He left her alone for the rest of the day, not for punishment, but to let her rest and ponder recent events. she needed the quiet time to get the rest of her head with the program, to start showing those parts what her heart was already learning.
she had spent the day thinking – with a few catnaps in between – not just about everything that had happened, but also thinking about what might come next. For once, she wasn’t trying to figure it out to look for an upper hand; she was trying to steel herself for anything He might have in mind. she knew He was most likely going to do all the things she had always balked at, all the things He liked but she had refused to even try. It was a long list, and after a while she gave up, knowing fretting about it just wasn’t going to help.
Dinner went a little better than breakfast had, but only because she knew what to expect. she did have a moment of consternation when she realized she had been expecting to get a fork to use, since she had been so good at breakfast. It must have shown on her face, because He reached down and lightly tweaked her nose.
“That’s for doubting Me, pet.”
she didn’t say anything, just held her plate up while He unzipped His pants. she kept her eyes closed until she heard Him zip back up. she really did not want to get her libido raging again.
He didn’t watch her eat; he used the time to wander the room, laying out toys and clothes on the bed. Blindfold, walkman and earphones, dildos of assorted shapes and sizes, duct tape – nothing to make her panic. What did have her wondering were the clothes He was laying out for her. He laid out her best outfit, a very formal black velvet beaded cocktail dress, her favorite black suede pumps that had cost her a small fortune: even her absolute best silk pantyhose and pearls wound up on the bed. she had to force herself to eat he last few bites of her dinner, knowing if He was going to dress her up that much, it probably means He had eVery intention of dragging her through one hell of a metaphorical mud puddle.
When she was through eating, she sat the plate down and waited. When He saw she was through, He knelt down and unhooked the cuff from her ankle.
“Full party plumage, pet – hair, nails, make-up, the works.” she peeked up and nodded, and He cupped her chin lightly, making sure she kept looking at Him. “I know all that takes some time, pet, but I do recommend you do it all as quickly as possible.” she nodded again and started to look down, thinking He was done, but His grip tightened on her chin until she looked up again. “And do not make the mistake of thinking I’m putting you in high heels so you can stand proud, pet. As soon as you are done, you are to come out to the living room.” she nodded one last time, getting His meaning with no trouble.
she did have a small moment of panic when she was dressed and ready. she gave herself one last look in the mirror, seeing the truth of what it showed:a tall, elegant beauty who could walk into a room anywhere and make heads turn, just by the way she carried herself. she almost couldn’t do it, couldn’t get back down on her hands and knees, but somehow she managed.
she stopped at the end of the hall, just inside the living room, scanning the room for any hint of what to expect. Everything looked about the same as it had last night, even down to the chair next to the couch and the toys piled on the seat. The only thing different from last night was the coffee table was back in place. she was so busy looking for something sinister she didn’t register the bowls of snacks that had been put out on the table.
He was on the phone, and when He noticed her, He nodded and pointed to the chair. she crawled over to it, telling herself it was no big deal, He was just going to tie her up like He had last night. she couldn’t quite make herself believe that, though. she knew it was going to be a whole lot different this time.
she was so busy talking to herself she didn’t pay any attention to His phone call, and when a small voice piped up in her head and mentioned that He had just said “see you soon” before hanging up, she didn’t have time to ponder that. He had no sooner hung up before He snapped His fingers and pointed to the arms of the chair. she got herself into position, forcing her mind blank as he tied her ankles to the chair.
When He had her bound to His satisfaction – wicked little knots that she knew from experience would only tighten more if she struggled – He knelt by her head and tied the blindfold around her eyes. He put the earphone buds in her ears, using small pieces of duct tape to make sure they wouldn’t slip, doing the same thing with the blindfold as well.
she couldn’t stop a mental curse when He started the cd player, not aware she had mouthed the words “oh motherfucker” until she felt Him pinch her bottom lip hard. she couldn’t have helped it though; the cd He put on was her sex cd, all the songs that always make her horny as hell just from listening to them. He leaned down and pulled one of the ear buds out of her ear, smiling just a little as the duct tape made her wince.
