Taking Control Part 2


As so often happens in college, things moved on quickly between them. Lorenzo was one of those good looking, easily likeable people that came from a highly respected family, with all of the money and tutors his parents were willing to throw at him to get him to college. She loved Lorenzo’s confident and surprise nature, and it was her exciting library experience that made her decide to go on the pill.

In those early, heady days of their relationship, she spent much of her time at Lorenzo’s. They became lovers inside two weeks, spending hours exploring together, relentlessly, valuable time when they should both have been working on the assignments from their lessons. Like most young couples, when they weren’t having sex they took care to exam and care each other, discovering every tiny intimate space on and in their bodies. Those first few weeks they spent days lying out together on his slim bed in the bright apartment room he’d rented for that first college term. Hours spent in stroking, sucking, kneeing, pulling, licking and invading each other’s bodies, experimenting with rampant desires and the sexual limits of youth.

But early wobbles in Ava’s study grades, caused by missing out on numerous lessons, teach her a fast lesson. By the second month they planned their time together much more carefully, both realising they would have to be a little less headstrong. Although that, by the middle of that first term, Ava was pleased that she nearly always got in the top three in her year class for marks in most subjects. That was something her mother, a single parent who’d struggled to get the money together to put her through college, was growing increasingly proud of. She was pleased herself too, especially when she recognized that she was up against pretty stiff competition in her class, including her new lover.

When Lorenzo started slipping down the class rankings in his exams, he didn’t respond anything like as fast as she did. Ava realized being privileged was probably Lorenzo’s only real fault. As a rich, spoilt city kid, he simply didn’t have the same inner drive that she had to get on, to succeed. Ava felt inspired every morning by an invigorating desire, a desperate need to get the most out of every single second of life, whether she was studying or engaged in some of their other more pleasant pastimes. Let’s face it, if your life was tough, you certainly had the incentive to make more of it.

Like any young woman, Ava was also keen to know if what she got up to with Lorenzo compared well with the experiences of her close girlfriends. Suspecting as a couple they were slightly unusual, she was cautious about who she spoke to, only asking carefully written questions. Although being asked in return, she rarely gave anything away herself about what she got up to in private.

Intriguingly, talking with the other college students, she quickly discovered most of her girlfriend’s sex lives were incredibly dull and unadventurous, compared to her new, thrilling sexual experiences. She found it odd that hardly any of them even mentioned doing what she also might have regarded, before college, as some of the ‘kinky’ things she and Lorenzo now got up to.

Even though virtually all of them had a rabbit or other vibrator in a drawer, to play with when they fancied a little late evening or morning ‘me time’, they seemed to have little interest in what Ava now regarding as exciting going on in their sex lives. Many of them had still kept boyfriends back home, and they were only interested in dating a college guy if they looked good, like a status symbol.

She realized many of the girls lacked confidence with men and were pretty uptight, still relatively happy with being taken in a straight missionary position, as long as their men spend longer than a few minutes on their needs. Ava found all of this a little depressing and uninspiring. Why were so many of her girlriends happy to settle with an uninteresting second best in their sex lives, when there was so much potential sexual excitement out there to be had?

Lorenzo hadn’t yet told her, but he thought Ava was the most beautiful woman he had ever met. The fact that she was also willing to indulge in almost every sexual fantasy he’d ever had was the icing on the cake. But this was also the challenge he had. Ever since adolescence he knew His needs were far more than simply being together and being as most young lovers did. The secret he had, the one thing Ava had yet to fathom, was his ultimate mission now he was with her. Lorenzo wanted to own her, possess her, to dominate her sexually, and subjugate her completely to his masterful will. He had yet to decide when to broach the subject that he wanted to be in charge of their blooming relationship and all its intimate sexual aspects, but he knew it would have to happen soon.

The trouble was, he knew this would also be a big step forAva to consider, and a dangerous thing for him to try and get across, to explain to her, without her finishing with him. He understand that women wanted and deserved equality in jobs and social roles, quite rightly, but few women readily admitted that they didn’t necessarily always want equality with sex. His early experiences at school had taught him that a large proportion liked being dominated sexually. But, because women felt they could’t easily say this to a man, without it being taken the wrong way, he knew you had to take things very slowly. The risk was he could blow it completely with Ava, who he could already imagine spending his whole life with.

