Kate needed time out. A break from the wrong men, sex and alcohol; all things she was hopelessly drawn towards. Time under Belinda’s control was the perfect answer and Kate had been buzzing ever since she had signed Belinda’s totally unenforceable and unnecessarily explicit contract.
Belinda had set the term of imprisonment at one month and although it was very much consensual, Kate knew that asking for Early release would be challenging.
The first evening was surprisingly vanilla. Belinda, James and Kate had been out for dinner and it was after midnight when they returned. They had chatted as friends, but with the intriguing prospect of Kate as their prisoner.
“Whiskey anyone?” James called from the kitchen.
Kate was about to answer when she caught Belinda’s smouldering brown eyes with their unmistakable ‘bedtime for you’ look.
“Not for me,” Kate replied, still gazing at Belinda.
It had been a smart restaurant and Kate was wearing a short red cocktail dress and heels, and Belinda a strawless grey patterned dress, tight from her breasts to her waist.
Kate giggled excitedly as Belinda took her hand and led her across the courtyard to her new bedroom that had been set up in the old prison cell. Belinda loved interior design and Kate’s new home was very much in her style, soft warm furnitures contrasting with concrete walls and steel bars.
The main piece of furniture was a large ornate box with a door at the front.
“It’s a box-bed,” Belinda breathed, her silent voice echoing around Kate’s new home, “they were very popular in medieval times.”
“Mine has a bolt on the outside,” Kate whispered, sliding it back and opening the box to see the small bed made up inside.
Back in her chatity belt, Kate libido was crying out for attention. Now in the privacy of her cell, Kate pushed a hand under Belinda’s dress and up between her legs. Sensing the lust in Kate’s eyes, Belinda let her friend explore her body andRetaliated by teasing Kate’s nipples through her blatantly sexual dress.
“Can we make out?” Kate asked hopefully.
Belinda lips pushed against Kate’s open mouth, “No… this is exactly why I have to lock you up in a small box.”
Kate cried out in excitement as she slide out of her heels and climbed through the small door and into the box.
“You look like a doll,” Belinda smiled, croouching down and poking her head inside to see Kate and her red dress curled up on the white sheets.
“Are you going to play with me?”
“No one is, sweetie” Belinda replied a little meanly, reaching under Kate’s dress to check that the chatity belt was still locked, “that’s why we’re keeping you like this.”
Kate surprised, croouching down and poking her head inside to see Kate and her red dress curled up on the white sheets.
Kate surprised to play with me?”
“No one is, sweetie” Belinda replied a little meanly, reaching under Kate’s dress to check that the chatity belt was still locked, “that’s why we’re keeping you like this.”
Kate surprised to play with me?”
“No one is, sweetie” Belinda replied a little meanly, reaching under Kate’s dress to check that the chatity belt was still locked, “that’s why we’re keeping you like this.”
Kate surprised to play with me?”
“So, like a doll, you don’t have a clip,” Belinda whispered.
Kate looked disheartened as she whispered, “Can I play with yours?”
Belinda paused, the thought of the helpless woman’s tongue against her vagina was exclusive. No. James and his lips would be waiting for her upstairs so she simply swung the thick wooden door closed and slide across the bolt.
“No, Bel!” came a desperate voice from inside the box, “I can do anything for you?”
Belinda swished her dark hair back out of her eyes and surprised, unsure whether she felt arousal or goal. The banging inside the box grow louder and Kate’s pleads were making Belinda smile.
“Okay,” she called, reopening the box.
Kate stretched out an arm to touch Belinda’s partly transparent grey dress, its tight cut and short hem barely hiding the woman beneath.
“I really am going to lock you in now,” Belinda sighted.
“But you look so nice…”
“Stockholm syndrome so soon?”
“I’m going to spend the night in a fucking box!” Kate moaned.
Belinda was getting worried aroused by Kate’s pleading eyes.
“Don’t shut me away yet?” Kate pleaded.
“Fuck Kate, this is why you’re here in the first place!”
Belinda blew the blonde a kiss and again closed and bolted the box. Kate immediately started to hammer against the inside of the heavy wood, “Please Bel?” she moaned.
Belinda looked down at the goose bumps on her long bare lengths. This was gorgeous. She checked that James wasn’t watching before hitching up her dress and sitting down on top of the box with the small three-inch wide air hole showing between her legs.
“Do you see the air hole…” Belinda called.
Suddenly the banging stopped as Kate’s fingers popped out by her crotch.
Kate’s manicured fingertips stroked the smooth white satin that pulled between Belinda’s legs and then reached inside to touch Belinda’s clip; gently back and forth with her long-painted nails sending a thrill through Belinda’s body.
“Last night I made love to a man,” Kate boasted.
Belinda Shook her head, eased her hips up and rocked them further forward. Kate’s fingers felt amazing. Kate was moaning in unison even though certain pieces of locked metal wrapping around the most intimate areas of Kate’s body made orgasm impossible.
“How did cope with a man,” Belinda called, “… if touching my pants does this to you?” Belinda climaxed only moments later.
