Taming Sayali Ch. 06

Synopsis: Sayali, a beautiful but undisciplined Indian teenager, encounters a personal tutor who is interested in taming her spirit for his own purposes, rather than to please her mother, who also has designs on him.

It was a very different Kanan Jorsay who greeted me at the entrance to the restaurant. This one was wearing a white knit dress that hugged her slim, boyish body and a scent that was musk based. We went in and were quickly seated in the rear of the establishment to allow some degree of privacy. Once again she ordered a cocktail and immediately launched into her story. I could not help noticing that her arma became stronger as she spun her tale like a modern Scheherazade.

Upon returning to the university she discovered that her two mistresses had once more arranged for the three of them to be reunited. This came as no surprise to her. They immediately attempted to reestablish their control over her the first night. She spent hours tied to the narrowrow bed, stark naked, and completely at their mercy. They once more introduced their clean-shaven mounds to her for tonguing, licking and kissing. Her lips were swollen by the time they were satisfied that she was still their service and sex toy. That night she also discovered that there would be two vibrators and a pair of dildos to contend with, all wielded with a meaning of spirit that depressed her no end.

By the time she was released so she could begin unpacking their bags and making sure that everything was properly hung, her resolve was set in stone. Today she would begin to search for a male student to act as her protector. In exchange for freedom from these two demonstrations, she would be his housekeeper, and more if that were necessary.

Her search bore fruit within two weeks; his name was Satish and he was in his final year at the university. Her new master was extremely bright but almost child-like when it came to matters involving sex. His parents were reserved and bookish. He knew nothing of what, if anything, went on behind their bedroom door. Satish did have rather strange ideas when it came to sex, most of them developed from chance conversations with fellow students, all of whom seemed to be perpetually engaged in having sex with a bewildering variety of female partners, none of whom he ever saw.

Satish had a roommate, but he was rarely there. He was engaged to a local girl, and spent much of his time with her, especially at night. Basically Kanan moved into his unit and did whatever he told her. It wasn’t too long before she took on a major new responsibility, teaching him about sex. He was an apt pupil. Unlike her younger brother, Satish had a relatively small member and was quite easy to accommodate, especially after a summer spent spreading her legs for the thick cock of Kumar.

We took Our places on the buffet line and while we waited I inhaled her fraud and had a difficult time being civilly. Ms Jorsay absolutely enthralled me, there could be no question concerning her hold on my senses. I found myself straining to see if perhaps at some oblique angle I might be able to see beneath that form fitting garment she wore. I felt as if I was once again going on my first date, very unsure of myself and at the same time enchanted by the scent and sight of my youthful partner.

Kanan picked up her story and between bites, described the Highlights of her final two years at the university. Having effectively played the role of sex slave to her brothers which also included accepting their punishments on occasion, life with Satish presented no new challenges until nearly the end of the year. Something occurred between Satish and his parents which seemed to transform him into someone foreign to her.

This new master was much more domineering and Somethat crueler. This change she accepted as part of the price she paid for being protected from the two girls from Bhopal. On their last night he gave her a terrible beating after making her strip to the skin and lean over their bed, her arms supporting herself as he flayed the skin from her legs, ass and back with a heavy leather strap that left her bleeding from dozens of spots. Then she was sodomized, a very painful experience since it had been almost exactly a year since she had undergone this treatment during her gang rape in the men’s wing of the dormitories. She never completely Understooth what caused him to change and what motivated that terrible outpouring of hatred for her on the last night before he took his leave from her life.

Kanan became much more animated when she described her final year as the sex slave of a graduate student, who had been a good friend of Satish. She stated that it would not surprise her in the slightest if he rose to a high position in the national government within a decade, High praise indeed coming from this young woman. She began telling me the story of her year with this brilliant, domineering andaloof male.

“I was able to move into his quarters since it was my final year and I was totally responsible for my actions. I knew the routine very well by now, keeping his clothes clean, mended and hung properly in the closet. I cleaned, cooked and kept his calendar, making sure that he was appraised of those dates and times considered important for a man in his position, only a year away from writing his thesis. He spent much of the year discussing the matter with his advisor, a very well known authority in the field.”

“Somewhow he also found time to make sure that I excelled at my studies. He was a stern task master. I would be examined once weekly, usually upon returning from my last class of the week. I would immediately strip naked and seat myself in this hard wooden chair and await his arrival, which would normally be about a half hour later.

“He would tie my hands tightly behind my back and bind my upper arms together with another length of rope. He would thenloop a rope around my wait, draw the ends down and through the lips of my vagina and pull it up between my cheeks, to finally anchor it to the rope pulling my upper arms together, causing me to have to arch my back into an uncomfortable bow. My legs would receive similar treatment, being beneath the seat, my ankles pulled up and anchored to one of the wooden back supports.”

“My sex would be totally wide, completely vulnerable. He insisted that I keep my pussy bare of hair, so in this position everything was in the open. He would take a chair and draw it up to confront me. Before each question I would be struck smartly with the riding crop he always brought to these sessions. It would land on whatever part of my body he decided to strike, my breasts, such as they were, chest, shoulders, belly, on my sex at times, Always a random event. Then he would bark question about one of my classes and woe to me if I was found unprepared. That means a pair of blows to my open sex thatwere given with brutal force. I still remember the age that first stroke to my spread vulva created in me.”

“My testing would go on for at least an hour, perhaps more depending on his schedule. The first few examinations left me covered with welts, most of them marking my most sensitive regions. After my first test I was unable to walk without pain for three days. After that I devoted a great deal more time to my studies even though it means sacrificing sleep or rushing through my household chores, a great risk in itself.”

