Taking Control Part 1


Ava stood gazing out of the tall broad window, surveying the bustling city. She had to admit the view from the vantage point thirty floors up was magnificent. She walked up closer towards the smoked glass, peering at the small figures moving around the busy streets below. Her heart skipped a beat, feeling the vertigo she’d experienced as a child, heady times when her father had taken her climbing in the step foothills of the French Pyrenees, near Biarritz.

Up here in the large office atrium the atmosphere was an oasis of silent calm, utterly isolated from the noise and magnetic energy of the daily work going on at street level. She looked at her watch thinking how amazing it was that, in just one hour, the scene would change completely, as workers brought their long way back home.

Ava strolled over to the large desk stationed along the edge of one sleep wall, running a long finger experimentally over its surface. Barely the minute ridge betraying the darkgrain of the exotic hardwood, its polished surface naked apart from an exquisite oriental orchid. Subtle uplighting inset along the top of smooth cream walls cast a subtle glow along large rectangular panels, with expensive green art deco silk fabric set in wide mahogany frames.

She had arrived in the large, fast lift a few minutes earlier. Ava checked her appearance in the gilt coloured mirror surface doors. Not bad. The dark Katherine Hamnett outfit was tight, suiting her slim, graceful figure. She was neither an egotist nor self-conscious, but was well aware how others viewed the lustrous sheen of her long chestnut hair, her attractive tanned skin and wide green eyes.

Looks had their advantages in life, but that was the start and end of it for her. She preferred to use her feminine intuition and brains. Drive and ambition was really all that mattered in the finance world.

She paused to consider the strange sequence of events that had brought her here. The brief email that had arrived in her inbox, barely a week ago, out of the blue. She was shocked when she’d glanced at the name at the top, recognising it instantly. Knowing it definitely had to be him, even after all these years. As she read the brief message inviting her to his office, she felt a strange fluttering sensing, something she hadn’t experienced in a long time.

In the many intervening years since they’d last seen each other she’d kept a low profile, closed social media accounts, even changed her name. She’d becomes virtually untraceable, invisible except to those in the knowledge, or in the inner circles of her small finance world.

So how exactly could he have tracked her down? And why would he contact her now, after all this time? Why, after all the things that she’d been through, and the things they’d both done to each other?

She remembered how they’d first met, a decade ago now. Strong memories stood inside her, creating goose bumps down her spine. The reasons they’d parted were multiple, and she’d felt mutual. But the intense times they’d spent together had been more than just a youthful phase, they’d been mentally demanding and physically challenging, as well as downright exhilarating and fundamentally life changing too. Or at least she felt for her. Maybe for him too?

How much did he really remember of her needs and what they’d done with each other? And how did he feel about her now, and the shocking event that had forced them both apart all those years ago?

Ava knew that was the real reason she was here, she just had to know once and for all. To see if Lorenzo had matured in his views from those of that headstrong young man, but also to see if he still wanted the same thing she did, that need so strong and primary that anyone who spent time in a professional world kept it Well hidden.

New begans

On the very first day they’d noticed each other in the lecture hall, both of them studying banking and finance atthe college. He was dark, suave and confident, she was beautiful, sexy, edge, nervous.

The first view Lorenzo had of Ava was by the small refreshment stand next to the lesson theatre. What caught his attention was the suggestive way that she drank her coffee, tipping the cup gently towards her mouth, caressing the edge of the cup with her lips as she sipped at the hot, foamy liquid. He suspected he’d be happy watching her doing this all day, but their first lesson became.

They’d both glanced at each other again across the wide room, as they sought places to sit in the banked rows of seats. He watched her from a position back and to the right of where she’d decided to sit, near the front of the class to be more attentive to their lecturer.

That first day he was content just to watch her. She moved with a slow, sensitive walk in-between their many lessons, taking in all the world around her in an interested and animated manner. A way at odds with most of the other students, who mostly studied their phone screens for messages, or spent time flirting with each other.

