Walking on the Darker Side Ch. 03

I woke up around mid-morning, feeling well rested despite my exploits from the night before. I stretched while laying in bed, smiling to myself at my new acquisition. She was waiting for me in the basement, awaiting my commands and directives, supplement to my will. Well, I decided, best not to keep her waiting.

I walked my way down the stairs and into the dungeon room. I grabbed a few pieces of rope and walked my way into the pillow room, unlocking the door before me. She was still peacefully sound wait on the pillows near the toilet, breathing deeply and restfully despite the light coming on in the room. I walked over to her, dropped all but one piece of rope beside me, and uncoiled the rope I kept in my hand. I reached down to her arms and grabbed her wrists behind her. Before she could fully wake, I bound her arms behind her back.

I looked down and noticed the scabs on her ass from the night before. A few of them had run over the night, and the drops of blood dried asThey led their short ways down her ass. Smiling at the marks I left, I began looping the rope around her arms and chest, going above her tits. I crossed the rope and went back, going over the arms and across the top of her chest. Looping back around the center rope in the center of her back, I was running out of rope and picked up another from the floor. Extending my rope, I looped the rope under her arm and around the rope running between Her arms and chest, before going to the other side and doing the same. From here I looped below her chest twice, and hooked the rope around the loops between her arms and her chest. I tied the rope off in the center of her back, and unlocked her from her collar and the wall.

Reaching down, I grabbed the final piece of rope I had tossed on the ground, and grabbed her up from the rope in the center of her back. Pulling her up, she grunted as she stumbled to her feet. Using the rope as a handle, I dragged her out into and down the hallway, and into the water room. I uncoiled the final rope and tied a potato head around the handle in the small of her back. I pushed her down to the ground and ran the rope through the ring attached to the winch. I started pulling the rope taught, then pushed her forward until she was leaning slightly forward on the rope. It was there that I tied the rope off.

I slide in front of her, and ran my cock into her mouth. As she swallowed it down her throat, I grabbed her hair by the back of her head. Holding her tightly, I began to release my bladder and empty the morning catch into her. Realizing what I was doing, she tried to scream and struggled to escape. I held her tight as her struggled became more than just trying to escape the warm liquid running down her throat, and more an attempt to get air. The throat tightened and convulsed around my dick and I began to get harder, as I emptied myself into her. Her struggles became more and more desperate as I held tight onto her hair, unrelentingly emptying my bladder into her stomach. She gagged and tried to coough as more and more of my piss ran down throat and into her gut. Her attempts to get away got weaker and weaker as my bladder neared emptying, until it was just a token muscle spasm trying to pull away from the observation filling her airway. Finally, empty my bladder, I pulled out and stepped away and watched as she went limp, leaning forward on the rope that I had left her bound in.

I waited until she began to come to, slapping her a few times to bring her attention to the present. As she refused consciousness, she started cought loudly and spitting onto the ground. Thinking she was about to puke, I grabbed the hose off the wall and turned it on. I set it on the ground with her between it and the drain. Feeling hungry, I decided to go upstairs and prepare myself some breakfast, debating on whether she’d be able to keep any down when I brought some down for her.

I walked down the hallway, closing the doorBehind me. She’d be safe in there till I got back. I walked up the stairs, smiling. Her time was going well, now only to figure out how to transform her into my perfect slave. What rules would she need to learn. I hadn’t really thought this far ahead, and decided that I’d take it one day at a time. Around this point, I made it to the kitchen. I pulled some eggs out of the refrigerator and a pan out of the cupboard. I pulled a small black spatula out of one of my kitchen drawers.

I went to work cooking up some scrambled eggs. It’d been awhile since I actually cooked myself breakfast. Normally, I just go with a toasted Pop-Tart, if that. Luckily I didn’t drop any of the shells into the pan as I cracked the eggs into it. Four eggs later and they were starting to fry up, and I was agitating them with the spatula to scramble them up. I went over to the refrigerator to pull out some cheddar cheese to put on the eggs. The eggs were almost done, in solid little clumps. I started to sprinkle the cheese over the eggs, letting it melt in. Using the spatula, I split the eggs into two portion and put them onto two plates I pulled out of a cupboard above my head.

