Teaching The Girl Ch. 03

He held her for a few moments, kissing her and telling her He was proud of how well she had done, before sitting her on the floor and telling her the new rules, the new facts of her life.

she listened in stunned silence as He explained, feeling the world drop out from under her feet. He informed her she was no longer allowed in His lap or on the furniture, including the bed. she would be shackled to the post at the foot of the bed, and would be staying there until He felt like moving her. If He did feel like having her in the living room at night, she would be chained in the corner. she would eat when He fed her; speak only when He gave her permission.

she could only stare up at Him, eyes wide and jaw dropping, so caught off guard her brain was jamming up from trying to process what He had just said. she started shaking her head, but He let it slide, knowing she wasn’t saying no; she wasn’t even aware she was doing it. He gently cupped her chin, holding her head steady so He could look her in the eyes.

“Now, before you try to get back up to your tower, princess, you need to understand one very simple fact: you asked for this.” she shot Him an unmistakable ‘You are fucking nuts’ look, but He let that slide as well for the moment, to get His point across.

“you came to Me, after reading all My books, after using that unquenchable curiosity to research everything you could on the subject, and you asked me to teach you everything, that it was more than just being a painslut. In fact, I believe your exact words were ‘please, show me Your way, lead me down Your path’. Now it’s time you learned exactly what you asked for. you are going to get what you wanted, pet, and then some, and it’s too fucking bad you never stopped to think My way would not involve you being in charge. I have been patient as hell, waiting for you to use that incredible brain of yours to figure that out, and frankly, My dear, I’m tired of waiting. This could have been so mucheasier on you, but your stubborn, arrogant pride has guaranteed you are going to learn the hard way.”

she could only stare up at Him, shock, anger, and fear warning in her expression, but He could also see desire and need burning hot in her eyes. she wanted to argue with Him, to figure out a way to get back the upper hand, and she couldn’t. The one thing she had never been able to do was lie to herself, and she knew everything He had just said was the truth. she shut her mouth, knowing there was no way she could win at the moment, unaware she was actually pouting until He pinched her bottom lip, and not very gently.

“That’s another thing, pet. you had better learn fast I will no longer tolerate pouting, either, or you will find yourself crying from the clothespins again.”

she managed to smooth her expression and nod slightly, but couldn’t stop tears of anger and humiliation from welling up in her eyes. she fight them off as hard as she could, knowing the boo-boo face would not sway him. she had a sinking feeling that He would no longer be swayed by anything she did, and the thought made her want to panic.

He watched her intently, seeing the struggle on her face, letting her work it out on her own. When He realized she was as calm as she was going to get, He nodded.

“That’s better. Now, pet, go to your spot and wait for Me.”

she started to stand up, but a hard look from Him made her sit back down fast. she was at a loss as to what He expected. He gave her the opportunity to figure it out on her own, and when He saw the knowledge rise in her eyes He couldn’t hold back a smile.

It wasn’t hard to figure out, really. He wanted her to go back to the bedroom, but didn’t want her to stand … so what else did that leave? she felt herself blush, the stall of humiliation going deeper as she realized He would no longer even let her walk. she had to crawl. she looked down at the floor, unable to meet His eyes, and slowly nodded her head. He pointed down the hall and she got on her hands and knees, forcing her mind blank as she crawled from the room, praying she could make it to the bedroom before she started sobbing.

she had no clue how long she sat waiting; there was no light coming into the room and no clock, no real way to gauge time passing. she had cried for what seemed to be forever, arms wrapped around her knees, tears splashing down her legs. she cried silently, but it didn’t help her sense of shame; she knew He was well aware of her tears. When she cried herself out she just sat, hoping He would come back and just let her go to sleep. she didn’t try to fool herself though. she was a very bright girl when she wasn’t trying to be Queen of all Creation, and she knew the chances of things being over for the night were slim at best.

she was right, of course. He came in carrying His video camera, barely glancing at her. He ignored her completely as He wandered the room, getting out the few things He would need. she was at least grateful it wasn’t much, but the items He did lay on the bed were more than enough. The ankle cuffs were bad enough, as was the gag, but it was the acrylic cane that made her start trembling.

