Team Judgement

“Coach, we’ve got a problem with Erica, and we don’t know what to do.”

“With Erica, Helen?” Coach Jackson asked. “What problem could you possibly have with Erica? She’s the best player on the team. If you don’t believe me, just ask her,” he added with a smile.

That comment earned him a sour look.

“We know she’s the best and that the team needs her, but the trouble is so does she. And she can be a real bitch at times. We can handle that, and we can handle her stirring us about our boyfriends, but she’s starting to go out of her way to cause trouble. Now to top it off, she’s starting to pinch things from us. Only little things, but we all know it’s her and she knows we know, but she just says prove it. And we can’t.”

The last came out with a bit of a frustrated wail.

Coach Jackson considered the problem.

“My advice would be that at the next team meeting, raise the matter with all the girls. Have them agree on a standard of conduct. I’ll draw up a sample one for you that you can take as a starting point. Then let it be known that if anyone violents the standard, there will be penalties. Just get everyone to agree beforehand what the penalties will be. An example might be that the offender might have to stand down for a number of games, or might have to pay for the team drinks for a couple of matches.

Then you have to enforce the penalty, and it doesn’t matter who the offender is. Don’t make exceptions. Anyone who screws up has to take the consequences.”

Helen nodded. “OK. Thanks, Coach. I’ll discuss it with the rest of the team and see what we can come up with.”

“You do that. I’ll go along with whatever the team decides in this matter.”

The coach watched Helen leave, pleased that she’d replaced her bounce and was willing to tackle the problem with no further input from him. Things worked a lot better if the team could just agree on the terms.

It was a couple of weeks later that the coach was asked todrop in and see the girls in the changing room after a practice session. Unusual, but it happened occasionally, so Coach Jackson checked that everyone was decent and then entered to see what the problem was. He knew at once from the body language that the problem was Erica.

“Hey, Coach,” Erica called happily. “Eager to get the punishment under way, are you?”

“Sorry, Erica, but I’m not sure What you’re on about,” returned the coach. “Helen?” raising a general query as to what was going on.

“Ah, we haven’t told the coach what the punishments would be. The punishments that we all agreed on, including you, Erica.”

“Oh, I’ve no objection,” said Erica. “I just insist that you have to provide proof before you can say anyone is afraid of a violence of the standards.”

The coach spoke up. “Would someone like to get to the point and tell me what the actual problem is?”

Helen surprised. “When we got back from practice we found that someone had been through all outThings and had taken all out makeup. It’s not that valuable, but it’s a mean thing to do. Erica was the only one in here alone. She was the only one who could have taken it and she hasn’t denied it.”

“Clearly, if I took it, I would be in violation of the code,” admitted Erica, “and I would have to accept the punishment as nominated.”

At this point she shot a wicked look at Coach Jackson, making him wonder just what the penalty was.

“However,” Erica continued, smiling, “suspicion isn’t proof. No-one saw me take anything so that’s the end of the story.”

“I’m afraid Erica is right, Helen. I have to support her in this. However, Erica, to keep everyone happy, why don’t you just open your locker and show the girls that you don’t have their things.”

Erica smiled. “I see no reason to do that. In fact, I’ll stand on my rights and refuse unless you can get a search warrant?”

“Which is Erica’s locker?” asked the coach.

On having it indicated to him, heturned again to Erica and asked her to open it. Receive a bland smile for a refusal, he shrugged.

The coach the reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring of keys. Selecting one, he unlocked the locker.

“You can’t so that,” Erica protected. “That’s illegal. You need a warning.”

“You seem to have mistaken a team meeting for a court of law,” observed the coach. “The university, through its approved nominees, me in this case, have the right to check all premises on the university grounds.”

Smiling he opened the locker, to reveal a nice little pile of costumes.

“Case proven,” Erica was informed. “I believe you said that you’d go along with the approved punishment, so I’ll leave you all to it.”

Erica sniggered, while Helen blushed, looking tongue tied.

“I think Helen has something she wants to say to you before you leave,” said Erica, sounding extremely smug for someone who had just been caught out.

“Helen?” Coach Jackson couldn’t keepthe suspicion out of his voice.

“You said that the team could set the punishments and that you’d go along with them,” said Helen, an ambiguous tone in her voice.

The rest of the team was pointedly looking elsewhere, leaving explanations to Helen, bar Erica who was enjoying the scenario.

“What punishment did you set?” asked Coach Jackson softy.

“We all agreed,” pointed out Helen. “Even Erica and she knew we were aiming them at her.”

“What punishment did you set?” repeated the coach.

