Switching Places Ch. 04

Consciousness came to Bree face down on a rumpled bed of cool satin sheets. Her limbs were stretched and secured spread eagle with her hips propped up on a wedding that exposed her entire nether region to easily accessible exposure. Coarse, very large, very warm hands caresed her silken skin gently with a hot mouth following their path. The attention elicited a low groan.

“Honey?” She asked, “Why am I face down and staked out like a sacrifice lamb?”

The low rough chuckle rumbled through her with a sudden start. That wasn’t her husband’s chuckle, and the laughter came from the mouth tracing lines on her back. In fact, the mouth was tantalizingly near her fabulously rounded cheeses, in the divot just above where the cleft began.

Trying not to panic, “Mike? This isn’t funny! This isn’t something we agreed to!”

From various positions across the room a camera clicked and whirred. Her husband’s voice reassure her smoothly, “No, but it is something we fantasized about and discussed. Consider it a bonus and paybacks of a sort.”

“Paybacks,” she asked?

“Yeah, if you get to do extra scenes, so do I. This is one of your fans that has plagued my nights more than once for want of it to happen,” he explained.

The mouth and fingers grow more daring and ever closer towards her most vulnerable places and she couldn’t control her shirts. Her body acquired even if her mind hadn’t completely been able to bend around the concept just yet. A set of teeth nipped her ass cheek.

“Stop it,” came the firm demand with just as firm a smack to her ass from a large, warm hand. “You’re thinking way to hard,” a very familiar masculine voice told her. Thick, and blunt fingers delved into her open and glistening folds. They danced along her nerve bundles and teased the smooth, petal soft lips of her denuded sex. “If I’d have known you were this sexy, and this open mind, I would have approached you two about being an addition to your play along time ago sweetness,” he finished.

“Jonas!” Bree gasped in mortification, “Oh my God! I’m so embarrassed! What has Mike told you about our fans?” Bree groaned as his tongue flirted with her petite rear pumper. She couldn’t help the slight shift of her hips into his fingers and mouth and felt his welcome growingl as her arousal began to freely flow over his fingers. He greedily dipped his tongue into her honey and continued to tongue torture her alternatively between her sweet taint and her weeping love tunnel.

“He’s told me how you’ve fantasized about me, how you wished to have two men worship your body until you are mindless and passed out from pleasure overload,” Jonas taunted her. “He’s told me how you want to swallow my cock in every orifice until my mark is as indelible on you as his is.”

Bree’s moans were all the answer he needed to confirm what Mike had told him of her fansies. “Oh God! I’m coming,” she cried. Immediately his fingers still and his tonguess withdraw completely from her skin twitched, password slicked, flesh. Her growth of frustration was fierce.

Had she was free, it might have proved dangerous. She was as she put it, ‘staked out’ and at Jonas’ mercy completely though. The muscles beneath the surface of her skin twitched madly with need, but he stayed still until the twitching and weak attempts at bucking ceased.

When Bree’s ardor cooled slightly, she rasped, “You do know that paybacks are always a true bitch?”

Outright laughter met her outraged claim of revenge. Jonas delighted in driving her up repeatedly to the edge of ultimate release only to let her fall again. She was foaming at the mouth by the time he began working self warming oils into her small pink rear hole.

“Mmm. It’s going to feel so good shoving my pierced, cock up your ass Princess! I’m going to enjoy dislodging that corn cob,” Jonas excaimed squeezing her ass cheeks then drawing them uncomfortable apart and firing up all those delicious nerves. “You for that close-up penetration shot Mike?”


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