Tales of Lost Lenore 01 – Lenore Found

Tales of Lost Lenore 01 – Lenore Found” by CraigOOL

BDSM – A gift slave arrives on the doorstep

[Author’s notes: Warning! This is a BDSM sex story. There are strong Dominance and Submission themes in this story. There are some interracial themes in this story. There is no incest but there are references to it. This story has substantial male/female, female/female, MFM, FFM and group sex sexual contact. This hopefully will be hot enough for the people who like these themes, as it does have a lot of sex in it. For those who don’t like these themes please move along. Civil and constructive comments about writing are appreciated, hate speech will be deleted.]

[All Characters are 18 or over at the time of any sexual contact in this story]

The doorbell rang in the empty house, and I yank open the solid steel front door. Before me is displayed a plenitude of pulchritude, a body sculpted by the Gods themselves. I’d always thought ofher as Gal Gadot’s (34B-24-34) butch lesbian cousin, maybe the porn star Lucy Li with dyke short cropped hair (from her time in the military), with bigger breasts and ass from her Hispanic heritage (34C-24-36). She has a heart shaped face (unlike Gadot’s oval one), with her hair barely reaching the bottom of her ears, although much longer (and rather less butch, more fem) than she traditionally wore it.

She is a walking wet dream, designed to walk the world and make men cry (and bite a knuckle just from looking at her ass alone) for what they cannot have – with the fingers of a single hand set of exceptions of men granted access to her intimacies (that I know of). Perfect round C cup breasts barely covered by a Danskins Lace Bralette, high beams on full stun (or nipples ready for launch, pick your metaphor).

Flat six pack flesh leads to some very low slung on the hips tights, showing the top of her dessert plate sized dark fur triangle which reaches almost hip to hip (trimmed but never shacked). Her hands are palm up, open to her sides, almost as if she is doing a cursy without bending over, while her wanton wicked face has a smile a mile wide (in a Carly Simon sized four dick mouth), surprisingly with very tastefully done club style smoke makeup, with whore red dick sucking lipstick. She almost never wears makeup, and it should have given me a clue.

“Jonette Lenore Cowperson, as I live and breathe!” I exceim in joy. Three generations ago their family name was ‘C.De Vaca’ or literally ‘horsemen of the cow’. But instead of being caballeros or vaqueros (the Spanish forms of cowboy) they anglicized it to ‘Cow person’. My ex wife is her aunt, and routinely had sex with Lenore’s brother, her nephew. This long lost niece-in-law is one of the lights of my life, but I rarely had the pleasure of seeing her, especially in the past couple of years after our dividend.

“Lost Lenore, hopefully lost no more. May I come in Sir?” she says in a much softer voice than I am used to from her. She used to be nearly hard core lez in appearance, with hardcore dyke butch cut hair and wardrobe. Her voice used to match that, full of angst and aggravation, grievances to be placed. I saw life soften her over the years and am very glad to see the trend continued.

“Cum wherever you want!” I respond with our traditional banter.

“Not unless you give me a hug, Sir.” Lenore fakes a frown as she steps inside to make our bodies colleague, before I can even respond.

Her full C cup breasts have never needed a bra as long as I have known her (almost two decades, since she was a teenager), and they don’t need one now. Had I any idea why her high beams were on, it would have been erased by the proof she’d just dumped on my nose. Her cunt is in full Later, perhaps the sweetest smelling hot pussy ever, as her claws dig into my ass to be certain this hug will last just as long as she wants it to last, and not a moment more, nor a moment less.

“Sir, grab my ass firmly. Pretend like we are lovers. In reality, there is no part of me you cannot fondle anywhere, in front of anyone.” Lenore gushes as her head nuzzles my neck and shoulder.

Some women are lucky enough to have perfect asses. I have no illusions about Lenore’s. I have seen her daily workout routine, and the care and feeding of those perfectly firm, perfectly soft breasts, with the sculpting of the flawless firm, but still soft ass cheats. She has intentionally fully relaxed those cheats (more properly called buns of steel) to grant me complete access. It is like being hyponoticly compelled to knee dough, I can’t stop myself, even if I wanted to do so. She knew that too.

