Switching Slut

Lynn wasn’t a fitness freak, but did like to stay trim. There were fancier gyms around, but the Y offered a good value, and with kids at home, and no husband, she had to watch what she spent. Besides, the expensive gyms didn’t have a pool, and if you went there, you had to dress the part. Here, old sweats and a t shirt were fine. The Y had undergone some remodeling too, and had nice weight rooms, separated with the free weights in one, and the machines in another. Lynn was making the rounds on the machines, having a good slow workout She would take a swim, shower, and then off to home, where the twins would be waiting. She rode the stationary bike to a slowdown, wiping the sweat from her forehead, under the dark curls of her short light brown hair. She got off the bike , and caught her reflection in the big mirrors. Not bad, for a thirtysomething mother of twin teens. She paused a moment to look, as she was alone.

Butt…not bad, still firm enough, but with a nice pad to it. Knockers…still good. Firm , for her age, and still jutting out in a nice 36 c curve. Tummy still flat…that took work, and it wasn’t going to stay flat here looking at it. Lynn moved on to the machine, and set the pin for some curls. Back to the sweating.

Tanya liked this time of night at the Y. Mostly, it wasn’t crowded, a few men down in the free weight room beefing up, some others playing ball in the gym. The pretty young 18 year old rolled her shoulders as she walked to the weight room. Her medium long blonde hair was tied back in a pony tail, her tight tank top stretched across her small curves, and her shorts, clung to her rounded ass. There wouldn’t be any burly he men in the room with the machines. Not that she minded men, but they were distracting, with their silly stars and comments. She walked in, to find another girl…no woman, in the room, doing curls at the machine. No problem there. Tanya began to stretch and loosen up in front of the big mirror.

Lynnfinished her set of curls and went too the bench for some presses, catching a glimpse of the girl in the mirrors. Wow, she was cute. A little jealous of the young fit girl, Lynn began her bench press, setting the machine a little heavier than normal. She did one set, then reset the machine, pausing to sit up a moment and catch her breath. The girl was stretching still, legs spread apart, bending down slow and touching the floor. Lynn quietly envied her the ease in which she did that, and noticed that the girl had a very shaped bottom. Lynn looked away, shocked at herself for notice. She knew herself to not be independent to pretty girls, having a couple of times been involved in some threesomes and foursomes with her ex-husband and another girl or couple, but it had never been her own idea. Although, lately, she had noticed, she tended to look at women more often, and wonder about them.

Tanya, stretching, caught a glimpse of the lady at the bench press, laying back and pumpingthe bar. She noticed the woman had fairly large breasts, and seemed to be in pretty good shape, and was fairly pretty. She found herself wondering to herself if she was anything like Aunt Rhonda. A smile played slowly across her lips as she thought of her Aunt, and the education she had gotten from her a few months ago. Tanya went over to the machine and began some leg presses, slow, easy, pushing the iron up and down, and singing glances now and then at the older woman.

Lynn made her circuit around the machine, quiet, the girl didnt seem to be a talker, so she didnt start a conversation. They shared a smile if their eyes met, that was it. Lynn thought she was very pretty, with a little upturned button nose and that lovely blonde hair. She seemed to be strong for her size, moving the weights without a lot of effort. oh well, that was youth. The girl was very fit…her arms and legs muscled softly. Lynn checked the clock and knew the pool would be empty now, perfect time for a few laps. She picked up and headed for the locker room to change, smiling and nodding to the girl as she left.

Tanya was slowing down now, having made her way around the machine. she watched the older woman leave and took a good long look at her as she was walking. A nice figure, and Tanya was a little jealous of her, never being quite happy about her own breasts, wanting them to be a bit bigger. The lady was obviously working to maintain herself, and that was good. Too many older ladies just let go. Tanya saw herself in the mirror, and noticed how her nipples stuck out thru the little tank she had on. OK, so those boobs weren’t that bad after all. She stuck her tongue out at her reflection and giggled

Lynn slipped out of her sweats and T shirt in the locker room, piped them in the bottom of her locker. She added her bra and panties, and grabbed up her swimsuit. As she was starting to pull the suit on, the young girl from the weight room walked around the corner to a lockeron the other side of the aisle

and began to change as well. Lynn pulled the suit up, for some reason a little flustered to be caught changing, and she didn’t know why. Taking her towel, she headed off for the pool.

Tanya slipped out of her sweaty workout clothes and into her swimsuit…she peeked over her shoulder as the woman from the weight room disappeared, and heard the door to the pool open and close.