“He didn’t seem to be interested much in sex with me or anyone else for that matter. I would suck him to completion perhaps once a week. He had good staying power which was not the norm when it came to your typical male university student. I soon put the time I spent serving him to good use, going over in my mind the plans and outlines for my term papers while licking, and slobbering all over his rigid dick.”

“A few months before I was to graduatete, things changed drastically as far as my sexual services were concerned. He began lending me out to his advisor and his wife. This marked a new milestone in my sexual education. I had sex with both women and men, but never at the same time; this was to change once I began spending an evening or even a weekend with the professor and his wife, who was a lawyer.”

“Their tastes were quite refined and very bizarre. In time I was able to suck the professor off, swallowing his discharge, while his wife sodomized me with her strap on dildo, and not think too much about it. Other times the roles would be just the opposite, I was the only constant.” “I learned about water sports which were most distasteful to me. I gave and received golden shows, and took all sorts of enemyas without letting my users know how distressed I was. This was important because it would reflect badly on my master if his advisor knew this.”

“I was beating by one, usually with a riding crop while the other fucked me savagely, inspired by the violence being done to me. When I graduated the university and set out on my own, I had an impressive resume of sexual techniques and tricks at my disposal for one so young. I also had an offer to teach at this school thanks to my good grades, which were the result on my master’s efforts. I owe him much.”

Although Kanan did all the talking, she somehow had finished her meal while my plate was mostly untouched. While I concentrated on eating, she made it known that she was very interested in participating in Sayali’s “rehabilitation”, as she so diversely put it. Kanan then began to tick off all the things she brought to the table, her sexual experience, discipline, her teaching background, her knowledge of Sayali’s personality, strengths and more importantly her Weaknesses, her personal history as a slave, or bottom, the knowledge she possessed when it came to using sophisticated applications of pain to the female body and finally her strong interest in affecting change in my charge. It was done in by her usual rapid-fire, orderly way, nothing left to chance, a brilliant exposition of her specific talents and how they would contribute to my ultimate objective of taming Sayali. I even thought she probably knew most of my hidden agenda for the girl as well.

In principle it was my decision as to whether or not she would be invited to assist me. However in reality her presence could be most counterproductive, even destructive if Neleema felt threatened by her strong personality and near obsessive drive to accomplish what she viewed to be necessary, despite the consequences. It took but a moment to solve this conundrum, I suggested strongly that she discusses her potential role in this endeavor with Neleema in person. I told her that I was most impressed by her credentials and hoped that she and Neleema could work out a mutually acceptable and beneficial arrangement that would allow the three of us to combine our strengths in this effort.

I sat back and waited for her to react; perhaps a withering star or a sharp retort would not have been surprising. Her face provided no hint as to her true feeling about my decision, or was it my evasion of responsibility. Instead she dabbed the corner of her mouth with her napkin and suggested we end this discussion since she had to be back at college shortly. When we left, I did not know what her plans would involve.

Neleema was still supervising her daughter as she washed what seemed to be an endless amount of laundry. I was amused at this mother-daughter tableau, Neleema saturated comfortable in her wicker chair, the flogger on her lap, while kneeing a meter away was Sayali, scrubbing away at the wet fabric in her hand. I shielded my eyes from the sun’s glare and scanned the girl’s naked body for new marks and could not detect any. I commented to Neleema that her daughter must have been an obedient service in my absence. She smiled and nodded.

I took care of a few matters while the girl finished the mountain of wash and moved it, under her mother’s supervision, to the threshold of what used to be her home. I decided that it was time I plied my trade; the formal portion of Sayali’s education had been neglected over these past few stressful days. It was time to reestablish a routine for her to follow. She recoiled in fear when I marched her to the hoist and prepared to hang her from it. I knew she was afraid of being returned to the pit, a good sign that my idea of ​​housing her within the earth, so to speak, had been a good one.

“It is time for you to resume your education. Without proper training you will find it most difficult to make your way in the world. We shall begin with history. I will read a chapter and then I will question you about what I read. Failure to respond correctly will go hard on you, very hard.” I said, showing her the weighted paddle that had done so much damage to her bottom yesterday. The desperate look in her eyes told me that she would be a very good student today for a number of reasons, having to do with staying out of the pit and avoiding an additional beating.

The girl surprised me, she had indeed focused on listening to what I told her about the Mauryan Empire, a subject that was most enjoyable to me as a scholar. As I rattled off dates, names and battles, describing the expansion of this first great empire that within a century had grown to contain nearly all that is present-day India, as well as Pakistan and most of Afghanistan, I could not help becoming somewhat distracted by her naked body glistening in the sun. Sayali had no such distractions to deal with, except the occasional singing bite of a fly or the tickling of a rivulet of sweat as it made its way down her bare body.

By the time I questioned Her, I had almost completely lost my focus on educating this vision of ripening flesh. Fortunately for me Sayali was intent on surviving my testing and didNot have any time to spend observing how flustered I was becoming. Her answers were generally accurate, and the few errors were minor at best. I had to struggle to retain my outwardly calm demeanor, because inside my lusts were rising rapidly to the fore. My questioning tailed off into an awkward silence as I daydreamed about squeezing her breasts as we kissed, our tongues swirling inside each others mouths, her musky scent filtering into my consciousness announcing her reading to be penetrated, no, taken! I looked off into the lush vegetation surrounding the courtyard and started to regain control over my feelings. It was then that Sayali gave me this impish smile; she knew, the sly demon knew!


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