Team Bonding Ch. 02


This story features a BDSM scene in which someone who has never been dominant before taking the dominant role. In the first part of this trial (yes, there will be one more part coming out, much sooner than the gap between my first story and this one) the dominant has experience, and that’s reflected in the psychological aspect of the scene. My hope is that the scene in this story reflects the inexperience of the dominant, while still keeping the “fun” aspects of BDSM in play, both psychologically and physically. I mention all this because while these stories are connected, the scenes are INTENDED to feel a little different. And, the final part will be even a little different still from the first two. Comments and ratings are appreciated; I’m still pretty new to this website so please be kind. Enjoy!


The cent of blueberries and maple syrup broke the spell that hadFallen over me, snapping me out of the hypnosis induced by watching the masked stranger in stockings and high heels on my laptop screen getting bent over silky red sheets and spanked with a riding crop. At least, she feel like a stranger. She was I, and I was she. Or, rather, I had been her only hours ago. The hits were coming at an even rhythm, precision and direct, until the man standing behind me on screen stopped to step closer and ease his cock slowly but purposely into my obviously wet pussy; God bless whoever invented high definition digital cameras. With one arm tucked behind his back, the other arm raised up high, he fell back into a pattern. Stroke stroke stroke SWAT, stoke stroke stroke SWAT.

I moved over a little as Alex Molloy sat down next to me and set a plate of hot pancakes down on the arm of the couch to my side. Alex was, aside from being the man responsible for my tender tushy this morning, an excellent cook, and he served up breakfasts in the morningthat were almost as good as the orgasms he served in the heart of the night. It was a cold Sunday in late January, and I was back at school after being home on Christmas break. Alex and I had been forced to put our now regular rendezvouses on hold when we both left town, but we were back for the start of the semester.

The first week of classes had been stressful, but not too demanding. However, with practice back underway and our first indoor meeting of the season coming up fast, I had been itching for some release. Alex had started showing me both the proverbial and literal ropes of kinky sex back in the fall during the cross-country season. Ostensibly a means of showing me how to break out of my comfort zone and test my psychological limits, our sessions had evolved as I got a better and better grip on both my running and my limits in the bedroom. I wasn’t seeing anyone else, and neither was Alex. We both knew he was graduating in the spring and would be gone by summer; we had noillusions of romance. But Now was fun, and Now felt good, and Now didn’t require us to think too much, so Now was just fine for what we both wanted and needed.

That stranger on the screen of my laptop, who had my face under her mask, whose soft chestnut colored hair was the same shade as mine, with my round ass and whose perky breasts swung like mine when Alex was thrusting in doggy position was having an orgasm. A deep orgasm, whole body and whole mind. Alex was thrusting hard and deep, that chestnut braid now held in one hand, the riding crop roughly disclosed, his other hand slapping at those gym-crafted globes of butt chef with every stroke. The volume on the laptop was maxed out and she moaned in my voice, filling the apartment with the sound of ecstasy.

“Your pancakes are getting cold.” Alex was grinning his trademark shit-eating grin from ear to ear. He kissed me on the cheek and stood up. “But I guess I understand. Last night was really hot. If I wasn’t such a sexual artisan I’d insist on going another round before practice!”

“A ‘sexual artisan?!’” I scoffed, pausing the video and closing the laptop. “Don’t make me laugh.” This was a dirty lie. He was, actually, a goddamn sexual artisan.

Halfway to the kitchen, he froze in his tracks, spun on his heels, and practically bounded back towards me. He put one hand on my chin, tilted my face up towards his, and said quietly “why would I make you laugh? I’d rather make you beg.” His tone danced gracefully between the edge of playfulness and sincerity.

I stared up at him for a heartbeat, unsure what to say to that. Half a heartbeat later we both started laughing. He continued to hold my head up by the chin with the tips of his thumb and forefinger and he kissed me, and then continued back towards the kitchen.

“I told you that you’d appreciate the videos after the fact,” he called over his shoulder. I was too proud to tell him he was right, but too honest to pretend that he wasn’t. “I’m glad you’ve been enjoying watching them.”

