*Author’s note: returning readers of mine will notice this isnt my usual kind if story. I made this one-off as a sort of challenge to see if I could write a male POV. All characters depicted are well over 18. Bondage, embarrassing predictions, femdom, and CBT are depicted. Untapped inner passages are awakened as lifelong friends discover themselves and each other. Viewer perversion is advised.*
I should start by admitting that the situation I’ve found myself in is entirely my fault. I popped in at my best friend’s apartment without checking in first. That’s completely on me. In my defense, though, I never could’ve seen this coming.
I’ve been friends with Zoe since we were kids. She was a total tomboy when we were young, so in my head, she remained as a sort of asexual figure. That worked for us. I’ve come to realize that the w ay I saw her was reducing, but it helped us to avoid sexual tension– at least from my side. In retrospect, her feelings towards me might’ve been sexual from the moment sexuality had even occurred to her. That would definitely explain all of the rough-housing.
The trouble started on what started out as a normal Thursday afternoon. Zoe and I hang out at each other’s places was an ordinary thing. We even had keys to each other’s apartments. I was out jogging and passed through her neck of the woods. I remembered that I’d left my PS5 controller at her place. I knew that Zoe typically worked on Thursdays, so I figured I’d just pop in, get my shit, and dip out.
I had earphones in, as I always did when exercising, so all seemed normal as I entered her apartment. Walking to where I’d left my controller, I gradually became aware of a strange while sound that wasn’t part of my music. I pulled out my earbuds and heard it louder. There were also strange rhythmic mechanical sounds, and wet slaps. It sounded like some bizarre torture was going on in Zoe’s bedroom.
I didn’t think, I just investigated the noise.I figured whatever was going on needed to be pretty loud, since Zoe’s room was full out noise-damping pads to stop her neighbors from complaining when she screamed while gaming. Or at least– that’s the explanation she gave me.
I was sure that Zoe was at work. In my mind, I was walking into some sort of horrible mishap that unfolded beyond Zoe’s control while she was away. Instead, I found Zoe, bound and gagged in bed, with some kind of machine at the foot of her bed violently blasting a dildo in and out of her pussy.
Above her head, she had two PC monitors on adjustable arms, facing down to blast her with a constant stream of porn. Her body was tied in a complex shibari rope formation. The ropes were tight around her nicely-sized tits, which made them swollen and red. The barbell-piercings on her nipples we’re attached to thin chains, which led down to either side of a bar tucked behind the backs of her knees. This made it so that she had to keep her legs fold to keep her piercings from being ripped out.
I completely froze. I couldn’t comprehend what I was looking at. Not only was I baffled and mortified for walking in in this, but there were other feelings I didn’t understand. In some new and confusing part of me, I liked what I saw. Her body was curvy in beautiful in ways I’d never noticed before. She even had tattoos I’d never seen before. Where her inner thigh met her butt chef, she had a tattoo of the little cookie from Alice in Wonderland, labeled EAT ME, for instance.
I blushed when I realized my eyes had focused on that region well enough to even read that. I noticed the pink tail of an egg-vibrator sticking out of her vagina. Her clip was swollen, trapped in a clear suction cut with a tongue-shaped vibrator flicking over it in random directions. There was another toy in her ass, that I couldn’t quite make out.
I flushed in shade. I’d just been standing there staring intently at her bound body. I throw my hands over my eyes, too late, blurring out, “Sorry!”
I turned away to leave before things got worse, but this prompted muffled cries to get more frequent and urgent. I realized how stupid I was being and rushed to help my friend. I pulled the ball gag from her mouth, which fell to her neck along with a mouthful of drool.
“Are you okay? Who did this to you?” I asked frantically.
The second question caught her off guard. She’d seemed distressed before, but the stupidity of my question actually deescalated her panic. “I– wha? I did. David, just… help me get out of here.”
“What do you mean, you did? How did this happen? And… how do I get these cuffs off?”
Zoe was blushing, although it was hard to tell, given how flushed she’d already been. “The key fell in the bed Somewhere,” she said. “I dropped it when I was trying to get out. I’ve been stuck for like twelve fucking hours.”
I looked down at the bed, searching for the key. The sheets were soaked through, and there was no duvet for the key to hide. “I don’t see the key,” I told her.
“I think it rolled under me. I’m afraid to shift around too much or, you know… my nipples.”
