Walking the Sub

What could be nicer on a warm sunny day than having your dear Master take you for a walk in the park? He’d been solicitous and generous one bright May morning, after having put me through a particularly grueling session (with the menacles and black leather belt I’ve come to know and love) the night before. I had the day off and he was playing hooky from work. He put me in the shower and soaped and lathered me, tasted my sweet clean pussy then shined me dry, brushed my silky black hair and put it up into a pony tail the way he likes it for our playing. All the while, he keep a serious, purposeful face: doing a job and doing it well. Those blue eyes just melted me, as always, as he worked. He had me dress him in boxes, nice-fitting jeans, white t-shirt that shows off his pecs, socks, athletic shoes. I waited for him to choose clothes for me, but he just scooted me out of my room with a smile on his face and a collar in his hand. He collared and leashed me with the soft blue leatheracouterments we both prefer, strapped on my comfy walking sandals, then tossed his oversized button-down shirt around my shoulders. Helping me slip my arms through, rolling cuffs, and doing up a couple of buttons, he held my gaze and spoke, a tell-tale hint of excitement in his voice: “You’ve been such a good girl lately, I have a little treatment planned for us.”

I wanted to glance down at his jeans to see how good this “treat” was going to be. The hardness of his cock as he thought about what we’d do was a very reliable meter. But that wasn’t part of the game. I had to keep my eyes on his, and it wasn’t hard: his nice white teeth gleamed at me through a grin that said he knew I wanted to see that bulge in his jeans but was winning the battle to be perfectly obedient. He reached both hands down to pull gently on my nipples and watched my eyes. They clouded with desire. He pulled harder. I moaned. He stopped.

“Good girl. Now come along.” And he tugged on the leash and drew mealong behind. “Come along” indeed: with my sweet, sexy Master holding the chain, how could I do anything else?—and why would I, even if I could? But he must have noticed some hesitation in me, given that he was heading out the door and I was wearing only a thin shirt that exposed most of me. He turned to face me again. “Trust me, pet.”

I smiled up at him.

”And obey me.” He swatted me hard on the ass, and turned again to go. I swallowed hard and followed, determined to live up to this D/s dare. We went out through the back door and walked to the garage. He paused and pointed to the newspaper at his feet in the driveway. A car whizzed by. Being in a particularly obedient and playful mood, I bent completely over, knees straight, letting the soft shirt slide up to display my sweet little ass. He swore softly. He loves my ass. He moved behind me, grabbed my hips, and ground the rough denim of his jeans into my backside, letting me feel how hard he was for me. I wondered if my juices would coat his fly. I moaned softly, hugging my ankles. He moved back a bit, then slipped a finger into me. He pumped it slowly, rubbing it all around inside me. I know what that means, and hold my breath. He withdraw it, then slipped it fast and hard into my ass. I gasped. I knew he must be smiling behind me. Each time he did that, I tried my best not to gasp. It was part of my training, but I hadn’t gotten that suddenly intake of breath controlled yet. I heard him laugh gently. “It’s ok, pet. I like that my touch exciteds you.” He shoved his finger in deeper, began to drive it into me, other hand on my hip. “More?”

I murmured “yes, Sir” and he pressed another finger in beside the first. I was tight, especially so in this position. I was nervous, knowing other cars could drive by any moment. Even though it was a small street, and even though what he was doing wasn’t entirely obvious, my ass was still naked and hiked up in the air. So his fingers in my ass were an especially strong combination of pain and pleasure, and I basked in my own nervousness, milk disappoint, and delight.

“You’d like me to take my cock out right now and fuck you with it, wouldn’t you, my sweet little slut?” he asked as he drove his fingers in and out. “I can see how wet you are, pet. So hungry for your Master’s thick, hard cock.” I whimpered, moved my hands from ankles to asphalt. Arched harder into his fingers. “Yes, that’s right, slut. Take it deeper.” He shoved them more roughly into me. “I love your tight asshole, slut,” he groaned. “I could fuck you like this all day.”

I murmured “yes…yes…fuck me” until he stopped, suddenly. And I knew, without a doubt, that he’d stopped when he knew I was enjoying myself a bit too much. He keep control of me with constant teasing, arousing, milk punishment, and other uses. I breathed hard, remaining bent over, with his hand on the small of my back.

“My paper, pet,” he said, calmly.

