Eros demanded me to thank him for his hospitality. I could not help myself; I laughed and looked up at him. Big mistake! His hand flew to the hair at the nape of my neck and jerked my head up and back so hard I knew for sure he was going to snap it off. Still being possessed an I’m sorry sir practiced out of my mouth as if it was something natural to say.
Silently cursing the gods above I found myself leaning into him to rest my head upon his thigh and like a cat nuzzling his thigh with my face, my hands still behind my back, and still sitting on my heels, I nuzzled him in hopes of his forgiveness.
I so wanted to see the affectionate side of him again, instead of angering him so… this phrase is getting old but again I say, what is wrong with me! Saying this so much you would think I had all of these terrible, life threatening illnesses. The only illness I have is being as crazy as they are, because I am still here!
So Schoner Bonbon V he said to me. Oh let me countthy languages now, I sang in my head, one, two, three… English, French, Italian, and now German makes four. Like I said, I am going mad, now I am making up silly little songs in my head and grinning about it. In French, if memory serves me correctly, Mi Cheri is my love, Cosi Bello is Italian for there beautiful, and in German So Schoner Bonbon means so beautiful sweet.
I really feel like a moron then once I thought long and hard on what he was whispering to me in different languages. He was wooing me, although I do not think he realizes, I too am pretty fluent in multiple languages, just as he is. I do not think I will let him know I know what he said to me. I smiled to myself realizing his sweet words he had whispered, he was showing affect, may not be with affectionate touches, but with affectionate words.
Dear gods above, are you listening to me ramble? Are you laughing at me down here as you watch me suffer; I wanted to shout out and shake my fists up in the air!But, I refrained myself and still sat on the cold, hard, bare floor beside Eros, waiting for him to say something else, anything, in any language, just so long as he spoke to me.
He stood up from his chair and told me to follow him again. Like the dog he was treating me as, I stood up and followed him, still ashamed with my head held down, looking at my feet move one in front of the other, following Eros, step by ageing step I followed. How my body ached, burned like fire, and oh so sore.
I followed him into the bathroom. What now, am I to bathe him like a slave baths their master? Might as well, I have done all the other shit he has put me through. To my surprise he undressed himself, held the shower curve open, and extended his hand out to me. I gently took his hand and let him help me into the shower. I stood to the back, scared to let the hot water hit my wounds.
He stepped in, and stood under the hot, steaming water. I let myself brace against the cold showere wall, ah how wonderful it felt. I watched him standing there, I watched the water glisten on his tanned flesh as it rushed over his naked body, and oh my gods was it a gorgeous sight to behold. I found myself lusting him again, even after all of the horrifying things he has done to me, even after talking to me like a dog, and treating me like one I lusted him.
No, I wasn’t being treated like a dog. I don’t know how he was treating me, but it wasn’t like a dog. I liked it, oh gods tell Hades to get ready because I am surely going there! I liked it. He opened his eyes and looked directly at me; he caught me staring at him. He smiled so sexy as he held out his arms for me. As if I were his lover, I rushed into his arms and buried my face in his chest, enjoying the feel of his arms wrapped around me.
The hot water that beat down on me was ever so painful and my body twitched to each drop. He held me closer, caressing my head with those strong hands of his. He kissed my forehead and told me the hot water was good for the healing. What is he talking about, I do not know, I just wanted to hear his deep voice kiss my longing ears.
His hands gently caressed me as he splashed the water while turning me around. He chuckled as he made a comment on Aria’s work on my back. Work? It isn’t like I was some blank canvas she painted! That isn’t work that is brutality! But, I did enjoy it, and the memories of being with her flourished in my mind again as he traced his fingers over the marks she left on me.
As he was bathing me he told me it was a special soap cream, it would help my welts, bruises, scrapes, and scratches faster then anything I could pick up at the local pharmacy. It was relieving yet it burned a bit. The burning I ignored as he continued to run his hands All over my body, not missing a spot. When he came to the place between my legs I used to keep like a hidden treasure. I found my self spreading them wide for him. Gently he pressed himselfagainst me, making me walk face first against the back wall of the shower.
He slide into me with ease, I was soaked, and not from the water that was splashing against me, wet with lust for him. Gently he stroked my insides, gods he feels so good. It is as if I was made to fit him. His right hand slide up my back, to my shoulder where he squeezed me, then his hand wrapped around my throat and tightened hard, I Couldn’t breathe! I was gasping for air and did not try to move from his tight grip on me. Instead I was slightly suffocating and grinding myself against him as I reached an orgasm.
