Try to imagine my walk home that night from Sun Hee’s dorm, after having just been caged by her and then extremely dismissed.
It was a long walk in the dark across campus, and that gave me a lot of time to think and a lot to think about. But in truth I really only thought about the cage that was now locked around my sex. It felt like some invisible force that simply stopped my ability to get erect. It wasn’t pushing against me or crushing me or… anything. It was just a wall. And that wall was Sun Hee.
It kind of excited me what had happened. No, it definitely excited me. But it also freaked me out. How had this happened!? And who was this cute little Korean girl who could so easily coat me into this situation? Where was she taking me?
Once I got back to my dorm room alone, the spell wore off and reality started to set it. The chatity cage that Sun Hee had just locked on me didn’t hurt, though it did rub and pinch a little at times, but I found myself constantly aware of it. I kept having to fighting the impulse to reach down to my crotch and adjust myself.
And it was that constant, independent awareness of the thing that was really the problem. I couldn’t stop thinking about it, which means I couldn’t think about anything else. Alone in my room I \ tried hard to distract myself but failed miserably.
My first impulse was to text Sun Hee, but she had made it pretty clear she wanted to focus on her studies. Besides, I wasn’t sure how I felt about the way she had so coldly tossed me out of her room. My next thought was porn. How many hours had I spent at night in front of my laptop struggling to endless images for my pleasure? But tempting as those images were I knew they would only intensify the disappoint of my new prediction. Besides, doing so felt unfaithful to my Sun Hee, and an odd but define effect of wearing her cage was an intense sensing of her watching over my shoulder. Somehow, I felt that my actions were no longercompletely my own; I was answerable to her now and needed to work to please her.
Video games ended in similar failure. I couldn’t focus for the persistent barrier between my legs, and too distracted to study myself and too horny to really enjoy anything else, I ended up flopping about the room aimlessly until I have exhausted myself enough to try going to sleep.
Even then it was many hours before I finally drifted off. Sleeping on my stomach was now out because of the chatity device, and in truth no position seemed to alleviate the buzzing in my balls or accommodate the impalable fact of the cage. Never before had I had a night with so much vigorous tossing and turning in bed, laceed through with vivid dream images of Sun Hee, variously dressed and naked, calling to me, giggling at me, and crying out in pleasure. Her roommate Jin Sook, too. For some reason a dream image of her leaning over me as though leaning over a small child keep recurring. And a jumble of so many more.
Morning would feel different, I told myself. But it didn’t.
It was the small details that made for interesting discoveries. A hot shower felt heavenly. The warm water soothed the chafing caused by the plastic cage, and the nagging need to cum relaxed into a feeling of calm and alertness. Using the bathroom, however, was unexpectedly awkward. The urinal was out; I had to sit down to pee. That wasn’t so bad, but the communal nature of the dorm bathroom made lowering my pants to expose the cage, even in the relative privacy of a stall, feel vulnerable and potentially humiliating. I could all too vividly imagine the reaction if any of the guys in my dorm were to catch a glimpse of my “predicament.” The pink lock Sun Hee had used made me all the more self-conscious, as she had predicted. The girly padlock served a vivid reminder of just who had locked my manhood.
The other thing I discovered in the morning on my way to class – perhaps not so surprised – is that the cagemade me hyper aware of every woman around me. Dozens of them. Hundreds. In the warm morning sun. All going about their day, laughing and talking, with friends and without, alongside other guys and on their own. Freely and without a care.
At one point I became absolutely mesmerized by a willowy blond girl as she crossed the quad in the distance. She was wearing this incredible long skirt of some blood red clothes. The skirt was impossible, drawing her muscle legs all the way down to the ground, obscuring even her feet, and the fabric billowed and shone with every rhythmic movement of her legs. It called to mind bedsheets being shaken in the wind. I was so entered that I had actually stopped walking, my jaw literally open, as she crossed my path.
Hyper-aware, I was drinking in every detail, but it wasn’t lust I was feeling. Well, it was, but it was a lust of a different kind. Instead of imagining what it would like to date the women I saw or, well, to fuck them, I simply felt myself awake in their beauty and power. It was a more introspective desire. A more… important desire. I shine away from that word, but a part of me recognized it was the right word even as I rebelled against the idea.