My mind starts to wonder about what is possible, because while her brother Seth, my ex Maddy and Lenore shared a long threesome, I spent that night ravishing Seth’s girlfriend Joeanna, more affectionately known as Ho (Since J’s in Spanish are H’s), or ‘Denise the Ho’ – since she is Joeanna Denise – (black, thick, and savory). In fact, Ho looks very much like Brittany White, being Black, short (5’4″), with enough tits (36E) and ass for a woman twice her size. “Boobs and booty for days in a convenient carrying size” Nora often teased.

“What is up with the Sir?” I finally snap to her use of the formal address.

“Please don’t be angry with me Sir (groans). I’m in trouble, I need help, and only you can help me. Please. I will do anything, Sir. Anything.” Lenore soothes, as she kisses my neck, slowly, gently at first, then more forcedly, until I have a hickey on my neck. Did she just mark me as her property?

“Perhaps we should get a drink and chat.” I offer, as I start to excrate myself from our embrace.

“On the sofa. Bailey’s rocks if you have it, Sir.” Lenore says as she skips into the living room, clearly happy. It is her teasing me again, as she knows if there is any alcohol in the house, there will at least be Bailey’s. What is with this alternating submissive, Domme bitch slap routine? Is she trying to play switch to keep from giving into her true submissive nature?

As I fix the drinks my mind starts to turn to the knowns and the unknowns. Lenore is extensively bi, with a distinct lesbian tilt the past twenty years. To my knowledge, only three penises have ever been inside her, her prom date, her husband before she joined the military (one tour and out), and her brother Seth. There was one night where I got to see that in full bloom with Seth, Maddy (my ex-wife, Seth’s Aunt) and Lenore in a no holes barred threesome, while Seth’s luscious thick black girlfriend (Ho) and I had a knockdown, drag out fuck battle for final dominance of the galaxy. We won.

Seth was well endowed, so from their verbal cries Maddy and Lenore had a great time, plus Maddy could not stop talking about having her pussy eaten by a woman for weeks (a first for her at that point). Having been out of the loop for a few years (since having divorced Maddy when she turned company whose), I need some more information on how their family is doing these days.

I sit on the sofa, while Lenore lays down on her back, head rubbing my groin lightly from side to side slowly, one leg on the floor, one leg over the back of the couch. I can see the crotch of her tights is wet with excitement. As I focus in on her pussy, I can see these tights are nearly transparent in the light reflected off the ceiling by the Lumiere Torch Lamp. I can see the pussy fur clearly, with sealed lips which are clearly swollen. She is trying to get me thinking with my dick and not my head. She is successful. Too many steps ahead of me, as always.

“I was sorry to hear about you and Maddy, Sir.” Lenore says softly.

“Thanks for that. It is what it is. When you become the cum dump for an entire company, your primary relationship is bound to suffer.” I offer gently.

“Is it true they posted a ‘Free Use’ sign in her office, and it has a picturee of her blowing three guys while being fucked by another on the back?” Lenore finally gets a question out without tacking ‘Sir’ on the end.

“Not just true, but her life, morning noon and night. Nothing but a company fuck slut, with all the dick that will fit inside her. She also has to service the wife of the owner of the company, and his secretary. First two weeks we went through two tubes of toothpaste While she tried to get the taste of the wife’s pussy out of her mouth. I guess she finally got used to it. Seems happy now about it all somehow.” I explain, without truly being able to understand.

“That was Maddy back during the threesome. Loved to get her kitty licked, finger food only for anyone else. But her fingers were talented, Sir.” Lenore remembers winlessly.

“So what’s up with Seth and Ho?” I asked gently, knowing I was tracing on delicate ground. Seth and Ho wanted a permanent threesome with Lenore, but right about that time she got assigned as a roving trouBleshooter for the big shipping company she works for, which Maddy always suspected was her way of saying no without having to say no directly.

“Seth passed not long after you and Maddy dividend. I still keep in touch with Ho. She’s now a manager setting up new stores for her company. My Gawd does she ever have a crush on you! I can’t blow her, after the sounds you made her make! No one has ever equaled that for her and I must formally relay her offer of room, board, and airfare for a week in Vegas with you, I, and her so we can attempt to better it, Sir. Lord knows I have tried many times on my own to better your performance and couldn’t get her there, which just leaves me in awe. You are going to have to teach me what you do to psies to make Ho sketch like that, Sir. Preferably using my pussy to demonstrate, of course.” Lenore pleads.

“Is that consent for us to be intimate?” I tease.