It was after four weeks together that he’d decided the time was right to discuss taking things to a new level, to allow his darker and more dominant side to begin to emerge in their carnal activities.

It started one autumn evening. They’d had a fantastic dinner together, heading back home later to his apartment. Openingthe door for her, he led her into the dark room. He switched on the side light, moving aside to let her in, watching her hang up her coat and scarf. She stood, appraising him, sensing that he was ill at ease. He knew he had to start the conversation he had dreaded. Say it now.

“Ava, I know we’ve not know each other that long, but I feel I really know you, and I don’t just mean that sexy body of yours. Since we met we’ve talked about most things that are important in life, but there’s something I’ve always been nervous to say out loud. It’s something about me, something that’s very important to me.”

“What are you saying? You’re not bisexual or something?”

“No. It involves things I want to ask you to do for me. Things that I need from our sexual relationship. You can say no, of course.”

That got her worried. Hadn’t their sex life together been pretty amazing so far? There was always that doubt in the back of her mind though, knowing he’d had more experience thatshe had. Was she too submissive in bed? Did he want her to take more control?

She decided not to broach it directly. Stay calm, use humour.

“Hmm, well it depends what it is. If it’s anal sex then that’s out. No-one’s putting anything up or inside my bottom, I can tell you.”

He said nothing, just came in behind her, soothing her, kissing her neck, nibbling her ear gently, knowing she loved it when he caresed and breathed gently over her slim neck. As he began to fondle her breasts through her blouse, she submitted to him. He cupped her successful breasts, flicking her nipples, making them go hard and tight. It was just as she was beginning to get fully aroused that he paused, brought his hand back, and smacked her critically and sharply on the buttons.

“Oww! What was that for! Just because I’ve guessed you’re a bit of a pervert you spank my bum? Want me over your knee then?”

He laughed, more of a cruel grunt than a belly-laugh. He spun her round on her heels,giving her one of his broad, winning smiles.

“No, that’s not it Ava. It’s much more fundamental than that. It has nothing to do with the parts of your beautiful, delectable body.”

“Flattery will get you everywhere. I want you in bed, right now!”

He shook his head, looking deep into her bright green eyes. He caresed her nipples, running his hand up her tights, up her skirt.

“No. Not before I’ve told you what’s really on my mind, Ava.”

“What is it, are you going to get really kinky all of a sudden?”

“Not all of a sudden Ava. That’s what I need to tell you about. Do you want to try something very different tonight? There are many things I want to do with you, or should I say to you. Ever since I first saw you in lessons, as well as at the window that day in the library. Perhaps we can try out some role play? That’s if you’re up for it?”

She thought about this calmly. She might be shy but she also had an adventurous side to her too. This could be amazing, especially if it involved an extension of the sort of rampant and raunchy sex she was having with him over the last few weeks. If he wanted to take her with her legs behind her ears, she was going to have to get flexible. Still, she felt she should be confident, give him boundaries, make sure he knew it was her decision, her call on what happened.

“Look, you know I’ve not been with that many men in my life. I was a mostly straight missionary position kind of a girl up until a few weeks ago, and I know I’ve got you to thank for widening my horizons when it comes to sex. But nothing too weird. OK? Exactly what is it you were thinking of?”

“Well, it’s pretty easy to start with. Just come over here. Stand by me, here, near the light. I’ll sit in the armchair next to you. I’m going to ask you to do certain things and, if you’re happy with it all, well let’s just see where it goes and what happens next. OK?”

This sounded deeply sexy, intriguing, daring. Just like the way he’d been in the library but which, curiously, he hadn’t repeated. Ava had drunk a couple of glasses of wine at the restaurant, so her inhibitions were down. She was very much up for some excitement. She stood in the corner of the room, her sexy body lit from behind by the red shaded light on the side table. He sat down in the chair, making himself comfortable. He watched her curiously, intently.

“You promise to try to do everything I ask of you Ava, however strange, unusual or even uncomfortable it may seem at first?”