The words kept running like a refrain through my mind: shit, I’m caged… I’m locked… this girl is beyond me now.
Eager to see Sun Hee, I arrived at our Sociology class early and chose a seat near the door so I would be sure to see her when she came in. As she stepped through the door, Sun Hee seemed to look especially beautiful. I’m sure part of that was an effect of the cage I was wearing, but it was more than that. Clearly she had taken extra time with her hair and outfit this morning, and it showed. She wore one of the new tops we had picked out together and that I bought for her, a bright yellow v-neck modal shirt tailored to highlight her cleavage and a pair of impossible tight white shorts. Her shorts set off her long, smoothlegs ending in a pair of simple high heels. But what really set off her outfit was the bright blue ribbon she wore as a chaser around her neck. It made her neck look impossiblely sexy and vulnerable at the same time, and drew the gaze upwards to the tempting inward curve between her breasts now made so obviously on display by her new top.
The outfit was hardly slutty, elegant more than anything, but it marked a pronounced shift from the usual way she dressed. And it was definitely going to be earning her some extra attention. She looked stunning.
The flush of happiness I felt when I saw that her eyes were scanning to room to find me, too, filled me with a reassuring sense of well being. Our eyes met, and Sun Hee’s wide mouth opened into a natural smile. She seemed a bit shy, anxious perhaps about how I was feeling after what happened the night before. But seeing my eager smile seemed to put her mind at ease. It felt good to see her.
She didn’t sit with me though. She never did. Serious about her classes, Sun Hee didn’t want distractions while she took notes and paid careful attention to the lesson. Instead, she gave me a quick wave and walked past towards the front of the room.
I followed her hips longingly, all too aware of the cage around my cock. It all seemed so wild and unreal. This girl had locked me in a chatity cage! This shy, unassuming, beautiful girl – who, until Recently, most people glanced over without notice because of her studio manner and reserved demeanor – had put a cage on me and taken total control of my manhood. I was hers!
But she didn’t seem so shy today. There seemed to be an extra swway to her hips, and she bore herself with a confidence I wasn’t used to see in her. She waved an uncharacteristically animated hello to one of her Korean friends, and waved again to someone off to the side I didn’t recognize, a guy, then took her seat. Her tight little butt perched deliciously in her chair and her back stood straight.
She may have sat four rows up so as not to be distracted, but I can tell you that didn’t work for me. I was hopelessly distracted the entire class. I found myself staring at her, watching every idle move of her fingers through her hair and every shift of her hips as she crossed and retrosted her long legs. The more I watched her, the more the low buzzing sensing in my nether region grow and spread Throughout my body. The constant stimulation – or rather, absence of stimulation – made it hard to sit still.
I tried really hard to focus on the lesson, to give myself a rest from this constant state of arousal if nothing else, and for a time I thought I was succeeding. Twenty minutes passed, but the lesson was only a dull rumble in the corner of my mind. It was that buzzing that I was really listening to as I continue to stare at the back of Sun Hee’s head.
Abruptly, my reverie was disrupted by the suddenly shuffling and standing of the end of class, and a shadow stood over me. It was Sun Hee! I felt a little embarrassed how happy that made me!
She leaned close, her body almost but not quite touching mine, and she whispered into my ear, “I locked your cock last night!” She said it with joy.
Hearing it made me blush, as did feeling her tiny hand reach down surprisingly to feel the cage in my pants. It was like she had pushed a button, and my cock instantly leaves erect. Or tried to – but of course it couldn’t. I was blocked.
“Yes, you did,” I grinned back.
“I like it!” she squealed.
I don’t know what I expected in her behavior, but I didn’t expect this. I didn’t expect Sun Hee squealing like a kid in a candy store with a self-satisfied grin pasted across her face. She fairly bounced up and down, and her little display of excitement had the whole class looking back in our direction as they shuffled out of the room. I reddened under so many pairs of eyes, but of course they could have no idea why Sun Hee was giggling.
I was so in love with this girl she pretty much already ruled me, but now with her cage locked around my cock, she had to know it. The mysterious smile on her face told me I might be in for trouble. She took my hand and held on fiercely as we walked out the door, and I felt my own fierce pride to be with this sexy little girl. Sure, she had locked me, but that just mean she liked me enough to want that control.