“It is my consent for you to do with me as you wish, intimately, privately or publicly, Sir. So when Seth passed, I was still a vagabond troubleshooter, and the folks just packed up and moved to Costa Rica, which I hear is some kind of heaven for older swingers. Now that I have been granted permission to pick a base city and stay there, I find my family is gone. I can’t even stay with my aunt unless I want to join her whore corps, any woman in her house is ‘free use’. So instead, I offer myself as your submissive, and consent in advance to being used as you wish. Please let me stay here with you and love you Sir.” Lenore begs.

“So what kind of experience do you have as a submissive?” I ask gently.

“Most of the major cities have large BDSM communities, the ones on the coasts tend to have pay-to-play dungeons as well. I quickly got tired of the sushi pick up scene in the bars and drifted to the dark side. I found a good session cleared my head like nothing else. I ran into a woman in NY who was very expensive, 300$ per hour, but she was the best Domme Ihave ever met. Trained me to be a submissive, poses, impact play, non-play service, full slut slave service. Unlike Maddy, it is the belonging, not just the fucking as far as I am concerned. I would love to know what Ho knows about how you make love, Sir.” Lenore urges huskily.

“So now we know where the Sir comes from. You have already chosen me as your dominant in advance of me choosing you as my submissive.” I observe with a slight bit of snark.

“Offer and acceptance. I accept being your submissive, Sir.” Lenore says proudly.

“I think not. I have not offered you that position yet.” I say firmly.

“You – don’t want me?” Lenore cries out, crushed, sitting up, tears streaming from her eyes.

“You are a very silly girl, Nora. We shall call you Nora when you are acting as my submissive. Of course I want you! You are a goddess, in body and mind. We share so many interests, and we play together as purely as only children can. You are my walking wet dream and there is no one else I would rather be with. From our camping trips I know there is no amount of time we could not spend together. I could fall in love with you all over again with just a kiss. But that is the question, Nora. Are you in love with me, the man, or your fantasy dominant?” I offer an explanation.

“I am in love with you, Sir. Ever since you and Ho cuddled with me after the threesome I had with Seth and Maddy, I have known what the love of a woman and the love of a man mean. Not just being used. Not just serving or serving, although I enjoy that too. But being cared for. There is no one on Earth who cares for me as purely as you and Ho. I am proud to be your Nora whenever you want her. I will love you as Lenore, or even as your free range sushi Recruiting Jonette. But most of all, I want to try loving you and Ho together. She has a deep soul hurt from her loss of Seth, as do I. Only you can heal that hurt, Sir.” Nora explains her plan, or at least her fantasy.

“Very well Nora, I live for your highest good. Being old school, I have a small ritual to perform. Let me go get what I need for it.” I skitter off to the bedroom to find the red yarn keep hidden away in a drawer for the day when Maddy would finally fully submit to me. It never came. Now she submits to any cock – mouth, cunt, or ass, but only for the depth of tea in a saucer – a single sip.

Returning I say to Nora “Remove your clothes. Nothing is to come between us from now on.”

“Yes, Sir.” Nora answers cheerfully. I don’t think I could have blinked before her top and tights were on the floor.

“Some preliminaries, Ms. Cowperson” I say as I fish the length of yarn out of my pants pocket, then “I’m an Old School Dom. Offer me your wrists, palms up. Do you offer me your wrists, that I may bind you, and keep you safe?”

“Yes, Sir, of course. You already know I am in love with you and incapable of saying anything else.” Nora gushes.

“I wrap this yarn around your wrists, I bind you to me, so that I may keep you safe. Do you also accept my instructions, my corrections, my punishments, that your guilt and shame may be released and you may become closer to the perfection we both seek?” I ask joyfully.

“If you are asking me to be a perfect slut for you, I’m already halfway there. I just need to do it for you. So yes, I accept your instructions, your corrections, your punishments of me, earned or not, that whatever little guilt I have left, whatever meaningless shame may be released, and I may become closer to the perfect slut slave we both want me to be for you.” Nora gushes in claiming that which she craves so deeply far more easily then she could have imagined.

“From this point onward, I will choose, and you will obey. I ask you again, do you accept my instructions, my corrections, my punishments, that your guilt and shade may be released and you may become closer to the perfection we both seek?” I need to be sure Nora is clear on this.

“Yes, Sir. A thousand times yes, a million times yes. Can I book that week with Ho in Vegas now?” Nora pleads.

“Easy baby. Lets finish your intake interview. You said you did poses. Let’s do a couple.” I offer.

