Taming Sayali Ch. 02

Synopsis: Sayali, a beautiful but undisciplined Indian teenager, encounters a personal tutor who is interested in taming her spirit for his own purposes, rather than to please her mother, who also has designs on him.


The moment Sayali was through the door her mother was upon her. The child was overwhelmed by the ferocity of Neleema’s assault. Her clothes was literally torn from her body until she was down to her underwear, a flimsy bra that appeared designed to tease the onlooker rather than support the girl’s heavy, melon-shaped breasts and a matching pair of panties that revealed rather than concealed her plump, hairless public mound.

“You disgraceful slut! You miserable demon! You have brought dishonor down on my family and me. You are no longer my daughter; you are his slave! He will now determine your fate and your future. I will have nothing to do with you!”

I know better than to intrude on this momentous and one-sided confrontation. It representsnted a major triumph for my cause. Sayali was now mine; she would become an obedient daughter once again. At issue was the direction in which her life would move. I was not sure of the answer as I stood and waited for the rage of Neleema to subside sufficiently for me to take control of her disabled daughter.

The girl offered little resistance as I used my newly purchased handcuffs to pin her arms behind her back. I could not resist clamping, then twisting and squeezing her firm tits to validate my victory. Sayali refused to acknowledge my new roles as her mentor, trainer and punisher. I was in such a state that her rejection infuriated me. At that point I was determined that before all was settled, she would grovel at my feet and plead for the pain and humiliation that she deserved.

Prior to her arrival I had begun to plan the logistics of taming Sayali. Neleema had already told me of her decision to put her unruly daughter into my hands and to avoid intruding into whateverr took place between Sayali and myself. This fractious girl had to be tamed, not broken. There is more than a subtle distinction between the two conditions. I wanted to possess all, her spirit, her youth, her fire as well as her mouthwatering body that seemed to grow more exclusive by the day.

A critical component of my approach involved reestablishing the intimate relationship I had enjoyed with Neleema. This moody, frustrated woman would be my savior, protecting me from giving into my lusts when it came to dealing with her disabled daughter. I dare not display any weakness when it came to dealing with my charge, even though I intended to expose myself fully to her charms. Already she had scored a minor victory over me when I had mauled her breasts to symbolize my triumph. This could not be done too often or all would be lost.

Tomorrow a gang of laborers that I had contracted for would begin constructing Sayali’s new home, a pit three meters deep, hollowed out in the rear cOurtyard of Neleema’s property. It was close to the stand of bodyhi trees that provided shelter from the cruel rays of the afternoon sun and privacy for those, such as myself, using this area for other purposes. It would be a long time before the child would sleep under this roof once more; tonight would be the last time she would have the comfort of her own bed. This would be another symbol of her reduction in importance and the power which I now wilded.

I planned to use Sayali’s presence in her own bed as a means to once more insinuate myself into Neleema’s good graces, and ultimately her soft, warm body. However before I could make this move, I had to exhibit my mastery of this rebellious girl that occurred a woman’s body. I would begin this demonstration with a carefully staged beat, the likes of which Sayali could not imagine. It would be the first time I would employ many of the items I had recently purchased for use on this imp. To achieve Neleema’s curiosity I planned to leave the door to the bedroom wide open.

Initially after I dragged Sayali away from her outraged mother, I half-carried the struggle teen to her bedroom. The leather straps I’d recently purchased soon secured the girl by her wrists and ankles to the corner posts of her bed. I stepped back to take in the tableau that would be presented to Neleema, if she took the bait. All that remained of Sayali’s covering was the sheer pair of panties, now soaked with sweat from her struggles. I could see every detail of that fat-lipped cunt and my lusts nearly took command. I stepped back and looked away as if protecting myself from a gorgon. The girl began to berate me, forgetting her precarious situation. I responded by stuffing a pair of her socks into her mouth, keeping them in place by means of tape that I’d included in the package of items I’d collected here.

To give her something to contemplate while I had dinner with Neleema, I showed her the weighted paddle and the flogger. Her eyes grew wide when I smoked the paddle down, missing her body by mere millionmeters. It still made an impressive sound on this relatively soft surface. I smiled down and said, “Imagine what this can do to that firm bottom of yours. You’ll have an opportunity to find out just how much it hurts once I use it on you later this evening.” Her eyes closed and she witnessed through the gag, causing Those brown melons capped with almost ebony nipples to slowly swell then ebb much like an ocean wave.