Lynn was making easy laps in the pool, long slow steady strokes. She had paused at one end , taking a breath and heard the sound of someone diving into the water at the other end of the pool. she looked and saw another swimming, gliding smoothly under the water, making good speed, covering a good half the pool under the water before coming back up to the surface and sliding along and a fast stroke towards her end. Lynn pushed off and began to lap back to the other end, giving the other swimmer room. Lynn was a good strong swimmer, but this other was fast, and wasn’tsplashing and kicking up a lot. Lynn admired the skill.

Lynn finished her laps , and noticed it was the same young girl from the weight room that was the other swimmer. She was wearing a little orange one piece suit, that hugged her nicely, and showed off her figure. Lynn felt rather drab in her dark blue suit, and again envied the young girl’s figure and fitness. As lynn climbed out the ladder, the younger girl effectively swung up over the side of the pool. Wet hair cascaded down, and she flipped it back out of the way. She rolled her shoulders and stretched a little, and Lynn took a good look from under her towel, where she was patting her hair. The girl’s suit was tight across her , and her vulva was clearly outlined. As she turned, Lynn could see the suit was high cut in the seat, and showed a lot of very nice buns. Somewhat absently, Lynn took a deep breath , jutting her chest out, as she walked by the girl, who was getting her towel. Lynn headed for the locker room, blushing a little.

Lynn stood under the warm spray of the shower, eyes closed, enjoying the hot water for a few minutes. Tanya came around the corner and saw the older woman there, under the spray, eyes closed. The lady looked nice, she had to admit to herself. Light brown bush, it looked trimmed a little. Those really were nice tits…still high and firm, but not rock hard , like the fake ones looked…Tanya ducked back around the corner for a minute, with an idea in her head.

Lynn had her eyes open and was slowly stretching herself under the spray when the girl walked into the shower, and picked the showerhead across from her. Sitting her things down on the little shelf, the girl started the spray, squealing as the first blast of water was a little cold. She looked over at Lynn and smiled, then ducked her head under the water, standing half sideways to Lynn. ” Brrrrrrrrrrrr” she giggled, and began to work the warming water into her hair.

Lynn smiled back and said, ” Yeah, i always used to do that too, now i stand back when I first turn the water on so the cold doesn’t get me.” Lynn took a longer look at the girl and blushed, sliding her head back under the water to hide, and to not stare. She had noted the girl had really very nice little boobs, small nipples, sweet curves to them. Flat little tummy and…she was smooth as a baby below it. Lynn had been shackled smooth once, when the kids came, and kept herself groomed, but had never kept it shacked smooth like that. She knew a lot of women did, but she didn’t really know why. She turned a little under the water, looking the other way, shocked at herself for noticing.

” Oh darn.” the girl said.

Lynn looked over to see the girl squeezing a shampoo tube that was empty. ” Oh…here…you can use mine if you like..” Lynn offered, holding out her own shampoo bottle.

“Hey, thanks.” the girl said, reaching for the bottle. Their fingers touched a little as the bottle was passed over. She poureda dollar of the soap into her palm then handed it back, their fingers meeting, and the girl not pulling away as fast as a person normally would. She was smiling. She backed out of the spray a little and began to later up her hair. Lynn saw the girl eyes were closed, and ducked out of the water a little, and took a long look. Yes, she was definitely a pretty girl, and the smooth pussy was a very attractive thing. It didn’t look like a little girl pussy, hairless and bare still, it looked…well, it just looked shaved . Even though the girl wasn’t overly endowed with boobs, there was no thinking she was just a little girl. Lynn shivered a little, nothing to do with the temperature. Tanya took that second to open her eyes just a crack, and saw the older woman staring at her. She smiled thinking “Good.” Ducking back under the spray she began to rinse her hair.

Lynn was washing now, her soft centted shower gel gliding over her skin under her hands. Her mind wandered, she was makingherself not look at the girl now, almost trembling at the thoughts she had been having. Why, she couldn’t be much older than my own kids, Lynn was thinking. Lynn was washing, slow, not really thinking. Her hands were cupping her boobs, lathering them, over and over, then sliding down over her belly. Without realizing it, she was seducing herself under the shower, and she didn’t know, the girl was watching her, smiling.

Tanya, washing herself, her shower gel, also sliding silently over her skin , bit her lip slightly as she wondered, then decided. She stepped out of her jet of spray, and closer to the woman, who turned suddenly. Tanya leaned in close, before the woman could protest, and kissed her, on the lips. The woman let out a startled gasp and tried to pull back, but the younger girl wrapped her arms round her, as she pushed her tongue into the woman’s mouth.

