He brushed his nose softly against my ear and I could feel his warm breath upon my cheek; he pressed himself firmly up against me and started to move me against the wall. Gods how I wanted him right then. This is not fucking right you psycho! I screamed at him then slapped him the face.
He backed off with a sly smile right before I darted past him and ran through their house. I bumped into a table but lucky nothing fell off or broke. My heart was racing and I was shaking so fiercely I fumbled with the door trying to unlock it and looking over my shoulder to see if this crazy man was going to come after me. I finally unlocked the door and flew out like a bird flies for freedom.
I frantically ran through their yard screaming to myself, who do they think they are? Do they think I was just going to watch them fuck them crazy? Then laughing I reminisced about watching them the night prior. But they did not know!
I know I trampled some of their flowers in their gardenin the process of running and could care less; I was terrified of them and of myself for all of the emotions and feelings that ran wild tonight. I need a shrink visit, oh gods do I ever, I am loosing my mind!
Once I reached my yard I forget about all of the large stones set about and tripped; tripped in my own yard over the stones I placed personally! I felt like such an idiot when I fell face first and my knee scraped against one of them. I jerked myself up to look over into their yard to see if he was following me. But he was not; in fact their door was still ajar.
They were probably still having their demented sex on the dining room table, the freaks. My mind drifted off on thoughts of having sexual encounters with both of them. I had to slap myself out of it. What was I thinking, this is outrageous! How dare they think I wanted to participate?
I was going mad with conflicting emotions running so high. I sat there on the ground, with dirt and grass smudged all over me, one leg still over a rock, and the other leg bleeding. Why on earth did I want the both of them when they were so morbidly horrifying, yet so sexually arousing? I began to cry and did not care who saw or heard me. Let the old farts gossip about me if they see, they already gossip enough as is, what is a little more? I can hear them now talking about Sasha, the unmarried freak!
After a time of sitting There I began to become irate with anger. So much so I did not realize that my legs were moving me in the direction of their house. I know I was spitting off out loud about all of the things running through my head; I think the Widow Smith turned on her front porch light and took a peek outside to see what all of the communication was about; but I could fucking care less; I was going in there to give Eros and Aria a piece of my mind whether they liked it or not. How dare they!
The door was still open and I just stormed in like lightning. I heard sounds from the dining roomand headed straight to them. I was going to let loose and say exactly what I felt about them. They will dread the day they ever moved in next door to me with all of their flighty sexual tendencies!
Stomping my way into the dining room I did bump into a table and a status fell off and rolled onto the floor. I do not think it broke since it was one made out of metal. It just so happened to be my favorite in the house. It was a man laying his head in a woman’s lap as she was struggling his hair, both with a relaxed smile on their face of pure ecstasy. I stopped briefly to pick it up and when I did I realized what I was doing. I was in their home uninvited and unannounced. I collapsed onto the floor and began crying again.
I do not know if it was my irate babbling, the stomping, the noise of the status falling, my crying, or all of the above that stabilized them. I looked up with teary eyes and saw Eros and Aria standing in the doorway of the kitchen looking at me. He motioned Aria away and slowly walked over towards me. He silently bent down and scooped me up into his arms; he held me close as he whispered my leg was bleeding. Like a little girl who was hurt I snuggled into his embrace and cried even harder after I asked him what he was doing to me?
Hush now is all he said as he carried me into the bathroom where Aria had already started to draw a bath. He gently sat me down on the bathroom benchmark and began to undress me. Why was I here, and why in the hell am I letting him touch me, much less remove my clothes? I just closed my eyes and continued to cry. I am in a house with strangers that are more weird and freaky then anything you could ever see on the sci-fi channel!
I heard the water stop running and felt him again scoop me up into his strong arms and carefully set me down into the large garden tub. I went to lean back and felt soft, warm skin behind me. I was lying against Aria; filterthy flesh against warm flesh. She was pouring water over my dirty skin and gently running her hands over me to wipe it away. I let myself go and embedded her touch and caring nature. She bathed me head to toe and whispered softly that everything was going to be all right.
Once she was done bathing me she helped me limp out of the tub. I was so sore from my fall; I did not feel it before now. She towel dried me off and helped me slip into a robe; she brushed my hair with such soft care I began to tear up again. Oh gods please do not let my cry again. I had already made a fool of myself several times tonight I did not need to do so again! My thoughts and will were a waste of effort because the tears streamed down my face yet again. Aria said nothing and just wiped them away then hugged me tight.