Towards the end of the day he’d headed to the library, to see if he could borrow some of their finance course text books. To his surprise there she was, standing in a corner, by the photocopier.

That was when he first glimpsed her naked skin. She was bending over the tall industrial copy machine, opening a book at a Specific page, placing it on the large glass copyer plate. He saw her T-shirt ride up and it then he saw it, a light tattoo in the middle of her deeply tanned back. A small oriental marking, briefly exposed as she leant out over the copyer.

He had little time to make out what it was, the tattoo only just showing above dark silky panties, peeping out provocatively above the line of her tight black hipster trousers.

He watched her for the next few minutes as she moved and swivelled over the copyright, a motion showing off her firm, sexy bum to perfection. All he knew was that he desperately wanted this girl.

But first he had to find out more about her, who she was. Some casual research, and polite chats with other students he’d already met, revealed that her name was Ava. She was studying the same intensity three year finance course he was, and it turned out that they shared almost all of their classes during the first semester.

That first week of term he spent hours in the back of lessons, gazing at the glaming shine from her glossy hair, tucked up in a tight dark coil above the delicious curve of her neck. Then, mid-week, he suddenly spotted her turning round, briefly looking at him. He wondered, had she deliberately try to catch his eye?

Like most young women, Ava was attuned to catching glances from admiring men, but was not yet experienced Enough to know what to do next to capture their attention, or how to handle them. The reality was Ava liked the look of Lorenzo, but he appeared so amazingly confident, almostcompletely unapproachable. Quite the opposite of how she felt about herself. She was simply too shy to try and introduce herself, or to try and strike up a conversation.

When two people have a natural thing for each other, events always have a habit of coming to a head. Over the following days, things hotted up between the pair of them. On several occasions Lorenzo saw Ava pretending to look in her bag, or bend down to get something from under her seat, taking a healthy glance behind her. Then, on the fifth day of lessons, she glanced directly at him for a brief moment, holding eye contact for a few microseconds, before turning away again quickly. He could have sworn her neck blushed.

That was all the encouragement he needed, and he knew the game was on. He’d always imagined he was going to have fun when he’d arrived at University, but never imagined that circumstances could become quite so interesting and delicious, and so quickly too.

The challenge he had was thatshe always hurried off to her next class, rather than hanging around between lessons to chat, like the other students. After a few more frustrating days of trying to track her, like a jinking hare, he decided he had to make the first move.

At the end of one of their Friday lesson he raced for the door at the front, pulling out a flyer for the amateur dramatics theatre group he’d seen lying in a pile on the desk in the student office. He stopped her, just as she tried to squeeze past him, putting his arm around her to take her aside in a gentle, yet commanding manner.

In truth she was relieved that he had broken the ice as, try as she might, she simply hadn’t been able to pluck up the courage to speak to him, or work out something quirky to say. She knew his name too by now, practicing saying it out loud to herself, Lorenzo. She thought he was gorgeous, a statuesque example of young, virile masculinity.

In his deep, engaging voice, he started talking about acting. How she’d be perfect for a student production that he was organising. Then, within a minute, he’d asked her out for a drink that evening. He said it was to discuss the student play, a part he had in mind for her, and she’d readily agreed to meet him at a local cosy city bar.

It was only when they were both sitting at a table talking together, that evening, that he admitted the theatre flyer had all been a ruse Just to get to meet her. She’d laughed at that. When they mutually sensed the ice was broken between them, they’d got roaring drink that first night together, challenging each other with rounds of tequila shots. He’d walked her back from the bar to her college dorm, him steady, her staggering slightly. He paused at the entrance door to take her hand, kiss it gently, then release it. He’d skipped off with a casual wave, disappearing rapidly into the dark.

The next day Ava woke with a raging headache and a vow never to touch agave spirit ever again, or at least not untilnext week. Although the relaxed feeling she’d had talking and being with Lorenzo the previous evening, she was still nervous about them meeting up again at lessons the next week, and she’d deliberately not given him her contact number at the end of the evening.

