For the rest of the week, Sylvia had trouble thinking of anything but the previous Friday night and Saturday morning. When she had wokened up in Jason’s bed on Saturday, the night before had seemed like a dream – a very pleasant dream. But there was Jason lying beside her, awake and propped up on one elbow to look at her. The covers had slipped down, and he was gazing at her full, creamy breasts exposed to the cool morning air. “A beautiful sight to wake up to,” he had commented.
They had a good session of morning sex – just plain, no ropes and gags this time, but a very good way to start the day regardless. He made her breakfast, then dropped her off at home.
Now, she kept drifting off into daydreams about all the things that had happened since Jason had picked her up at Clancy’s. In her imagination, she could Still feel the rope that had held her wrists gently but oh-so-firmly behind her back, and the other rope that had pinned her legs to the bed, spread wide to giveJason perfect access to her most intimate parts with his fingers, his lips, his tongue, and eventually his expertly-applied penis. She remembered the feel of Jason’s firm cock sliding down her throat until he bottomed out with his balls against her face. She imagined that she could still taste the salty, slightly acrid flavour of her own juices that had soaked the panties packed so firmly into her mouth and secured with a tightly knotted necktie, and then the glorious sensing of his lips and tongue doing in most wonderful things imagine in her pussy until she screamed with orgasm behind the improved gag.
Every evening she had to use her sucking sex toy to massage an orgasm, or succession of orgasms, out of her clip to help keep the fire between her legs under control. And during the day, it wasn’t easy getting things done at work. She had to wear a panty shield to avoid leaving damp patches on her office chair every time she thought of her evening with Jason.
He hadseemed opened to another date, and they had tenatively settled on this coming Friday, beginning at Clancy’s again, but he had seemed a bit vague about it. Was he really up for another date, or was he more of a find ’em, fuck ’em, forget ’em type? She hoped that his first taste of fucking a woman in bondage would bring him back if nothing else did, but she couldn’t be sure. She hoped so – despite his inexperience, he had have been one of the best tops she had ever played with. He could be firm and dominant, but still respectful of her boundaries, and he focused as much on her pleasure as his own. They don’t make too many like that.
Friday finally came. She tidied her desk and went to the bathroom to change her soaking panty shield. She hoped that none of her work colleagues were thirsty that afternoon; she was sure she could have hooked up with Jason again regardless, but it would certainly be easier if she wasn’t at Clancy’s with a group. She got lucky: the few people who seemed to want to do something after work picked a different bar, so after the short walk to Clancy’s, she found herself without competition from colleagues.
The little table for two that she had shared with Jason a week ago was vacant, a good omen she thought, and she claimed it. They hadn’t really picked a time, so she prepared herself to wait a while – possible forever, she thought philosophically. She ordered her usual vodka tonic and sat nursery it, nibbling on the peanuts that were thoughtfully placed on the table and scrolling her phone to pass the time.
Once, she heard a man says, “Excuse me, is this seat taken?” It wasn’t him, and she politely but firmly said “Sorry, I’m meeting someone.” The man smiled graciously and went off to try his luck somewhere else in the bar.
Finally, she heard the chair opposite her being pulled back, and she looked up from her phone to find herself staring into Jason’s grey eyes. A wave of relieve washed over her, and she marvelled at how she,who was always so cool and collected about relationships, could get herself wrong up over a man – even if the man was the best cunt licker she had met in her life.
“Jason. It’s wonderful to see you again.”
He leaned over and gave her a peck on the lips. “I wouldn’t have missed it for the world. It’s not just that I had an incredible blast tying you up and fucking you – although I Did. It’s also that I generally like your company and wanted to see you again.” Sylvia was glad that the clatter of the noisy bar allowed them to talk as frankly as they wanted without having to worry about someone overhearing. Although, she thought, what the fuck if anyone did?
Jason pointed to her glass, down to its last sip or two. “I see I’m just in time.” He caught the server’s eye and ordered two more drinks.