I left the heat on and went into the fridge to pull out some bacon. I pulled a few slices out and throw them on the pan. The bacon immediately began to crackle and pop as the heat started to cook it. I pulled some tongs out of the drawer with kitchen utesils, and waited for the time to turn the bacon over. A few spits of grease popped up and hit me on the arm and stomach. I turned the bacon over and it began popping and spitting again in earnest. One of the popped spit out and caught me in my groin. One of these days I’ll learn not to cook bacon naked, I thought, as I jumped back at the sudden shock. Shortly thereafter the bacon was done, but still chewy. I pulled the slices out and set them on my plate, and turned off the heat.

I grabbed a single fork out of the drawer with silverware in it, and walkd my way down the stairs with the plates in hand. Hopefully she didn’t make too much of a mess trying to keep down my piss. I opened the door to the water room, though it was a little bit of an effort with two plates in my hands. Luckily I didn’t drop anything and the door swung open.

There she stood on her knees, hanging forward by the rope. The water was still running past her and into the drain. I couldn’t tell If she puked anything up, but she was looking a lot less sick. I set the plates on a desk near the door, and went to turn off the water. I pulled the hose and coiled it back up on the wall, before walking over to her. I pet her a few times as I whispered, “Good girl.” With my other hand I reached up and began undoing the knot to the rope that was holding her up. I stopped petting her and used my other hand to finish untying the knot, and lowered her to the ground. She laid on her stomach, her face up and looking around.

“I brought you some breakfast, dear,” I said, as I walked over to the desk with the plates. I grabbed her plate off the desk and placed it beside her head. “I thought you may be hungry after last night.” She looked up at me with confused eyes, probably wondering how she was going to eat without her hands, or any silverware. “Eat up, I have more in store for you, little girl.”

I walked over to the desk and grabbed my plate. I leaned up against the wall as I grabbed my fork and began eating my bacon before it got cold. It was chewy goodness in my mouth, just how I liked it. Never got the point of rock hard and crispy bacon. I swallowed and grabbed the second piece of bacon with my fork, and put it into my mouth, chewing and savoring the flavor before swallowing it down. I looked over at her for a moment, before moving onto my eggs. She was eating off the plate like a dog, using her tongue and jaw to try to nearly get pieces of scrambled egg off the plate without getting any in her hair. She struggled to keep the hair out ofher face as she ate, and I smiled at her misery as I started down on my eggs. I ate them quickly, wishing I had remembered to bring some salt. They were still bland.

As I finished my eggs I looked down at her again, watching as she tried to lick the last scraps off her plate. She looked at the bits of eggs in her hair out the corner of her eyes, probably trying to figure out what to do with them. As I Walked over to her, she tried to look up at me. I bent forward and grabbed her plate off the ground. I stacked her plate under mind and walking back towards the door, set them on the desk.

“There we go, all done. Now to clean you up before the rest of today’s entertainment.” I said as I turned around. I began laughing as she shivered on the ground. I walked over to her and grabbed the rope in the center of her back. Using the rope, I hauled her to her feet. Then I began undoing the rope and tossing it in the corner. “Stay right there,” I said as I walked over to the hosts. I grabbed the one to the warm water and turned it on. I walked back to Sue and went up to wet her hair. She braced for the shock as the water came closer to her, then gasped in surprise at the warm water. She looked back at me with an accusing glare as I continued to wet her hair.

I grabbed some shampoo out of a cabinet, and walked back to her. I handed it to her and said, “There, use this, and make it quick.” She looked at the bottle for a second, and then opened the bottle and poured a bit of shampoo into her left hand. She ran it through her hair and began sudsing it up through her hair, being sure to get every last bit of it later in shampoo. As she was doing this, I stepped back with the hose and watched. Soon she was done and I went forward with the hose to rinse her hair off. The soap ran down her body and into the drain. Finally all the soap was gone, and I walked over to the wall to turn off the hose and coil it back in it’s place.

