“Has she still not told you the combination?” Belinda exclaimed.
Kate looked up from the kitchen stool. Her blonde hair hung until over her white tee-shirt as she nursed her handover by sucking coffee through a straw. Kate had always loved piercing and had rings in her ears, nipples and labia. Her latest additions were two facial piercings through her top and bottom lips and the previous evening, during a game of dares, Belinda’s daughter, Sophie, had slipped a small combination padlock through them both.
Kate smiled dreamily and mumbled incoherently through her padlocked lips. The padlock’s shadow was so small, and her lips pinned so tightly together, that cutting her free from the lock would be almost impossible.
“Have you tried her birthday?” Belinda muttered, perching her jeans on the edge of the table and turning the five small dials attached to her friend’s face.
They both looked up when Sophie finally saunted into the kitchen, her long brushed hazelnut hair glinting in the sunlight. The twenty-three year old was wearing only a grey lowcut singlet and bright pink underwear, she plonked herself down on the stool next to Kate.
“Oh yeah, I didn’t unlock you, did I,” Sophie’s voice was gravelly.
Kate turned her pouting lips expectedly.
“Oh, coffee first,” Sophie rasped.
Kate and her blatant pink underwear bounced up and over to the coffee machine.
“Sophie!” her mum exclaimed.
Sophie swirled her hips around, leaning on the kitchen counter with a cup of coffee cradled in both hands.
“Sophie, I can’t believe you left Kate like this all night.”
Sophie just shrugged and sipped through freshly glossed lips.
“Unlock her now!” Belinda ordered, mindful that her headstrong daughter rarely compiled.
“Why? She hasn’t asked me to.”
“You’re being a brat.”
“But Kate loves piercings.”
Not padlocked together,” her mother replied.
“Well, I think she looks cool,” Sophie replied, “and I’m the only one with the code.”
Sophie rolled her hips as she strutted back to perch on the table in front of Kate. She grinned from behind the safety of her cup as Kate ran her fingertips across Sophie’s bare thigh and around the hem of her provocative lingerie.
“Stop it, Katie,” Belinda exclaimed, “She’s only doing this to get your attention.”
“Thank you, sweetie,” Sophie whispered, delighted by how quickly she was antagonising her mother. She swept back her freshy washed hair and leaned forward to reward her mute friend with a kiss on her padlocked lips.
“Don’t encourage her Katie, she’ll never let you out!”
“But only I have the combination,” Sophie whispered almost threateningly until she let out an endearing giggle.
Belinda sent as Kate started to massage Sophie’s feet with their perfectly manicured red painted nails.
“Wanna hang out Katie?” Sophie whispered.
Belinda just held her hands up in frustrationas the besotted blonde followed her daughter back upstairs.
Sophie bounced down on her bed, lying on her back with her feet drawn up and her legs apart. Kate watched her intently, her fascination for the wrong kind of men now replaced with a fascination for the giggly girl with the mischievous padlock. She watched the daughter’s expected look, before typing a message on her phone, ‘Bel will be mad!!!’
“Yes, she will,” Sophie giggled.
Kate tried to reply but ended up just growing in reply.
“Kiss me here…” Sophie’s whispered, her long hazelnut hair spraying out as she rolled her legs from side to side, “I’m not a girl anymore.”
Kate loved to play with both guys and girls and had notoriously little self-control, but Belinda was her friend. She turned the padlock dials again.
“Just friends,” Sophie breathed, hooking a bare foot around Kate’s neck to pull her close.
Now Kate’s head was close enough to be enveloped between Sophie’s soft thighs. The warm, damp silk that pulled between the bratty girl’s legs dangerously close. Kate’s own uncontrollable arousal was building as her padlocked lips moved in to press against the pink fabric.
“I want to experience it with a woman,” Sophie mouthed.
Kate tried to push her tongue out through the corner of her mouth, but the padlock means that only the tip protruded. She hummed a few sounds and looked up with puppy dog blue eyes.
Sophie’s animated body thrusted noisily as she tried to pull down her own underwear, but Kate stopped her, her kisses retreating down Sophie’s thigh.
“Okay,” Sophie whispered, her body disappointed not to feel her cool friend’s intimate touch.
Sophie knelt up on the bed with Kate’s head framed between her legs. She could see frustration in Kate’s pleading blue eyes.
“Okay, let me tell my secret this way,” Sophie whispered, reaching forward to pop the buttons on Kate’s hurt blue jeans. She straddled Kate’s head, her bodytemptingly hovering above Kate’s lips as she arched her hips forward and pressed her lips into Kate’s grey underwear.
“This is your number,” Sophie mouthed, the tip of her tongue dancing across Kate’s sheer satin lingerie as it spelt out the padlock combination.
Kate minimum resistance was falling fast. She wanted to cry out in delight, only for her moans to be dampened by both the padlock and Sophie’s body that had now settled hopefully on her mouth.
