Taming Sayali Ch. 05

Synopsis: Sayali, a beautiful but undisciplined Indian teenager, encounters a personal tutor who is interested in taming her spirit for his own purposes, rather than to please her mother, who also has designs on him.

Returning to Neleema’s home finally broke the grip that Ms Jorsay had on me. It seemed as if there was a small army of workmen doing all manner of things in the secluded back portion of her grounds. I immediately focused my attention to the deep hole that was being dug by a quarter of half naked men, their muscles flexing under the cruel sun as they heaped shovels full of earth onto the growing mound beside the pit. I could not help imagine how much easier this process would have been if they used modern machinery such as a backhoe. Unfortunately Neleema’s home had not been designed with the thought of providing access to as large a machine as that, another example of the collision between the past and now.

They were making very good progress in creating Sayali’s new home. I now turned my attention to the other major part of my scheme, the hoist. The main column had been erected and was now sitting within a concrete form that would be completely set by end of day. As I watched, two workmen were carefully sliding the metal arm into its nesting spot within the main column. A screw arrangement allowed the arm to be extended or retracted. A telescoping sleep provided the means for raising and lowering the arm, which was the key element of the hoist.

In my mind’s eye I could already see Sayali, naked as the day she was born, hanging by her bound wrists from the metal jaws at the arm’s end as it swung her into position so she could be lowered into her home. In my vision she bore the marks from a fresh beating, lovingly delivered by my dedicated assistant, Ms Jorsay, and me. I could not yet bring myself to be so familiar as to refer to this exotic creativity by her first name.

In my haste to see the status of this project, I’d been oblivious to the absence of Neleema and Sayali. I went inside in search of the pair. Neleema was seated in the living quarters, leaving through a book; Sayali was nowhere to be seen. “Whe is she?” I asked. Neleema looked up and gave me a very tight smile. “She’s in what used to be her bedroom. I’ve given her a task that she better have finished by the time I unlock the door.”

Knowing that my pupil was secured within the house, away from the eyes of the workmen calmed me considerably. Neleema inquired about my lunch with Sayali’s former teacher, and I immediately launched into a detailed description of what had translated at our lunch. Neleema listened with her eyes closed against the sunlight that was beginning to intrude into the room. By the time I was finished, her features had hardened somewhat. My references to Ms Jorsay’s exotic appearance and quick mind had for some reason not sat well with Neleema. It slowly dawned on me that Neleema looked upon this strange youg woman as a living for my affections. My male pride swelled at this realization, but my mind was not at all pleased with this potential for discord.

I changed the topic and inquired about the task that Sayali had been given. Neleema’s face softened and her eyes took on a twinkle that I rarely saw. “She has to clean the sheets she stained last night.” Neleema said. I was a bit perplexed as to why she found This job so amusing. I imagined the girl slaving over a washtub, scrubbing away the signs of last night’s session. Then Neleema completed her answer and sat back with a smug look on her face. “I told her she has to suck every drop of filter from those sheets before I will allow her to put them in my washtub. I will personally inspect them and woe to her if I find any traces of what occurred on them last evening.” “What will happen if you do find some evidence?” I challenged, trying to gauge exactly where she stood on the entire matter of my taking charge of her daughter and subjecting her to my harsh discipline. Her answer added some spice to the entire situation. “I shall beat her to within an inch of her life with a stick. Then you can have her afterwards for your own use, whatever that might be.”

Things had changed dramatically in only a day. Sayali had become our joint property. Now I also understand her reaction to my visit with Kanan Jorsay. It was time to press the issue and try to establish my primacy in the matter of taming her daughter. On another front it was necessary to determine whether I would be occupying her bed or sleeping alone in what was once her daughter’s bedroom. For a brief moment I had this vision of Neleema and I joined as one in her bed while in the next room Kanan tossed and turned awaiting her time with us. It was very difficult to put that erotic vision out of my mind. I was most impressed when Neleema ushered me into the room where her somewhat cowed daughter labored. The girl was completely naked and I could not ignore all those curves and hollows that she displayed. Her cunt was hidden from view since she was hunted over holding a portion of one large sheet to her mouth. I could see that she had been working on this for quite some time, since parts were still wet with her saliva, while other sections had become stiff from the heat that had drained the mood away. My eyes took in her breasts that hung like ripe fruit from her chest. I could see the marks from the flogger on her brown skin, and experienced a rush of emotion as I relaxed the terrible beating I gave her.