Once I was a little calmer she took me by the hand and led me out of the bathroom and into the den where Eros was sitting upon the sofa holding two glasses of wine. He handed the glasses to Aria and then pulled me down to sit upon his lap. Ariahanded a glass to me and him; then she left the room closing the door behind her.
I could hear her bare feet padding down the hall way to only the gods know where. Probably to call the police on their psych neighbor who stormed into their house and wrecked priceless, tasteless, expensive things.
I sipped on my wine a little before looking up at him and boldly asked what is wrong with me? He said nothing and Just smoothed my hair out with his hand and caressed my face with a caring look upon his face as I finished my wine. He placed my empty glass on the table and reached for the first aid kit that was set upon the table; I did not notice it when I first came in which is unlike me for I always notice everything.
Gently with care and concern he examined my wounded knee. I guess it was not too bad since he only cleaned it out and banded it up. Thank the gods I did not need stitches. I was so sore, ashamed, and angry. I could not say anything to him as I had once hadin my head when I bombarded into his house. I looked at him with pleading, desperate, painful eyes. I do not know why I am still here with this man who I think is so terrible. But I could not draw myself away from him. I wanted him so bad I could taste it. Can he see this in me? Does he know what he has put me through in less than a day?
He gently pulled me close to him and held me. His strong scary hands turned into soft caring hands as he massaged my body, which sat limp and paralyzed in his lap. Any minute now I am going to wake up from this dream, in my bed, snuggled up in all of my pillows, with Hera sleeping close purring in my ear.
I must have fallen sleep in his arms because when I awoke I was in bed, but not my bed. Where was I? Where in Hades were my clothes, wait the robe I was in? It was pitch black in the room but I knew this was not my bed I was laying naked in. Oh my gods I am nude! What happened? Did Eros touch meWhile I was unaware or gave my consent? Gods what am I thinking now? He would not do that, would he?
I sat up rather abruptly in the bed, and began to panic slightly. I must be in their house, in their guest bedroom. I was imagining things; I could still smell Eros as if he was there with me. His cologne must have smeared onto my skin as he was cradling me earlier. That is the only reasonable way… right?
Oh gods, the thoughts that ran through my head when I smelled him! I have dated my fair share of men and by no means an innocent angel while dating but never have I met a man like him in my life; actually compared to Eros I have never met a real man. They are all inferior to him. What I am saying! I am going mad. I saw him once before meeting him and only had met him for about an hour and I am lusting after him.
I told myself, or so I thought, and drew my legs up to wrap my arms around them. My hormones were running high, even now. I ached, wanting to feel histouch again, to feel him press himself against me as he took control over my sexual desires. I wanted to ravish Aria too, she is so sexy in her all and her eyes cut through me just as his do. Great Aphrodite did you curse me?
I plopped myself back onto the bed and cried out in frustration. Upon more of my body tossing around on the bed, it was rather comfortable. It even had enough pillows to satisfy me with my pillow fetish I seem to have acquired over the years. I pulled several of the throw pillows up to me to tuck around my body. Damn it! Even the pillows smelled like him, at least I thought they did.
I felt like someone was watching me but the room was quiet. I know someone had to be there I could feel it. That uneasy feeling you have when you know you are being stalked, followed, or watched… that’s what I had. Oh gods if I have that does Eros have it too?
I have a bad habit of talking to myself and I think, no I know I was talking to myself in bed as I was rambling on and on with questions. Does he know I watched them have sex last night? Does he know it turned me on? Oh gods does he know how bad I want to taste what he has to offer? Oh gods what is happening to me?
My mind was playing on me because I heard Eros softly say “Yes I know”. I should have jumped out of my skin hearing a voice in the middle of the night as I am laying in bed, alone, and naked none the less. But secretly I was wishing him there. I tossed around in the bed again. Then I did jump out of my skin when I felt someone run their fingers in my hair.
Hush now Mi Cheries I heard him say. Like a frightened cat, I felt like my hair was standing up, my body stiffened, and I froze. I tried to pull away but I was wrapped up in the blanket with all of those damned pillows around me. I do not think I like them so much as I once did now.