“We said that the offender would be spanked. Nude. By you. While we watch,” Helen’s voice falsetered at the end of her explanation.

“We all agreed, coach, and you did say that you would go along,” murmured Erica.

“Right now,” thought the coach, “I wouldn’t refuse to spank each and every one of them. Nude!”

“Do you seriously expect me to go along with this?” he asked, appalled as the team promptly agreed as one.


“I was caught fair and square,” she witnessed, taking off her shorts. “I guess I’m yours to command.”

Furious, the coach could only watch as Erica swiftly striped until she was standing naked in front of him.

“And just how long is this spanking supposed to go for?” the coach asked.

Helen was looking at the little stack of costumes. She quickly flicked through them.

“There are twenty things she took, so twenty seems to be a good idea.”

Coach Jackson yielded. If this was what they wanted, this was what they’d get.

He sat down on the bench and indicated Erica approach. He then sat watching as she strutted towards him. She knew what she had and she was enjoying showing it off.

Erica rarely bent forward, positioning herself over his knee. He could see her lovely breasts dangling Below her and his fingers itched. Erica seemed to find the whole situation superbly entertaining.

Placing one hand on the small of Erica’s back to stop her changing her mind, Coach Jackson raised his other hand and brought the palm down hard and fast upon Erica’s buttock cheat, leaving a red hand print.

The immediate reaction to this was gasps from the team who had gathered around to watch and a surprised scream from Erica, who had apparently assumed a soft type of spanking.

“You had better start counting, Erica,” the coach advised her. “You wouldn’t want me to lose count, now would you?”

His hand came down again, on her other chef, leaving another red handprint and getting another scream.

A few more solid spanks and Erica had changed her mind about the fun part. She was waiting now, calling on him to stop, while she tried to rise off his knee.

Coach Jackson continued the spanking, hitting hard and turning both cheeses a rosy red. He noted with interest that Erica’s thighs had moved apart, as she instinctively tried to distract him.

After eighteen spanks, he paused.

“What’s the count, Erica?” he asked. “I appear to have lost it.”

“Twenty,” she shrieked, “that’s twenty. Let me up.”

“No, it’s not,” snapped one of the team. “It’s only eighteen. Two more.”

“That’s right,” said Helen. “Only eighteen.”

“Dear me, Erica, you fibbed to me. Do you think if we start again, you can keep a better count?”

“No. Please. It was supposed to be only twenty,” wailed Erica.

“True,” came the reply, along with the last two spanks. “But I’ll give you one extra for telling me a little fib.” The coach’s hand came down with a final spank, this one missing her bottom but laying a stinging smack the length of her pussy.

Releasing Erica, the coach turned and looked at the rest of the team.

“Are there any more punishments that I should be made aware of?” he asked politely. “Or do you think that you might like to review your scale of punishments before I discover some other little surprise?”

Helen glanced with satisfaction at where Erica was standing, rubbing her bottom and with tears in her eyes.

“Um, we’ll have a team meeting and discuss them,” she offered.

“And you will let me have the list of agreed upon punishments as soon as you’ve done that?”

Helen nodded, enthusiastically, although he noticed that the rest of the team were looking appropriately at Erica’s red bottom. Maybe Erica would learn something from that little episode. The coach voted. She’d probably learn not to get caught.

Quitting the room, Coach Jackson headed back to his office. He’d barely entered the room when there was a knock, and at his invitation one of the team stuck her head around the door.

“Sorry, Coach,” she said, with a giggle in her voice, “but we need you in the locker room again.”

Coach Jackson gave her a look, which she calmly ignored, waiting for him. He signed and retraced his steps to the locker room. Entering he was relieved to see that Erica was now dressed, covering up that lovely figure. Counteracting that relief was the fact that Helen and Erica were squaring up to each other, Helen red faced and Erica with a smile.

Obviously the spanking hadn’t registered for too long, the coach observed, seeing that smile.

“Does anyone care to tell me why my presence is required?”

“I will,” said Mary, the young woman who had fetched him. “After you’d gone Helen had a go at Erica, and then, Erica being Erica, she had a go back. It finished up with Helen swearing at Erica, and Erica says that she’s in breach of the conventions and that penalties apply.”

The coach gave Erica a cold look. She shrugged.

“If I have to abide by the conventions, then so does everyone else,” she said politely.

The coach had to admit that she had a point.

“Do the rest of the team agree that she broke the conventions,” the coach asked Mary.

Mary hesitated for a second and then nodded. “I guess, technically speaking,” she said.


Still red faced Helen looked down. Then she nodded. “I lost my temperature and screwed up,” she said.