I walked over to the stack of towels and tossed her one. “Dry off,” I said. “I have something in store for you.” She quickly dried off and throw the towel in the hamper like the night before. I pointed towards the gyno table. “Sit.”

I walked over to the cupboards along one of the walls and began pulling supplies out from them. First I grabbed a large tray. Then I placed a couple boxes of needs on the tray, followed by a few 6-inch spinal taps. Next I found some sterile gauze and a bottle of scientific scrub, and placed them on the tray. Carrying the tray with me, I walked over to the gyno. “Hold this,” I commanded, as I passed the tray to her. Her eyes were wide as she surveyed the contents of the tray. I walked out of the room to grab a small folding TV tray from upstairs, as well as a test; would she stay when she was given the chance run for freedom. I walked back into the room pleased to see she hadn’t moved an inch. I set up the TV Tray next to the gyno table and grabbed the large tray from her, placingit on the TV tray.

“Now to get started,” I said to myself. I grabbed some of the gauze from out of the packaging, and soaked it in scientific scrub. I began scrubbing her tits with the gauze, working my way out. I switched to a new piece of gauze and moved on to scrubbing her upper chest. I continued switching the gauze, and scrubbed other parts of her body. Her ribs were next, followed by her stomach. I worked my way down her thighs, and spread her legs to get high into her inner thighs. Then I moved onto her outer labia lips. Finally, with my last piece of gauze, I scrubbed her arms down.

I could tell she was getting worried. I gave her a smile. “It won’t be so bad,” I stated. “By the end you’ll be flying high, trust me.” I pulled out a sleepe of needs from the first box, and pulled out the first needle. I took a deep breath as I pulled the needle from the hub cap, and went towards her chest. I quickly stalled it into her, high over where her peptide muscle ran. She letout a little yelp and then began giggling as I pushed it out the other side. “See,” I said redundantly, “not so bad, is it?”

I pulled the second need from the hub cap, and decided to place it perpendicular to the one I just placed. I felt it scrape under the previous needle as I slide it through the skin, before poking it out on the other side. She giggled more as I poked the needle Through her. Apparently I have found her giggle button. The next need I bisected the angle between the previous two, and slid it under those needs. I stalled through the same flesh, half a dozen more times, creating an endorphin button.

I moved to the other side of her chest and repeated the mirror image of the pattern. With every poke, she giggled again. She just couldn’t stop giggling, and I didn’t care enough to make her try and stop. After the pattern was replicated, I moved down to her breasts. Here I stood a dozen needs in her left breast, at random locations and angles. Keepingbalance, I did the same to the right title. I then took one of the spinal tap needs, and poked it through the center of her firm breast tissue. I skewered her title again at a different angle, before moving back to the left title and keeping the balance. I then grabbed some needs and stood them straight into her tits, 5 for each breast.

Half of the first box was already gone, as I moved down to her rib cage. I began creating a line needs down one side of her rib cage. I created a line of 25 needs parallel to each other leading down her ribs, and ending past her floating ribs and onto her stomach. I moved over to the other side and placed another 25 in the matching locations. Emptieed, I tossed the first box to the side. Opening the second box, I started a pattern on her sternum. I used the needsles to follow the curve of her breasts and made a curved V leading to the center of her sternum. A dozen needs later, I began to fill in the outline I created, until I had something that looked like a scalemail breastplate.

I moved down her sternum and worked another set following the outline of her floating ribs, using the line of needs down her ribs as a terminating line, and starting again following the curve below her breasts. Again I filled this outline in, making the appearance of a piece of armor. Her giggling, at this point, was becoming rasp. Apparently she had giggled her throat raw. I was Almost done, having only about a dozen needs left in the final box. I laid her back on the gyno table, and spread her legs. I feel the soft flesh of her outer labia lips, and she pursued at the unexpected gentle care. Then, realizing what I had in mind, she tensed up. “Relax, it won’t hurt any more than the rest of them. You’ll love it,” I said pulling out the first of the remaining needs.