At least two different guys not-so-subtly checked her out as they moved past, one even leaning in so he could get a good look at the curve of Sun Hee’s exposed breasts, but mostly it just amused me. Don’t they know she has a boyfriend? She was mine; and very literally I was hers. I shook my head and snorted. They didn’t have a chance. Not that I could blame them for looking – her new outfit was very definitely eye-catching. And she wore it well with a new level of confidence and self-assertion.
But when that tall guy called out to her from down the hall.Sebastian.
“Oh, hey,” she called back. “Good class, wasn’t it?”
“Yeah,” the guy replied. “And hey, here are your notes back. Thanks for letting me borrow them.” Several inches taller than me and well dressed in a casual blazer and shirt, he towered above her in a way that made her seem petite and girl in comparison. When did he borrow her notes?
“Sure thing,” Sun Hee said, fumbling for the folder in his hands. “Oh, do you know my friend here?”
“Yeah, I think so.” Sebastian glanced my way, and we exchanged awkward pleasuresants.
Even as she held my hand, her use of the word “friend” rather than “boyfriend” didn’t escape my notice. It stung, but it also made me aware of the cage around my cock in a way that was surprisingly exciting. In fact, even as she held onto my hand the whole time, her attention was on him, and she made no secret of letting him enjoy a look down her new top.
It was like Sun Hee was communicated some kind of secret. She wanted him to see we were together but at the same time wanted him to see her – and to enjoy her.
Her grip tightened on me as he gazed down at her. There was definitely a charge between them as they flirted, I felt the energy between them, and then, as he took his leave, he pulled her in for a hug. Only then did Sun Hee release my hand, forcing me reluctantly to let go, as she leaned into him and slipped her arm around his waist to say goodbye.
Numb, I struggled to understand my own feelings. She had teased me about him when she locked me, and now she leaning into him right in front of me, her breasts pressing against his broad chest. I felt jealous – but intensely helpless. And strangely, more than anything, I found myself focused on her feelings. I felt glad she was enjoying this and weirdly proud that she had gained his attention. It was a shock to discover that having my genitals under her lock and key could have this kind of effect.
Once he walked away, Sun Hee turned and shot me a defiant look. “I bet I know what you were thinking about,” she smiled while biting her lip.
She was right, of course. Unbidden, the image pushed into my mind of her lifting her dress to flash her pussy, but this time, she was lifting her dress for him. My cock seemed to shrivel inside its cage even as I grew more aroused.
I wanted to pounce on her right then and there, and drag her back to my room for some privacy, and judging from the look in her eyes, Sun Hee wanted that, too.
“Come on, baby, let’s skip your next class and go back to my dorm,” I begged. Then I leaned in and whispered, “I want to lick your pussy so bad right now!”
“Mmm, I like that,” Sun Hee exclaimed. “But I can’t.”
Still, ever the studio and responsible girl, she clearly looked tempted, and I think I might have actually persuaded her. Except right then I heard a high, accented voice call from behind us, “Sun Hee, there you are!” It was her Korean roommate and two of her friends.
Her roommate Jin Sook especially intimated me. She was gangnam, which is to say she came from money, and she let people know it. Where Sun Hee was petite and busty, shy but with a warm enthusiasm that earned her the nickname “Sunny” from her American friends who sounded out the two sylables of her first name “Sun Hee,” Jin Sook Lee kept herself aloof. She was tall and willowy, with small breasts but striking features. She always dressed in a carefully matching outfit and today carried an expensive pursuit by some designer I had never heard of.
Needless to say, she did not approve of me at all.
So when I heard her call out to Sun Hee, I felt even more painfully aware of the chatity cage, and I knew any chance to lure my girlfriend away was gone.
Reserved about public displays of affection, Sun Hee immediately dropped my hand and greeted her friends in rapid Korean. The three of them gathered around and traded conversation I couldn’t follow, giggling and gesturing about something. I found it a little rude when her friends spoke in Korean in front of me like this, but I was used to it. Plus, I was in no position to argue.