“Here’s a heads-up, pet, on another lesson that’s going to come. you really want to start considering the consequences of having such a potty mouth.” He kissed her ear, and the smile she felt on His lips made her mouth dry up. she nodded quickly, vigorously, and she could hear Him chuckling as He taped the earpiece back in place.
When she had gotten in position at the chair, she had unconsciously smoothed her dress up so she was still covered. she couldn’t stop a shiver of lust from traveling down her spine as He slowly pushed the dress down her hips. He ran His fingers over the crotch of her pantyhose, and the moan that had started at His touch trailed off as He dug His fingers into the thin silk and tore a hole in her hose. she tried to not think as she felt Him drying heroff, to not think about the fact He had just ruined a sixty dollar pair of pantyhose, that He was about to use the duct tape to tape her cunt wide open. It didn’t work too well, and the sexy music playing in her ears wasn’t helping anything at all.
He also used the cinnamon oil again, but instead of a few drops massed into her clip, He poured a liberal dose all over her cunt, making sure to rub it in well everywhere. she had to bite her lip as the heat started sinking in, trying her best to hold back the whimpers she could feel in her throat.
The one good thing about the music, she realized, was that it gave her a reference for time. After He had rubbed her down with the oil, she had felt Him step away. When He came back over by her, when she could feel His presence by her leg, she knew it had only been about ten minutes, even though it had felt much longer. she had just enough time to register a new smell over the cinnamon – fresh coffee – before she felt Him put something hot on her cunt. It only took her a few seconds for her to realize he had just set His coffee cup down between her legs. she could feel the blood slam into her face, and her first instinct was to snap her hips hard and send the cup flying. she shut the door hard on that impulse, knowing if she did that, all she would wind up with was a face full of very hot coffee.
she bit her lip hard, trying to keep herself under control, and it was not easy at all. she was mad as hell that He had purposely dressed her up like a Queen so He could use her as a piece of furniture, a fucking cup holder of all things. she knew He was nearby, watching her intently and most likely grinning. she smoothed her expression as much as she could, not wanting to give Him the satisfaction of her anger.
It only took a couple of minutes – one song – before she became aware of the heat building up on her skin. The cinnamon oil was bad enough, but the heat from His coffee cup was making it worse. Every so often she felt the cup move off her, and knew He was drinking His coffee, taking a few sips before setting the cup back down on her cunt. Every time He moved the cup, she’d get just enough cool air on her crotch to tame what was beginning to feel like a wicked sunburn, and every time He sat the cup back down it would crrank back up again.
she cast her mind about, trying to think of anything that would Take her mind off the heat, off the music working it’s way inside her. she knew if she didn’t, she was going to start getting jumpy, and if she did that, she’d wind up with hot coffee all over herself. She went over the room in her head, mental eye scanning back over what she had seen when she had crawled into the living room. For some reason her mind showed her the bowls on the coffee table, bowls of chips and nuts and popcorn, and the lazy thought “oh that’s odd, He doesn’t eat popcorn” made her suck in air as light bulbs started going off in her head. That hateful little small voice piped up again, reminding her about the “see you soon” it had overheard, and it all came together. It was Saturday night, there was a boxing match on cable tonight – and at least four of His friends had been planning on coming over and watching the fight. she tried to get herself in hand, and had almost succeeded, when the cd paused between songs and she could hear just enough in the room to know she had just heard the front door shut. Someone inside her head hit the panic button hard, and the music was so loud in her ears as the next song started she didn’t hear her own scream of rage as it tore out of her mouth. she realized later He had been watching her very closely, because she had no sooner opened her mouth before she felt the coffee cup being moved off her and a very strong pair of hands pushing down on her shoulders. her head was lifted Just enough for someone to slap a ball gag in her mouth and hook it tight, and she could feel at least one other pair of hands on her, helping tie almost every inch of her body to the chair. she fought as best she could, reason being nowhere in the neighborhood now, but it did no good at all. By the time it was over, and it damn sure took less than time than the song playing, she was trusted tightly to the chair. she tried to pivot her hips, to throw herself and the chair sideways and couldn’t even do that. He always bought heavy, well made furniture, and she knew now it wasn’t just for the quality.