That made sense. I offered, “Maybe we should undo that first. How do I do that?”
She looked conflicted, saying, “I don’t know.”
“You put this shit on and you don’t know how to get it off?” I asked, sort of pissed at the notion.
“I know how, dickhead. I just don’t know if you should. You’d have to unscrew the ends of the bars.”
I looked at the bar under her knees, not seeing any kind of screw-cap. Zoe said, “The bars in my hips, dumbass. The only way to get the chains off is to take the barbells out.”
“Oh,” I murmured, suddenly shy.
“Yeah. Sort of an… intimate touch. You sure you’re ready for that?”
I scanned the bed once more for the key “Well… I can’t think of another way. Can you?”
“Fuck,” she murmured. “Just do it already.”
I motioned my hands towards thebreast closest to me. I was hesitating, which prompted Zoe to scold, “I said just do it the stud on the right side is the one that screws off, but it’s tricky.”
I pinched both studs, concentrated. My silence highlighted the constant droning of the machine that was still drilling away at her pussy. I couldn’t imagine how she withstood twelve hours of that. The layer of sweat on the metal studs kept me From having any chance of unscrewing the barbell like this.
Delicately pinching at the stus while avoiding contact wasn’t working. I had to grip them between the pad of my thumb and the side of my forefinger. Which means I had to rest my hands directly on her swollen title. Her nipple keep moving, so to keep it in place, I had to firmly fondle her title in my hands. As I did this, I heard a soft moan escape Zoe.
“You OK?” I asked.
Zoe’s eyes were squeezed shut and her lips her sealed. She hummed and unconvincing, “Mhm.”
I continued, trying to ignore the way her body was stiffening up. I finally got purchase on the threaded screw in the stud, and twisted. As I finally got it off and carefully pulled the bar out of the hole, I noticed that Zoe was holding her breath, with the veins in her neck popping out and her legs spasming.
I almost thought she was having a seizure, until a large splash of clear liquid sprayed out from her crotch, going everywhere. As it Did she let out a deep breath and the tension disappeared as she went limp. I didn’t know what to say, or addressing that was even an option.
“I’m sorry,” she muttered, both relieved and embarrassed. “It’s that damn machine. After twelve hours, I’ve lost any control. The orgasms just keep coming one after another.”
With one of the chains loose, I was able to free Zoe’s legs. Once the bar and remaining chain were safely set down by the side of that it was still attached, I said, “Maybe next I should turn that thing off and get it out of you.”
“Good idea,” she said,Before qualifying, “after you get the other nip. It’s sore as shit.”
“Uh-huh.” I said with a hint of incredulity. I did as asked, reaching over Zoe to handle her other boob. This one was stuck shut, but after a minute of fondling, I got it off. In that minute, Zoe apparently got off as well, with another messy squirt.
Next came the fucking-machine. In the side of the black housing for the motor, there was a simple red kill-switch adjacent to the control panel. I flipped the switch, and the bar pushing the dildo stopped in its tracks.
“I’m gonna pull, okay?”
Zoe nodded nervously. I hefted the machine, slowly pulling it away from Zoe. It took more steps than I’d expected, as more and more of the dildo just seemed to come out. Finally, it plopped out of her.
I supposed that the dildo was what might be considered ‘unusually large’, but as someone with his own unusually large member, the toy was almost cute. At present, it was shamelessly throbbing and trying to rip its way out of my jock strap. I was thankful that this all occurred while it was out jogging, as there’d be no hiding my erection in boxes.
Somehow blushing redder than she already was, Zoe sheepishly asked, “Can you pull the toy out of my ass, next?”
The request was strange to hear, but at this point I was resigned to the mayhem. “Should I get the vibrator from your pussy, too?”
With pride, she responded, “Nah I can get that on my own.” She then demonstrated. Compressing her pelvic floor, she squeezed and popped the pink egg vibrator out, hitting me in the face with it.
She was briefly stunned as I winced and wiped the juicy growl from my chin. She then burst out into nervous laughter, before quickly stopping herself. “Oh fuck I shouldn’t laugh while that’s still in my ass,” she said gravely, before apologizing profusely.
I told her it was fine, and then grabbed the base of the toy in her ass. It had buttons, and I felt it vibrating, but it was othererwise unclear what was inside of her. I pulled, finding that it was repeatedly flared like anal beads, albeit larger. One after another, I pulled the first four sections out. After that, it smoothed out into a more normal dildo. As the rest slip out I found that it was moving on its own, extending and retracting with a self-thrusting feature.