Ignored, I ventured putting my arm around Sun Hee is a side hug. I guess I wanted to reassert my claim in some way, but Sun Hee just pulled away. When I reached for her again, she batted my arm to the side like she would a misbehaving puppy. But at least that got her attention.
Sun Hee looked at me pointedly with an annoyed smile and batted her eyesashes, slowly and deliberately. Her eyes were one of her best features: large and expressive, with a sexy little cat’s eye drawn on with eyeliner. In a mock-serious voice she said, “Look, I know you’re struggling with that little… predict you’re in, but that’s not really my problem, now is it?”
“I…” Coded as it was, her message was clear, and hearing her speak that way made the persistent feeling of arousal even more intense. She had my cock pushing against its cage. Painfully so. And being reminded of how I was under her lock and key – scolded, really – in front of her Korean friends made it a million times worse.
Jin Sook eyed me in a way that made me squirm, and it was almost as if, somehow, she knew. I felt small in front of her, and in front of Sun Hee, and smaller still when I heard the other girls tittering among themselves. I could only imagine what Jin Sook would think if she knew about the chatity cage my girlfriend had used to take control of my manhood.
I don’t know why, but that only seemed to intensify my arousal. If fact, while before I had been awkwardly covering my crotch with my books, I found myself deliberately pulling my hands to the side under Jin Sook’s gaze, even as I worried the outline of the cage might after all be visible. It was like I wanted her to know.
Sun Hee gave me a strange look, as if reading the thoughts in my mind.
Surprisingly, I wasn’t mad at Sun Hee for embarrassing me, I kind of liked it, and she seemed to know it. Still acting like she was talking about something else, she continued, “I know you’re feeling a bit… constrained right now. But really it’s your own fault.”
Then she switched to Korean, and the other girls burst out laughing. I told myself it wasn’t me they were laughing at – it wasn’t! – but my face turned intensely red.
“Baby, I have to get to class,” Sun Hee said. “I would tell you to be a good boy while I’m gone,” she scolded and patted my bottom. “But I guess I don’t have to worry about that now, do I?” Clearly she enjoyed both baffling her friends and tormenting me in front of them.
This time they were laughing at me as the group of girls turned and left me behind, skirts swaying around their hips.
It was late in the afternoon after many distracted hours trying to study in my room that I heard a faint knock at the door. My roommate was home, and I heard the tread of his feet as he crossed the floor to answer. It was Sun Hee’s voice. I heard her saying something to my roommate, and I keep expecting her to appear in my doorway. She always came right in.
But this time moments turned to minutes, and she was still out there with my roommate. I heard them still talking in the outer room, unintelligible but animated. What was she doing out there?
A tingling sense of dread and Anticipation brought me to the door. I peeked through, unobserved. There was Sun Hee in her gloriously sexy outfit, her perky tits straining against the yellow fabric of her top and her legs impossible long in those high-waisted shorts. And there was my roommate standing near her. Close enough to be pushing the bounds of propriety.
She was sitting casually against the arm of the sofa with her chin raised, exposing her long neck, and above her, my roommate seemed to be inspecting the ribbon she wore there.
“See, it’s just a simple ribbon,” I heard her say. Her hand brushed the side of her neck to indicate the band around her delicate throat.
“Looks nice,” he said.
My roommate and I got along pretty well. He was a nice guy, and he had commented several times how lucky I was to be dating such a cute girl, saying he wished he had seen her first. He had even produced me for details, and I’m embarrassed to admit I lied about getting into Sun Hee’s pants and described for him how tight and eager her pussy was. It was a stupid thing to say, but he was the kind of guy who bagged a girl on the first date so I knew he wouldn’t understand. And I certainly wasn’t sure how I felt about him ogling my girlfriend this way. He didn’t care about the ribbon; it was pretty obvious where his gaze was really drawn, and Sun Hee had to know it, too. His eyes were hungrily tracing their way along the delicate length of her exposed throat down into the deep cleavage of my girl’s tits.
Not only was it obvious Sun Hee knew but, judging by the way her chest heaved and her fingers lingered at her throat, it seemed to excite her. Her tits looked like they might pop out of her tight top.
Just as I was about to interrupt things, feeling a little angle, Sun Hee saw me peeking through my door, and her face lit up.
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