she lost track of time, of the songs playing, everything being washed away by the flood of utter panic going through her. she finally became aware of a hand softly stroking her cheek, and she could tell by the aftershave on the wrist that it was He, sitting next to her, trying to soothe her. she felt her body finally started to relax, and when she finally was able to take a deep breath, He patted her cheek softly and moved away.
she keep a tight rein on herself after that, knowing if she lost it again things were going to get even worse for her before the night was over. It had just caught her so off guard, that He would do something like this and not even stop to consider her feelings in the matter. He knew how bad just being a coffee holder would be, but to dress her up and then have His friends over to watch her humiliation without even discussing it with her just left her speechless.
After a while she became aware someone was kneeling by her head, changing the cd in the player. she turned her head towards the couch, not knowing whom it was and not wanting anyone to see the way she was blushing. she was hoping for a nice, relaxing cd, something to just help her drift away, but what she got instead was worse than her sex cd. It was another sex cd, but this time it was an actual recording of them having sex. she couldn’t help but grit her teeth as she realized how busy He had been all afternoon, planning every detail of how He was going to continue to strip her down.
she tied to block the sounds from the cd, but it was no use at all. He had made an audiotape of them once, right after she had moved it, and it had been one hell of a hot time that night. It took less than five minutes for her to realize her lust was raging again, listening to Him moan and groan and talk dirty to her while He fucked her senseless had her cunt clenching and dripping. she felt her whole body blushing, her mind trying to pull the breakers in her head, and none of it was doing any good at all. When He sat His coffee cup back down on her cunt again, she could feel her hips trying to rock under it, to get it to rub the right spot.
she lost track of time again, her head lost in the need for Him to fuck her hard, to pound the insanity out of her head with His cock. she forget about other people being in the room, forget about her panic attack, Even forgot her anger and humiliation as she listened to herself come again and again, as she listened to the sound of His cock slamming into her, to His non-stop rush of words and sounds. she knew she was gone, totally over the edge, when she felt the coffee cup replaced with a rocks glass filled with ice. she knew, just by the ice in the glass, that it was His best friend’s glass, that he was going to use her, too, and she just didn’t care. she rocked her hips slowly, not even aware she was moaning around the ball gag in her mouth, only that her cunt was on fire in a hundreds different ways and dripping like a waterfall.
Someone moved the glass off her, and she became aware of the sense of people standing all around her. part of her wanted to panic, but before that part could even get in gear, she felt someone slowly slide a dildo into her cunt, and she couldn’t help but try to arch into it. she still could hardly move; her earlier struggles had tightened the knots holding her considerably. she felt movement around her and realized most of the ropes were being untied, all of them except the ones holding her ankles, but it was enough. she put her palms flat on the floor and pushed up, pivoting her knees out more, opening herself as wide as she could, using her body to beg for more.
Things became an even bigger blur after that, nothing but the sounds of intense sex in her ears, hands all over her body, someone pulling her tits out of her dress, rubbing her legs, her ass, and her emrithing and arching into it all. Someone would fuck her for a little bit with a dildo, just enough for her to start the short trip to an orgasm, then pull it out and stick something else in her cunt. she realized at some point it was no longer dildos she was being fucked with; they had started going around the room finding things to stick in her. Each object was bigger than the last, filling her up and stretching her wide, and the absolute sluttiness of what they were doing to her, and how much she was enjoying it, pushed her into a place she had never been before, where she flat out didn’t care what was next, so long asshe kept getting fucked she just didn’t care.