“Command me.” Nora says firmly.

“Hands behind your head, elbows to the side, standing, legs should width – the Inspection pose.” I instruct.

“Yes, Sir.” Nora smiles as she displays her flawless body.

Of course, the purpose of the Inspection pose is to inspect the slave, note improvements, and suggest items to be worked upon. I have a far more prurient interest – to fondle her body while I fondle her mind. She is a goddess almost twenty years younger than I am, plus I never got to fuck her the night of Maddy’s ‘Great Threesome’. I run my fingers through her hair, and then grab it with my right hand as my left hand starts tweaking nipples – which are already stiff – hard. Moans and understanding as Nora responds to my assault within the bounds she has been trained to observe. So it is true, she did spend time in dungeons poisoning her submissive skills.

Running my left hand down her back I say “I expect to see an arch in this back, thrusting those magnificent teas out and up slightly, not trying to lift them any more than nipples slightly above horizontal. You need to show you are as proud of them as I am.”

“I comply, Sir.” Nora says as she arches her back slightly.

“Perfect. Now I must test for consistency.” I say as I suck on her nipples, sucking and chewing on them. More moans and cooing result.

“I expected these to be stresser. They look like eraser tips, but they are very sponge-y, not firm. I had expected, given your level of excitement, they would be more responsive. We shall Correct this with nipple clamps. Pinch them hard until I return so you can see what I mean.” I instruct.

“I comply, Sir.” Nora replies, while using her nails to really dig into her nipples until even I wince. I hustleto get the go-bag from from the closet, and drag it back to the living room. Nora is pushing herself too hard, and I need to get her to back off yet still accomplish the objective.

“Enough of that. Now take your palms and lightly tease the tips, not to rub, but to tease and please. I have to figure out which of the various types of nipple clamps to use. I have over a dozen styles, but tend to to prefer the oriental double bar, alligator adjustable, and clamps. Oriental’s are very adjustable but take up a lot of space. Alligator screw adjustable clamps tend to be the most versatile, but tend to slip off easily at lower pressure. The clamps are heavy duty, the more you pull on them, the more pressure they apply, so they are good for dynamic nipple play. This is a set-it-then-forget-it mission, so alligators are our friend. These have a chain between them, so if I want more dynamics, I can just yank on the teats like a kid motioning a truck to blow their horn.” I provide the exposition for her.

I place the clamps on Nora’s nipples and snug them down to where they are just making her wince slightly. I give two “Woo-Woo!” tugs on the chain and she flinches slightly. I take two leather cuffs from the bag and put them on her wrists, two more for her ankles. Then the training collar, with a “Slut” license tag.

“So you have done really excellent so far, Nora. How are the nipple clamps?” I ask openly.

“Not used to this type. The constant pressure is good, I can feel my heart beat in my nipples. The clovers are lighter until they are used, that’s what I’m used to, but I will get used to these. I enjoy them because you wanted me to experience them.” Nora replies happy.

“Ok, since we have you all undressed with no place to go, playtime is upon us. So since there are 25 basic poses and 50 total poses to earn your collar there is a lot of work yet to do. Fortunately we only need one more tonight.” I offer.

“I had not dared hope you would allow me to earn a collar!” Nora gasps.

“That all depends on how successfully you have learned this next pose. Please demonstrate the Girlfriend pose, immediately.” I note with the tone of command in my voice.

“I am sorry Sir, I have failed you! If you will show me the pose I will do it to the best of my ability!” Nora says, almost frantically, her dreams shattered by her shallow experience.

“While I will help you to the best of my ability, the pose is like a Martial arts kata, a form, and it is unique to each individual. There is one requirement that cannot be begged, borrowed, or stolen. You either have it or you don’t. Do you have it?” I tease Nora unmercifully.

“I do not know it. What is it?” tears are forming in Nora’s eyes, no more hide the frisbee would be anything other than cruel.

“It is this: You must let me love you, and you must love me every bit as well as I love you. You must express that love with every care, every word, everyact. You must realize that the pose only lasts until the day I hope we become man and wife. Because I cannot lose you in the sands of time again, plus my life will cease to have meaning without you in it. How, after making love to a goddess, can I ever love a lesser being, and have any self worth? How will I ever be good enough to deserve you?” where I flipped her submissive perspective of having to be good enough for her dominant to the dominant’s perspective of having to be good enough to be worthy of her.


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