Sylvia had thought more than once about this custom of men paying the bill when picking up women in bars. It struck her feminist side as oddly transactional, as if what thewoman had to offer the man was somehow more valued, more sought after, than what the man had to offer the woman. It was almost as if men felt that they had to buy a woman’s company. But she had long ago tied up and gagged her feminist side and left her by the roadside. On the fairly rare occasions when she allowed herself to be picked up, she was happy not to have to take care of her own bill.
“I generally like you too. For someone who’s basically a Dom, you’re truly respectful of the women you dominate. Or at least, this woman. I was excited to have you tie me up and fuck me. And you weren’t afraid to stick your face in my pussy. That’s less common than you would think.”
“I’m certainly happy that we decided to meet again. I was having trouble getting you out of my head so I could get anything else done.”
“Me too. I haven’t had a really good bondage session for ages. And even though you didn’t have fancy bondage equipment, you certainly showed what can be done with what’s lying around the house. I still think of the feel of those tent ropes around my wrists and ankles. If we ever go camping together, I certainly won’t worry about our tent falling down. You know your knots.”
Jason chuckled at her last remark. “Thanks for your affirmation of the rope bondage skills I never knew I had. But tonight, you’ll see that I’ve been doing some shopping.”
She leaned forward. Intrigued. “And what exactly has your bondage ‘research’ on Pornhub suggested to you for this week?”
“Now, now,” Jason admonished. “You don’t want to spoil your surprises, do you?”
Sylvia’s pussy, already moist from talking about the previous Friday, got even moister as she speculated about what Jason’s ‘surprises’ might be. She noted his use of the plural. Not whips and paddles, she hoped, but Jason seemed to have made it clear that he wasn’t that kind of Dom.
Jason took the food menu out of its clip in the middle of the condiment basket. “Let’s get some appies. It’s been a long time since lunch.” He flagged the server over and ordered their drinks, then added, “And we’ll have an order of wings and an order of stuffed potato skins.” He was obviously practicing his role as a take-charge Dom by ordering without asking her opinion. Normally Sylvia would have resented the slight, but as a way of easing into a BDSM role, it seemed appropriate.
When their order came, they worked their way through their shared munchies and sipped their drinks without any more reminiscing about bondage or sex. They did get to know each other a bit better than they had done on their first date, though. This seemed like the right time to chat, since Sylvia would likely spend the later part of the evening with some kind of gag in her mouth.
Eventually it came time to leave Clancy’s and move on to Date Night Part Two. This time, they didn’t have to discuss it; they both knew how the evening was going to unfold, although Sylvia didn’t know the details.
As they were preparing to leave, Sylia excused herself for a quick trip to the Ladies’ Room to get rid of her panty shield, now soaked again. If her panties ended up stuffed in her mouth like they had the last time, she didn’t need a panty shield in there as well. If she made a damp spot on the seat of Jason’s Corolla, he was just going to have to accept that as the price of dating an eager, horny sub.
This time, Sylvia was even more forward during the short drive to Jason’s condo. Sylvia reached over and put her hand of Jason’s crotch, feeling the hard bulge of his erection through the material of his slacks. She didn’t fumble with his zipper, not wanting to completely distract him from his driving; she just ran her hand along the long, narrow bulge. A musky aroma of female arousal began to permeate the air in the car as she remembered the feel of that long, narrow bulge in her eager mouth and down her throat.
Once they were in the apartment, they dispensed with the formAlities of sitting on the couch for another drink. They had been drinking and chatting at the bar, and they both thought that that was long enough. Jason took her by the hand and led her into the bedroom that had been turned into a home office and stopped outside the closet door.
Jason faced her. “Strip,” he commanded. Sylvia blinked slightly at his peremptory manner, but she had to confess to herself that she found his expression of dominance hot. She wondered whether he’s like a slow striptease or would rather she just get it off with no messing around. She decided on the striptease, figuring that he could always order her to speed up if he was in a hurry.
She didn’t try to simulate a pole dancer, having no music, and no pole for that matter, but she held his gaze while she undid the second button of her sleepless bright blue top – the first had been undone since she put it on that morning. Then the third, revealing another lacey black bra that barely contained her medium-sized breasts. Then the fourth and final button, leaving the top hanging open to reveal her flat, toned belly and belly button. She stood facing him with her blouse open, not moving for a few seconds, then did the little shinny that allowed it to slip off her shoulders and onto the floor.