And he was right, I had. The only aspect of our arrangement that had bothered me initially had been the set of high definition cameras set up in all four corners of what we liked to call the Play Room. His name for it had come too easily to be spontaneous, and he did what he did far too well for me to think that this was something special of ours. I wasn’t his first, and I hoped for his sake I wouldn’t be his last. We both had no delusions of any exclusivity beyond the moment. I didn’t want to know about how he had learned this, and he didn’t want to know if I planned on trying this stuff with other guys after he was done with school.

“You gonna shower before practice?” he called in from the kitchen, starting in on the dishes.

“And freeze my skull off with wet hair in this weather? Uh, yeah, no thanks,” I replied.

“Suit yourself.”

I finished my pancakes, grateful for the modest serving. We both still had aSunday morning long run with the team at 10:30. Coach was gracious enough to start Sunday practices later in the morning. Most of the religious services on campus went from 9:00 to 10:00, which, nominally, was the reason for the later practice time. Realistically, coach wasn’t an idiot and knew that he’d be more likely to not have us running out on the roads hung over if he set practice time to 10:30 instead of 8:00. I slip on a pair of thick winter running tights and some wool socks, a wicking shirt over my sports bra, and a fancy new windproof jacket from my parents that I received for Christmas. Tucking mittens and a thin hat in the pockets of my jacket, I met Alex at the door and we walked down.

Glancing at my watch, I realized I was running behind. “Hey,” I asked, “do you mind giving me a ride instead of taking the bus?” I normally didn’t like to leave Alex’s apartment in his car to get back to campus, as every girl on the team had a crush on Alex and nobody knew we were sleeping together. “You can just drop me off on the other side of the athletics center so nobody sees me.”

“I still think you worry too much about that. I’m not concerned what other people will think if they find out I’m sleeping with you. You’re smart. You have a really fun personality. And me being a little older really isn’t a big deal to anyone who matters.”

I shrugged fractionally, “you forget spunky, a badass runner, and totally sexy, but I’ll let it slide ‘cuz you sex me up,” I answered with a smile. “Besides, I’m not worried about you catching flak, I’m worried about me catching flak for tying you down.”

He laughed, “fair enough.” Then he walked over by the door, and pulled out a small sports bag from the closet. Stopping me as I started to get up from the couch, he said, “speaking of being tied down…” and set the bag down between us. He opened the zipper on the bag. “Take a look.”

Doing as I was bid, I opened up the bag a little furtherand peeked inside. I felt the grin on my face slowly spread.

“A few late Christmas presents, for us to play with,” he said with a quiet smile.

He wasn’t kidding. Inside the bag I found a half dozen assorted items, some I was familiar with, some that were new to me. There was a small jeweled butt plug in a plastic package, a box with a cordless Hitachi wand, several lengths of bright red rope, two pairs of handscuffs, a glass dildo shaped and dyed red and white like a candy cane, and a cherry red silicane ball gag. My eyes began to widen along with my smile.

“Merry Christmas,” he added.

“Thank you!” I exclaimed. I wrapped my arms around his neck, jumped up and straddled his waist, and kissed him in sound appreciation. He leaned back a little in surprise but recovered quickly and put his arms under me to hold my weight stable.

“You’re welcome,” he chuckled. “It’s important to me that you’re not just an obedient little slut for me for an hour or so every week, and I thought it would be nice for you to take a bit of autonomy with our play time and pick out something you want me to use on you. Of course I’m happy to try other stuff with you, these are just a few starters. Maybe you can pick one to bring back next week for us to use?”

For a dominant man who made me call him “sir” or “master” when he was buried almost up to his balls in my pussy when we had sex, he was awfully considering and sweet outside of the bedroom.

“Yes!” was my happy reply. “Or, yes, master,” I added playfully.

He made a surprised face, started to say something, then just grinned and let it go, chucking under his break. It was good to know he appreciated someone as cute as me being so irresistibly charming. I thanked him again, double-checked that the stove was off, finished dressing to go outside, and headed downstairs.

We got into his car, and drove the short distance from his place to campus. He played music on the radio, but wedidn’t talk much above that. Sometimes it’s nicer to just share silence with someone. I said a quick goodbye to him as I hoped out of the car, and walked to the front of the athletics center as he drove around and parked, being careful to hop out where no cars were in line of sight. The walk down the stairs to the locker rooms to drop off my jacket, keys, and bag of goodies was a time to clear my head from last night’s fun and start to focus on the morning’s long run at hand. As I stepped into the locker room, I smiled and said hi to all of the other girls. Well, almost all of the other girls.