She lifted up, swooped her dress clear and sat down on the box’s only airhole, her round bottom sealing it.
“It’s gone dark,” Kate called, as if surprised.
“I don’t doubt it.”
Not wanting to reopen the box and risk more pleading from her pent-up friend, Belinda knelt down and peered through the air hole, “I have to go now, Katie.”
“The first night may be long, sweetie. You may feel alone, and we won’t hear you from our bedroom.”
“I’ll play with myself,” Kate called back.
“Not much to have play with,” Belinda replied sympathetically.
Kate was silent. She loved the feel of the chatity belt, but it did make her feel like a manifest, unable to please or tease anyone. She surprised quietly inside her box, well aware that her chatity key was one of several pendants that hung between Belinda’s breasts, threatening to drop into her cleavage at any point.
“How does it feel?” Belinda asked.
Kate let out a long moan of pleasure. She was beautifully exhausted from the excitement and her eyes were already closing. Yes, she would have loved to play with Belinda some more, but she also loved the feeling of being safe inside the locked box.
The next morning Belinda strode into Kate’s cell and used a single finger to push back the bolt on Kate’s box. Kate had been in a deep sleep and only she wanted to the sound of Belinda relocking the cell door behind her.
Kate felt tingly as she remembered where she was and a little disappointed that her box was no longer locked. She clambered out and climbed wobbling to her stockinged feet.
“Belinda?” she called quietly through the grating of her locked cell door..
Using only the dim light that streamed in through the small observation grille, Kate washed in her small basin and re-dressed in her new red flared dress and black heels. She brushed her hair and added make up to complete the look. For once she felt well rested and excited, and gorgeously sexy.
She sat down on top of the box that had held her securely all night and waited, her posture perfect, fidgeting excitedly as she imagined the clanging and grating of Belinda unlocking her door.
She heard footsteps in the courtyard outside and dashed to the grille to see Belinda dressed in blue jeans and a tight white top, seemingly preoccupied on her phone.
“Hi Bel,” Kate called, hoping to be noticed. Her dimly lit face peering through the black steel grate.
“Hi sweetie…” Belinda replied as she opened the small food hatch at the bottom of the cell door and handed Kate a coffee and croissant.
“Hi!” Kate reached through the hatch and stroked Belinda’s black leather boot just seconds before Belinda stood, turned and walked off leaving Kate down on her knees watching her jeans stride away.
“Bel?” Kate whispered. It would have taken two seconds to unlock her cell door, but Belinda had just walked by.
“What shall we do today?” Kate asked expectedly as Belinda hurried back across the courtyard.
Belinda was still on the phone but gestured that she wouldn’t be long, she even had the keys in Her hands. Belinda looked annoyed as she clinked the phone between her neck and shoulder and started to write.
“Sorry sweetie, I’ll have to let you out later,” Belinda called, pushing the keys back into the pocket of her jeans and pacing away.
Kate kicked the metal cell door in frustration. It was a beautiful day and Kate felt alive and ready to play, but Belinda had been too busy to let her out. She reluctantly sat back down on box, lifted her dress and tapped the front of her locked belt.
It was now lunchtime and Kate had done nothing but wait in her cell. She hadEven crawled back inside her box bed, but even that had been disappointing, as there had been no one to slide the bolt across or tease her through the hole. Her eyes were teary and her make up smudged when Belinda finally returned. Kate leaves to her feet, “Bel?” she cried desperately through the grille.
Belinda walked slowly up to the cell door, “Sorry sweetie,” Belinda breathed, “but there will be days like this.”
“I’m wearing my new dress,” Kate ventured.
“I can’t really see it from here,” Belinda replied off hand.
“Well open the door!” Kate cried in frustration.
Belinda pulled back her hair and secured it in a ponytail. Her lips were pursued, and she looked ready for a challenge. Kate swallowed nervously as Belinda unlocked and slid back the two bolts and pulled open the cell door.
“Bel, I sorry?” Kate whispered.
Belinda gently but firmly took Kate’s hand and led her to the back of the cell, “I thought we had an agreement? You entrust your lif to me.”
“Yes, we do,” Kate whispered.
Belinda took a heavy chain which she padlocked around Kate’s neck. She then pulled down on the steel links until Kate was on her knees. Belinda then padlocked the short chain to a ring fixed to the concrete floor so that Kate’s neck was now fastened only inches from the cold concrete floor.
Kate’s trusting eyes starred up as she knelt on the rough surface her beautiful dress configured awkwardly and her long blonde hair hanging until it is on the floor.
Belinda croouched down, her blue jeans straining against her body.
“Do you trust me to look after you?” Belinda asked.
Kate nodded.
Kate’s head was spinning. One minute she wanted to slap Belinda, the next she wanted to worship her. No one could see her beautiful dress while she was kneeing in the dust. She loved Belinda, but she hated the chain around her neck and had exhausted herself trying to wrench if from the floor. It was hopeless and she feltred with rage.