Lynn was astounded by the sheer bravery of the girl…and more astounded that she herself stopped pulling away and flowed into the kiss. she broke the kiss, and gasped “What are you doing…you cant just…I’m not…”

Tanya smiled and whispered back ” Like you haven’t been checking me out…don’t even try it.”

Lynn shuddering ” but we cant just…someone might catch… I mean I don’t…I’m not…”

Lynn shivered as Tanya hand slipped down over her body, and gasped as the Girl’s finger slipped over her mound, and lower still ” Oh my god! What are you…”

Tanya cooed… “Oh you aren’t? Water from the shower didn’t make you this slippery…”

The girl’s finger slipped easily into Lynn, who gasped out and wiggled… “Stop that…you cant just…..I…OOHHHH!” Lynn moaned as the girl’s head bent down and took a nipple roughly into her teeth, biting it lightly. The girls’ fingers were busy playing in and out of Lynn’s wet push. Lynn, shocked at herself, couldn’t push away, and felt herself creaming all over the girls fingers. She couldn’t believe this was happening…andshe couldn’t believe she was letting it happen…and she couldn’t stop herself from enjoying it. The girl’s mouth left her nipple, to kiss back up to her lips, as her fingers dug deeper and faster into her cleft. Lynn wiggled, squirmed and moaned into the kiss, and realized….

Lynn pulled back from the kiss moaning, and whimpering… “You have to stop…you have to stop…I cant help myself, I’m going to…to…”

“Going to what baby…hmmmm?” the girl smiled wickedly as her other hand slipped down Lynn’s back, over her ass, squeezed them. Lynn jumped and gasped as she felt the girls fingerer ticket and poke into her from there, driving her forward onto the girls fingerers, then back again, feeling the girls fingertip probing into her tight bum . Lynn cried out, a short muffled cry, being taken, higher and higher with each motion. “Going to what baby……going to cum? are you going to cum for me?” Tanya asked sweetly, wickedly.

Lynn groaned and moaned, wiggling, trying toescape…but trying to not escape. she grasped the girl tightly, to keep from falling…and cried out ” Yesssss”, in a whimper, as the first wave of orgasm crashed down over her. Over and over again, the feeling took her, she spasmed tightly round the fingers in her, both holes filled with probing fingers , this felt…oh God this felt like nothing she had ever experienced…this girl…this woman…God. Lynn lost track of the world around her and gave in.

Tanya stood smiling, holding the woman close. She brought her fingers up to her mouth, licking one, then sliding another, cum covered across the woman’s lips. She was pleased that the woman opened her mouth and sucked lightly on the finger, savoring her own juice. She made the woman, who’s name she still didn’t know, finish washing her, and then wash herself, and led her to the lockers. Lynn was in a spell, a trance, and had no control. Where would this all lead?

Dressed, the two left the Y, In Lynn’s van…the girl hadno car there. She directed Lynn where to drive…Lynn, ashamed of herself for being so weak, followed the girl’s directions. They went to an upscale neighborhood, where the girl directed her to pull over into an alley behind a house. Tanya led Lynn to the backdoor and into the dark home. “This is my aunt’s house, she wont be home. I stay here sometimes to visit…come on, don’t be scared. It will be all right.”

The house was nice, neighbor, and comfortable. The girl led Lynn down the hall to a bedroom. Lynn meekly followed. ” By the way…my name is Tanya”


“Nice to meet you Lynn. Now take my clothes off”


The girl flowed into her arms, kissing her. Lynn melted again. “Do we really have to go thru all that again? Be a good girl and take my clothes off me”

Lynn complied, scared and not knowing what to do. as she undressed the young girl, she found herself growing excited again, not knowing quite why. With her task done, she stood , looking down, not knowing what to say or do next. Tanya came to her, flowing into her arms, kissing her, and striping her. Lynn put up no struggle, and was naked quickly, holding the girl. Lynn was told to lie back on the bed, as Tanya got into a small nightstand beside the bed. Lynn couldn’t see what she was getting out of it.

“Mmm…here we go. Are you wet honey?” Lynn groaned as the girl fondled her, and found her to be a little slippery again. “Oh yes…maybe a little wetter would be better though,” and Tanya bent over and quickly licked away at Lynn’s exposed pussy. Lynn gasped as the tongue found her clip and squirmed. “Now i think you are wet enough,” Tanya said a few blissful moments later.