When He had everything to His satisfaction, He picked up the camera and turned it on, raising it up to His face. she didn’t like it at all; the idea of ​​her humiliation being taped was bad enough, but the way He was standing and holding the camera, she couldn’t see His eyes, couldn’t read the expression on His face. It could have been almost anyone holding the camera. When He spoke, His simple one word command, “Strip”, only made her unease deepen; it almost didn’t sound like Him, either.

she started to stand up, but something made her look up at Him. she knew just by the tilt of His head that she wasn’t even going to be allowed to stand. she dropped her eyes to the floor, wanting to cry at the thought of Him videotaping her struggle to get out of a tight, sweaty full body suit while sitting on the floor. she forced her mind blank, eyes kept down as she pulled the neckline down, trying to relax and not fight the damp spandex. she managed to get it off without too much of a fight, and then folded it neatly and set it aside before hugging her knees again. she kept her head down, trying to hide her face behind her long hair as much as she could. When He very quietly told her to look at Him, it took every bit of her strength to raise her eyes to Him, to the camera. she could feel the blush start in her cheeks as He simply stood there holding the camera, watching her through the lens. she wanted so much to drop her eyes back down, to be able to force her mind blank again, but she couldn’t make herself do it. she was hurt out, unable to disobey any more tonight, not with the cane she hated above all else sitting right above her on the bed.

He pointed to the cuffs and she felt her eyes widen just a bit more. she had assumed He would chain her to the bed, but she told herself she should have known He would make her do it, knowing how hard it would be for her. she pulled the cuffs off the bed, unable to stop a few tears from leaking down her face as she closed one end of the cuffs around the bottom of the bedpost, and then attached the other around her ankle. she closed it very carefully, knowing if she overshot the mark and tightened it too much He wouldn’t let her adjust it, at least not anytime soon. she closed it just tight enough for it to not slip off her heel, then looked back up at Him, trying to not let her need for the smallest crumb of approval show in her eyes. He gave her nothing, just pointed to a spot on the floor in between the bed and the closet.

she turned away from Him and got to her knees, placing her hands palm down on the floor and then bending forward to rest her forehead on her hands. she arched her back, lifting her hips high, grateful that she could at least hide her face this way.

shetried to set her mind in the right place as she got into position, to relax and get calm so she could better deal with what was coming, but He didn’t give her the chance. she had no sooner raised her hips before He brought the cane down on her ass. He didn’t whack her hard, but that was the thing she hated most about the cane; He didn’t have to hit her hard for it to hurt bad, the sharp singing hurt she hated the most. Again, she tried to relax, but again He didn’t give her the chance, bringing the cane back down while she was still tensed from the first blow.

He kept the strokes light, and after the first few she could feel the switches flipping in her head. she raised her hips higher, forgetting everything else as the heat in her ass spread through her body. her nerves were humming along, alchemy turning the pain into a slowly building orgasm. she rode with it, all the events of the long evening blending together, making her need to come all but overwhelming. she kept her head enough to stay silent, but she couldn’t keep her ass from rocking up into the blows, could feel the juice drip from her cunt and down her thighs.

He kept up the slow, steady pacing, watching her through the camera. He began to smile as He saw her hips rock, knowing she was getting close. He kept it up, pushing her right to the edge, and when He saw her body tension, He brought the cane down hard.

she shrieked as He busted her ass, the pain so intense it pushed any hope of orgasm away, leaving her hung on the edge of release and understanding from the pain. she bit her arm, trying to hold back the sobbing, knowing it was too late to take back her scream. He was to her in two steps, His hand grabbing her hair hard and yanking her head back with a vicious pull. He still had the camera to His face, but He had dropped the cane and picked up the gag. He held it in front of her face, and she was in too much pain to argue. she took it from His hands and buckled it around her head, trying her best to stop crying. The gag was a breathable one, and for that she was grateful, but it was also nicknamed ‘the drooler’, and she knew the more she sobbed the more she would end up drooling all over herself and the floor. When she had it in place, He pushed her head back down hard and stepped back, picking up the cane again.