He got up and went to their joint wardrobe in the participating room. She’d started staying over at his place a fortnight earlier, and he’d offered her some of his wardrobe space, saying it was practical that she should keep a few of her clothes here. He took out a selection of her outfits, bringing They back, putting them in front of her on a side table. Then he reached under the bed and removed a packaged box which he placed on the floor in between them.

Now Ava was really intrigued. If she was being completely honest with herself, she was also a bit anxious too. But she chided herself. So far every interesting thing Lorenzo has suggested, she’d loved.

“Yes, OK. Whatever you ask of me. Within reason, of course.”

The smile on his face thinned, but he nodded at her agreement. The sexual adventure he’d planned for her was about to begin.

“I’d like you to remove all of your clothes first, Ava. Starting with your blouse. I want to watch you, as you undress. Take your time.”

Ava smiled. So far this was fun, rather than exotic, but she had a feeling that this was going to get a lot more thrilling yet. She steadily unbuttoned her blouse, watching him. He made her stop, wagging his finger at her, entreating her to do it more slowly. As each button came free, Ava was captivated, feeling that she was out on display.

After a few minutes she stood in front of him, only her crisp white bra and panties remain ing. She looked into his steady gaze. He nodded. Leaning forward, she undid her bra clasp, pausing for effect. Her curved breasts swung out, their soft roundness framed by the light beside his chair. She dropping the bra to the floor to join the growing pile of her other clothes. She was a little nervous now. What was he going to do when she was naked? What had he taken from the wardrobe? More importantly, what Was in the package at his feet? Whilst she pondered, it was clear he was getting impatient.

“Turn around, Ava. Face the wall and take off your panties. Lean forward and do it very slowly, so I can see all of you when you do it. Prove to me your vagina is fully lubricated, ready for me to fuck.”

Ava was really taken aback. They had experimented with plenty together, emotionally, physically and Sexually. But dirty talk had never been a part of their lovemaking. He’d said ‘fuck’. She felt herself getting wet inside. A frisson of electric exercise went through her bodyat the expectation of what was to come, and an eagerly awaited feeling of excitement at what lay in the hour ahead.

Bending deep at the wait, she delicately removed her panties. He could just see light through between her legs, her slim thigh gap, that very thin diamond shape men sought, a guide that a woman’s vagina would be nice and tight. As she pulled down the slim white fabric panties past her knees, he was treated to a delicious view of her vulva and gently swelling outer lips, a ripe peak opening up.

Ava was naked. But she had no idea what would happen next.

He told her to turn round, looking into her eyes. He gave her his key instruction. This evening she was not to gaze at him directly. Whatever he did to her she was to look away, or down at the floor.

She wondered why he didn’t Just blindfold her. Surely that would be much easier? He uttered more directives, clear and to the point, a strict order about here being silent and obeying hi wishes totally. His voice sounded different to her than usual. Terser, harder, to make sure she knew he was in control, her master for the evening.

Once he was satisfied she understood exactly what was expected of her, that he was in charge, he sent her into the bathroom to get prepared, and to change into the items he’d selected. There were some of her own clothes from the wardrobe, as well as new things from the small package, items he had bought from a specialist online shop. There was also a range of makeup, darker than her usual, as well as important other toiletries that he’d briefed her on.

Standing naked in front of the mirror, Ava surveyed herself. She was no egotist, but could see why men liked her, especially her legs.

As she applied the deep coloured eyeshadow he’d given she’d surprised herself with how much sexier she looked. Normally she only wore a little foundation. The woman staring back at her from the mirror looked more sophisticated, world-wise. She really likedWhat she saw. But now for the tricky bit. In front of her was an outfit she’d never even contemplated wearing before, and this was why Lorenzo had given her a full twenty minutes to get ready.

Coming out of the bathroom, Ava felt both incredibly sexy and sluttish at the same time. She re-entered the room, standing there, silently right in front of him, exactly as he had demanded of her.

She was there, on display for him. The light caught a silhouette of Ava’s perfect hourglass figure from the side, a soft sheen reflected in the large mirror he’d moved there when she was out of the room.