Adrenaline was still pumping wildly through her body and her eyes were swollen when Belinda finally returned and unlocked her cell. It was almost dark outside, and Belinda’s short white dress and heels made her legs soar in silhouette above her.
Kate’s frustration melted as she kissed Belinda’s feet, “How was your day?” Kate asked.
“Work this morning, then lunch and shopping, and yoga and drinks this afternoon.”
Kate craned her head to look at and smile at Belinda. By contrast, she had been locked in a prison cell and spent much of the day with her neck chained to the floor. Her hopes of enjoying the sun had been crushed by Belinda’s cruelty. Yet despite that, she felt wonderful.
Belinda croouched down, her parted thighs hovering dangerously close to Kate’s chained head; a sexually forced woman with all the power in the world, “How was your day, Katie?” she asked.
“Amazing…” Kate trembled, pulling on her chain but pausing, unsure asto whether to kiss Belinda’s knee.
Belinda sat down on Kate’s small pillow and slide forward, “Its ok,” she whispered.
Kate could now reach Belinda’s inner thighs and kissed them nervously. Belinda’s total dominance, imposing body and aroused scent making Kate tremble on the verge of orgasm.
Belinda sensed this and hugged Kate’s head into her crotch and held her tightly between her thighs.
“You see why I chained you up?” Belinda breathed, Kate’s lips playing between her closed thighs.
“Yes…” Kate panted; her face flushed from contact with Belinda’s body.
Kate’s slim body was still trapped in an enforced bow. Kneeling down with her butt protruding upwards and her back arching down to a head that was cruelly chained to the ground.
Belinda was standing above her again. Arched soles and delicate heels, toned calm muscles soaring up to feminine thighs and hips tantalising hidden inside her striking white dress. Her back arched up to her proud headwith cascading dark hair.
Belinda foot was playing with Kate’s tangled hair, “This is how people keep wild animals. Completely helpless on the floor.”
Kate was moaning in delight at her captor’s words and she gladly kissed the shoe that Belinda had offered.
“I could keep you chained down there forever … no one would ever find you…”
Kate was kissing her shoe as if it was her lover.
“But you are too beautiful for that,” Belinda breathed, “and no matter your much your cute chained up body turns me on… you are my friend.”
Kate blinked lovingly as Belinda bobbed down again and popped open the padlock around her neck.
Kate was free, but she had barely climbed to her feet, when Belinda smoothly and professionally snapped hinged handcuffs on her slim wrists. Kate cried out in surprise only for Belinda to snap a second pair of hinged handcuffs just above her elbows. Seconds later and Belinda had doubled locked high security cuffs on her ankles which were connected by a long chain to the wall of her cell.
“Come darling, let’s have a drink,” Belinda smiled casually as she curled her fingers around Kate’s arm and helped her shuffle out into the courtyard.
“We’re not going dancing then?” Kate smiled, her erotic red dress at odds with her hobbled body.
Kate still felt excited. The outside world seemed surprised, the fresh summer air with its warm breeze and a table laid with food and drink.
“I’m free of the cell,” Kate exclaimed in amazement, looking up at the night sky.
Candles flickered as Belinda helped Kate sit down, “This probably has to be your chair Katie as your chain won’t reach any further.”
“Thank you!” Kate trembled, “today was amazing.” She was still breathing deeply, seemingly unable to catch her breath.
Belinda smoothed the white dress fabric across her bottom before sitting down next to Kate. She squeezed Kate’s hand. Having ownership of another person had always been her fantasy and the women shared a look.
“What was it like, being ‘forgotten’?”
“It was nice…”
“That’s what happens when you’re my toy,” Belinda replied huskily, “Sometimes I don’t play with you… but sometimes I do.”
Belinda sipped her wine and pulled her chair closer to touch Kate’s arm. Belinda then leaned on the arm of her chair and kissed Kate’s lips. The air was hot and silent, yet Kate trembled as she kissed her back.
“It’s surreal being out here with you,” Kate whispered, “after wanting it for so long. The world is a long way away through that grille.”
Belinda watched as Kate struggled to get any movement from her lean arms.
“It’s hard to move in these,” Kate trembled.
“Try,” Belinda whispered pointing to the floor by her feet.
Belinda opened her legs and used her large brown eyes to order Kate to knee before her. Belinda propped her feet on the chair as Kate’s head disappeared inside her innocent white dress.
Kate loved Belinda’s presumptuous self-confidence, her floaty dress that rose as she moved and under which she wore no underwear. Belinda’s damp vagina and arousal dominate her senses leaving Kate with no choice but to kiss and tease and work her way in.
“Remember how you feel watching me from your cell,” Belinda breathed, “and imagine how you’ll feel when you’re locked in there tomorrow.”
Kate was shaking, becoming more animated as she cared Belinda’s butt with her perfectly manicured hands. Belinda orgasmed and wrapped Kate in an inescapable parcel of smooth thighs and lace dress. She would allow Kate to daydream for a while before she locked her back in her box.
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