she lost track of almost everything after that, forcing herself to stay as still and quiet as possible. The holes in the gag that allowed her to breathe – and allowed the spit in her mouth to drip out all over her face – also allowed noises to come through, and she knew if she couldn’t keep silent He would give her something to scream about. she sobbed silently as He tore into her ass, beating her the way He liked, which was not even in the same neighborhood as the way she liked. her stomach was cramping painfully from the need to come, her ass was blazing and welfare from the beating He was giving her, but the worst part for her was the fact that in no time she was drooling so much from the gag her face was soaked, the spit even going up her nose and into her hair.

The pain had become so intense and steady it took her a few seconds to realize He had stopped hitting her. When she did figure it out, she started shuddering, reaction setting in at once. she stayed still, ass up and head down, until she heard Him snap His fingers, and then carefully turned back around to face Him, staying on her hands and knees so she wouldn’t have to put her butt on the carpet, or even on her heels. she looked up at Him and barely had time to register He had His cock out before He stepped to her and yanked her by the hair to a kneeing position. she moaned deeply as her ass hit her heels and the drool covered her face began dripping down her chin and onto her chest. All she could do was stare up into the camera, her mind and emotions so exhausted she thought she might actually swoon. He stepped in closer to Her, stroking His cock, and without a word He pushed His cock against her face and came all over her, making sure to spray her hair as much as her face.

she didn’t move a muscle, only closed her eyes so the come wouldn’t get in them, unable to keep pitiful little whimpers from escaping her throat. When He was done, He stepped back from her, looking down at her, and the fact she couldn’t read His expression at all made her cry harder. He turned the camera off and sat it on His dresser.

“Do not try to wipe your face off at all.” He didn’t even wait for her to nod before He turned away from her and walked out of the room. she lay down on her side, curled into a little ball, and cried herself to sleep.

she woke up slowly, trying to figure out why she was so stiff. she rolled over with the intention of going back to sleep, but when she bumped her head on the bed frame she snapped awake, realizing where she was and why she was so uncomfortable. she sat up slowly, winning from the welts on her ass, realizing simultaneously that the spit and come on her face had dried into a plaster mask, and that she had to use the bathroom something fierce. she peeked up to the bed and wanted to groan when she discovered He was still sleep. she lay back down, curled up for warmth, praying He would wake up soon. she was cold, miserable, and cranky, and somewhere in the back of her head, the spoiled brat woke up and wanted to start hollering. she ignored it as best she could, gritting her teeth. It took her a second of teeth gnashing to realize He had taken the gag off her at some point in the night, and that small show of kindness made her want to weep.

He woke up not too much later, giving her a sleepy “good morning” as He stepped over her and went into the bathroom. she tried to keep her mind still and calm, knowing anything might happen when He came back into the room. When He did come back in, He started getting dressed, ignoring her completely. she tried to get His attention by moving her foot slightly, making the metal cuff rattle on the bedpost, and when that didn’t happen she witnessed and tried to wait patiently. It wasn’t until she realized He was dressed and fixing to walk out of the room that a small dose of panic set in. Without thinking, she reached out and gently grabbed His pants leg, tugging softly.

He looked down at her, eyesobrows raised, but she knew it was in question, not anger. she looked up at Him mutely, waiting for Him to give her permission to speak. she wanted to just yell at Him to let her the fuck up and fast, but she knew if she did that she would not like the result. she bit her lip and looked down, but couldn’t make herself let go of His pant leg. After a moment, He patted the top of her head, and when she looked up at Him He nodded, giving her permission to speak. she had to try twice, clearing her throat before she could get a sound out, and when she heard the lack of will in her voice, she almost started crying again. she looked down at the flooragain as she spoke, the fact she was having to ask for a simple necessity like peeing made her blush in humiliation.

“please, Sir, may I use the bathroom?”

He nodded absolutely and started to turn back to the door, but she tugged on His pant leg again and pointed to her ankle. He smiled down at her and snapped His fingers.