He sat comfortable in an armchair, admiring the delectable view of Ava, only an arm’s reach away, surveying her shapedly physique.

She looked ahead, mute, standing like a pagan offering. In anticipation of his closeness, and of what she was wearing might mean, he noticed her shuffle her tightly muscled thighs and legs, moving her feet back and forth, in small nervous movements.

She had on a tight shiny black lacened corset, with under-wiring that forced her breasts up and almost over the top of the mesh and lace cups above. Her nipples were captured, protruding through the wide mesh. The corset had a fine short lacy mesh skirt attached, under which were shear black stockings that sheathed her long legs. To hold them up, a tiny garter belt sat high up on her slim hips. Her hair was also down, rolls of chestnut waves gleaming in the light.

For Lorenzo, what set this sexy outfit off were the black leather lacered boots and silky black gloves that encased Ava’s arms past the elbow. All that was missing was a cigarette holder and tiara to give Ava the perfect look of a twentys flapper or deadly femme fatale.

Dispite all of this, the immediate focus of his attention was on the minute black thong Ava wore, just visible below the corset. His imagination in overdrive, he swore he could see motivation between her legs, on the slide of dark fabric, barelycovering her tight pussy.

Ava stood erect, her body alluringly and strictly clothed. Although her dark commanding presence she was shaking slightly, in anticipation of his next command. She looked like a goddess, a vision of beginning feminine sexuality, one slender leg now thrust suggestively forward. His gaze roved over her slim waist, arms tightly folded under pert breasts, swelling hips, softly rounded bum.

She was deliciously poised in the six-inch heeled boots he had bought, making her over six feet tall, his height. More importantly, that now made her exactly the right level for the most interesting and engaging activities he had planned out for her this long evening.

He watched as a drag from the open window behind her made fine downy hairs on her legs and arms stand erect. Her dark prominent nipples, cooled in the stiffening breeze, began to show through the tight thin black mesh, like small dark brown marbles.

Occasionally a breath of wind lifted the hem of the lace skirt that was tightly sewn into the base of the corset, offering a delicious, tantalising view of the tight black thong. This was the reason he had been sitting there silently, for so long. To study her reactions to wearing such a sexually provocative outfit in his presence.

He watched her flat stomach, encased in the corset, rise and fall rapidly, in expectation at what might be to come. He was about to issue her with her first command, his first words as her true master.

Whilst she was changing, Lorenzo had also stripped off his own clothes and was sitting, naked, in the armchair six feet away. But he didn’t feel on display like Ava currently did. The breeze wasn’t the only thing now stiffening either. With a quick glance down to watch his cock slowly begin to rise, Ava suddenly realized her mistake.

“What did I tell you at the start of this evening? You are not to gaze at me. You need to learn obedience. Raise your skirt for me.”

Stretched in a body-hugging V across the front of her trembling thighs, there was little of the tight tiny garment for Ava to lift up.

He could see that her arousal was increasing in response to his direct commands, her fists gripping the thin material of her slip, pulling at it fiercely. Given her appreciation at this unusual new stage in their relationship, her hands were also starting to shake.

“Take your time. Do it slowly. Lift up your skirt, all of the way.”

Ava was still struggling with the task of tugging up the black mesh skirt, very tight on her rounded hips, above her slim waist.

Mutely, with trembling fingers, she finally succeeded. Her skirt was now tightly bunched up around her waist. Between her smooth, slim and shaped legs, spread wide, Ava’s deeply clefted wet cunt was now beautifully framed in the slim vee of the black thong. He could see the tight elastic fabric pulled deep into her firm fleshy cunt lips, creating the perfect camel-toe outline.

Hestudied her, either side of the thong. He suspected that she might be a first timer, but could see that she had done a good, clean job. Ava had neatly shabbed her pubis in the bathroom, the short, dark, downy hairs all gone, her light pink fleshy labia showing each side of the thin thong. What was even more intriguing was that, with each small movement of her legs in the high heeled boots, he could see a dark line starting to appear at the thong’s centre. So she was getting really wet, was she? Time to show her who was boss.


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