What finally pushed her over the edge was when she realized the latest object being pushed into her cunt was her very favorite princess status, a votelain piece she had since she was young. It was so big she thought she was going to tear wide open, but she arched up into it anyway, lost in the kinkiness of being humiliated and fucked like a slut by a votelain princess. Whoever was holding it seemed to catch that and slammed the status into her harder, fucking her brutally. Someone else leaned down and took the gag and earphones off her, and the sounds of her own slutty desire was all it took. she screamed and grew as she finally started coming, her orgasm so intense it hurt, ripping noises from her throat as the status was pulled from her cunt, as her hips thrashed, as she came so hard she gushed like a fountain, the force of her cunt clenching sending stream after stream of juice into the air, splashing all over her. she had just started coming down, still writing but over the hardest pangs, when the status was rammed back into her cunt and she heard a camera click. she groaned as she came again, and there was enough of a sane place left in her head to marvel that the princelain wasn’t being smoked to bits by the force of her clenching muscles.
she must have passed out after that, because the next thing she became aware of was being carried down the hall. didn’t even open her eyes, just sniffed the chest she was curled against. she knew by the aftershave who carried her, and she smiled and snuggled in closer and wrapped her arms around His neck, already falling back sleep, the small smile never leaving her face.
her first thought when she woke up was that she must have slept like the dead. she was on the floor, of course, on her side, but instead of just her ankle being cuffed to the bed, she was tied to it. her hands were up over her head, tied together at the wrist and then tied to the bedpost. Her ankles were the same way. A full length mirror had been laid down on it’s side on front of her, letting her see herself completely. she was still fully dressed from last night, and several come stains had been added to her dress at some point. The stained dress combined with her smudgy make-up and tangled curls were summed up by the two words He had written across the top of the mirror – “His slut”
as she tried to find comfortable spot she realized she was sore all over, and as she remembered why her cunt was so sore she felt herself blush hard. The whole night came rushing back in glaring detail and made her have to close her eyes against the vision of herself in the mirror. she couldn’t help the thought that He had picked the wrong word; there was nothing slutty about her – she was nothing but a whore, a white trash cheap, nasty whore, just like her parents had always told her. she was beyond shame now, that everyone knew the truth of her, and she was so mortIified she couldn’t even cry,
he saw it all, of course, when He came in to give her the first bathroom break. One thing she had always flat out refused to talk about was her family or childhood; all He had ever managed to get from her was that her parents were gutter-hugging drinks and the day she turned eighteen she had walked out of their house and never looked back. He had known last night was going to wake up some ghosts in her head, but He also knew if she never faced her fears, she’d never get over them. Part of Him just wanted to cuddle her up and kiss away her fears, but He wouldn’t let Himself do it. He was going to push her even harder, push her down as low as He could, until she had no choice but to re-invent herself the right way.
He untied her and let her go to the bathroom while he went back to the kitchen and fixed her breakfast. When He came back she had stretched herself back out on the floor, in position for Him to tie her back up. When she glanced up and saw he was holding her plate, she simply sat up and took it, holding it up for Him without even once looking above His shoes. When He was done she started to eat, but His simple “no” made her look up before she took a bite. He pointed at the floor in front of her, and she put the plate down, then simply sat back and waited. she didn’t even look up or react when He told her to eat; she just leaned forward and down and ate her breakfast, trying her best to not look at herself in the mirror still in front of her.
He didn’t tie her back up when she was done, He just cuffed her ankle back to the bed. He was about to leave the room when she tugged on His pants leg. When He looked down at her, she simply pointed to the come stains on her dress and looked up at Him.
“All from Me, pet, and all after you were back here.” she didn’t let go of His trousers, but had to drop her eyes, knowing she was going to have to ask the next question. It took her three tries, and He still ended up having to put His ear right by her mouth to hear her whisper.
“who was holding princess?”
He couldn’t help but soften at that question, knowing that no matter how necessary the symbolism of last night was, it still hurt her somewhere inside. He pulled her forward into His lap and rocked her slowly, kissing her as He whispered in her ear.
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