“I knew there was something I forgot.” As He spoke He knelt down on the floor by her, and she moved her ankle closer to Him, thinking He would unlock her long enough to let her go to the bathroom. she looked at Him quizzically as He ignored her ankle and reached under the bed. He pulled a chamber pot out from under the bed and sat it next to her. she stared at Him in horror, and when He chuckled at her and stood up, it was all she could do to not pick it up and throw it at His head.

It took two hours for her to break, when she knew it had come down to two choices: either use the chamber pot or soak the carpet. she knew which was the lesser of two evils, but it still took every ounce of will she had. When she was done she closed the lid and very carefully pushed it back under the bed, and then curled up and cried until she thought she was going to throw up.

He waited until she had stopped crying before coming back into the room. she was still curled up with her eyes closed, so it wasn’t until He knelt down in front of her that she realized He was there. she opened her eyes, but couldn’t bring herself to look above His shoes. she knew if she looked up and saw Him smiling it would be over, she would lose it so bad she would most likely try to tear the smile off His mouth with her teeth. It wasn’t until He gently stroked the top of her head that she dared to look up at Him. He wasn’t smiling, laughing at her, or even looking at her with goal – which probably would have been worst of all. His eyes were grave, but His expression was soft, and she allowed herself to breathe again, relaxing the tiniest bit under His hand.

“you just earned a privilege, pet. That’s the last time you will have to do that, so long as you behave about it.”

she looked up at Him, and couldn’t keep the tears of gratitude from falling. she was grateful, too; grateful she had been able to behave so far, grateful that He was being kind and generous for the moment. she had no idea how long either thing would last, but she wanted to give Something back, wanted to show Him in some way how grateful she was for what He had just given her. she thought a moment and then smiled just a little, knowing one thing that might do the job. she opened her mouth and almost started speaking before she caught herself, slapping a hand over her mouth and gasping at what she had almost done. He smiled a little at her actions, pleased that she was getting one of the harder aspects. He nodded very softly, letting her know it was ok to speak. she looked Him in the eyes, and for once, the look contained none of her usual arrogance.

“thank You,Master. Your kindness warms my heart.” she had dropped her eyes as she spoke, hoping she chose correctly. When He kissed her sticky forehead, she knew she had. she had always balanced at calling Him Master, in fact had only done it a very few times, and usually with at least a trace of sarcasm.

He pulled the key out of His pocket and unlocked the cuff from around the bedpost, and then stood up and looked down at her, His expression turning back to stern.

“you have fifteen minutes in the bathroom; I’m giving you a few extra minutes this morning because I know your hair is a mess. Do I need to suggest using your time wisely, pet?” she shook her head quickly, and He nodded and left the room.

she had a moments dilemma when she realized she couldn’t get the chamber pot into the bathroom to clean without standing and walking. she shrugged it off, not wanting to waste time dithering over it; she wanted to be done with time to spare. she couldn’t help it though, as soon as shestood up, she had to take a minute to stretch and just enjoy being upright on her feet again.

He came back in fifteen minutes later, carrying a plate of eggs. He wasn’t surprised that she was already back in her spot, knowing she wasn’t going to risk losing her bathroom privileges any time soon. What did surprise Him was that she had already attached the cuff back to the bedpost. He hoped that was a good sign, knowing what was coming next might get a bit ugly. she was clean again, and He was well aware she might have rediscovered her brat once she had washed last night off herself, and what He was about to do would piss that brat off to no end.

As soon as she saw the eggs, she realized she was absolutely starving. her hunger pains were quashed a bit when she realized there was no fork on the plate, or in His hand, but when He held the plate out to her she took it. she looked up at Him to thank Him, and when she saw him unzip His pants, she moved to put the plate on the floor next to her. she assumed He just wanted her to pay for breakfast with a blowjob, and she was at the point where that looked like a good bargain. she almost had the plate to the floor when His simple “no” made her look up at Him quizzically. The stern look on His face let her know He had something else in mind, but she honestly had no clue what it might be, even with His next words.


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