“Wet enough…for what…?” Lynn whispered.

Rather than answer her, Tanya held up a fairly large toy…a vibrator, before she plunged it down and worked it back and forth over Lynn’s now quivering cunt. ” You like that, don’t you…say it…don’t lie to me!”

“…Yes…I like it…”

“Feels good on your little clip, doesn’t it? Think it will feel good up inside your wet cunt?”

“Oh God” Lynn was shocked by the words, and shocked by the feeling. She felt a hand close down on her hard nipple and twist it slightly.

“Well…answer me, I’m waiting!”

“Oh…yes…it feels good on my clip…it will feel good in my pussy”

The fingers twisted a little harder, not enough to really hurt, but a good twist. “Cunt,” the girl ordered. ” Sluts like you have cunts, gashes, slides. Not pussies”

“Ohhhhhhh…that hurts…please…”

“Say it!”


The girl slipped her fingers inside the wet hole , rubbing the softly buzzing toy across Lynn’s clip, and twisting the nipple in her other hand a little more. “Where are my fingers at?”

Lynn moaned. she got it. ” In my cunt!”

“Very good. Now, tell me, will this thing feel good in your cunt?”

Shuddering, Lynn said, “Yes, it will feel wonderful in my cunt>”

” It will… will feel wonderful in my cunt MISS” Tanya made her point clear by lightly spanking Lynn’s’ exposed labia, not enough to hurt, only enough to sting. Lynn arched her back up, surprised and shocked at the pleasure she got out of it. What was happening to her?

‘Yessssssssssss…it will be wonderful in my cunt!”

Tanya smiled .

Tanya easily pushed the long toy deep into Lynn’s dripping hole. Lynn cried out in pleasure . Tanya turned the speed up to it’s highest setting. “Now, put your legs together and hold it there,” She ordered.

Lynn closed her legs down on the buzzing toy and shivered at the pleasure it gave her. Tanya lifted herself slowly, and turned around. She lifted one leg over Lynn and lowered herself slowly to Lynn’s face, facing her feet. Lynn stared up at the girl’s bottom as it came closer to her mouth. And closer. Suddenly , she understand, and reached up to lick, her tongue sliding over the pink pussy lips above her.

Tanya groaned, and wiggled. ” No…not yet honey…not my cu..pussy yet…..lick…lick my ass.” The girl seemed less sure of herself suddenly. Lynn, had learned about rimming from her ex-husband, that it was a pleasure indeed, and though, she was more used to be receiving it, she knew how to give. She pushed forward and buried her tongue into the pumped hole in front of her, making the girl gasp, and rock back and forth. Lynn moved her tongue round and round, in and out, all the while her hips shaking and bucking. She moaned into the tight little ass and felt juice dripping down on her chin.

“D-D-DON’T YOU DARE CUM YET SLUT…DON’T YOU DARE!” Tanya ordered, making Lynn whimper. Tanya rocked back and forth, enjoying this pleasure, and her power over this woman. She grewled and groaned and knew she had to have more, rocking , she thrust her burning shavled pussy onto Lynn’s mouth…”Now…Do me now…God yes, lick my cu…lick my PUSSY!…Suck it…Oh God yes…Make me…make Miss CUM!”

Lynn moaned and whimpered as her tongue pushed deep into the tiny pussy . Tanya squealed, drenching Lynn with juice. Her hands closed down on Lynn’s breasts, squeezing and kneeing them She felt lips on her clip, sucking, her body began to tremble and shake and she knew…she stammered and stuttered and moaned and caught herself, before she became for permission…and she exploded, orgasm bursting over her.

Lynn felt the girls body clnch and tighten over her, and tremble, and a gush of hot juice spewed out of the girl into her mouth, over her chin. She gasped nearly choking, drinking and sucking down the juice. She had seen this in a movie once, a squirting pussy, and now it was over her mouth, drinking her in sweet thin juice.

As the waves of pleasure racked Tanya, she waited out ” I’m CUMMMMMMMMMMMMMING!!”

Rhonda had pulled into her drive and came into the house. As she dropped her keys on the table, she heard the unmistakable sound of her slutty niece, crying out “I’m cumming.” Rhonda smiled to herself, thinking Tanya was probably fucking herself hard with one of the toys in her bedroom. Well, she would have to be punished for some unauthorized playing then, Rhonda thought with a smile. She went on to the kitchen, savoring the thought of what she would be doing with her pet soon.


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