I opened my eyes and looked down at thenewspaper in its little plastic sleepe. To offer him extra pleasure, I bent my elbows and stretched further down and forward, exposing what I hoped was an even better shot of my ass and soaked pussy, and grabbed the paper with my teeth. Walking my hands back, I bent my knees and sat down on my haunches, tugging a bit at the leash, then turning and looking up at my Master with hands at my sides and his paper in my mouth. He ruffled my hair and took the paper, smiling brightly. “Good girl,” he laughed. “Obedient and talented.” A car zoomed by, and I was glad I was well covered by the shirt as I sat.

He tugged me up and walked me back to the door of the garage, then inside. “Taking your good dog for a drive, Sir?” I asked, smiling.

He yanked hard on the leash. He pulled my face close to his. The smile was gone from his eyes. “I’m doing with you what I desire. Whatever I desire. And you will not question this. Do you understand, girl?”

”I understand, Sir,” I said in theSteady voice expected of me at such times, meeting his eyes dutifully. So much for play.

But his gaze softened at my obedience, and he let the lean slacken. He quickly surprised me again, however, when he opened the back rather than the front passenger door for me and motioned me inside. I did not question but hoped in, sitting comfortably in the plus back seat, looking up at him. “Fold your legs under and sit like a nice pet,” he said firmly, and watched as I did so. Next, he fastened my leash to the hook for hanging clothes above the window. As I followed his actions with my eyes, I knew it would be simple to unhook the leash, so this was clearly about psychological submission, not physical. “Lick me, girl,” he said with a smile, offering the back of his palm. I bent my head and licked. “Good girl. You love your Master, don’t you, honey?” He tousled my hair. “Now give me a kiss, girl,” he oozed in that voice reserved for the family pet, bringing his face close to mine. I pressed a slightly opened mouth to his to kiss him. He pulled away sharply and brought his hand down to slap my thigh, hard. “Bad girl!” he snapped. “Don’t put that muzzle on my mouth!” I understand. I nodded, my thigh stinging and the trace of a handprint beginning to show. I put my hands between my knees and locked my elbows, then held my head up and stuck out my tongue. “Yes, pet,” he drawn, and offered his cheek. I lapped at it twice. He smiled and stroked my back. “That’s my good, good girl.” He backed out and closed the door.

And I was taken, entirely like the family dog, for a ride.

We headed quickly out of town and into the country. He opened my window halfway, and I fed his desire for my pet-like obedience by putting my head out and letting the breeze whip my ponytail behind me. He glanced in the rear-view mirror and grinned. “Who’s my good girl?” he cooed. I answered with a little yelp, which widened his smile further. This puppy knew how to please her Master. ButI gave him an even bigger thrill when a red pick-up with a burly, beared redneck drive up beside us. I smiled brightly at him and flashed a bit of title, then, as he slowed to see more, I saw the dog in the back and barked at it. The dog seemed more puzzled than the man (who was apparently blinded by my all-natural 36D’s), but joined the barking game, and soon we were a wild duo. My delighted Master Turned his head halfway around and, between laughs, yelled, “Down, girl! Stop that! Bad! Bad girl!” I kept it up, the big black lab pacing, wagging his tail, and yapping back at me. I tried to do the same, pulling against the lean to crawl agitatedly around the back seat, then returned to the window to yelp some more. As my enchanted Owner shook his head and chuckled, the pick-up put on speed and breezed past us—to get away from the “crazy woman,” no doubt.

Giddy with my own performance, I put my “paws” up and licked the hand that lay across the back of the passenger seat. Without turning, he stroked my hair. I could see his still-enormous grin through the rear-view mirror. “Such a devoted pet,” he murmured. “Let’s see if we can’t reward such a good little honey.” He flicked on the turn signal and we exited the main road and headed to Mona Park, a small recreational area and boat dock we’d driven past but never been to before. When we parked, he turned around and put my face in his hands. My lips parted of their own according. “You’re gonna love this, baby,” he breathed hotly, an inch from my mouth. I wanted the kiss that hovered between us, badly, but he didn’t offer it. Before he could pull away, I licked his cheek. “Moist little beast, aren’t you?” he said, smiling. I could feel wetness begin to see between my legs.