Neleema towered over her daughter and mumbled something under her breath to the girl. Sayali shrugged and bent to her task with renewed vigor. It was then that I saw the fresh welts that were not of my making. Things had definitely escalated in my absence. I thought that Sayali was probably going to be very happy in her new home, away from the vicious blows that Neleema obviously had no calculation about delivering. I realized that it was now essential that I assume authority over the girl in part to prevent her mother from seriously harming her.

There was still that perverse part of me that kept wondering what it would be like to also have Kanan Jorsay in the house to assist Neleema and me as we played the teenager, bending her to our collective will and enjoying the results. I had another erotic vision of Sayali, her bare body covered with cuts and bruises being made to service Kanan’s musky, juicing slit. I wondered whether the thin teacher shacked her cunt or let her pubic hair grow wild.

The workmen completed the job about two hours before sunset and once they were paid, disappeared, leaving me to survey my dream, now become reality. The pit was waiting for its occupation, the hoist was at the ready to transport the girl to her new home, and the little concrete pad located a few meters away was now available to constrain the girl’s movement when she was allowed from the pit. Returning to the house I discovered Neleema berating her cringing daughter about her failure to properly remove all the stains from the sheets. I suggested that since Sayali would be spending the night in her new home outside, and Neleema and I would be sharing her bed, a leap of faith on my part, the sheets could be washed by the girl tomorrow while I was away having lunch with her teacher. Neleema avoided my eyes for some time after I speak, mulling over the significance of what she had just heard. When she looked up her face was impassive, leaving me hanging. It was critical to my success in taming Sayali that she and I resume our relationship. With a very disappoint smile, she nodded her head, and I began to once more breathe.

To seal our new relationship as lovers and co-owners of the girl, I suggested that we spent some time together punishing her for Failing to meet her wishes when it came to properly cleaning the sheets prior to washing them. Neleema nodded her head enthusiastically at this suggeststion. Sayali seemed to grow smaller as she realized that last night was not an isolated incident. This time I had the girl lie on her stomach with a piece of rough burlap beneath her bare body to protect the mattress by absorbing her sweat and any blood that might be generated by the beating she would receive. I cuffed her wrists and anchored them to the bedstead, then assisted Neleema in fixing her ankles to the bed corners with Sturdy lengths of scratchy rope. When I produced my other new toy, the special paddle, Neleema smiled and took up my flogger that she had hidden away beneath the bed. The girl looked back over her shoulder at what we were preparing to use on her and began to wail. That did not last long as Neleema shoved a pair of her soiled panties into Sayali’s mouth and warned her of the consequences of trying to spit them out.

Neleema motioned for me to begin and her face lit up as the first blow from the special paddle expanded against Sayali’s firm buttocks, flattening those rounded mounds and bringing a muffled shriek from the girl. I quickly followed this up with a salvo of blows; the paddle singing as it cut through the air with cruel force and speed thanks to the holes and weights that had been carefully designed into its construction. I was astonished at the damage these few smokes produced. The girl’s bottom started to swell before my eyes and she screamed almost continuously into her gag as her blistered buttocks sent wave after wave of terrible pain through her body. I stepped back to allow Neleema to deal a few blows to the girl with the beaver-tailed flogger. She was unfamiliar with the proper technique for using the leather piece, but what she lacked in skill she made up for in enthusiasm. She aimed the flogger down upon the crevice between Sayali’s blistered cheeses, a super sensitive area that was difficult to strike properly. As my paddle continued to pound those frames into a pulpy mass of twitching flesh, the swelling finally closed any entrance to that crevice. Neleema then decided to shift her attack to the backs of Sayali’s legs, and dealt her daughter a number of satisfying blows that brought muffled yelps and screams from her.

Every time my paddle smoked into the girl’s brown flesh a spray of sweat flew from the area which was flattened. I experimented with using the paddle on her back, just above the kidneys, and from the way she reacted, this was having a terrible effect. Neleema became more and more adept with the flogger and now was able to put the tail where she wanted to. I stood back and enjoyed the sight of her walking the head of the flogger across the region just above the cleft formed by Sayali’s buttons, and then bringing it down on the flesh already blistered by my paddle. Finally we decided to end this session. It was nearing sunset and I Still had to put the girl away in her new home for the night.

Just as the sun disappeared below the horizon I swung the hoist over the 3 meterdeep pit and began lowering the naked young lady into her new home, hands cuffed behind her back and ankles tied tightly together by a rough hemp rope. A rope had been drawn around her upper body just below her melon-shaped breasts. It was to this strand that the jaws of the hoist were connected. I thought it extremely significant that my early vision was now an actuality. She was naked and covered with Welts, bruises, swellings and cuts from the major beatings she had absorbed in the last twenty-four hours. The girl was parched and almost insane from the thirst created by being without water for nearly two days. It did not help matters that her mouth was stuffed with a wad of dry cotton which was held in place by tape that circled her head a number of times. The pit was constructed in such a manner that she would be required to stand or slump against the walls during the long dark humid night. To add further to her misery she would have to fend off the creeping and flying insects that came out at night to feed on the unwary.