When they’d sat together in the bar the previous night, Lorenzo had been an unusually good listener, as well as having a charming and easy-going manner. After a few tequila shots, a drink she just wasn’t used to, she’d started telling him things she rarely divulged to anyone, apart from her very close female friends. And that was the problem. Now she was beginning to get worried she’d given too much away about herself.

She decided to keep her mobile phone switched off until Monday. She realized she really liked Lorenzo a lot, and that means wanting to keep her allure fresh and exciting, for as long as possible. After all, every woman know maintaining your mystery was a key part of the early game. Any man could easily lose interest unless they were kept intrigued and engaged, for as long as possible. Or at least until they’d decided they were really interested in you.

Lorenzo was a real enigma compared to the few men she’d met and dated. He was clearly highly confident, headstrong and not just a little impulsive, all elements that made him instantly attractive to her. But there was also a strange, darker side to him she’d picked up on early in the evening, something she couldn’t quite put her finger on. She still didn’t know what it means. It was partly the way he looked at her so calmly and yet intently, keeping her gaze that little bit too long for it to be completely comfortable. Maybe it was just that he was really into her, just like she felt she might be with him.

But no, that wasn’t quite it. There was something much More to it than that. With a sigh she sank into the chair, thinking, realising it would drive her mad all weekend until she got to the bottom of it.

On Monday, back at college, she deliberately stationed herself at the coffee bar outside the lesson hall, knowing he was bound to see her as he came in through the big double doors. When she spotted his red scarf outside the entrance she’d had just enough time to compose herself, turning back on her stool to the bar. She watched his reflection in a long glass window as she saw him pause, stop, and then start to walk over. She prepared to be unaware of him as he joined her, resting his arms on the white counter beside her.

“Hi Ava. You had a good weekend? That was a fantastic night out at the bar on Friday. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did? Sorry I dragged you there under false pretences. No acting part available.”

His tone seemed casual at first, but then he was rambling. Ava knew from the way he’d stopped before he’d come over that he was as nervous and guarded as she was, and that he’d also asked two questions in quick succession. She had to play it cool. Too much of bothof their feelings were at stake to jump into things quickly now.

“What question did you want me to answer first, Lorenzo?”

“Eh? Oh, sorry. I guess I was gabbling there. But a good night?”

“I had a cool time. Thanks. Did we really knock back eight of those tequila slammers? I had a head like a bear the next day.”

She kept it light, giving him wriggle room just in case he had only really been after a good night out after all. That way they could both blow it on the alcohol. Neither of them had yet mentioned the kiss.

“Sure I got up pretty late. But I do remember all of the night, in case you’re wondering. Perhaps we can do it again some time, but maybe this time with a little less tequila. That’s if you’re up for it?”

So it was out there. He liked her, and he was keen to see more of her too. Ava knew it was up to her. Lorenzo was putting her in the driving seat as to where this went next. But then they still had to decide between them exactly what ‘This’ was. She watched him order a large coffee, take a sip, studying the way he moved his mouth gently to suck a slider of foam from the cappuccino off his upper lip. Not knowing that she was now doing exactly the same thing he had, when watching Ava at the coffee bar that first day.

In her mind, she was already imagining just what it would be like to kiss him. He glanced over at her, mid thought, and they both blushed simultaneously. It was one of those moments when nothing needed saying. They sat at the bar, drinking their coffees in silence.

When the bell rang for lectures, neither of them wanted to be the first to move. In the end it was Lorenzo who grabbed his scarf and leather satchel, bulging with study books. It seemed a completely natural, casual action when he put out his hand to help her hop off her café bar stool. Yep, he was definitely interested.

The library

What happened next in their relationship was when Ava knew things weren’t that simple. For the two of them there was never going to be a regular boy meets girl scenario, with boy waiting until girl decides precisely when to let boy get physical. Although his calm demeanour and gentlemanly behaviour, Lorenzo had other ideas.