She let him gaze at her torso for half a minute or so. Then she slipped her right bra strap off her shoulder, followed by her left. She reached behind her back to undo the clap, slipping her hands back over it to hold the cups over her breasts for a moment once it was unclipped. Then she let it fall, revealing both breasts at once.
Jason didn’t actually lick his lips as he gazed at her nearly naked body, but the look on his face was such that she wouldn’t have been the least surprised if he had. Sylvia shimmied her shoulders Again, this time to make her creamy breasts rock slightly in front of Jason’s face. Then she hooked her thumbs in the elastic of her panties and slide them down, ahingly slowly, revealing first her auburn public patch, then the pussy cleft that peeked out from between her legs. She slide them all the way down, stepped out of them, and assumed the classic slave-for-inspection pose with her hands behind her head, her back arched slightly to thrust her breasts forward, and her legs apart to reveal more of her pussy between them.
Jason, still fully clothed, took a step forward and cupped her face in his hands. Then he began sliding his hands slowly down her body, to her neck, over her shoulders, then to her breasts, where he paused to run his thumbs over her large, achingly hard nipples. Then he cupped his hands under her breasts and hefted them slightly as though he were holding them up, even though they were sitting high on her chest with no hint of sag and didn’t need any holding up.
Sylvia found that standing naked and having her body slowly explored by a fully clothed man exhaustively arousing. She began breathing more slowly and deepply, her breath almost shuddering as she drew it in while the heat of her arousal growth. The sensings increased as Jason’s hands resumed their slow traverse down her body, following the lines of her tapered wait down to the flare of her hips.
Finally, as his hands drew opposite her crotch, he moved them together and over her mons. He turned his right hand so that when he curled his fingers, the tips were facing up, and slipped the hand between her legs to explore her thoroughly slick and wet labia. Sylvia maintained her passive pose with her hands behind her head, but inside she was nearly dying as she felt a finger part her outer, then her inner labia and begin to slide down toward the opening to her vagina. Her lips trembled with excitement and she moved her legs further apart as the finger, joined by another, slipped easily inside her slick vagina and curled forward, seeking her G-spot.
Sylvia closed her eyes and savoured the sensings that washed through her when he found it. Jason kept one hand on her hip to steady her as the other stroked the little firm walnut beneath the anterior wall of her vagina. She felt the stirrings of an orgasm beginning to rise through her body.
Then he abruptly pulled his finger out, breaking the sexual tension that had been rising through her body for the past ten or fifteen minutes. He brought his fingers up to her lips, and she obediently opened them. He put his fingers in her mouth and she sucked them clean, working with her tongue to make sure they were completely free of pussy juices. They had the salty and desperately, but not unfortunately, acrid taste that she remembered from having her panties in her mouth the week before.
Then he took a step back and said, “Now strip me.”
Sylvia didn’t need to be asked twice. She reached forward and slowly worked down his shirt buttons, one at a time the way she had unbuttoned her own top. She spread the shirt open to reveal his firmly muscled chest and abdomen.He was no body builder, but he clearly kept himself in excellent shape, and she couldn’t resist running a hand over the light down of brown hair on his chest and gently taking one of his nipples, as erect as hers, between fingers and thumb.
Jason brought an arm up to indicate his cuff buttons, and she undid first the left button, then the right. She took both cuffs in her hands and pulled forward gently, and the sleeps slipped off his arms. She let go, and the shirt slipped to the floor behind him.
Jason stood as still as Sylvia had done, making only the minimum movements needed for Sylvia to free him from his clothes. He watched her closely as she unfasted his belt and then the hook of his pants, then slowly ran his zipper down to the bottom. She let his pants drop to the floor, and she bent over, her dangling breasts swinging forward, to hold first one, then the other pant leg as he stepped out of them. He kicked the pants aside and straightened again, still facing her.