He released my throat long enough for me to get in a good gasp of air before he rode me wild and hard until he released himself deep inside of me. Oh my gods I never want this day to end! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
When we got out of the shower Aria was kneeing on the plus rug in front of the bathroom sink holding a vile of something. She towel drunk me off gentlely, I looked over my shoulder at Eros, and he was drying himself and not paying any attention to us what so ever. Aria brought me back when I heard her talking. She was telling me that the cream ointment she was about to rub into my skin would help my wounds heal half as fast as they would alone.
I also found out Aria is an herbalist and the soap cream and cream ointment she made personally. She did not go into much detail as to what was in it; I guess she did not want her secret out. I could not blow her. It was painful when she rubbed this ointment deep into my skin; it was cool but stung slightly.
When she was done rubbing me down she helped me dress in what I wore over last night, everything was fresh and clean. Not a trace of the dirt and grass that was smelled all over it as before. My dress smelled very nice too, I wondered what kind of detergent she uses.
Eros finished drying himself off before I was ready, and he left the bathroom. When Aria was done with meshe told me she would walk me out. What? Is that it just a walk out after everything I went through? Rage built up in me, I felt used, and the feeling of humiliation and embarrassment came flooding back over me.
I held my head high and walked towards the front door with Aria behind me. When she opened the door and I went to step out she smiled and waved as she told me to have a good day. Have a good day? Fuck you I wanted to scream out! But I didn’t, I held my tongue and just nodded my head at her and went about my way to my house in the next yard.
I was almost in my yard when I heard the Widow Smith call out to me from across the street with; did you have a wild night dear? Is your knee all right? My fists clnched, don’t you have something better to do then watch my every move I said under my breath. I am fine, thank you for asking is all I said and I walked in my house and slammed the door.
Later that night I cooked dinner for myself and ended up removing my clothesing to eat at the table, sitting there nude, eating my dinner, all alone with my cat Hera. Some how I knew, my new neighbors had changed me for life. I just did not know if it was a good or bad thing for me. I just didn’t know anything at this point. I felt empty, alone, and lost. I was unable to eat much; I just toyed and picked at my food as Hera crawled into my lap to snooze a bit.
I lost track of time thinking about everything I experienced. It was after 10pm and my food was ice cold on my plate, no appetite, and lazy. I got up from the table, leaving my plate just where it was and went upstairs to go to bed. I stopped at the foot of the stairs and called back to Hera. She came pawing along and followed me up the stairs, and then to bed.
Three days passed and I did not hear high wind tale or water from Eros or Aria. I was angered, yet in a way I was hurt that I had not seen them at all. Many times I wanted to go knock on their door, but I just could not bring myself todo so. I did not see them in the back yard, I never saw them leave the house, and I just down right did not see them at all!
I took emergency vacation at work, lucky someone covered my shifts. I had 6 weeks of vacation lined up, and now that I took all 6 weeks at once I have nothing to do but sit here in my house with only my cat and my thoughts. I couldn’t help but think back to the night My body was ravaged emotionally, physically, and sexually. I longed to have it again. I never called my shrink; I fear he would have admitted me and called the police on them, that I didn’t want to happen for sure.
I was sitting in my kitchen sipping on a cup of mint tea in the afternoon when I heard a small sound in the den, most likely Hera getting into something. I did not feel like cleaning up her mess right Then. But like a good cat mommy I went in to check it out. As I was entering my den I was calling her to get an idea of where she was to look for anything that may have broken.I turned on the lamp by my chain locke.
I saw something slip into the corner of the room and passed it off as my imagination running wild. This was a good neighborhood and my security system was set. Ah I found what was knocked over, one of my unicorn statuses. I collected them, and they are scattered all over my house.
I walked back into the kitchen and sat down to resume drinking my inviting, soothing tea. Hera was on the table purring, fast wait. I reached out to pet her and my head snapped back. What the fuck! Someone snapped me back by the hair! My heart raced thinking it was Eros. I inhaled deeply to take in his sweet scent. But instead of a sweet scent it was musky and sweety.
Oh gods, this is not Eros! I tried to scream out and when I opened my mouth to scream he shoved something in my mouth and taped it shut. Then he tied a rag over my eyes. I couldn’t scream out for help, not that anyone would hear me, since most of my neighbors are deaf anyway, and I mostSurely could not see a damned thing!
I flung my hands up to try and remove the rag over my eyes. Then he had a grap on my hands, he pushed my head to the table and yanked both of my hands behind my back and tied them in place. Gods help me! I was more then terrified. I felt my chair pulled back and he lifted me up and tossed me over his shoulder.