“I know you are familiar with this little toy. I know your father used it on you often just before he left. I don’t think he used it too well I’m afraid. This one is brand new, it’s never been used. I purchased it specifically for that plump pussy you enjoy teasing me with. It’s a bit stiff now, but in a few weeks it will be supplement, well broken in, a perfect match to your swollen cunt. I know how much I will enjoy watching that special place of yours drool as this fine leather tool splattersYour pussy juice onto your heaving belly and down those curving thighs.”

I could watch Sayali’s eyes widen, then narrow as she retired her experiences with the flogger. I could imagine her thinking about my resolution, wondering if I indeed had the will and the strength to give her the pain I was threatening. She was still staring blankly at the wall as I took my leave.

Over dinner I discussed some of my plans with Neleema, who by then had calmed down somewhat. I explained that this would be the last night that Sayali spent under her roof. That got her attention instantly; she had not anticipated such a radical change. When I explained about the pit that would be dug in the rear section of her property she gave me a grim smile.

“So she will live beneath the ground in an area no larger than the bed she is Currently occuring. That is amazing. How will she be fed? Where will she save herself? How can she enter or leave this place?” Each answer I provided only broadenedher smile, until she finally broke into laughter at my description of a number of applications the hoist would be used for, beside raising and lowering her daughter from the narrow prison she would occur when I was not teaching or disciplining her.

Neleema hung on my every word as we dinner leisurely. Sayali would have neither food nor water until her new home was completed and she was within its confines. She agreed to supervise the laborers while they constructed the pit and hoist. The latter item was absolutely essential to allowing me to carry out the rest of my plans. Her respect for me seemed to grow with every new revelation. She reacted with open glee when I told her I intended to establish some kind of relationship with Sayali’s former teacher. It was quite obvious to me, even without seeing the woman in question, that her attitude towards Sayali was strongly tinged with jealousy. Neleema clapped her hands and whooped when she realized what my long term intentions were with respect to that young woman.

“She will become your ally in this endeavor; perhaps more, much more. It is even possible that she could become a full fledged member of this conspiracy. Oh the guile and treachery you are displaying both amuses and frightens me. That slut of mine, not so, yours now, will soon rue the day you ever entered this house.”

Neleema then proceeded to give her Impressions of Miss Kanan Jorsay. I had not seen my former lover this animated ever. “She is young, just from the university. This is her first position and she is still learning what it means to be trying to educate girls not that much younger than herself. Sayali is no different than most girls her age. Miss Jorsay, for reasons that are not known to me seem to be almost obsessed with your slave’s behavior and attitude.”

I had to suppress my amused reaction to the words “your slave” that Neleema used with emphasis. Yes, that dusky vision of budding beauty was now mine. How long I could retain my control over her depended on the help of others such as her mother who was rapidly being sucked into this contest of the wills. Neleema continued to give me her assessment of the young woman who hopefully would play a substantial role in the future activities I had planned for Sayali.

“Her dress reflects the influence of our former masters. She wore a mannish suit that seemed to be out of place at the school. is neither ugly nor pretty and is dark complexioned. Her glasses were those narrow type that made her seem to be harsher than she probably is. I doubt that she has drawn the attention of too many young men here. To me she seemed small, a terrier of a young woman still very unsure of herself.” At this point Neleema leaned forward and gave me a knowing smile as she said, “I’m sure she will be dazzled by the appear of one such as you, especially if you were to treat her not as just a teacher. This one has needs, it is written in the way she holds herself. We women can read the signs that you men do not seem even able to see let alone understand.”

Had we were fencing she probably would have scored a touch with her final remark. I did my best to retain my calmness, but knew that there was still a strong bond between us, which gave me a strange sense of satisfaction. The sheer animal lust that I was feeling towards that girl awaiting my wrath was still strong, but the presence of this seasoned soul whose needs were known to me acted to bank rather than stoke the fire that burned within me.

I discussed my plan to meet with the teacher as early as tomorrow if arrangements could be made. This would indicate my sincerity to make amends for my errors in judgment, and also give me the opportunity to ingratiate myself with her. I planned to ask if she would act as my advisor in certain aspects of Sayali’s education, where she obviously knew more about the situation than I. Neleema’s face broke into another wide smile when I mentioned thatPerhaps I might hint to the young lady that one of my approaches to making the girl more manageable and obedient would involve employing the application of corporate punishment.

With the hook set, I made my exit. I could not resist leaving a trail of bread crumbs that she might follow. I casually mentioned that I would be engaged for a considerable length of time with providing Sayali with her first taste of corporate punishment, but I had taken the precaution of gagging her so as to not disturb Neleema while I gave my “slave/pupil” a sound thrashing. I got an immediate response; her eyes glittered and a few muscles in that smooth round face clenched briefly.


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