The long bulge she had noticed in the car was now an enormous tent in his underwear. She reflected on how uncomfortable it must be to have that hard an erection trapped in there, and resolved to help him do something about it. She hooked her fingers in each side of his underwear elastic and pulled straight down. Rather than sliding smoothly off the way hers had done, Jason’s erection hooked under the elastic as it moved down, making her pull harder to keep it coming down. She could see the bulge of his penis being bent further and further down by the elastic until she finally got it far enough down that it popped free and stood out straight again. The effect would have been comical if it hadn’t been so incredibly erotic.
The underwear dropped to the floor and Jason stepped out of them. They stood facing each Other, both totally naked, and Sylvia watched Jason’s face for a sign of what he expected next. Receiving none, she did the obvious, dropping to her knees in frontof him to bring her mouth level with his throbbing cock. She looked up at him as she started in on his tip, taking it between her lips and running her tongue over and into his little cock-hole. As she did this, she grasped the base of his shake with both hands and turned them back and forth in opposite directions, using only modern pressure so they would slide easily and not snag or burn. This was obviously to Jason’s satisfaction, as he closed his eyes, tipped his head back, and began drawing deep, slightly ragged breaths.
Sylia began taking Jason’s cock more and more deeply into her mouth. Her position, with his cock pointed up and her throat pointing down, didn’t lend itself to deep throating, but she began taking him to the very back of her mouth, sliding her tongue over the underside of his cock and sealing her lips tightly around his Shaft to give it maximum stimulation as she bobbed on it.
As he had done the previous week, Jason enjoyed his blow job to the fullest,but after five or ten minutes, he pushed her gently off his dick. “We’ll get to that,” he explained, “but for right now, I need to keep my powder dry.”
Sylvia got back to her feet and wiped some saliva off her mouth with the back of her hand. “My surprise?” she asked.
“Kind of. Have you ever tried suspension bondage?”
“With rope? You did a great job with that last week, but rope suspension needs a completely expert rigger. Nerve damage and all that. I really don’t think you’re there yet.” She was trying hard not to burst his ego balloon, but she’d read about what rope suspension can do to a person if it’s not done exactly right.
He got a smile on his face. “No, you’re right. I’m not ready for that. But I’ve been shopping, remember?” He opened the closet door and flicked on a light.
Sylvia expressed a gasp. It was a walk-in closet with quite a bit of space as second bedroom closets go. There was absolutely no clothes in it, and the clothes bars had beenembodied. There was a stout-looking hook in the ceiling, from which hung a compound pulling and a ring on a chain. On a small table was a neighbor pile of leather objects that she couldn’t quite figure out yet, but which looked very authoritative.
She looked at the hook in the ceiling. “You used a stud finder when you put that in there, right?”
“Relax. I have no wish to pull my ceiling down with my girlfriend attached to it. I’ve held onto it and dangled myself from it, and believe me, it’s solid.”
Girlfriend? Sylvia’s stomach gave a little flip. Could this man be evolving into something a little more than a BDSM play date?
Jason picked something out of the pile of leather. “What do you think of that?”
It was clearly a suspension cuff, and a good one. It had a very wide wraparound that would cover at least fifteen centimetres, or six inches, of her wrist right down to and partly over her hand, with three big buckles that didn’t look like they were just for show. The inside was fleece lined. It even had a metal bar that would fit into her palm and allow her to grip it and take some of her weight off her wrist.
“Wow. You are taking this seriously, aren’t you?”
“I’ve always thought that if you’re going to do something, it’s worth doing it right. I read a lot of on-line reviews before I settled on those cuffs.”
Sylvia put the cuff around her wrist and settled her hand around the grip bar. Jason reached over and fastened the buckles. “How does that feel?”
“Tight, but only the kind of tight you need if you’re going to hang from it. Not cut-off-the-circulation tight.”
“Good. That’s what the reviews said, and all the serious articles I read about safe suspension. I’m not Just getting this from Boundhub.”
Sylvia had never done suspension, although she had seen it in porn videos. It had always looked to her as though being suspended with your feet unable to touch the floor would be the ultimate in subMissive helplessness, and it had always given her an erotic charge when she watched it. Now here she was with one purpose-built suspension cuff buckled around her right wrist, with her new boyfriend – boyfriend? – offering to try it out with her.
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