“OK. And what is your penalty supposed to be?”

Erica giggled. “We only set one penalty to cover everything,” she said, “and we haven’t got around to changing them yet.”

For a bizarre moment, Coach Jackson wondered what would happen if he broke the conventions with some hearty swearing. Would he have to get spanked by the team?

“You’re Not prepared to waive the matter?” the coach asked Erica, only to be quickly answered by Helen.

“I’m not accepting any favors from her,” she snapped. “I’ll take the penalty.”

Without further ado Helen proceeded to strip, much to the coach’s irritation. He was quite sure other coaches didn’t get this sort of aggravation.

“And does your penalty tell you how many spanks I’m supposed to administrator in this case?” he asked, watching the girls squirm a little at the examination in his voice.

“Five will be plenty,” murmured Erica, and the rest of the team nodded agreement.

“Shut up,Helen,” advised Coach Jackson, seeing her about to comment.

Sitting down, he reached out his hand and drew Helen to him and across his knee. “Maybe this will teach you to think before you decide on penalties,” he murmured.

His hand came down hard, and he heard Helen gasp, but no scream. He smiled to himself, and proceeded to apply four more hard spanks, leaving five distinct hand prints on her bottom. Helen gritted her teeth, refusing to yell.

Setting Helen back on her feet, he gave Erica another look, one which promised retribution when she got home that night. Erica calmly looked back at him, eyes bright.

With one eye watching with interest as Helen got dressed again, the coach turned and addressed the rest of the team.

“I trust I’m not going to be called back again for this type of activity?” looking around the team to see if anyone wanted to answer. “I mean, it’s such a bore having to walk to my office, walk back here and spank, back to my office again. So if anyone is thinking of misbehaving…?”

There was a short silence, with the other members of the team not wanting to catch his eye. He could see the smiles and hear the muffled giggles, but wisely ignored them.

He nodded, satisfied and retired to his office.

Finishing up the work he had to get though, the coach was preparing to leave when there was a knock. At his invitation, Helen entered, blushing when she looked at him.

“I wanted to apologise,” she said. “We should never have made you spanking us the penalty and we’ve agreed to suspend it. I’m not sure why we did. It just seemed like a good idea at the time. Even Erica went along with it. I never dreamed that you’d actually have to spank her. Or me,” she added.

“I think that if you think back, you may find that Erica probably suggested it,” Coach Jackson said dryly. “Probably in a laughing manner and the rest of you then picked up on it.”

Helen stared at him, shocked. He could see her mindrunning through the team meeting, and saw the shock of realisation hit her. She blinked.

“She did,” Helen cried. “Why did she do that?”

“This is Erica, remember. She would have done it for fun. Now think over today’s little scenario and tell me what you make of it.”

Coach Jackson could see Helen running through everything that had taken place. She stared at him, eyes wide.

“She deliberately arranged to get herself spanked with that silly stunt with the costumes, didn’t she? Then she went into swearing at her and used her earlier spanking to insist that I should get one too.”

Helen stared at the coach, shocked.

“Why would she do that?” she asked indignantly. “She deliberately set me up so you would see me naked, didn’t she? That was her intent. The spanking was beside the point.”

“I suspect that you’re right. The team should probably consider itself lucky that she didn’t contribute to get you all naked. With her unique mind she probably would have succeeded.”

“But why?” wailed Helen. “All that trouble just to make me take my clothes off in front of you?”

“Would you have stripped for him if I’d just asked you?” asked Erica, coming through the door. “I wanted Ron to see you. You’ve got a lovely figure, you know.”

“What? Ron? Who’s Ron?” demanded Helen.

“Guilty,” said Ron Jackson.

“You’re Ron? But why did you want the coach to see me naked.”

“I just told you. You’ve got a lovely figure and I wanted Ron to see it.”

“Helen,” Ron said. “It would take too long to explain right now. Why don’t you come home with us and we’ll tell you all about it. As an added incentive, when we get to my place I’ll spank Erica all over again for you, for being such a bitch.”

Helen looked from one to the other, comprehension dawning. “He’s your mysterious boyfriend,” she stated.

Erica smiled smugly.

“OK. So why do I need to go to your place for the explanation?”

Ron rose and movedaround to the front of his desk. Reaching for Helen, he cupped her breast through her t-shirt and gently squeezed.

“Because you have a lovely figure and we want to examine it in more detail,” he said softly. “Coming?”

As the two young women trailed him out the door, he heard Helen ask Erica in a quiet voice.

“Do you really think you could con the whole team into standing naked in front of the coach?”

“Ten dollars say I can. Is it a bet?”


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