“Jesus, what’s your sex-toy budget?” I asked.
“Shut up. Just get me out of here.”
With the obstacles gone, Zoe shifted herself up towards the headboard. That didn’t uncover the key, so she lifted her back. I looked under her, not seeing it on the mattress. When my eyes scanned up, I saw that it was stuck to her sweat-slicked back.
“Found it,” I said, pulling it off of her.
I quickly let her out of her hand cuffs, and her arms fell to her simply. She groaned with relief, and complained, “My hands have been nothing but pins and needs for hours.”
Even with the poor circuit, she worked lessly unfasted her rope harness in a fluid motion that looked like a magic trick. She closed her eyes in relief as she kneaded her sore boobs with her hands. She lied back, exhausted. Her brown shoulder-length curls were matted with sweat. Her chest rose and fell as she caught her breath. I once again took in the sight of the incredible body that I’d been blind to for years.
“Thank you, David,” she said promptly. “I thought I was just gonna die like that. I don’t know what I would have done without you.”
“Don’t mention it,” I offered. “You’ve gotta be more careful, though. I might not be around to help if this happens again. Do you… do that often?”
Zoe froze up. “Not… too often… shut up. I… thank you, but you know, I’m free now. If you linger around much longer, you’re just perving at that point.”
“Right,” I said, suppressing the urge to finish with “I’m the perv.”
I left, and my relationship with Zoe has never been the same. For days, she was a ghost. She responded tonothing and avoided our shared friend circles. After five days, she finally appeared at a small get-together, but she was extremely awkward around me. She couldn’t meet my eye line and only spoke in curt responses. After a short time, she appeared too uncomfortable to continue and simply left.
For the next two weeks, those short awkward interactions was all I ever saw of her. I went into crisis over this. Before this withdrawal, I’d never taken inventory of just how much she means to me. She was my best friend, and I couldn’t picture any future anywhere but right by her side.
On top of this, I had a newfound attention to her. Ever since seeing her naked and in such a kinky act, I haven’t been able to get the image out of my head. I had to talk to someone about this to process it, but ironically, the only person I could’ve done that with would’ve been her. Our friendship was fueled by so much trust, that if we were on speaking terms, I wouldn’t even hesitate to talk to herAbout this attention– not as a confession, but to vent and get advice from my confident.
I needed to take action. Seeking advice about this from anyone I knew personally wasn’t an option. Instead, I reached out to a friend on discord who goes by Viper. I’d always judged him to be non-judgmental and smart. More importantly, he’s alluded to forays into the world of kink.
After listening to my problem he asked me, “She’s important to you, right?”
I told him, “More than anyone else.”
“Would you do anything to set things right?”
Tired of the suspension, I said, “Of course, dude. Spit it out, what’s your idea?”
“The way I see it, we’ve got a classic sitcom scenario, with a twist. A guy walks in on a girl in the shower, and now things are awkward. He’s seen her naked, and now he has all of the power. The relationship’s former harmony has fallen out of balance. Sound familiar?”
Jumping ahead in his logic, I guessed, “So I’ve gotta let her see me naked?”
“In a sense. The problem is, you’ve seen her more naked than the typical sense of nudity. You’ve seen not only her body exposed, but the most shameful part of her sexuality. Letting her walk in and see your dick is fully clothed by comparison.”
“So what do I do?”
“You put yourself in the same scenario. You need to get yourself trapped in an equally humiliating scene of self-bondage, and she needs to help you out of it,” Viper advised.
“That’s not fucking funny, dude.”
“I’m not laughing. I truly do not see any other way that you can save the friend.”
“It would just make things a million times worse. She’d lose all respect for me,” I objected.
“Why? Why would she look down at something that she herself Partakes in? Besides, did you lose all respect for her?”
“Of course not! If anything, seeing this hidden part of her only makes me feel closer to her,” I said, with a vulnerability that I hadn’t expected.
“Wow, dude, really?”
I hesitated. There’s no way I’d ever be this vulnerable without anonymity. “Yeah, man. I just she’d give me a chance to tell her that.”
“In that case, I think you know the answer. You’ve got to do this.”