Kelly Marin. Tall, tan, blonde, big boobed, gorgeous Kelly Marin. She had spent the better part of winter break at her family’s house in Florida, and as she was getting changed I couldn’t help but notice that wherever she had been sunning herself, they must not have required much clothing; she didn’t have a single tan line on her. Her sun kissed blonde hair fell down to her upper back. She was absolutely brilliant, with the team’s best GPA. She was an incredible athlete at everything from 800 meters all the way up to cross-country. She was the dominant personality in the locker room. And ever since I had set foot on campus, she had been a complete and utter bitch to me. I knew that some of her friends on the team, other senior girls, had been in line for small quarter scholarships when I was recruited. Not that they needed them; money flocked together at this school. Still, coach’s offer of a full academic ride to bring me onto the team had not sat well with many of the older girls, especially Kelly. She had berated me constantly when I failed to perform early in the season, and even when I improved and helped us to a big finish in the conference championships, she had not joined the other older girls in softening towards me.

I caught her glancing at me out of the corner of her eye as she finished dressing against the cold, and held her gaze for an increasinglyizingly long half of a heartbeat. She hated me. I knew she did. She had seen Alex start talking to me after a race back in the fall, and if she didn’t know, she must have suspected something was going on. Telling me to stay away from him, she seemed at the time; jealous of the attention he had given me. But she avoided him like the plague at practice and at parties on the weekends, so I wasn’t sure what to think. We all chit chatted as we marched upstairs to the front entrance of the building, where coach had just sent the boys out on their run for the morning.

“Miller, Stileski, Lopez, Lopez, Smith, you ladies are doing an hour and a half today. Make sure you get some hills in, I don’t want to see you just doing loops around campus.” The twin sophomores and my three fellow freshmen smiled, nodded their assent, and took off right away. That was odd… coach normally had me run with the other freshmen girls.

“Newton, DeGrasse, you ladies are cross training today. Let’s get you girlshealthy for now, remember we’re focusing on the outdoor track season if we can’t get you ready for the end of indoor. Caldwell, McAdams, and all seniors except for Marin, you’re doing an hour and a half as well. Keep those younger girls in sight on the run and try to pick up your pace over the last mile or so. I don’t want them slacking. Get going.”

Oh. Oh no. Oh no no no. That left….

“Alright ladies, the two of you are both on for an hour and forty five minutes. You’re my two strong runners so we’re gonna put you through the ringer a little more on the long runs for now while you build your mileage back up. And run together, I don’t want any girls running the back roads alone.”

Kelly and I glanced at each other sideways, nodded to coach wordlessly knowing it was futile to argue, and stepped out into the frigid January sun. No words passed between us over the first few miles of the run. None were necessary. She didn’t like me, and I knew it, and she knew that I knew it. The fact that my mutual dislike for her was based entirely on her being a bitch to me was, evidently, an insignificant detail to her.

We set out heading north from campus up towards the back roads, where all the best hills were. There were some spectacular views from the top of the ridge looking down over the valley where campus lay. The only problem was getting all the way up there. Climbing slowly up the Winding roads to the top of the ridge, we continued not to speak. She ran in front at first, then I took over pacing duties, then she took over again. We traded leads as we wound our way up, keeping to the narrow shoulder to avoid cars. Our breath fogged up as we huffed and puffed our way up the hills, slowly but surely ascending to the midpoint of the run. As the morning wore on, the traffic picked up a bit, and we started to have to run closer together. Cars came a little too close for comfort as the narrow shoulder offered us little protection.

“Watch it,” grumbled Kelly at one point, elbowing by me and cutting back in just before a car coming up behind us whizzed by.

“Hey!” I exclaimed, “you could wait a minute before passing me if there’s a car coming.”

“Whatever,” came her sullen reply. We kept running. The act of passing each other became increasingly physical. Neither one of us wanted to always be breaking the wind, but we also didn’t want to be the one with a car at our backs.

Suddenly, a brief rev of an engine was all the notice I received from a car behind us cutting in a little too close for comfort to the shoulder to avoid a patch of ice in the center of the road. Instinctively, I lunged forward, grabbed Kelly, and throw our bodies to the side of the road into the gravel as the car flew past us. We stood, shaking, brushing slush and grit off of our bodies. The silence on the open road was deafening.