The park was nearly deserted, and I was grateful for it as my dear Master opened the car door for me and escorted me out, still leashed and standing tall. I feel my cheeses redden and warm as my shirt-tails fluttered in a breeze that exposed andtingled my slick pussy. He watched my face, devouring my blush with pleasure, then glanced down. He brushed his fingers across the little shacked triangle above my labia, then swatted it playfully. He loved that little trimmed tuft. He slipped a finger quickly inside my clean-shaven folds, making me gasp, then he pulled it out and sucked on it. I watched his lips take in his finger, saw his cheeks draw in around it. He hummed in his throat, tasting my sweet spiciness. I moaned softly, my eyes drifting shut, waiting for more. He tugged lightly on my leash, making me open and bring my eyes level with his; then he reached down again and plumbed my depths, grinding his fingers deep into me, stroking up across my clip with each of five deft plumages. I was deeply aroused and more than a little nervous, wondering If anyone was close enough to see us. But I held his gaze. I groaned as he stopped then brought his fingers to my lips, painting my pout with sticky sweetness. He watched himself workmy mouth gently open. I adored the intensity of his gaze as he parted his lips along with mine. He was in control, but he was so hungry for me. The subtlety of the way power works in such a situation is more than magical; it is utterly intotoxicating. “That’s right, baby,” he sighed, pressing warm juicy fingers onto my tongue. I knew not to suck. First of all, when he played this way I was to remain passive, let him tell me what to do and when. Second, I was his pet today. I didn’t want to break the spell. He slide his fingers back and forth over my tongue, enjoying my stillness.

The look in his eyes suddenly shifted, and I knew he needed to take more active control. What a delight to watch him swing that way. “Lick them clean, girl,” he said, without emotion. “Take care of your Master.” I lapped softly, tasting myself warm and wet on his fingers. “That’s right.” He spread them so I could lick between. He suppressed a moan, then pulled up on my leash and began to walk with me. I was a single pace behind, my pussy leaking more moisture as I anticipated pleasure and knew it would be risky and challenging. I was glad I was far from town and would likely know no one here if caught.

He, of course, knew I’d be nervous, and I was thrilled when he aimed us into the shelter of the forest. He led me a while along a trail, quietly. When we stopped and he looked around, I leaned forward to lick his neck. “Excited, girl?” he said, turning to face me. I smiled and licked again. “Well, come on then, let’s get comfy.” He walked us to a bench beside the trail. I went to sit down beside him. “Bad girl!” he snapped, yanking my leash. I brought my hands to my collar. “Put your hands down,” he said. “Don’t tug at that collar or I’ll have to tie your wrists.” I wanted my hands free, so I obeyed. He sat down on the benchmark as I stood, leaving a little slack in my leash. I was grateful, and waited for him to speak or act. He rubbed the soft leather loop at the end of the leash withhis thumb. Stroking back and forth, I watched his small gesture, patiently, until he spoke again.

“Turn around,” he said, plainly. I did so. “Bend forward.” I looked both ways for walkers, then bent over and arched my ass up for his pleasure. He snapped the leash end across my ass, hard. I yelped and winced. It stung, bad. He struck again. Then a third time. “That,” he said, “is for looking around before you obeyed me. Now, let us get to the punishment for presuming to sit beside me rather than at my feet, like a good little animal.” I shivered, knew my ass was reddening and that he was enjoying it. I could not see him, bent forward with hands above my knees as I was. But I knew he was rising, and I knew my ass was in trouble. His hand came down with a loud smack that sent some forest creativity skittering noisily away. I managed not to cringe as it hit, but it brought tears to my eyes. He swatted me once more for good measure, not as hard this time, and I held still and kept silentnt. “Good girl,” he said, a smile in his voice. “Now back up and bring that poor little red ass to your Master.” I stayed bent forward and took a step back. I closed my eyes and waited. I loved this part. He reached forward and held my hips, then dragged his soft, warm, wet tongue over my cheeks. Three licks, four, five—cool air soothing me with each broad lap. “Better?” he asked when he’d finished. I nodded heavily, so he could see. “Very nice, pet. Now sit where you’re supposed to.”

I turned around, then knelt beside him, resting my sore ass lightly on my heels. The ground was uneven and stressed with pebbles and twigs. I winced and adjusted myself as comfortable as I could. The small pain served as further silent penitence. He caressed my hair and looked around. “Beautiful day, girl. Just beautiful. Smell those flowers. What could be better than a day out, walking my sub.” He laughed. I smiled, leaned my face on his lap. “Such a good girl. I think you deserve a little treat, don’t you?” I nodded, face still resting on his thighs. “Sit up now. That’s it.” I sat up, nice and tall, waiting for him to offer me his cock. I was overjoyed when that is exactly what he did. He unzipped his fly and released his nice thick hard-on, then moved his hands away. I reached out for it, but he slapped my hand away. “No!” he scolded. “Don’t touch Master’s treasure with your dirty little paws.”

