Oh to be a suburban submissive. Exploring this lifestyle has had its many ups and downs, especially in such a short period of time. One of the most exciting recent developments has been to be under the care of a very good dominant. While we are still figuring each other out, there is something he has done for me that no other lover, or dominant can claim.
He has made me cum, just by telling me to do so.
I’m talking no penetration, no stimulation, shy of a very heated make out session and a few very light taps on my rear end he had no help other than to stimulate my mind. The first time I heard him say, “cum for me…” my knees buckled and I had to cling to the sleeves of his jacket to stay standing. I’m pretty sure he claimed my submission right there and then, though we didn’t make it official for two more days.
The night that he claimed me, each and every single one of my orgasms were fueled by his lovemaking, but only brought forth by that command. As worked upas I got, as long as I stood on the edge, there was no falling over without getting his permission to do so. The significance of this phenomenon was not lost on me.
I was confirmed in my suspicion of his total dominance over me days later when I was in the middle of a pretty great solo session… and I couldn’t cum. I know my body better than anyone, I’ve got a whole hat of tricks for those hard to reach places and those days when she doesn’t want to cooperate. On the edge of hysteria I scroll through my videos, find the one he sent me where he simply voices my command, and I finally release my pent up frustration.
He owns my orgasms.
While I do not have a problem with this as a submissive, there does lie a problem with my suburban housewife persona. I have been married for going on 11 years, and while things Haven’t always been perfect in the bedroom, within the last couple of years I feel we have been very in sync with each other. And my husband does not have any problems getting me over the hump.
So it’s Sunday night, we have spent the evening cuddling together watching a movie. He lights a candle, we begin to kiss. Soft, slow, gentle… my hands in his hair, our breaths mingling in the crisp night air. His hands begin to cares my body and I feel everything start to awaken and stir. He peels off my clothes and watches as I wiggle in the candlelight. His lips journey from mine to my throat…to my breasts…to my stomach… and down to where he has parted my quivering thighs.
Oh and then his tongue begins to dance. My lover knows how to expertly speak her language and soon I’m panting and emrithing and whimpering on the bed. a sheen of sweat has begun to cover my body. When his fingers enter me and rub on that magical little button I am shot right to the edge… and then…and then… oh my god I want to cum…
I whimper and squirm. His tongue moves faster and his fingers thrust true… oh this feels so good let me cum… oh please let me cum… why aren’t I cumming? My whimpers spur his to thrust harder and faster and now I’ve become desperate. I’m arching off the bed.
“Please…” Oh I don’t beg… but god I will grant every which favor I can if I can just please cum! “Please!” He works my buttons that much faster and more thoroughly so that I’m about to climb out of my skin…
Oh my god he doesn’t know the rules!! OH MY FUCKING GOD!
“PLEASE YOU HAVE TO GIVE ME PERMISSION!!” I yell out, raspy, whining, desperate…
“YES!” He says and I unleash a torrent of pent up frustration upon him. I feel like this orgasms has been waiting not just for minutes but hours, days, weeks… it’s every orgasm I have ever had laid into one. It Wipes me almost completely out. So that he has to hold me as I shake for quite a while afterwards…
After I have recovered I of course return the favor…
But the best part was laying there falling asleep, hearing him chuckle, and say “I’m going to have to remember that!”
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