My entire body was convulsing in fear as he turned around in a few circles before he started to walk. I was tossed into the trunk of a car and driven to only the gods know where. My eyes stung with tears and my throat ached for the silent screams I tried so hard to get to come out.
Eventually, I passed out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I awoke unaware of the time. At first I did not remember what happened to me. Once I looked around and saw the dark walls, chain hanging from the ceiling and on the walls, not to mention circular hooks on the floor which I was sure chain or even rope could be what they were for, and strange scary furniture around, mixed with different kinds of whips and things I had never seen before hung on the walls. My gaze finally fell on myself. I was oh so clad in…. nothing but chains!
A lump swelled up in my throat, I could not find my voice to scream. I would have opened my mouth but it was already open and I was still gagged. My body was lying against hard, smooth wood, propped up at an angle. My wrists were in some sort of cuff made of leather and attached to a ring, (slightly smaller than the rings on the floor, walls, and ceiling) on the wood; my ankles were done in the same fashion as my wrists.
I had been kidnapped by a musty smelling man! I was scared to death at what he would do to me. I watched way too much TV on this kind of thing, all sorts of scenario’s ran Through my head of being raped and beheaded or even worse held captive and raped and tortured for the rest of my life, not being found and starving to death, oh mighty godshelp me!
Reality of it is, the gods are not and had nothing to do with it. I was there alone, without the gods, without another person. In my mind I was already a prisoner of my thoughts before this, now I really was a prisoner. I should have called my shrink and let him admit my stupid ass, because if I did I certainly would not be in this position right fucking now!
My mind wandered here and There with random thoughts. I thought about the hot guy at work who would always flirt with me and I would pass him off. What I wouldn’t give to get his number and call him right about now. Go out with him even. Then again after everything Eros and Aria brought out in me, I do not think just any man would be able to capture my heart as they once could have.
I was a different woman Now then I was only a week ago- before I met them. Before I had no interest in dating or even sex with someone, I was too buried in my work and with my school, trying hard to accomplish all of my goals. I had no time for anyone except my cat Hera.
Come to think of it the Widow Smith really wasn’t a nosy bitch; she was just showing her concern for the young unmarried woman she became to know. Mrs. Franklin seemed to be all right now too. She did make me laugh, I would love to hear them bickering over who to set me up with right about now.
It seemed like I was in that dungeon of a place for hours, left alone with only my thoughts and the sight of all the horrifying things within the room. I heard a creaking sound, but saw no door. The door must be behind me to where I cannot see it. I heard faint foot steps. I took a deep breath and tried to close my eyes and prepared I was sleep. If I was sleep maybe the fucker would leave me be. If he did leave me alone, for how long would it last?
I heard the sounds of chain clanging together, and the sound came closer to me. The chain wrapped around my neck, and pulled tight. I couldn’t breathe! This is it he was going to killme. I peed all over myself in terror. I tried to scream out but all that came out was muffled sounds. I felt like I was going to choke on my ball gag, but with the chain around my neck closing off my esophagus there was no way I could swallow it.
You know how people say their entire life flashed before their eyes in the few minutes before they die? It does. My life whizzed by in my head, so Many things I still wanted to do, I wanted to finish school and become the art historian I have been working so hard to become, I wanted to have babies, oh my gods my cat, my Hera! She’s at home alone; she is going to starve to death!
I feel my body go faith. It feel as if all the blood in my body ceased to flow. Even if I was not bound down to this thing I lay on, I surely would have no strength to fight him off. Even with strength he would out match me a hundred to one.
Insanity washed over me, I began to hear things. I heard my mother call out to me, the Widow Smith scold me onWhat I was wearing out in public, I heard my Hera purring softly, I even heard Eros call out Cosi Bello V. How I wish he were here tormenting me now, instead of this fucking psychotic kidnapper that had me in the palm of his chains.
I wanted to feel Aria’s sharp nails dig into my back, only to rip down abruptly without warning. I would give anything to be back in the insanity they caused me in a day’s time. Even on the blink of death, Eros clouded my mind…. Eros, he is who I wanted to be with. I wanted to be bound by him, I wanted to hate and enjoy the sweet tortures and pleasures he gave to me. Eros! I wanted to scream out. Even if I was not gagged, he was no where to hear me cry out for him. Instead the musty smelling man had chains wrapped around my neck.
Darkness, nothingness, emptyness, and madness, this was it I was sliding out of this life and into the after life.