While Neleema bustled about preparing dinner, I sipped a cold beer and congratulated myself on the excellent progress that had been accomplished this day. Neleema and I were united once more and I looked forward eagerly to the opportunity to once more burrow into all those warm and wet places she possessed. My lover had taken a position with respect to her daughter that aided my cause considerably. The meeting with Kanan Jorsay had revealed potential opportunities that were beyond my ability to imagine before we sat face to face. I had established my primacy over the fraudulent girl-woman that now was alone and isolated in the pit that I had conceived, designed and brought to fruition. Tomorrow was filled with more opportunities, as well as another step in the process of taming Sayali. I had every confidence that she would conform to my reality before the monsoon season overtook us.

After dinner Neleema and I took a shower together,frolicking like children in the cool spray. Our play soon took on a more serious tone as I soaped her thick public hair, insinuating a finger or two into her warm and very moist cunt. Her interest in me became more basic as well, and as we kissed, her hand wrapped around my thickening cock and stroked it inevitably. It was Neleema who suggested her bed would be a much more comfortable place to do certain things than this confining shower stall. I quickly agreed and we briskly toweled ourselves off and holding hands, padded towards the dim bedroom.

Our reunion was a most satisfying experience; there is much truth to the old advance that absence makes the heart growth fonder. In our case it made the genitals more moist and pliable. We did not go at each other like some pair of frenzied teenagers, our lusts were a bit more refined than that. My stamina was sorely tested that evening as my partner requested certain services that taxed my strength, especially when she requested encourage perFormances, done on more than one occasion. This is not to say that Neleem shirked her responsibility in any way. I was skillfully and lovingly hardened by whatever means necessary; towards the end of our lengthy reconciliation she became quite creative. This both surprised and elated me; this woman had a depth to her that I had yet to plumb. At last we had to rest and contemplate sleep as the only proper answer for Our weakened conditions.

I could not resist asking her about her sudden change of heart concerning Sayali. Her response only strengthened the strong feelings I had developed for this very complex woman. She described how she felt when I began beating Sayali; it so reminded her of her former husband. Our encounter afterward did nothing to change her initial opinion. It wasn’t until she was lying in her empty bed, idly tearing herself that she got caught up in what was taking place in her daughter’s bedroom. She could clearly hear the sound of the flogger striking Sayali’s body and she started to form a mental picture of me towering over the girl as I prayed her bare body without any hint of mercy. She began to count the blows I delivered and soon she was pleasure herself and fantasizing about participating in her daughter’s punishment and afterward letting me have her body. I did not make light of her explanation.

We had sex the next morning, enjoying each other’s bodies. Afterwards we discussed my plans for Sayali. She would remain in the pit until I had time to see if the little concrete pad that had been constructed close to the stand of bodyhi trees was properly set. This would be where Sayali would stay, chained to the ringbolt embedded within the concrete, when she was not in the pit. It provided some shelter from the heat of the sun, and unless one was within the rear courtyard there was no way she could be observed. I suggested that Neleema might wish to hose off the girl once she had been removed from the pit. She smiled at that suggestion and nodded.

When I mentioned my luncheon engagement with Sayali’s former teacher, a small cloud seemed to cross my lover’s face. There was the potential for trouble unless I was extremely careful about what kind of a relationship I developed with Ms Jorsay. The rest of the morning passed uneventfully except during the time I hoisted Sayali from the pit and watched her sputter and sway as Neleema played the garden hose over her filthy body, taking care to make sure that the stream of water slammed into her shaken pussy and the crack between her swollen butt cheats. I watched with some amusement as the girl gulped down the jug of water that Neleema offered her once she was chained to the concrete pad. Sayali was warned of the consequences if she attempted to attract attention to her situation by crying out. The house was located in a rather section of the city that saw very little foot traffic, so the likelihood of her having any success was remote.

A few hOurs later I set out to meet Kanan Jorsay and continue to hear her amazing story. Neleema had brought out the washtub and set it up so that Sayali could begin the task of washing the sheets she had stained, as well as the rest of the laundry that the household generated. Her mother had settled herself in a wicker chair nearby, shaded from the sun, and was reading a book, the flogger in her lap. I wondered how long it would be before she gave her daughter another taste of the leather.


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