“Well?” I asked, suggestedly.

“Well what?” she answered.

“A ‘thank you’ would have been appropriate just now.”

“Fine. Thank you for managing to push me over when you could have simply paid closer attention and told me a car was coming up behind us. Thank you for ruining my favorite running top by getting it scratched up with dirt and slush. Thank you for being a perpetual irritant for me.”

Oh, hell no.

“What the actual fuck is your problem? Seriously. What. What have I done to you? What could I have possibly done to piss you off so much? Is it money? I earned my scholarship. Is it my personality? We don’t talk. Is it even anything at all?”


“What is your fucking problem!?” I repeated.

She glared at me stubbornly.

“What is it!?” I practically yelled at her.

“I told you not to talk to Alex Molloy.”

My blood went as cold as the skin under my thin running jacket.

“So what?” I replied, my tone immediately betraying me.

“So I told you not to talk to him. And now you’re fucking him.”

“That’snone of your business!” I protested. “You don’t get to boss me around!”

“No. I don’t. But he gets to boss you around. Doesn’t he.” It wasn’t a question.

She knew. How did she know? How could she possibly know that Alex and I were doing kinky stuff together? And then it clicked.

I exhausted slowly, understanding, “you and he did date, didn’t you.”

She finished brushing herself off and slowly began to shuffle along, continuing the run. I let the question go unanswered. We continued along in silence, reaching the peak of the run, and then turning right around and heading back down, not bothering to enjoy an otherwise beautiful view of the late morning sun kissing the snow covered valley below. We continued along in silence. We were almost halfway down before she started to speak.

“I told you we didn’t date. That wasn’t a lie. But we slept together. A lot. And we did all the stuff that you’re probably doing with him now.” Her voice was uncharacteristically quiet, but I heard her clearly over the silence of the back roads. “We started doing it together. We got drunk and hooked up, and without thinking I put his hands on my throat. I don’t know why I did it. All I knew was that I liked it.”

We tucked in close as another car passed us by. She was quiet for the better part of another half mile. I said nothing; I wouldn’t have even been sure what to say. After a while, she continued.

“I don’t think it was the actual hands on my throat. Actually I know it wasn’t. We never even did that again. But I liked how powerful he seemed. I was his. I was under his control, not because I was weak, but because he was strong. And not just physically. He’s not even that macho. But there’s something about him that just… I don’t have to tell you. You want to please him. You want to put your pleasure in his hands and just let him take you somewhere you know you can’t go to on your own.”

Though she was ahead of me, I felt she could sense my silent nod of agreement.

“He cut it off. He got all philosophical about it, said I had a really bad relationship with myself. ‘You’ve become pitiful when we do this, like I’m humiliating you. I can’t get off on humiliating someone.’ Fuck you, you bastard, you think being pitied isn’t humiliating?!” she exclaimed, a note of hysteria entering her voice. I sped up for a few paces as we got off the road and had finally returned to campus, getting up along side of her. I was stunned to see cold tears running gently down her face. She felt my presence beside her and stopped dead in her tracks.

“Go away. Coach said to run together on the back roads. We’re off the back roads now, so get away from me, and don’t tell anyone about this. I don’t want to talk about this any more. I just want to be alone.”

I hesitated.

“GO!” she yelled.

I wasn’t going to push the issue. I turned slowly around, and trotted off to leave her with herself. This was not the morning I had planned for myself. All I had wanted was a nice easy long run in some winter sun and nothing else. No drama, no arguing, just relaxation. Slowly, I began to push this morning’s events out of my head. I had some more time to kill on the run so I ran loops around campus. I unzipped the top two or three inches of my jacket, feeling the warm air rise up out of the microclimate of heat beneath, feeling my body cool down to a more comfortable temperature. Girls in the dining hall watched through the tall glass windows with a mixture of goal and envy that every woman athlete comes to recognize in the eyes of other women. I glided along over the snowy sidewalks, and finally made my way back to the athletics center. Walking down to the locker room, I pushed open the door and looked around to see the room empty. I could hear the shower running in the next room over; the other girls must have cut their runs short and left already. Not wanting to miss out on brunch, I stripped down, grabbed my soap and shampoo from my locker, wrapped a towel around myself, and went into the shower.


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