I Pulled out her left labia lip and stallbing from the inside, near the top, I pierced through it. I quickly followed with another to the right. With each need shegasped a little before continuing her rasping giggle. I grabbed another needle and pushed another through about a quarter inch down from the first, following with one on the other side. I continued this using the remaining needs I had left, until the entire length of her labia lips were pierced, with the ends of the needs almost poking into the soft flesh where her thighs met her groin.

“Stay there,” I said as I left the room. She shouldn’t be interested in moving too far with the piercings in her labia ready to stall into her thighs if she should close her legs. I walked up stairs and pulled a camera I kept in the closet. It wasn’t a bad camera, and took professional quality images. I checked the battery and the memory card before carrying it downstairs with me.

As I walked back into the room, I could here her rasping giggle, then a pause, then another giggle. The pattern continued as I walked into the room. I discovered her pushing on various needs, giggling, then pausing as she decided where to poke next. I definitely found the giggle button for this new slave of mine. I turned on the camera and began taking images of her playing with her piercings. After the first couple pictures she finally noticed me in the room.

“Lean back and let me take a few pictures,” I said, as I took pictures of her needle-armor from several different angles. I took a close-up picture of her labia piercings, before taking several at different angles and settings. After this, I’d have some images of decent artistic quality to play with. The ends of the needs in her labia were already starting to stall into her thighs, and I could see dots of blood come up where they have pierced the skin.

“Alright, up you go,” I said, putting pressure on the back of her shoulders. She slide off the gyno table and started to stand up straight before letting out a yip and spreading her legs in a half squat. “Alright, we’re going to go upstairs and onto the pool deck. I hope youKnow how to grill.” I said. I walked over to the cabinet and pulled out a large sharps container, then followed her slow waddle out of the room.

She moved slow and deliberately, attempting to keep the needs in her labia from stabbing too far into her inner thighs. Walking up the stairs was a special challenge for her, as she struggled against the pain in her thighs. Finally she made it to the top with a sight, and waddled Through the kitchen as I pointed towards a sliding glass door past the bar separating the kitchen from the living room. I stepped in front of her and opened up the sliding glass door. I set the sharps container on a half-wall separating the back porch from the pool deck, before turning to see her waddle through the door. “Stand out here,” I said as I brushed by her to go back inside. I wasn’t worried about her getting very far…at least not anywhere very fast.

It was mid-afternoon and I was getting hungry. I walked into the kitchen, preheated the oxygen to450, and pulled a box of burgers out of the freezer. I grabbed a bottle of ketchup out of the fridge, and using the same hand grabbed a bag of hamburger buns off the counter. I walked outside and placed the items on a folding table next to a grill I had on the porch. I walked back inside and grabbed a bottle of pickles, and a head of iceberg lettuce out of the fridge. I walked outside and saw her legs were beginning to shake From the effort of holding herself up in such an awkward position. I placed these on the table before walking back inside, pulling out several plates, and setting them on the counter. I pulled a couple tomatoes from the vegetable drawer at the bottom of the fridge, and placed them on the top plate. Grabbing a knife, I sliced ​​the tomatoes up. Pulling out a baking tray, I placed it on the stove, and sprayed it with cooking oil. I pulled a bag of steak fries out of the freezer and spread them over the baking tray. I placed the remainder of the fries in the freezer asI sprayed the fries with cooking oil and seasoned them. The overnight beeped that it has finished preheating, and I placed the tray of fries in the oxygen and set the timer. I grabbed a grilling spatula from one of the kitchen drawers, picked up the plates with the tomatoes on top, and walked outside to place them on the table.

At this point, she was shaking so bad it could almost be called violently. I took goal on her. “Sit down There, next to the sharps container,” I told her as I pointed to the red box I placed on the half-wall. I walked over and opened the sharps container. “Spread wide,” I said, as I knelt before her. I slowly pulled each need out, making sure to scrape it the whole way through, before tossing the needses in the sharps container. After the last need was out, I closed the sharps container and stood up.

“Now you’re going to cook us lunch,” I directed. “Everything you need is on the table there. You can see the grill. Let me know when you’re done,” I saidas I walked inside and sat down on the recliner just inside the sliding glass door. I turned on the flat screen in the living room, and began to watch some random game on TV while she went to work.


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