, I followed as he burst from the smoke den into the cool, but humid night air. I struggled to keep pace with my skinny heeled shoes.
“Please. Please, talk to me.” I pleaded with my practiced practical focus look, the one that strengthened the desire for sadistic pleasure in him was the same one, by happy chance, that tweaked the masochist in me.
His crotch always tightened at the verbal aphrodisiac, the word, please and a self-satisfied look crossed his face.
“I’ll be back in fiveminutes,” he said getting in his car, “If I find you standing in this exact spot, naked, then I’ll talk to you.”
“But, we’re . . . outside.”
“Yeah, I noticed,” he said. “My bitches do as they’re told.”
~Being Bratty Can be a Bitch~
Sometimes the hardest part of being bratty is when you finally get what you really want. But now, all I I wanted him to do was scoop me up in his arms and take me home for a good whipping with a hot fuck afterwards.
Patrick was experienced and self distributed. The challenge of breaking through that controlled exterior fanned my desire. Tonight cemented one important thing. I needed to be dominated, pure and simple. The more I tested him, the harder he needed to come down on me. I wouldn’t have it any other way. Above all things, his silence was an unspoken weapon and he used it like a maestro. I was afraid but enthralled with his power over me, this tacit control that drew me like a moth to a flame. He was the edge of the envelopee that I’d pushed towards all my life.
There I was, at 2:00 a.m. in the morning, standing outside the club, teetering precariously on my Manolos, naked.
As bad as I wanted to cover myself and run inside the club, the clock was ticking. Nothing could be worse than having Patrick return to see me disobeing him again. I’m certain he would leave me out there to fend for myself. Getting naked in public was a bit scary, but once I dropped my g-string, the last vestige of modesty, I felt strangely liberated. For my part, it was a real act of trust. I’d been completely overpowered and made to do something I didn’t want to do, but needed to, all the same. He should be damn proud of me, even if I am a kinky bitch.
I tried to cover up my fleshy zeppelins with one hand and my pussy with the other. Shit! My clothes were on the ground, right where the bastard told me to put them. Kymber would have said I looked like Venus trying to deal with the twentytieth century. At least I know who Venus is. Jimmy the bartender, a stand up guy, keep an eye out for me. I didn’t think Patrick was going to leave his cash cow out here alone for one second.
“Hey, how ya doin?” Jimmy asked.
At the time, I didn’t know Patrick enlisted Jimmy to be his operating, to extract information about my roommate and me. Jimmy did not disappoint partly because I think he had a crush on me, and because he was promised a piece of the action. The more Patrick found out, the more appealing I became, and of course, his suspicions were confirmed. It was common knowledge that I discarded lovers out of desire. Little did I know that it was born from searching for the geneuine barbarian. Patrick possessed and ravaged whomever he wanted, and I hoped he thought I was worth the effort.
I was trembling like a leaf with goose bumps covering my skin like little sand dunes. Still, I stood there waiting for him, like the feisty little bitch that I am.
“I’m freezing my ass off!” I replied with great announcement.
I bent down to restore the clothes on the ground when a gust of wind blew up my ass. Brrr!
“Can I use your jacket?” I pouted, “Please?”
“Come on, be a big girl now,” consoled Jimmy, “I need this jacket for work tomorrow. Who knows where you’ll be then?”
That ticked me off. He was enjoying this at my expense, and sure as shit, my bitch face returned, “What do you mean?”
With his hands in his pockets, Jimmy shrugged his shoulders, shuffled his feet and whistled ‘Wild Thing’ for my benefit. I GOT the meaning.
Patrick was parked five hundred feet away, watching with his binarys. With twenty seconds to spare, he screamed to a stop in front of me, looked as if he wanted to fuck me, right then and there, but, managed a thin smile. Most men would give their left nut for the hardon Patrick was sporting.
“Put these on, then, get in,” I heard, as a pair of handscuffs, a leather collar, and a rubber ball gag were tossed outthe window onto the pavement. My heart sang as I put the gag on first.
Patrick hummed along to the radio oblivious to the smell of my sex that permeated the car. The passenger door opened and a cool breeze hardened my nipples. He firmly gripped my wrist. We were in a deserted parking lot, and he wasn’t the least bit worried that someone would see us.
As he came around to open the door for me, I was worried he was going to give me a smarting smoke.
“This way,” he said.
My pussy spasmed with urgency as I was dragged to the back seat. He put me across his lap and stroked it a few times before his firm hand connected fiercely with my ass.
“You’ve been a real brat!” he hissed as he spanked my butt, spacing the strokes in time with the words.
I was strangely excited as my bottom quickly reddened and became raw from this blistering session. He concentrated on spreading out the blows evenly and it throbbed when he was done. As his called hand repeatedlyconnected with my apple red cheats, I could tell he wasn’t holding back. I quivered with the blows and raised my ass upward to meet his hand. I played the brat, kicked wildly in feigned protestation as I felt the independent pressure of his cock straining up at me.
He kept it up until I was on the verge of tears. Then he taunted, “What did you think would happen?”
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