I groaned out a roar of irritation into my empty apartment. With many reservations, I agreed. “You’re forgetting one thing, though,” I argued. “The whole Premise is impossible. There’s no way that I can get her to accidentally walk in on me in that situation. I can’t exactly invite her over and have her walk in on me like that, either. It’s way too transparent.”
“That’s no problem at all,” he assured me “Just imagine– you’ve accidentally trapped yourself in fetishistic self-bondage. You’re terrified that you’ll be stuck like this until you die of thirst. Then, you remember that you just recently helped your best friend in a very similar prediction. You know that she is essentially the least embarrassing person you could go to for help. Thankfully, you’re not gagged, so you shout at your phone to dictate a text, asking her to come help you. Don’t spoil the surprise, but simply convey that you urgently need her to come help you. Things might be awkward as of late, but if she’s a true friend, she’ll come.”
“And… if she doesn’t?”
“Meh. Why go on living without her? Might as well go out with a bang.”
“Not funny,” I said.
I went through with it. Viper put together a shopping list. It was completely ridiculous and unbelievably expensive. Viper insisted, though, that my setup needed to be at least as laborate as Zoe’s. I cursed as I pulled the trigger on the shopping cart. Only for Zoe would I ever blow this kind of money.
Over the next five days, packages came in and I set them aside. On Saturday, which was typically Zoe’s day off, I set it all up. There was a special chair, with a split down the middle, so that only my spread legs were supported, but everything between that was completely open. My ass and package would be out there in the breeze. There were shackled for my wrists and ankles as well. The shackles could be set on a timer, or locked until a second party unlocked it. This was cruel to the plan.
I turned on femdom bondage porn on my TV, set to autoplay a long playlist. I then sat in the chair and set up the toys. First came the sounding rod. This thing terrified me more than the rest of the shopping list. It was titanium, and twelve millionaires in thick. As it turned out, that size is not meant for beginners. At the end of it, it tapered to an even thicker ball at the end, before hooking downward. This hook fastened to a ring around the glans. Finding a ring that fit the girl of my dick was no easy task.
Inserting that rod was furry death. It felt like my dick would split in half, and made me want to call off the whole thing. It stuffed my urethra, penetrating all the way back until it ticked my prostate. Already sweating from the exertion of it, I gave the final push towedge the metal ball into the end of the urethra. The metal ring pinched nightlight under the head of my cock, turning it purple.
Next came the pump. Finding a pump sized for my cock was nearly impossible. Dear reader, I know you won’t believe me, but I am endowed with a twelve inch penis, and the responsibility that comes with it. It’s actually caused me quite a bit of hardship. I’ve had sex with very few women because of it. On the bright side, it’s forced me to develop a great talent for eating pussy.
Anyway, I put my dick into the pump. At the fast part of my dick, it was uncomfortable tight. I wasn’t sure there was much point of a dick pump that was tight, but I pushed on. The perverted imagery was all that I really needed. I turned on the suction, and, every part of my dick was forced up against the cup, making it perfectly cylindrical. Nothing about it was comfortable or pleasant.
The pump had a series of bullet vibrators fastened to the outside and wired together. I turned them on, making the pump vibrate. Because my dick was pressed so firmly against the clear plastic, the vibration was mostly dampened, but focused in and resonated with the closest hard object in its wave: the sounding rod. The metal rod in my dick hole was turned into one big vibrator penetrating all the way down to my prostate.
This fit the theme of the next toy. Coincidentally enough, it was the very same thrusting vibrator that I’d fished out of Zoe’s ass. Prior to setting all of this up I had douched my ass in the bathroom. I’d never had anything bigger than a pinkie up there, so I shuddered with pain as it entered. After a while, though, the stimulation on both sides of my prostate was… intriguing.
The final toy was a heavily weighted metal donut, which was to encircle my scrotum above my balls. Getting the two pieces together without pinching my skin was delicate work. Once it was assembled, I fastened it in place with an Allen wrench.
Before locking myself up, I tested and retested that my phone could hear me. Once certain, I locked my ankles and wrists in their restraints, ‘forgetting’ to set the timer. When I was thoroughly trapped, I called out, “Hey Siri, text Zoe…”
Forty minutes passed. The torturous over-stimulation was already unbearable after the first five minutes. I was continuously having a strange and incomplete sort of orgasm, but my cum was blocked by the sounding rod.
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