Kate’s will power was failing, her body was trembling from Sophie touch as she tried everything not to orgasm in Sophie’s face She couldn’t stop her wayward hips bucking and thrusting upwards as Sophie’s tongue repeated the combination.
“Freedom,” Sophie mouthed, rolling over to allow Kate to stand.
Kate didn’t know how to feel About this girl. She glanced at her briefly and then clambered over to the mirror to try the combination she thought she had felt. She tugged at the lock, her lips breaking into a pursed smile as the lock refused to open.
The combination padlock still was firmly locked, with its combination existing only behind Sophie’s smiling eyes, as the two friend went out to lunch. Kate sat patiently behind her mask as Sophie ate and then sat silently in the car as Sophie drive them home.
The prediction was now starting to drive Kate to distraction, and she played with the lock at every opportunity.
“Eees?” Kate hummed as they arrived home.
Sophie giggled, her body excited by the look of both arousal and utter frustration in Kate’s eyes.
Suddenly Kate grabbed her wrist and led her to the large locke and the open smoother box. Sophie was laughing too much to resist and giggled uncontrollably as Kate closed the lid and locked it with her hurt blue jeans. Sophie’s body flailed madly as Kate reached forward to ticket her prey. With Sophie exhausted, Kate edged back on her red padded seat.
“Take your jeans off Katie!” Sophie’s eyes beamd up.
Kate moaned out in exasperation through her muted mouth. Sophie was becoming impossible to resist.
“Well only if you want that padlock off,” Sophie giggled while wriggling free of her own denim shorts and underwear.
Kate stood up and wriggled out of her jeans, straightened her high cut blue underwear and dropped down heavily on to Sophie’s face. Immediately, Sophie’s tongue tried to penetrate her. It felt wonderful, but she had to resist for Belinda’s sake if nothing else.
Kate shuffled forward, leaving Sophie’s tongue blindly exploring between her cheeks. Kate reached forward to ticle the headless girl while desperately trying to shout, ‘tell me the code.’ With the ticle torture over, she slid back to hear the answer from Sophie’s flushed face.
“What you say?” Sophie giggled, her tongue again searching.
Kate moaned out in complete frustration. Having a besotted girl in the smoother box was dangerously tempting, yet still she slide forward, locked her knees together to leave Sophie’s tongue floating between her cheeks. But even that too felt nice and the constant bouncing of Sophie’s lock against her lips was pushing her over the edge.
Kate hummed an incomprehensible sentence.
“You know I can’t understand I word!”
Finally, Kate conceded, pulling aside her panties and dropping down on Sophie’s giggling lips. Kate thrusted desperately against the lid, willing Sophie deeper and then hummed loudly as she orgasmed. ‘Fuck’ she thought to herself as her best friend’s daughter’s wet lips panted up at her through the smoother box seat.
Sophie waited patiently, unable to do anything until the Irish woman’s dampening crotch lifted from the lid. When she did, Sophie climbed out and led Kate over to the couch.
“Okay, if you really want your freedom,” Sophie breathed, turning the dials and popping open the lock.
Like magic, Kate opened her mouth, the padlock pulling free of her lower lips as she stretched her jaw, “Wow, Soph. So intense,” she cried hoarsely.
“Can’t believe you trapped me in the box,” Sophie teased coyly.
“You padlocked my fucking mouth,” Kate’s Irish lilt was back.
“I’m sorry.”
“I know you’re bi, but your mum really doesn’t want us to do this,” Kate breathed.
“Sorry, I’m just really into you,” Sophie’s brown eyes looked sad.
Now Kate felt sad. This woman had just given her a wonderful orgasm and those same hormones were now playing with her twisted mind. She reached for Sophie’s hot pink underwear.
“Soph, I want you to put these panties back on,” Kate whispered, “Promise me?”
“Okay,” Sophie sulked.
Sophie watched with an inquisitive smile as Kate then placed the underwear into her own mouth. Kate threaded the padlock back through her piercings so that the crotch of Sophie’s dirty lingerie was now trapped in her mouth.
“But you told me to put them on,” Sophie blurted, “Oh…”
Kate smiled unexpectedly.
“You want me to lock you to my pants?” Sophie asked.
“I haven’t been a very good girl in those.”
Kate nodded and smiled.
“Oh, you agree, do you,” Sophie giggled, her fingers trembling as she slowly clicked the wheels around, “Then I’d better get dressed!”
They returned to Sophie’s bed so that Sophie could carefully manoeuvre her way back into her used underwear. If took a few attempts, with their bodies brushing intimately against each other, until the fabric was back on Sophie’s hips. This left the woman connected with Kate caught in an intimate schoolgirl pin with Sophie’s body straddling her mouth.
“Let’s become even more acquainted…” Sophie mouthed, as she looped a chain around her right thigh and used a small padlock to lock the chain to Kate’s left ear piercing. Another chain and padlock later and Kate’s right ear and Sophie’s left thigh were conjoined.