I nodded. I understand. I bent forward and pushed out my tongue to lap at his delicious hard cock. Within a few strokes, he was leaking pre-cum that I devoured greedily, delighted at having earned it so quickly. My dear Master murmured softly in his throat, again struggling my hair with one hand while his other held the lean loosely. I dipped deeper and pressed my nose into his balls so I could lick beneath. He arched his hips and wriggled his pants down a bit further to give me access. I loved how much he wanted my mouth on him. I licked and lapped at him, nuzzling in and almost reaching his asshole with the tip of my tongue. He moaned. I wanted those pants off; I reached up a hand.

He sat up sharply. He grabbed my wrist. “Damn it, girl, didn’t you hear me. No paws.” He shook his head at me, wrapped his hand around most of the leash and tugged hard to bring my face to his groin. “I guess you need me to show you.” He wound his free hand around my pony tail, gripping it where it met my head, and pushed me down on his cock. I took it in as deep as I could, trying not to gag. “Now suck it, pet.” I did so, my leaning me from moving, his hand pulling my hair to set the pace he desired. He groaned as I swirled my tongue around his shake and sucked. He moved me up and down the length of him, just the way he liked. My throat relaxed as I accepted his control. Moisture pooled between my legs as I felt him swell in my mouth. He nearly climax far more quickly than I knew he’d like, and I basked in it, pouring all of my desire and need to give myself to him into the way I sucked his hard cock. After a few more strokes, he pulled me sharply off him, brought my lips to his for a deep, plundering kiss. I moaned in my throat as he devoured my mouth, stroked my tongue roughly with his. I felt my insides turn to molten lava as my pussy trickled honey over my ankles.

As if he knew, he reached for me. “Sit up, girl.” I got to my knees. He unbuttoned my shirt and pushed it back to fall from my shoulders. The breeze was heaven, but I was so worried someone would walk by. I didn’t dare let the nervousness show on my face, however, or he might stop. He admired me, sitting there, the sun through the trees specckling me with shadows. “My sweet little dalmatian,” he said, tracing the “spots” on my shoulders with gentle fingertips. He let his touch dance over my skin, down to my breasts, then released my leash (so trusting), to care and knee my soft breasts. “Sweet, sweet girl,” he whispered, filling his hands with me. My eyeselids drifted shut, until IFelt the sharp pain of my nipples being pinched hard. “Did I tell you to close your eyes?” I shook my head, eyes meeting his. He pulled on my nipples. I worked hard not to wince. My pussy, ever the betrayer, offered a thin trail of sap down the inside of my right thigh. I shuddered.

My observant Master didn’t miss that little trail. He released my nipples and came to stand behind me, leash once again in hand. He pushed my legs apart, then came down to my level. I saw as he pressed his warm, clothed body up against mine. He took two fingers and swept them down along the track of wetness down my leg, then brought his fingers to his lips and sucked them loudly. “Mmmm, baby, such a sweet, obedient pet. Mine for the taking, aren’t you, lover?” As he spoke, he reached between my legs, pressed his cock There, and rubbed against my slit. I let my head drop back, moaning softly. “Oh, yes, sweet little pussy…all mine to use. So sweet…” I knew he was far gone when he talked a string likeThis, especially repeating “sweet” in every phrase. He wanted me, and he would have me, any way he chose.

With a swift, fluid motion, he pressed forward and had the head of his cock inside me before I knew it. He ground in small circles and held me still, hands digging into my hips. I moaned. With a growl that thrilled me to my hungry core, he plunged in, hilting himself within me as his balls slapped, hard, against my clip. I cried out and my ass received a slap for my lack of control. “Quiet, my ravenous little bitch,” he ground out, holding himself still. He was tense. He wanted to let go, I knew, but not until he had the submission he sought from me. He never called me “bitch”—but it worked so well now, as he took me, doggy-style, his lovely little pet in heat. My breathing was quick and hard; I tried to calm it, to slow it, to make myself quiet and tranquil for him. He began to ride me again, fully in control now, long deep strokes that keep my pulse racing and my pussy awash. He pumped faster, fingers gripping my hips hard, balls violently spanking my lips and clip, rough thighs slapping into the soft backs of mine. I began to press back into him, to meet his rhythm. “No. Be still, bitch,” he snapped, and continued his assault, reaching up to slip a thumb into my pussy beside his cock, then, nicely slickened, into my ass. “Take what your Master gives…feel my need and be…satisfied…in giving yourself up to my will….”


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