It was a Wednesday afternoon. Ava had been thinking about doing some library research on their latest college assignment. She knew it would be hot in the library, it Always was, so she had on a light top and knee length skirt. That way she could stay comfortable. Most of Lorenzo’s friends had gone off to play sports at the various grounds and arenas around the college. So she was surprised, but also secretly pleased, when he suggested he join her in the library.

The brainchild of a radical eighties architect, the college library was a huge white building that looked like it had been built inside out. The exterior looked a bit dated, almost like it had been built from Lego bricks. But, inside the architect’s vision had stood the test oftime, creating a large, open, calm space for students to study and read in. Its most unusual feature was its large, wide bay windows that overlooked the main sports fields. Huge single panes of double-glazed smoked glass, with counters at elbow height, a metre deep. It was no surprise students often came to the top floor to study, knowing they could take a well-earned break to watch their favourite sports in action, from this fantastic vantage point.

That day it was quiet, with three of the top sports teams in action, and many of the students having abandoned study in favour of watching their favorite teams and potential new crushes from the field terraces. It was a chance to get close to your team, grab a few beers and have a shout along with friends, as part of the deal.

When Ava and Lorenzo reached the top floor, there was only one other student to be seen. They’d barely had time to pick a table in a corner of the library, an area with muted lighting away from the bigrectangular windows, when the girl exclaimed something loudly. She jumped up from her seat and began bundling everything into a big orange bag. A minute later she had disappeared anxiously through a side exit. Clearly she had somewhere to be, and was now very late.

They settled in at the long table, spreading out all their college books and notepads. Ava checked her reading list for the tricky essay they both had to do. She was missing one textbook. As she got up from the table she smiled at Lorenzo, sitting across from her.

“Back in a second. There’s a book I need. Don’t go away now.”

“As if. I’d much rather be out there on the sports field, but these essays don’t seem to write themselves, as I’m quickly finding out.”

She headed down a nearby line of books, subtly glowing from uplighting along deep shelves, everything in the building carefully designed to save eye strain. Lorenzo watched her go thoughtfully. He got up, pulled dozens of books out, piped themup on their table.

Beside one of the long wide windows, in the end aisle, she found the volume she was looking for. As she left through, to check what she was after, her attention was caught by a small movement outside. She turned to watch a player in red shirt and white shorts heading at high speed for goal, a solidary defender left struggle to keep up with him. Surely he would score? Intrigued as much as anything by his athletic grace, she walked the few steps over to the long stretch of smoke glass, facing the field. Placing the book to one side she rested her elbows on the metre wide oak wood windowsill, leaning forward to watch, standing on tiptoes to see this wonderful specimen of manhood a little better, out of the long wide window.

She watched him kick the ball expertly off his left foot, and score. Ava made a fist but, Suddenly aware of being in the library, turned what was going to be a loud exclamation into a hisssed, “Yes!”

She was entirely unpreparedfor what happened next. As she began to lean backwards, coming down off her toes, she felt a strong hand push her forced forwards. Her elbows slipped on the counter, and she had to put out her arms in front of her to recover her balance. Behind the hand pushed her even further forward. She began to panic. What was happening? Before she could cry out she heard a familiar voice behind her, hot breath whispering in her ear.

“Ava, it’s me, Lorenzo. Sorry if I started you. It’s just I saw you there leaning in at the window. Something just came over me. It’s that tight grey skirt you’ve got on. Look, I didn’t mean to scare you.”

She stood there, stock still. What the hell had just happened to him? They’d barely touched before now, even in the car, drinking tequila. Yet Lorenzo had appeared out of nowhere and was now standing behind her. Was he trying to force himself on her? She said nothing for a minute, taking in the pressure of his hand between her shoulder blades, her breasts pushed firmly forward, against the sill.

She let her body slowly begin to counteract the rapid onset of the boost of adrenaline his sudden action had pumped into her system. New chemicals were now beginning to steady her racing heart and ragged breathing. She was relieved, yet strangely excited. But this wouldn’t do. She had to make it clear who was in control.


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