Sophie opened her legs slightly untilthe chains tugged at Kate’s earlierbes, “Wanna try a tug-of-war? My thighs against your ears?” she whispered, bouncing her legs back and forth
Kate just hummed somewhere deep in Sophie’s crotch.
Sophie then ran a thin length of chain through the back of her panties and through both of Kate’s nipple rings and then locked them all together. Sophie snuggled her bottom as tightly as she could around Kate’s neck, channeling her full weight down like an inescapable human restraint.
“Let’s play with those nipples,” Sophie breathed, tensing her cheeks so that the chain moved, sending waves of excitement into Kate’s already stimulated nipples.
“So sensitive… you can feel every movement of my body,” Sophie whispered, “Wanna make me dance on your face?” Sophie thrusted slowly against Kate’s face, her body dwarfing her prey, her weight forcing Kate deep into the soft mattress.
Kate understood in delight; she knew it was far too late to play the good girl. Her sensitivepiercings were now locked to Sophie’s hungry body. If this cute bratty girl in the pink panties was to stand up, she would take her lips, her earlobes and nipples with her.
Kate desperately wanted to please her, but her lips were now both locked together and sheathed behind a layer of silk, from where she couldn’t push as deep as either woman wanted. Kate’s blue eyes blinked hopefully up past the wall of smooth thighs that entombed her.
“Do you want me to unlock you?” Sophie breathed, high from her power.
Kate’s nodding stimulated Sophie’s vagina, and Sophie’s subsequent thrusting pulled on Kate’s nipples. Both women were moaning.
“Will you kiss me?”
Kate nodded again, enjoying the feeling in her nipples.
“You’ll nod at anything, won’t you,” Sophie breathed through a wide mouth and dilated dark eyes.
Kate nodded.
“I didn’t realize that this would be the code to unlock an orgasm,” Sophie smiled.
She eased up and reached down with fingertips to turn the dials on the hot padlock, “Why won’t it open?” she panted in frustration, “No! I finally have Katie between my legs!”
Kate moaned defiantly.
Sophie looked down and turned, “Oh yeah, it could be a bummer for you too…”
This time the lock open and Sophie carefully pulled the lock from Kate’s lower lip, crying out in delight as Kate explored her. Sophie was moaning intently and Kate had to cling to the young woman’s hips, trying to hold back the swaying motion that teased her nipples as Sophie climaxed on her.
“Okay, wow!” Sophie panted.
Kate tried to reply, but Sophie’s body had now moulded, seemingly permanently, to her gaping mouth.
“Oh, sorry.” Sophie’s tiniest of movement, barely released any of her weight.
“Never been restrained by my piercing before,” Kate gasped, her earlier stretched by Sophie’s thighs.
“Sorry, I guess I got excited.”
“And my nipples!”
“Well, it kept you where I needed you.”
“Was it nice?” Kate asked.
“Yes,” Sophie blurted with blushing cheats, “I hope you didn’t suffer too much?”
“No, I love being locked to you,” Kate murmured, kissing everything in reach.
“Good, ‘cos I didn’t check I had the keys for your ears.”
“Oh Soph!” Kate giggled, turning to kiss the flesh that was now part of her life.
“Now before I return your freedom,” Sophie smiled, her arched back and proud naked breasts still towering up from Kate’s face as she twisted to tuck the end of her vibrator inside Kate underwear and turned it on low.
“Soph, no. Too nice!”
“We’re locked together.”
Kate thrashed and moaned, with Sophie riding her bucking body, as she helped climaxed.
The women lay together in Sophie’s bed. The padlocks were still locked through Kate’s ear piercings with big loops of chain hanging down, where Sophie’s thighs had once been.
“I’m so sorry about your new earrings,” Sophie witnessed she gently brushed Kate’s tangled hair, “I think mum has those keys.”
Kate didn’t seem concerned and was more interested in Sophie’s small combination lock, “Can I ask a little favour, please?”
“Can you put your impossible to guess combination lock through my labia piercing?”
“What?” Sophie exclaimed, “I was terrified I’d forget the combination when it was on your lips. What happens if I permanently lock up your vagina!”
“I trust you, Soph.”
“Really, you’re letting me control that?”
Sophie sat astride her new best friend to search for the piercings.
“I’d better get used to girls,” Kate breathed, her fingertips exploring Sophie’s naked body, “No more men, once you’ve done this to me.”
“No regrets?”
“I love your touch,” Kate moaned, twisting under her weight.
“You might not thank me later.”
“Maybe not.”
“You’ll call be a brat again.”
“Am I locked?”
Sophie climbed off her friend knelt next to her on the white sheet with a playful grin, “Katie, you’re going have to be so nice to me!”
“Will you unlock me?” Kate mouthed, her hips thrusting.
Kate beamed, “Want to try my earrings for size?”
Sophie carefully stepped into the two loops of chain and shuffled them up her long smooth legs. She eased over on to her back and pulled up her knees so that Kate’s face was again snug with her vagina.
“Just think what mum would say,” Sophie whispered as she locked back on the bed and waited for the magic to begin.
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