My eyes adjusted to the darkness and I could see the outline of his body, he reached for me as he softly sat on the edge of the bed. Oh gods it is him! He is on the bed, damn it to Hades he heard me talking out loud!
I was at a loss for words, I could not speak, and I sounded like a moron trying to form words on my tongue. Come and take me my body screamed out and in my mind I was screaming for someone to help me. Still, I could not move. Oh gods what if Aria comes in and sees him here and I am naked, I am Not a fighter! I would swat like a damned cat and get my ass beat.
Then it happened, he snuggled up against me and all of the damned pillows that were stuck around me. I closed my eyes and wished against my better judgment that he would touch me, kiss me, or even bite me, just something! I could not tell fantasy from reality, was he really there or was I dreaming? I smelled him, I could feel him against me, and oh dear gods I even felt his breath against my neck!
What the fuck is that? My mind most definitely snapped back into reality then. I felt cold steel on my wrists. I could not move myhands! My skin felt chilled, the pillows and blanket were not covering me. Wait there’s warmth, I am still covered, and I am loosing my mind. Oh gods that is no blanket it is a hot body, it is Eros’ body. My body betrayed me; my body written under him, begging him to take it. And take it he did.
So gentle, so soft, so intimate were his kisses on my flesh. I had chills rush over my body, my body danced to the touch of his lips. He parted my legs with such a strong swiftness, I did not realize my legs were open and exposing me until I felt his hot breath on my most intimate area. Oh gods he began to kiss me there too. My body arched up like it never has before, he made me feel so good; I wanted to touch him but my wrists were restrained.
Restrained! Why? Please let me go I pleaded with him. I heard him tell me a firm NO followed by you really do not want me to let you go do you? No hands to use, but I still had legs. I was going to kick the hell out of him and make him understand he needs to let me go, and to let me go now! I moved my legs and wrapped them around him and pulled him closer to me. Oh fuck what did I do? I mumbled out no I don’t. Why did I say that?
I screamed out when I felt the sharpness of his teeth. This psycho was biting me like an animal! But it felt so good; I welcomed the pain, and wanted more. He bit me, kissed me, fingered me, even scratched my inner thighs, but it was not his hand, it was cold; he made all of my sensings come alive in full force. Ahh this was heaven, it all felt so wonderful, I wanted more!
He pushed my legs up into the air and braced himself between them and over me, his mouth found my breast and he feasted on them both for what seemed like hours, my whole body was tingling, and my hips were rocking against him. I could feel his excitement as his shaft pressed hard against me. I tried to wiggle myself to where I could slide him into me but he moved, damn it I cried out.
He bit my left nipple rough and then sucked it all in; after which he told me to beg him. Beg you for what, I do not know what you want me to do I cried out in frustration. He simply said beg me again. I lay under him, hot, aroused, wet, and ready for the taking. No man in their right mind would pass up taking advantage of a situation as this, especially when a woman cannot move. Damn you I spit off at him!
Same words rang out in the darkness again; beg me I heard him say. I heard a whistling sound streak through the air close to me, and then I felt it comes down on my right breast with a quick hard pain. What the fuck was that! Oh gods it hurt, yet I wanted it again. I felt it on my left breast… no no no no no I don’t want it. Yes, yes I do, no, wait, gods!
Please I begged in a mumble. Nothing else happened, no whistling in the air, nothing slashing my body, no touches, nothing. Please! I screamed out, what was I screaming please for? I did not hear it this time but whatever was in his hand came down on my inner left tigh, then my right, and oh my gods it came down on my wet pussy. I cried out so loud I just knew I was going to wake up everyone in the neighborhood!
Please, escaped my lips once more. Still not sure what I was screaming please for, but my body must have known because my body was moving all over the place and recovering up towards him trying to get his attention again. Well, it worked, and worked well it did. The sounds were mixed to the point of the sounds never pausing and the pain never ceasing. He slashed my body from foot to breast and then breast to foot.
This is it I am admitting myself into the mental hospital once I escape this man because no one would enjoy this madness as I am. I ended up doing a back bend in the bed, still held to the head of the bed with the metal wrist Restraints. I did the unfathomable, I cried out with tears, with excitement, lust, and more excitement; I cried out so loud begging, begging Eros to please fuck me now!
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